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SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 17217 113 1 112 CADY LONDON br m 5 By Hcrmis Lida B W Smith 20611 Dorval 01 f 1OS fast 2 110 7 72C520 4 3 = 1 = E llaynes 12 MCancer UbiconlL ArSti 2C520 Wdbino 34 l13fast fid 109 12 8 7i 2h T Uice 14 Yoncvillc York Lad Bendel 20438 Wdbine 34 l14fefast 53 112 11 14 131 125 T Hayes 14 Patience Pay Streak Bnrwoc 20129 HdeGce 34 115 slow 15 100 4 4 4l 4J P Louder 0 Yodeling MartlnCasca 1 L 20081 HdeGce 51 t 107 fast 10 107 9 7 7i 91 J Groth 10 Ada Anno Colors Sleuth 21038 HdcGce 34 l13fast 7 90 1 3 5l 44J P Louder 8 Brandywine Al Bloch Joe Finn 19995 Bowie 78 l29fast 41 105 4 4GERRARD G I 1J M Matths C Bob It Battery Pctelus PctelusBy GERRARD b K 5 112 By Superman Mayfair A Lacarda 20770 Dorval 1 l43fast 3 111 2 220GSS 6 41 2 J Groth 11 JHHlon LTravers LIniioccu 20GSS Dorval 1 1S l56fast 32 104 G G G S5J A Schugr 8 Voladay Jr B Belle B Sister 20617 Dorval 1 116 l49VBfast G 114 3 1 IS 21 A Schugr 7 Cuttyhnnk Zodiac Bcanm Iclle 20339 Pimlico Im40y l4GVfcsood 71 109 1 4 31 42i T Nolan 7 Yodeling Battery Daingerlield 20323 Pimlico Im40y l47 fciiiud 111 102 3 7 7 715 AV Obert 7 Norus Pctelus LairdoKirkcaldy 20310 Pimlico 1 116 149 fast 9110 101 3 8 S E Ambrose S Sepulvcda Peacock Centaurl 20120 HdeGce lm70yl4S good 20 112 10 8 8 = 5 = II Cavgh 18 LoKirkcdy Mycenae Claribel 0108 HdeGce lm70yl4Ggpoa 8 107 2 2THE 2 5 G131C Turner S OrlinKripp Orotund DrDucuucr DrDucuucrBy THE RUMP ch g 0 107 By Armeath II Renovah W Martin 20723 Dorval Im70y l47fast G3 101 4 4 3 = 2s F Cooper 7 Cuttyliiuik JHHton Balfron 20647 Dorval Im70y l47fast 21 10S 4 4S01GS 2 I1 Il F Cfwpcr 12 Autumn Louise Tiavers Xwliac S01GS AVdbine 31 l14lfcfast GS 114 2 G Gi 43i F Cooper 14 Patience Pay Streak Burwood 20023 HdCGcc 34 l14fast 30 103 1 G 61 G a A Pickcns 12 Scallywg Progrsive UMeteor 19992 Bowie 1 11G l51fast 4 107 5 3 3l 3s C Turner 0 Uich Langdon Lazuli Orperth 19899 Bowie 1 116 154 slow 4J 110 3 3I9S60 3 3s 35i T McTagt 0 Orperth Beau Perc Bil Baker I9S60 Bowie Im20yl46fast 3 10 4 2 21 2 J McTagt 7 Beau Pere Petelus Mycenae 19325 NOrrns 1 116 l GVfcfast 10 104 4 4BALFRON 1 21 2i P Cooper I D March Ins Man Weyanoke WeyanokeBy BALFRON ch g 4 112 112207G8 By Ornament Mary Street S Louis 207G8 Dorval 34 lllfast 7 114 1 G G 4 ° i G Burns U DeiMjsit IMSiisylKHly MPrimity 20723 Dorval Im70y l47fast 31 10G 1 2 4 = 4 = 1 L McAtce 7 Cuttyliiuik TUiinip JHHton 20582 AVdbine 1 116 l4Sfast 51 100 3 1 1 = I1 J Acton 0 Fcnrock Beau Pere Joe Film 20491 AVdbine 1 116 l47slow 12 103 2 4 4 431 It Shilling 5 Citttyliunk Ida Claire Valas 20323 Pimlico Im40y l47mud 1310 106 6 6 4nt 51 R Shilling 7 Norus Pectins L oKirkcaldy 20279 Pimlico lm40yl4G slow 1 102 2 1 li li R Shilling 8 Canto Daingorlicld CIIolIoway 20249 Pimlico Im40yl41 fast 5 103 4 1 1J 2h R Shilling ElOro Dalngeriield LitEnglaiid 201S8 Pimlico Im60yl50 hvy 7 105 2 1 lh 2 lTt Shilling 9 Chrtophine BBclle Hcrmis Jr DURIN ch g 4 112 By Solitaire II Handsome Florry MrsEFreemau 20724 Dorval InuOy l4Sfast 31 106 G 4 2 ° v I1 1 Metcalf 12 Penalty Lucky George Ajax 206SG Dorval 34 114 fast 10 10S 11 5 S 784 J Connors 11 The Spirit Gordon Eye White 2GC02 DoImicr 7S l31fast 32 115 10 S WhiteS 3 2n C Knight 10 Spolm Swede Sam Voladay Jr 20432 Delmier CJ f l2Ggood 10 114 11419SS3 i 933C Knight 12 Bogart BlneJay ColMcDoiicall 19SS3 Juarez 1 l39fast 15 94 4 419S45 8 S SI5Ht Crawf d S John Ucardon Beulah S Rash 19S45 Juarez 1 l3Sfast 5 90 3 5 5 551 W Brazcl 5 Injury Transact Uinglinir 19763 Juarez 1 1S l52fast 30 95 4 2 4h 55JfL Mink 7 Christoplilne Cordlo F RlngUm 19723 Juarez 1 l40fast 5 101 5 G 5i 5 = 1 M Garner 7 AlWormwd GUussell Bonanza 19642 Juarez 1 l4Shvy 3 106 1 3 tS2 2h G Bezansn 4 Bermudian AlWmwood Banza 19625 Juarez 1 l4Gmud 3 9S 1 1FORD 4 iV Ii M Garner 5 Bcrmudtan Kxccutor Bonanza FORD MAI br g 5 107 By Clifford Mai F Musante 20746 Dorval 31 llGfast 13 109 5 3 J4n SJ W Hinphy 12 Kayroseros BWing Uiiblcnnll 20643 Dorval 51 f lOSfast 20 112 5 4 3i 3 = 1 F Colcmanll Broomsedgi tlnDick Sofltocks 19991 Bowie 1 11G 152 fast 20 102 4 4 G1 SDi P McAfee 10 Delegate THancock LoKdly 19917 Bowie 1 116 l52good 8 103 G G19S59 4 42 410 p Coleman S ULangdon Peacock THancock 19S59 Bowie Itn20yl 4Gfast 5 109 G 4 53 G 2 T McTagt Shepherdess L Day T Hancock lm20yl45fast 15 109 12 1 11 11s T McTagrtl2 Daingerncld Cockspur Ileriuuda 19326 NOrlns 1 146 l4SJ fast 5 10G 7 7MINDA 9 7 St J Smyth 10 Ualph Lloyd Colfax Plain Anu AnuBy MINDA b f 4 105 By McGec = Sans Pareil II J U Strode 20747 Dorval 1 141 fast 13 102 1 120G30 4 51 a J F Cooper 10 Love Day Bogart Mercurinni MercurinniG4 20G30 Delmicr GJ f l2pfast 7 113 G4 AV Young LdesCognets Cordova June W 20547 Delmlcr CJ C l21fast S 10S 9 92IJ447 7 7 7IUJW Young 10 GorUussell HazelC EdAdanis 2IJ447 Delmier Ab5S l03good 15 110 1101D909 751 W Levee 12 Francis TheGovornor OtisTrur 1D909 Havana 1 11G 158 slow 10 105 3 3I9SSS 5 3 = 31 U McDcrtll Appassnata LItankin JNolati I9SSS Havana 5S l14Jfchvy S 105 4 419S7S 5 C1R McDcrt 0 Chilton Trance Ynca U Maid 19S7S Havana 34 13S hvy G 103 fi fi19S30 6 G3i D Lindsey G CTurner TCalway CBrown 19S30 Havana 5J l10good S 101 4 4197SG 7 G13iJ Pitz 7 Sun Jon Phil Connor Moucreif 197SG Havana OJ 121 hvy C 10J 2 2197G7 31 3 = i K Lamtors S Elsewhere Yiica Proctor 197G7 Havana 5S l27hvy S5 104 3 3MIMICO 1 in F Uobinsn S Finisher Flask Ave AveBy MIMICO b c 3 107 1072CGS3 By Electioneer Rosecrcst A Turnoy TurnoyG 2CGS3 Dorval 55 f lOS fast S Wt 7 G 8 o5 A rtcnugr li Faker L Spdthrift Indifferent 20398 Wdblne 34 114 good fid 101 10 14 13 13iJE Hayncs 14 Uichwood Dicks Pet Patience 20321 Pimlico 34 l15mud 41 95 4 G PatienceG C1 41P Lowder Corn Broom Bushyllead Alliena 18172 Latonia 34 l13fast 38 108 5 Conunrusiiifi 9 85 S14 J Smyth 11 Christie MnrthaLco Conunrusiii 17531 Douglas G t lOGfast 285 103 11 fi 71 W iJ Smyth llMartlnos Cannonade Chcstertnn 17098 Lcxgton 5A f lOSfast 49 105 S S1GS91 7 42 1J J Smyth 11 J Roberts DorPerkins Yallaln 1GS91 G Rapids 5 f lOSVffast 295 95 9516S27 35 Murphy G Tactless L I Icy wood V Uicfila 16S27 GRapids 58 l02good 12 IIS IIS1GS09 li Uicfilali ° J Smyth 4 L Butterfly Star Bird KCaucus 1GS09 qRapids CS l0314slow 16 87 87AUSTEK 4 J J Smyth 7 Tactless Birdie Williams Bryn AUSTEK b m 5 105 10520GLS By Stanhope II Athlecn Z Runion 20GLS Delmier GJ f l2Gfast G 114 2 = G VanBen 8 Capt Elliott GSlave Moonlight 20341 Delmier Ab5S l03fast 1 113 2 220GOS 9 8 6 = 1 C Knight It oggety Jolly Tar Sati 20GOS Delmier AbG8 l04gopd 15 110 1 1IGy79 7 6 58 A AValsh 11 Jes Burn BclleBlrd LordWclM IGy79 UIucBon 1 143 slow 40 111 2 2ICS51 7 9 9 U Watts 11 Corn Broom Calumny Pur Lass ICS51 BlueBon 34 117 slop 20 108 S S1G05G S S3 9 = 4 J Collins 0 Calumny OUeliable CoriiBrooni 1G05G FortErie 31 l14 fast 15 110 G Gir591 G Ck 71i J Hanover 8 SlipnerDay Ondramida CSiuicc ir591 KingEd Ab5S 58fast 7 108 i i15Ti21 5 rS1 IO = iW Levee J2 G Ituby Protagoras CherrvSeril 15Ti21 KingEd 6V f l21fast 4 102 7 S 8 9 iC Jackson 11 C Squaw Belfast N Miicliacho 15038 Conght 5 f 110 fast 135 100 S S149SO 8 S V3i It Shilling Jl Sati Maid of Frome J liowmaii 149SO Conght 34 l19Vislow 8 105 S 7 71 7iE Ambrose 9 D Cluster Bursar Sir Launcelot