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LATONIAS RAPIDLY HEARING MEETING Suggestions Touching the Decision of tho Latonia Derby Next Saturday Latonia Ky Tune 5 Latonia Derby day is now Itut a week away us it will be decided on Saturday June 12 the fifth day of the twentyfour days race meeting of the Latouia Jockey Club which begins next Tuesday TuesdayIt It is well enough for those who look upon Regret as a sure winner of tile Latouia Derby this season that in spite of her unbeaten record many Ken ¬ tucky Derby winners besides Buchanan have failed to win the big Latonia race For instance Montrose the Kentucky Derby winner of 1SS7 was beaten in the Latoiiia Derby by both Libretto and Jim Gore In 1SOO Bill Lctcher won tho Latonia Derby from Riley the Kentucky Derby winner In 1S9S Plaudit the Kentucky Derby winner was beaten in the Latonia race by Han dOr The same fate befell Donau in 1910 when the best that Kentucky Derby winner could do was to finish third to Joe Morris arid Bcola Boola In 1912 the Kentucky Derby winner Worth ran third in the Latonia Derby to Free Lance and The Manager all of which goes to show that the Latonia Derby is a more trying race m threeyearolds than the Derby earlier in the year at Churchill Downs DownsShould Should Hejjret be successful in the Iatonia Derby next Saturday she will have increased her turf earnings to close to 10000 but will still b be ¬ hind in money won to her great granddain Modesty tin American Derbv winner of 1SS4 which earned luring her turf career a total of 4SJi90 Modesty is the largest moneywiuuiug mare of the famous Maria West family and its greatest horse in money won is Regrets grandsire Bell Brush which earned 65217 in his turf career Those who champion the chances of Hegrct in Latonias Derby this year cite that Jier grandsire Ben Brush is oue Kentucky Derby winner that was not beaten iu the Latouia Derby be winning both races and they are firm in their opinion that the slashing chestnut filly will repeal history historyOne One reason perhaps that so many Kentucky Derby winners have failed in the longer race at Latonia is due to the fact that In the latter event winning candidates are asked to carry full threeyearold weight while these same horses get In the Louis ¬ ville race with a livepound allowance allowanceThe The probable starters in the Latonia Derby next Saturday their owners weights and probable jock ¬ eys are given in the table below belowHorse Horse Owner Wt Jockey JockeyRegret Regret L S Thompson 122 J Nottcr Nottcri i Royal II J Livingston 122 J Butwell Ed Crump J W Schorr 122 J Kederis KederisEmer Emer Cochra nlt L Baker 122 W Taylor TaylorPif Pif Jr It L Baker 122 3 McTaggaft Dortch W W Dardeu122 E Pool PoolA Little String M B Gruberl22 A Mott Rancher G M Hcndrlel22 L Gentry Leo Ray L T Looneyl22 M Garner Manager AVaiteT C McDoweli122 E Martin MartinLiberator Liberator T C McDowell122 F Keogh KeoghBooker Booker Rill M C Moore 122 15 Ott OttTetan Tetan Pson Cwaite122 J McOabe McOabeRoyal T Royal Interest B F GUtbrie 122 I Stirling During the twentyfour days of raciug seven other stake races will be decided Those regarded as the greatest of these aside from the Latouia Derby are the Cincinnati Trophy and the lndeKndence Handi ¬ cap There is 1000 added to the Trophy this year and 2400 to the Independence Handicap The Trophy having the large number of 103 entries will be the richest twoyearold stake rnu on the Ken ¬ tucky tracks tlifs year All the best youngsters that have so far develojxd are eligible to the Trophy including Cosmic Brizz Bulge Ellison Marse Henry Cane Hun Heir Apparent Jasper and the highly talkedaboiit twoyearold Bigtodo in E It Brad leys stable J Livingston also lias six of his Englishbred youngsters from which to pick bis starter in this stake This event will be run Satur ¬ day July 3 3Those Those that are regarded in the above list as sure starters in the big race next Saturday are marked asterisk asteriskThe The meeting opening Tuesday will have as a fea ¬ ture that afternoon the Inaugural Handicap with 2000 added one mile and a sixteenth in which the probable starters embrace such good racers as John Gurid Bradleys Choice Black Toner Bring hnrst Chalmers Bronzewing Buckhorn tar Jas ¬ mine Vaterblpssoiii Prince Hermis Robert Brad ¬ ley David Craig Ed Crump and Winning Witch