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TELEGRAPHIC FORM. The liorses which seem best in Mondays races are: Jamestown Norfolk, Va., April S. 1 Jacobite, Baby Wolf. John Patterson. - Klttcry. Bait, A. Belmont entry. Wldlo Michael, Dress Parade II., Muskmelon. -1 A. Simons entry, Hoffman. Michael Aiigelo. 5 Premier, Scrvicence, Takahira., G Frank Pureell, The Monk, My Gal. T. K. Lynch. Kupfrian Park Pensacola, Fla., April S. 1 Black Domino, Floy Battle, Lucky Mate. - Severa. Dander. B. J. Swanner. Pleasing. Dr. Hollis, Belle of the Bay. 4 Carew, Lois Cavanagh, Grace Kimball. 5 Royal Lady, St. Dunstau, Sweet Owen. J. L. Deuipsey.