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COURSING MEN BECOME IMPATIENT. Leashmen Organize for Express Purpose of Testing Californias Anti-Betting Law. San Francisco. Cal.. May 23. — The failure of the coursing park magnates to make the test of the Walker-Otis law which, it was announced, would be undertaken soon after the law became operative, more Hum a month ago has resulted in a movemenl among the leaslulieii themselves to test the Validity of the law. The leashmen have banded themselves togetln r and have organized a coursing association, with Mike Lynch as their secretary. It is said that Meiilo Park, In the adloiuiug county of San Mateo, will Is- the scene of the test. There will be belting on the results of the i-ourses. but no system has been devised. Previous coursing matches were con-dueled with lietting under the auction i » h . i system. The leashmen say they have an attorney who has advised them to go ahead and make the test. The leashmen wen- given assurance by Jerry OShe.i. manager of Ingb side Coursing Park, who has been looked upon as a leader bv greyhound men. that he would make a fight in their behalf to test the Walker-Olls law. and I Ik- matter was left to him. He failed to make the test. Now the leashmen havi taken up the burden. When Ingleside Coursing Park was closed there were nearly KW greyhounds In training. The spoil was In a nourishing condition, and manv owners and trainers depended for a livelihood upon the purses won bv their hounds. Coursing is « popular spoil throughout the greater part of California.