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MARLBORO FORM CHART CHARTMARLBORO MARLBORO MD June 1 1915 First day Southern Maryland Agricultural and Fair Associa ¬ tions Spring Meeting of 5 days Marlboro Park AVeather clear clearPresiding Presiding Judge C C Hall Starter George T Miller Entry Clerk W R Norvell 20731 First llace 5 12 Furlongs Purse 230 3yearolds and upward Selling Net valued to towinner winner 100 second 40 third 20 Ind Horse AVt Fin Jockey St 19996 MissBHbor 105 1 = AAr Doyle 4 5 5207062Oxer 207062Oxer 112 2J AV Manders 2 19727 Strome 92 3 C AVhymark 15 1519907aElsewliere 19907aElsewliere 103 41 AV AVard S S204763Ynca 204763Ynca 107 51 A Nicklaus 3 20483 Elasticity 93 6 R McDennott 7J Time 100 Track good it itWinner Winner J C Ellis b f 4 by Potter Floss S trained by P II Jones Vi ViStart Start good Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing 20732 Second Race 5 12 Furlongs Purse o 3ycarolds and upward Selling Net valuelrto valuelrtowinner winner ftInd 100 second 40 third 20 ft Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockoy H H20670Pharaoh 20670Pharaoh 116 1 AV Doyle J J20664Monty 20664Monty Fox 116 2U R Troxler 20518 M20514Miizanti Thrill S9 3 C Braxton M 20514Miizanti 91 4l G AVhymark I I20516Royal 20516Royal OnyxllS 5 A Pickens F FTime Time 108 Track good Winner W T Ryans br h 7 by Meddler Hatasoo trained by F C Frisbie FrisbieStart Start good Won ridden out second and third driving thirddriving 20733 Third Race 3 12 Furlongs Purse 250 3yearolds 2503yearolds and upward Selling Net value to towinner winner 100 second 40 third 20 20Ind Ind Horse AVt Fin Jockcv St 19328 Prince Chap 115 Il J Bauer 2 2206803Remarkablc 206803Remarkablc 103 2i L Hartwell 32 20517 Kinder Lou 110 3 R Pickott 4 20418 Aviatrcss 110 4l AV Manders S 20481 H Quinn 112 5s A Pickens 6 6206813Swarthmorc 206813Swarthmorc 112 Gls A AValsh 3 20673 Dor Priwcr 110 7 V Adams 10 10Time Time 109 Track good AVinncr P II Jones eh g 0 by Lord Esterling Miss Mice trained by P H Jones JonesStart Start good Won driving second and tldrd same 20734 Fourth Race 5 12 Furlongs Purse 3yearolds and upward Selling Net value to winner 100 second 40 third 20 Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockcv 20102 Heartbeat 115 1 = 1 A Pickens 20219 Miss Brush 110 2 t R Troxler 19239 Montcalm 112 3l J Bauer 20673 = Largo 110 110207053AVoodsie 41 AV Manders 207053AVoodsie 110 o1 J Dennison 20418 Kewpie 101 GI AV Doyle 206713Mges 21Time SisterllO 7 R Pickett 21 goodAVinner Time 109 Track good AVinner E Uttcrbacks b c 4 by Dorante Stolen Moments trained by E Utterhack UtterhackStart Start good AVon easily second and tiiird driv 20735 Fifth Race 5 12 Furlongs Puree 250 3yearolds and upward Maidens Selling Net value to winner 100 second 40 third 20 Ind Horse Wt Fin Jnckcv St 20484 = Onar 101 In A Pickens 85 19894 Task 101 2 AV Doyle 3 20683 = Col Randell 106 3l R Troxler 2 20710 The Parson 112 4 R AValcott 31 20674 Haberdash 101 5 A Nicklaus G 20683 Euryale 101 6l F Moore 3 20681 Salvan Nell 110 71 Francis 20 20677 Ben Galore 112 S1 V Adams 13 20674 Rosalie OnnelOl 9 A Walsh 6 goodWinner Time 107 Track good Winner E Uttcrbacks b f 3 bv Solitaire II Brcmerhafen trained by E Utterback UtterbackStart Start good Won driving second and third same 20738 Sixth Race 1 110 Miles Purse 250 yearolds and upward Selling Net value to winner 100 second 40 third 20 Ind Horse AVt Fin Joekev St St20684M 20684M Sherwd 109 In R Troxler 32 20337 Cockspur 112 2 R Pickett 43 20709 Pied Piper 92 3U C Braxton 7 2051811 HiitchnllS 4 AV Doyle 2 2207093AVoodcraft 207093AVoodcraft 101 G C AVhymark S STime Time 153 Track good goodWinner Winner B J Creightons b f 4 by Ossary Maud Sherwood trained by AV E Suggs Start good Won driving second and third same 20737 Seventh Race 12 Furlongs Purse 230 3yearolds and upward Selling Net value to winner 100 second 40 third 20 Ind Horse AVt Fin Jockev 20676Regular 101 11 Ar Doyle 20419 Peacock 109 2 J Dennison 20682 Moncrei 115 35 A Nicklaus 20666 Hoffman 113 4 = AV Manders 20478Castara 110 5 A Pickens 2070X2ilPdRO Rose 109 fii R Troxler 3 20673 Inferno Qn 102 7 C AVhymark 5 5Time Time 125 Track good inner IS Dorseys br f 3 by Bryn Mawr Consistent trained by N K Real Ktiirt good Won ridden out second and third