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PRESENTING THE KINGS PLATE. A pleasing ecrcmonv marked the presentation of tlie King Plate to Hon. J. S. Heiidrie. one of the piopri.tors of the Valley Farm Stable, after Shimon esc had won at Woodbine Saturday. Karl Crey. the governor-general of Canada, in making the presentation, said: "It gives me the greatest pleasure to pn sent this prize, and I sincerely hope the future of the smarl animal that won il will be attended with great sue cess. I have presented the Kings Plate here on several occasions, and always do so Willi extreme pleas lire. "It is a special pleasure to accept this prize from your Excellency," said the Hon. J. S. Heudrie. "I thank yen for coining here. 1 feel it quit.- an boner to capture I his prize, by reason of the fait thai the winner of it was bred on our own farm before the death of my father. It is significant that we should capture the Kings Plate upon the occasion of its silver jubilee, as the oldest stake on the