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WORK-OUTS OF EASTERN HORSES. New York. July 7. Recent work-outs of horses in training at Gravesend and "hecpshcad Bay were: Gravesend. weather clear: track fast. Alfred Noble Three-quarters in 1:14s. Ark Half mile in 5H. Angerona Half mile in 49. Aston Key Three-quarters in 1:172. Nice work; Burgher Five-eighths in 1:02. Curly Locks; Threo-qaarters in 1:22. Cuthbert Three-quarters in 1:17. Danger Seven-eighths in 1:31 j. Ethel Le Brume Half mile In 50J. Far West Three-quarters In 1:23. Films Three-quarters in 1:23. Gild Mile iu 1:46. Never looked better. Grecian Bend Three-quarters in 1:18. Greenyale Three-quarters In 1:22. Huda Three-quarters in 1:18. High Range Half mile in 32. Imitator Mile in 1:45. At her best. Langenbeck Three-quarters in 1:17;. Lucetta Five-eighths In 1:04. Loco Three-quarters In 1:22. . Mombassa Mile in 1:43. Maltbie Half mile in 54. Notasulga Half mile in 50. Our Hannah Three-quarters iu 1:162. Ocean Bound Three-eighths in 36J. Pulled up- the half in 52. Petticoat Mile in 1:49. At her best. Royal Vane Mile in 1:46. R. M. Williams Three-quarters- in 1:1S. Rostrum Mile In 1:40. At his best. Spellbound Three-quarters in 1:22. Schoolmarm Three-quarters in 1:17?. Skyline Five-eighths in 1:07. Sea Wolf Three-quarters in 1:19. Rounding; to. Shoopshcad Bay, weather clear: track fast. Araseo Half mile in 50. handily. Boola Boola Three-eighths in 375, easily. Brilliancy Half mile In 59, cantering. Bandello Half mile In 4S. handily. Clockwork Mile in 1:49, cantering. Danhcld Three-quarters in 1:17, driving. Est-hau Scven-eightlis in 1:295. handily. Escutcheon Seven-eighths in 1:34. cantering.-Follie Levy Three-eighths In 37. liandlly. Foursome Five-eighths in 1:02. handily. Glennadeane Half mile in 51, easily. Hammerless Oiile and a quarter in 2:1SS. can tering. Jack Frost Five-eIghths in 1:03. whipped out. Little Friend Half mile in 59. cantering. -Mary Davis Half mile in 51, easily. Miss Kearney Mile and an eighth in 2:02, cantering. Monocle Mile and an eighth In 1:56. driving. Naughty Boy Three-quarters in 1:25, cantering. Oro Three-quarters in 1:198, driving. St. Duustnn Three-quarters in 1:17, driving. Spooner Half mile In 535. handily. SiKirtlng Life Three-quarters iu 1:24. cantering. Taboo Three-eighths in 42, cantering.