untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1911-04-09


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AGNAR, 7 - 2, WON and a third was yesterdays Two-Horse Daily. Terms: i00 for Six Days. Yesterdays Form Special finished third. MONDAYS FORM SPECIAL: May Pear 33.51-24-52-34.60-54-45.25.28-11-31. Yesterdays X Special Selection finished second. THE STANDARD TURF GUIDE Room 211, 153 N. Dearborn Street, Chicago, 111, THE TURF REPORTER, CHICAGO Yesterdays Form Special scratched. MONDAYS SPECIAL: Red Wednesday 55-80-21-18-54-41-51. National Racing Review. Chicago Yesterdays Form Special lost. Three-Horse Daily gave a winner, third and loser. MONDAYS FORM SPECIAL: I Arizona, Mimic, Matinee, Crow. UfmrlnK Fair Grounds and Driving Park Association YY IIIlJuUI wlwWi 4W IIAMMONP BUlllNi - - DETROIT. MICHIGAN GEORGE M. HENDRIE. :: President and Treasurer. WALTER 0. PARMER. :: :: :: :: :: :: Secretary. WINDSOR STAKES. Entries Close May 1, 1911, FRONTIER HANDICAP Three-year-olds and upward.... ,500 FRONTIER HANDICAP. For thieo-voar-oldg and upward. Slfi to accompany the Humiliation and 0 additional to start. Value .r00. or which .$:!0 to second and .."0 to third. Weights to appear four days prior to the race; acceptances through eutrv box at. usual time of closing entries day before race. Winners alter publication or weights, 3 lbs., extra. One Mile and a Furlong. BELLE ISLE STAKES Three-year-olds and upward ,200 BELLE ISLE STAKES Selling. For three-year-olds and upward. 0 to accompany the nomination and 5 additional to start. Value ,200. of which 7fi to second and ." to third. If entered not to be sold, to carry 15 lbs. extra. If entered to be sold for ,S00. weight for age. 1 lb. allowed for each 00 kss to .,000, then .! lbs. allowed for each .00 to .1911.sh00. Winners of two stakes in 1911 not to be entered lor less than ,200. Starters with selling price to be named through the entry box at the usual time of closing the entries the day before the race, and those so named to be liable for starting fee. One Mile. PONTCHARTRAIN STAKES Three-year-olds and upward 51,200 PONTCHARTRAIN STAKES Selling. For three-year-olds and upward. .0 to accompany the nomination and ?25 additional to start. Value ?1,200. of which 7fi to second and .fi to third. .$:i.000 weight tor age; lbs. allowed for each . less to $,000; then 1 lb. for each .00 less to . Starters with selling price to be named through the entry box at the usual time of closing the entries the day preceding Hie race, and those so named to be liable for starting fee. Six Furlongs. EDENWOLD STAKES Two-year-olds ,200 EDENWOLD STAKES. For two-year-olds. .0 to accompany the nomination and 5 additional to start. Value .,200. of which 75 to second and 5 to third. Winners or ,200 twice, or .001 once. :; lbs. extra; of ,000 three times, fi lbs. extra. Non-winners of ,000 twice, allowed 4 lbs.: of .,000 .ncc, or four races. 7 lbs.; of tiree- races, 10 lbs. Iteaten maidens ami non-winners of two races other than selling allowed 35 lbs. Five Furlongs. DETROIT STAKES Two-year-olds ,200 DETROIT STAKES Selling. For two-year-olds. 0 to accompany the nomination and 5 additional to start. Value ,200. of which 75 to second and 5 to third. $::,000 weight for age; 2 lbs. allowed for each 00 less to ,000: then 1 lb. allowed for each 00 loss, to 00. Winners of three stakes not to be entered for less than ,000. Starters with selling price to be named through the entry box the day preceding the race. Five and a Half Furlongs. D., B. I. and WINDSOR FERRY CO. HANDICAP Three-year-olds and upward ,500 D., B. I. and WINDSOR FERRY CO. HANDICAP. For three-year-olds and upward. 0 to accompany the nomination and $:5 additional to start. Value ,500. of which 00 to second and 00 to third. Weights to appear three days prior to the race. Acceptances through the entry box at the usual time of closing of entries the day before the race. AVinncrs after publication of weights, .! lbs. extra. One Mile. WINDSOR STAKES Three-year-olds and upward ,200 WINDSOR STAKES Selling. For three-year-olds and upward. .0 to accompany the nomination and 5 additional to start. Value ,200, of which 75 to second and 5 to third. ,000 weight for age: 2 lbs. allowed for each .00 to .,000; then 1 lb. for each 00 to 1911.sh00. Those entered not to be sold, if three-year-olds, to carry 5 lbs. extra; if four-year-olds and upward. 3 lbs. extra. Starters with selling price to be named through the entry box at the usual lime of closing the entries the day preceding the race, ind those so named to be liable for the starting fee. One Mile and a Furlong. ST. CLAIR HANDICAP All Ages ,200 ST. CLAIR HANDICAP. For all ages. 0 to accompany the nomination and 5 additional to start. Value ,200. of which 00 to second and 00 to third. Weights to appear three days prior to the race. Acceptances through the entry box the day before the race at the usual time of closing of entries. Winners after announcement of weights to carry 3 lbs. penalty. Six Furlongs. ESSEX HANDICAP Two-year-olds ,200 ESSEX HANDICAP. For two-year-olds. 0 to accompany the nomination and 5 additional to start. Value ,200. of which 75 to second and 5 to third. Weights to be announced two davs; prior to the race. Acceptances through the entry box at usual time of closing of entries. Winners after publication of weights to carry 3 lbs. extra. Five and a Half Furlongs. CANADIAN HANDICAP Canadian Breds... ...51,200 CANADIAN HANDICAP. For three-year-olds and upward foaled in the DOMINION OF CANADA. 0 to accompany the nomination and 5 additional to start. Value ,200. of which 00 to second and 00 to third. Weights to be announced three days prior to the race and acceptances through the entry box at usual time of closing of entries. Winners after publication of weights, 5 lbs. additional. One Mile. WALKER VILLE STEEPLECHASE Four-year-olds and upward ,000 WALKERVILLE HANDICAP Steeplechase. For four.-year-olds and upward. .0 to accompanr the nomination and 5 additional to start. Value ,000. of which 50 to second and 5 to third. Wei"lits to appear two days prior to the race. Acceptances through the entry box at the usual time of cloning of the entries the day before the race. Full Course, about Two and a Quarter Miles. NO PURSE LESS THAN S40O THE RULES OF RACING of the Canadian Racing Associations govern, and no entry will be received for any of these stakes except upon the following conditions: That all disputes, claims and objections avising out of the racing, or with respect to the interpretation of the conditions of any stake shall be decided by a majority of the executive committee present, or of those whom they may appoint, and their decisions SHALL be FINAL. At the discretion of the Executive Committee, or of the Judges, and without notice, the entries of any person, or" the transfer of any entry, may be refused. WALTER 0. PARMER, 419 Hammond Building, Detroit, Michigan D. W. KENNY 203 BROADWAY, NEW YORK At the JAMESTOWN track I will duplicate my SUCCESS at JACKSONVILLE. I was never in a better position to obtain the BEST INFORMATION ever sent out from a race track. OCCASIONAL WIRES ONLY Not every-day information. I am doing business with people who wait for "spots." Every KENNY client knows how SUCCESSFUL my information is. . I HAVE BEEN PLACED IN A POSITION WHERE I HAVE OBTAINED THE INFORMATION ON :: :: THREE PRIVATE KILLINGS: THURSDAY, APRIL 13, JAMESTOWN, Guaranteed Occasional No. 1 Goes ! SATURDAY, APRIL 15, JAMESTOWN, Guaranteed Occasional No. 2 Goes ! MONDAY, APRIL 17, JAMESTOWN, Guaranteed Occasional No. 3 Goes ! Here is an opportunity to get some good information. From "inside knowledge" I am confident that all THREE HORSES will be returned WINNERS. The odds should average from 6 to 10 to 1. Terms for the Above Three Guaranteed Winners 0. Each horse must win or your subscription is continued. Send all subscriptions by Western Union or Postal Telegraph money order, or express letter through any express company. NO BUSINESS BY MAIL DQ YOU HAVE TROUBLE O Placing Commissions place commissions to best I advantage on any race track in the United States, Canada and Mexico. Best of references and security. TOM KEARNEY, P. 0. Box 1504, St. Louis, Mo. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL big umit I SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY RACING FORM. I Notice! Notice! TO MY PATRONS: I have made arrangements to handle the Pimlico mcetinir and my man left for there two diivs afro to pet n lino on hordes In training there. Patrons who have wires coin Ins will set whatever information I set from there and I expect to put over some good oues, as my man is one of the best elockers in the business and Is well known to horsemen throughout the Inited States. Having received some mall irom out-of-town subscribers regarding certain parties. 1 state right here that I have uo connection with any other concern whatever and all wires sent out by me are tiled witli Daily Racing Form. 1 intended sending my Patrons :i letter as to my future plans, but on account of my man not getting here from Juarez on time. I take this wav of noti fymg all and I will handle Pimlico, Louisville, La-tonia and the Canadian Circuit all summer. NOTE CHANGE OF ADDRESS. .00 ONE A DAY. NO MORE .00 GUARANTEED TO WIN OR NEXT ONE FREE UNTIL YOU GET A WINNER. Ex-Jockey Marshall, Initials E. J. Room 65, 106 N. La Salle Street, :: Chicago, 111. Oid Number 92. "To Handbook Players." "Hundreds of Men" who plav the "Handbooks" say that my "New Winner Picker Sys-tem has shown them the way to plav the races " Successfully" with small capital. I take a Personal Interest" in every man who deals with me, and 1 make new friends every dav. In a short time I will demand S10 eash"in advance for this system, so take advantage of the offer found below if you want a "Simple" and "Practical" system that will "Get the Money" for you. and "Dont Delay." "Its a sure thing" you will beat the "Handbooks" if vou get my "New Winner Picker System." Whats the use Monkeying" with a system that vou cant use successfully. "Success" has crowned mv efforts, and "Success" will be yours if vou avail vourself of this opportunity. "My Proposition" Send M. O. .50 as part payment, ami agree to send me the balance of .50 if you iind mv "Winner Picker System" a "Winner" and just as represented "Thats all." Ipon reet of lirst payment of 2.50 the system will be promptly forwarded. Address WM. H. SUTTON, Chemist, 2651 Orchard Ave., :: os Angeles, Cal. "The Sure Way." H?;Y???u.A0,llent any system that has shown you x, S ItVH SUCCESS. If not. then send for the SURE -AXrX0 WINNER SYSTEM. It is GUARANTEED to show you the SURE and SUCCESSFUL way to WIN. You can t help but get the WINNERS when you have my system. It gives you the WINNERS steadily day after day. Its the SIMPLEST and GREATEST money-making system ever discovered. You play it only to WIN. I GUARANTEE you can take as little as 5 capital with my system and beat any HANDBOOK. Send for it and learn the SURE WAY to WIN. Sent upon receipt of .00, balance of .00 due when it proves its worth or your money back. G. E. PALLEN, J 65 Maple Street, Chicago, 111. J My Next Occasional GOES APRIL 17. Roth this Occasional and mv letting system sent to all bettors on receipt at . Taylor Uetting System picks out the one or two best classified horses from the entries eaeh day. A successful daily betting system. HARRY J. TAYLOR, Box 354, :: :: :: :: :: Windsor, Onh

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1911040901/drf1911040901_4_1
Local Identifier: drf1911040901_4_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800