Windsor Racing Statistics, Daily Racing Form, 1906-07-11

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WINDSOR RACING STATISTICS. The Highland Park Clubs spring meeting at Windsor opened June 1G and closed July 7. There lieing no racing on June 29, because of the death of President William Hcndrio, of the Ontario Jockcy Clnb, the meeting embraced eighteen instead of nineteen days as originally scheduled. The total num-lier of races decided was 114, of which sis. were steeplechases- The total distribution to horsemen in stakes and purses was 3,470. The number of winning owners was S3, of whom the following 35 won 100 or more each: Owners. 1st. 2d. 3d. Amt. E. S. Gardner ! 4 3 ,475 A. Brown 1 7 3 3,400 C. Campbell 4 5 2 2,575 L. L. Lamar C 0 ti 1,875 W. Walker 5 1 .! 1,000 G. Holle C 4 1 1,575 J. R. Wainwright 4 4 1 1,370 G. Hendrie 1 3 B 1,350 Oois Bros 4 3 2 1,250 G. II. Ncal .2 3 0 1,100 J. U. Strode 3 3 4 900 Mrs. M. Goldblatt 3 2 0 025 A. L. Poole 2 3 2 S95 1. S. Wilson 3 1 850 1 W. MeLemore . 2 3 850 R. Davies 1 2 825 A. 1. Steele ;i l 1 SOO J. II. Slack :: 1 1 800 W. T. Anderson 3 1 O 775 C. C. Van Meter 2 5 3 775 J. It. Dunn 2 2 4 700 J. Uurttscliell 2 2 3 075 dishing and Barbee 1 2 2 050 E. Dealy 2 O 1 005 C. Pangritz . 2 2 1 075 B. M. Marders 2 1 3 575 J. A. Scekington .. 2 0 0 550 W. S. Laird - " 0 530 , 1 E. Trotter 2 1 1 525 6 T. F. Bornman 2 0 0 500 6 J. Robertson 2 0 1 475 I. Jtice 2 0 1 475 G. W. Innes 2 0 0 450 J. McLennan 1 2 1 425 Watters and Malcolm 1 3 1 100 John Marklein 1 2 3 400 I The money -earning horses numbered 107, of which the following 2S won 00 or more each: Horses. 1st. 2d. 3d. Amt. Charlie Gilbert 3 0 0 ,575 Peter Sterling 2 1 0 2,150 .Shlncon 2 I 1 1,700 Rebounder 1 1 0 1,200 : Dawson .. 2 3 0 1,100 j La Pucolle 3 1 0 170 Bon Mot 3 2 1 875 i King Pepper 3 1 1 800 Attention 3 2 0 775 Exclamation 2 2 1 070 Dolimla 2 3 1 025 Miss Leeds 2 1 0 530 Jerry Sharp 2 O . 0 550 , Hans Wagner 1 2 1 550 I Attlla 2 1 2 550 Sealploek 2 1 1 525 Operator 2 0 0 500 La Gloria 2 1 0 500 Loupanla 2 1 0 500 Edwin Gum 2 0 2 500 Request 2 O 1 475 Rubaiyat .... 2 0 1 475 Reside 2 0 1 475 Charlie Eastman 1 1 0 475 Boola 2 O 0 450 Hniloba 2 0 0 450 Ohivesa 0 2 0 450 Tom Gilroy 1 3 1 400 The stakes decided during the meeting were as follows: Frontier Stakes, June 10; Peter Sterling ,703 Royal Oak Farm Stakes, June 20; Charlie Gilbert 1,150 I Windsor Stakes, June 23; Rebounder 1,150 Detroit Stakes, June 30; Charlie Gilbert 1,150 i Essex Handicap. July 4: Shineon 1,150 i Ontario Steeplechase, July 7; Dawson 073 i Of the jockejs riding at the meeting, Pendergast appears to have been the best. Though tied with Kunz and W. Fischer In the matter of winning mounts, he has the better percentage. The standing of the jockeys follows: Jockevs. Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d. Unp.P.C. Pendergast 3! 11 7 5 10 .27 Kunz 01 11 10 3 37 .IS W. Fischer OS 11 11 8 3S .10 Aubuchon 58 10 10 12 20 .17 J. Foley f..44 10 10 4 20 .23 Mountain 40 8 8 5 1! .20 Hogg ...40 7 4 0 23 .17 Minder 22 3 3 10 .27 Swain 47 5 10 5 27 .10 B. Davis 20 3 3 1 13 .15 R. Moore 11 3 1 1 C .27 J. McLaughlin 20 3 1 3 1! .12 C. II. Shilling 20 3 4 5 21 .00 J. Dealv 11 2 O 0 ! .18 Harvey Jackson 27 2 5 2 IS .07 J. Kelly 0 2 2 1 4 .22 A. Martin 7 2 O 1 4 .28 P. Phillips 8 2 0 2 4 .25 F. Burton 25 1 1 2 21 .01 Finch 11 - 1 1 3 0 .0! Klcnck 10 1 3 3 12 .05 McCIaln 15 1 2 1 11 .07 Stone 28 1 0 -5 22 .04 Shea 8 1 0 10 ,12 Truman 27 1 0 4 22 .04 The following jockeys had mounts to the number opposite their- names and finished third or better, but did not ride a winner: Jockeys. Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d.Unp. Bllac 21 O 2 4 15 J. Dennisou 10 0 1 1 8 Gaugel 4 O 1 1 2 NIblack 5 0 1 1 3 B. Smith 18 0 1 2 lo Young 11 0 1 2 8 Finnegan ." 7 0 2 0 o Moreiand 2 0 10 1 A. Murray r. 0 1 0 4 Newman 3 0 .1 0 4 Connelly 10 O 0 2 S Goldstein 25 0 0 1 24 F. Garner "0 0 0 1 5 Mulcahy : 7 0 O 1 C McGlasson G O 0 1 5 J. Murphy 10 0 0 3 7 McNamara G O 0 1 and Quarringtoii .. 2 0 0 1 1 The following jockeys had mounts "to the number opposite their names, but Were not "in the money:" Armstrong, 2; C. Baker. 11; F. Battistc, 2; Behrens, J. Egan, 3; Flannery, 2: Frasch, 4; Goedike, 1: M. Kelly. 1; J. Mclntyre, "1; Neeley, 2; Malih, 4; Parm. 2: Sperry, 3: Stokes, 4; T. Steele, 4; Treubel, 1; E. Walsh, 1; Watkins, 1. McKinney made a better general showing than any of the other steeplechase jockeys. They stand as follows: . . . Jockeys. Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d. Unp.P.C. McKinney 0 2 3 1 0 .33 Rae 0 2 112 .33 SlcIIenry 5 1 O 0 4 .20 Dayton 2 1 0 0 1 .uO The following steeplechase jockeys had mounts to the number opposite their names and finished third or better, but did not-ride a winner: Jockeys. Mts. 1st. 2d. Sd.Unp. Corbley 3 0 1 1 1 Simms 2 f 1 0 1 Pierce 0 0 O 2 4 H. Graham 2 0 0 1 1 The following steeplechase jockeys had mounts to the number opposite their names, but were not "In the money:" Dayton, 1; Rice, 2. J. K. Frayllng saddled the greatest number of winners. This Is the record of winners sent to post by the various trainers: Burttsclicll. J 2 Mosby, W. H 3 Brannon, J. B 1 Marklein. John 1 dishing, J. E 1 Nixon, J. 4 Dunn, J. B. 2 Neal. G. II 2 Daniel, C. B 1 Oots, H 3 Dealv, E 2 Oots, W. E 1 Evans, B. C 0 Poole, A. L 2 Frayllng, J. K 0 Poole, G. V 2 Foreman, G. W 1 Postlewaitc, W. G... 1 .Goldblatt, M 3 Robertson, J 2 Gallagher, P 1 Ryan, T. H 1 Henderson, W. V 1 Seckington, J. A. ... 2 Ham, G. 0 Slack, J. II 4 limes, G. W 3 Stokes, .7. Jl 1 King. W. F 2 Strode, J. U 3 Luzader, F 4 Steele, A. I 3 Lyman, J 4 Taylor. J. W 1 Laird, W. S 2 Van Meter. C. C. ... 2 Mercnant, J. S. ... 1 Walker, W 5 McKay, A 1 Watters, C. M 1 MeLemore, W 3 Wiliams, I. J 3 McDonald, F 1 Walters, J 1 Marders, B. L 4 Wilson, C. S 3 Myers, W 2

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