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CANADIAN TURF PROCEEDINGS. Toronto, Ont., July 8". The latest issue of the Canadian Racing Associations Calendar, which has just made Its appearance, contains the following report of the proceedings of the governing committee of the associations at a recent meeting: Trainers licenses granted N. K. Beal. G. W. Dodge. Jlames Everman, W. H. Fizer, J. W. Flynn. C. C. Hall. James Hewitt. James Johnston. E. Landsberg. Jeorge Little. F. Luzadcr. J. J. Mackay, Jr., Jere Maiioney, M. E. McHenry. John Milburn. A. Molinelll. J. E. Nash. W. II. Nevin. John Shields. William Storm. A. B. Stansbury, William Weir probationary and J. Williams. Jockeys licenses granted J. Drcyer. S. Edwards, J. Stuart Flynn. George Garnett, Norman Kennedy. Frank Keogh, J. O. Mitchell. L. B. McCabe. Jr.. Charles Phair, E. Rice, Edward Lcibert. Louis Hughes and A. Lang. Trainers licenses refused W. Red Shields. L. C. Shobe. Kay Spence and Ed Williams. Jockeys licenses refused John Finn and George E. Mountain. It was ordered that no further entries be received from G. D. Bryan. Jr., and that the trainers license issued to W. Forman be revoked. The following was added to the Rules of Racing: "No person 6hall be allowed .to hold a contract on a jockey or apprentice unless ho be in control or possession of such a stable of lwrses as would, in the opinion of the committee of the Canadian Racing Associations, warrant the employment of a contract jockey or apprentice."