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DORVAL PARK FORM CHART Iwoks on Weather clear 120720ArILEY 207203HEARTHSTONE ws i 6 109 3 1 7 4 = 2 = 1 = E Taplin H G Bed well 4 0 C 333 20720ArILEY 120G3GMISS w t 6 109 7 1 lh 333lh I3 li 2 = J Connors Mrs J Phillips 1 1 33 13 1 20G3GMISS JEAN S112 2 2 5 k C 6 3 J Smyth E L Fitzgerald 4 S S 3 1 20720 52u634KDMD SINGLE 4 107 1 5 6 G1 5 4 k C VanDunClinton Stable 12 30 30 10 4 2u634KDMD 3 ADAMS WB 7 114 C 3 3h st 3h 55 E McEwen II Rooney 10 20 20 C t 20002 JOE KNIGHT w G 111 S G 4l 2U 4t C S Davis P Stire 10 10 10 2 S S3 20525 ADA ANNE 4 110 w n 4 420G3G 4 i i 5 1 20G3G ouii NIL IMILA A WB S 112 4 S S Fell J Conway J II Moody 20 10 40 1G S Time 23 48 107 Track fast Winner B g by Ben Strome Strychinia trained by II G Bedwoll Went to post at 2t4 At post 4 minutes Start good and ing HEARTHSTONE slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ eighth was off slowly but closed a big gap and easily disposed of VILEY in the last VILEY set a fast pace but Quit as usual when called on near the end MISS JEAN closed a gap and fast finished fast ADA ANNE bolted to the outside on the turn out of the backstretch SINGLE finished no bid EDMOND ADAMS and JOE KNIGHT showed speed but tired The winner was entered for 100 d 9 V79r Mooor rt 1 T T5sup 5sup Burn 104 Index Horses AWtPPSt Yt ft StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P S 19911Ai N AKIN w 112 42 25 23 2l 1J M McDottR P Dodson 2 3 2i 1 12 20525ZIN DEL w 109 7 1 1 I1 M 23 L McAtee AV II Prey S5 ± 2i 1 25 20642 HKFLECTION wit 111 36 4 3 1 33 3 k M MthewsMrs A F Dayton 4 5 5 2 4o 206163CELEBRITY w 104 57 C 5J G 45 F Cooper AV Carr 6 8 S 3 63 20685 FAKER w 100 S 4 52 4 4J 5 E Forehd L AV Garth 4 6 02 1 20G85 DOCTOR 1 will 68 776 6 C VanDunH Oots 30 CO CO 20 10 20689 = SMILING MAO w 109 25 S S S 7f E Haynes N AV Burkhart 25 60 DO 20 S 20G85 INDIFFERENT w 101 13 3s G 7 S S AVoholmH G Bedwell 15 30 30 S 4 Time 23 47 114 Track fast AVinner fastAVinner B g by Algol Tromar trained byW Lewis Went to post at 300 At post 5 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the pame A N AKIN forced the pace to the stretch turn where be moved up on the outside and finishing fast outstayed KIN DEL Tlie latter set a fast pace but kept bearing out in the last eighth and forceik the winner out with her REFLECTION raced forwardly but was tiring and just lasted long enough tr cutstav xlScratched CELEBRITY FAKER quit The winner was entered for 800 no bid xl Scratched 20r70 Videt I15 20520 Peggy L 104 20010 Sinai 113 1 Index Horses AWtPPSt 14 Sir Fin Jockeys 20G132IRISH HEART w 5 109 9 4 21 2 2WB 207472 BOGAHT WB G 109 5 r 9 6 6w 2 2 2 J F Cooper AV M Mikel 2 2i 2J 20724LUCKY GEORGE w C 114 10 7 41 4l 4lWB 4J 2J4J 5 3ii AV Obert C 15 Marlman 4 4 4 20724 FONT WB 9 114 237 S 7 G 4s F Murphy F J Pons 30 40 40 31 3 f l J Groth E J Crawford 10 12 12 20645 LIBERTY HALL w n 114 3 2 3 3 G 12G 4J 6l A Claver ThorncliffeStabie 5 S 88332 8 20647 BULA AVKLSII WB 5 112 4 6 5s f 6 7 1 M M MthewsAA thews AA Carr G 554 5 4 S5 45 20641OVATION 4520641OVATION w 4 104 S 10 C 9 9 S Ss J Clancy F Farrington 30 30 30 10 5 20747 AVATBR LAD WB 4 114 7 9 10 10 10 9 9 G Burns J J Lindsay 20 20 20 8 4 20724SIR FRETFUL WB 9 109 G S S 7 8 10 1 J Dodd J J Coalter 40 40 40 15 C fastWinner Time 25 50 117 143 Track fast BodenWent Winner B g by1 Dublin Sans Coeur trained by J Boden Went to post at 325 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second nnd third driv ing IRISH HEART followed tlie leader in closest pursuit until rounding the last turn where he moved ip rapidly and drew away decisively in tlie homestretch BOGART began slowly and gained fast until in tho final eighth then began to tire LUCKY GEORGE ran well hut tired and just lasted long enough to outstay FONT LILLIAN KRIPP set the pace to the far turn and tired LIBERTY IIALLquit In the last quarter Tlie winner was entered for 300 no bid bidScratched Scratched 200SS5Beaumont Belle 109 5307 Kyle 112 Cfr7 r7 FOUKTH RACE 1 116 Miles 1470 IMUJf 5 118 Second Running King George 5v I O i Handicap 1500 Added 3yearolds and upward Net value to winner 1715 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Flu Jockeys O H C P S Time 24 49 115 141 147 new track record Track fast AVinner B b by Stanhope II Alcyone 11 trained by A Westou Went veni to to post at 350 tr u At post 2 miiiutes Start good and slow Won cantering second a and third driving KINGLY outrauthe others to the first turn and after racing into au easy lead wa was taken under restraint until in the final eighth where lie drew away iuto a long lead and won in a canter BRAVE CUNARDElt was a forward contender all the way anil outstayed CELTO at tlie end The latter moved up rapidly oil the stretch turn but tired in the final drive The others were always out outSeratched Seratched 20 23j Privet Petal llO 20040 Buck Keenon 107 2074S = Voladay Jr lOO Overweights Brave Cunarder 4 pounds Celto 4 Orinulu I OATAQ F1FTH HACK 34 Mile 20044 113 4 101 Purse 500 4yearolds and up Qv I JQ ward Selling Net value to winner 400 second 70 third 30 30Index Index Horses AAVtPPSt 11 eys Owners O H C P 20721 = DEPOSIT w 4 114 G 2 IU 1 I1 13 L McAtee C F Gardner 13 92013 out 20576THE out20576THE BUSYBODY w 7 114 34 3l 2s 25 2 J Dodd Mrs J D Misick 66 4 12 uul 20452MISS uul20452MISS PRIMITY WB 7 111 4 5 4 3 = 3 3i C BalllngrT Clieek 20 40 40 7 21 20723 BALFRON w 4 114 1 1 6 6 C 4S G Burns S Louis 4 7 7 6525 20643 ARCENE w 5 112 C C 53 5 4 = 5J M MthewsR D Carter 20 30 30 6 2 20640LAMBS TAIL WB 4 115 S3Time 2 3 2h 4i Gl 6 F Cooper R Hanley 15 40 30 6 S3 Time 23 48 114 Track fast Winner ErbWent fastWinner Cb g by Wbolstliprpe Mrs Malaprop trained by L Erb Went to post at 415 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving DEPOSIT took tlie lead quickly and winning all the way easily withstood THE BUSYBODYS phallengo The latter moved up rapidly while rounding the far turn and finished gamely but could never ge the leader in difficulty MISS PRIMITY ran well but was driving hard at the end to outstay BALFRON Tbe lat ¬ ter closed bidScratched a big gap in the last quarter The winner was entered for 1000 no bid Scratched 20704 Eilhiond Adams IIS 2045SPatience 112 200SG The Governor 109 20GSO Cordova 111 20001 Ochre Court 118 OO7 OO7vQ vQ SIXTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs 20045 107 5 112 Purse 400 4yearolds and Vr I J J upward Selling Net value to winner 300 second 75 third 25 Index Horses AAVtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 2063 MARTRE wn 6 112 11 9 7 5i 1 J Metcaif R P Dodson S 20718 BLUE JAY JAY2074G 5 109 S 7 7W 4 i lit 2 C AanDunT Scott C 2074G ORTYX ORTYX20G41 W 4 107 6 10 10 9 4 3n R Shilling Mrs J D Misick C 6 6 2 1 20G41 = M1SS CHAUCER CHAUCER20C41 v 4 105 10 S Sw 6 3 3nt J Smyth C N Freeman 2 31 ni 3 T 5 7 10 20C41 LimiA w t G 107 11 5 5WB GJ 2 2J GJ A Claver J C Hansen 6 10 1 1Sl 10 4 2 20 45MISS GAYLE WB 4 100 4 4 4WB Sl 4J 7 6 L McAtee E AV Moore 1 77 775 710out 20645 SPOHN SPOHN20G01 WB 10 10J G 6 866 7iF Cooper J J McCafferty 15 20 0 20 S 4 20G01 OCHRE COURT COURT20G13SMAX1TRKA w G 114 3 32 2 2i H 10 S SU G Burns SliannouAVlKer 20 20 7 3 32 20G13SMAX1TRKA i w 5 101 2 21 1 1W h 5 10 it5 A SchugrI AVhyte 10 10 S 2i C5 20720 ROSE JUNQ W WB 4 10 103 7 3 2J S 9 10 AV Obert D Leiian 10 30 30 10 5 20572 BELLE TERRE WB 4 110 1 a 7 11 H 11 H Snyder J T AVest 0 so 30 10 5 fastAMnner Time 24 494 108 Track fast AMnner LewisAVent Ch in by Anak Tremar trained by W Lewis AVent l p isl at 441 At post C minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third tbe same MARTHE was off slowly lint gradually improved her position and finishing fast not up to win in the final strides BLUE JAY raced iuto the lead on the last turn but tired when bis rider went to H drive ORTYX closed a big gap and finished with a rush MISS CHAUCER ran well and finished close up LUHIA aliil MISS GAYLE showed speed but tired The winner was entered for SiOO P no bid n Scratched 20718 Velie Forty 100 Overweiirhts KIIS IMn t nounds inuex Horses AAVtrPSt Str Fiir Jockeys Owners OH OPS 20723L H IIOUGHTQN w S 117 1 G 2J 3nt 3 1 1 G Burns G AV Scott ij 2 SG 7102r 20688 GEHRA III Avsii 5 114 10 2 3i Gb 6 4 2k J Groth A I icarda 35521 20647LUISE 3552120647LUISE TRAAERS w 4 109 S 3 4 2l lh 2t 3i J Metcalf E J TMcGraw 554 85 4 20G91LADY INNOCENCE ws 4 104 11 ICC 4 t 52 4t L McAtee AV F Gloss 8 12 12 5 2 20691 = SHEPHEHDESS WB 4 10 3 10 10 JO 10 S I1 E Haynes A J Karr 5 5 G 2 1 20688 FREDA JOHNSON w 4 109 2 4 1 ink ont 3iJ CJ A Claver S Hazeitine S 10 10 3 C3 20748CO5S C320748CO5S WB 5 112 7 9 9 11 9 6 7k F Cooper AV Martin 4 G 5 2 45 20613 EUTERPE w 5 112 488 S S 9 S1 J Smyth R Hanley S 12 12 4 2 20631YANKER WB C 109 977 7 7 10 9 J Dodd D Hill 10010010040 20 20297SONNY BOY WB 4 109 5 C 5 4 5J 7 10 S AVoholmH O Bedwell 15 30 30 S 4 20747KING RADFORD 5 109 61111 9 n 11 11 R Flint II Neustadter 20 20 30 8 4 Time 25 50 116 143 Track fast ScottAVent Inner B b by Dungarven Ben Led trained by G W Scott AVent to post at 510 At post 4 minutes Start fair and slow AVon easily second and third drlv drlviJiir iJiir J H HOUGHTON raced in close pursuit of tbe leaders to the stretch turn from where be moved up rapidly and was going away at the end GERRARD ran i much Improved form and outgamcd LOUISE IlCAYLRS at the end fur second place The latter was much used In forcing the pace and racing into thtt Ivnd and tired in tlio last quarter LADY INNOCENCE rah well SHEPHERDESS closed a hi gap FREDA JOHNSON quit after setting the paco to thu last turn The winner was entered for 300 no bid Scratched 20088 Beau 1erc 111