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THIRD RACE C 12 Furlongs Main Course 3yearolds and upward Selling 71401 117 4 124 ROIY b c 3 320GIS By Golden Maxim Lotowanna C J Quinnl 20GIS Udmnnt 34 113 fast 2J 3 JI Buxton 7 R Slartyr Broomhaf 1 Shore 20I7i9 Pimlico 3t I13l4fnst T 1 M Buxton 13 SVJnson SIMGigie Royty 14C10 Itelinont 5S st 101 slop 35 3 1 Kederls 5 Alliena Harlequin Hectograph 143SS Uelmont 45 f st 53fast 411 712 j Glass 10 Forecast Pierrot Fenrock AZYIADE b m G By Cactus II Miss C H C Hallenbeck 34 l14l fast 12 108 2 21 2s G Byrne 3 Fciimoiise Lily Orme lSir0 IIdeGce 34 114 fast IB 104 1041S40C C5 C11 7 Dreyer S Kewessa Tas Steel StalUelen 1S40C HdeGce GJ f 107 fast G5 104 4 = 4 i It Khilling 13 Yorkville Useelt Prairie 18296 Iimlico 34113 fast 8110 112 21 3J1 C Turner D Kagle Slumber II Cap Ben 18240 Laurel 34 l12fast C5 102 1021S15C 3J 2 J Callahan fi Scallywag Sherwood BrlarPath 1S15C Laurel 34 l12ffaKt 25 100 G 41 J Callahan 5 SlumberlL SBonrd Fllttergold 18114 Laurel Cl f lOCfast 7 113 11317W5 C1 GJ G Turner S Kewessa Bel amour Sherwood 17W5 Laurel 34 litfast 4310 112 112ELLA S fil R ShilliiiKl2 Kiln Brysoii Briar Path Tranld TranldBy ELLA BRYSON ch m 7 108 By Juvenal Graziota R F Carman 20167 Belmont 34 115 slow 10 117 1172009S I1 It j Dreyer 7 Minstrel Chesterton Broomleaf 2009S IIdeGce 34 l13fast 135 110 110184SO inv 4i J Butwell 7 Joe Finn Fair Helen Mamie K 184SO HdeGVe 1m70yl45 fast 12 111 1111P446 10 91S E Ambrosel4 Hmlliatn Hiirakan PgreHslve 1P446 IIdeGce Im70yl46 good 7 110 10 12nP Louder 14 II Howdy Uncle Slim JoeFIun 18377 Pimlico 1 142 fast 18 108 101 11 11 Smyth 11 Ambrose Armament Cl Field 18324 Pimlico 1 l41fast T 112 112MINSTREL G Gnn Shilling 0 B Head Ambrose F Hudson HudsonBy MINSTREL ch g 3 102 By Yankee Love Note W B Mitchell 20467 Uelniont 34 115 slow 21 1U7 2J 3 T Nolan 7 HBryson Chesterton Bwraleaf 20247 Pimlico 34 113fast 20 104 Z 4J T Nolan 7 Perthshire 7Au Del Auians 20104 HdeGce Gl f lOSgood 10 108 4 I1 T Nolan 9 Hiker Egmont Dixie 20067 HdeGce 34 l13fast G 102 3J 21 E Ambrosell Fair Helen Fly Home Hiker 19654 Havana 34 l134ifast C5 9S 1 31 W Ural 7 Elwah Ray oLlght Lohengrin 1611 Havana 61 t lOSfast S3 101 2 k 3ll Allen 9 St Charlcote BrPrlnce Kazan iPERTHSHIRE b h 7 114 1142065S By Caughnawaga Perth W N Adrians 2065S Belmont 1 142 fast 12o 110 5 4 4203S7 5 5 i W Ural 5 OSuIlivan Guy Fisher Hurakan 203S7 Belmont 34 l14slop 2J 115 5 2l 21 G Garner 5 Garl Chesterton Ethan Allen 20217 Pimlico 34 l13fast 1710 109 3 2l 1 ° T Rice 7 Zin Del Amans Slinstrel 20204 Pimlico 34 l14good 74 112 2 13 I1 T Rice 8 AlBloch LouTravors IlSIeteor 1S512 HdeGce lm70yl4G fast 12 108 1 3 51 Si J McCaheyll LDeibold Huraknn Uncle Slun 1S490 HdeGce 34 l1375fast 12 112 7 82 7s E Ambrosel4 HHlStreara Grazelle tfiidaunted 18465 HdeGce 6i f lOSfast 41 110 4 6h 75 C Bgame 12 DRLSnger Undnted Emorn 17176 Belmont 34 l13fast 2 110 4 31 3s J Butwell G Sir Sniggs Be SInry Warren 17020 Belmont 34 113 fast 6 110 2 61 4 A Schugr 7 Connemara L Truvers SIrSpecs DISTANT SHORE ch g 3 101 10120G18 20G18 Belmont 34 113 fast 1C3 105 1 205CC Belmont CJ f l20sood 2 105 3 20000 Belmont CJ f l20good 910 105 2 20440 Belmont 34 st 112 mud 15 111 2 C5 41S3H Sumter 7 Phosphor Half Rock Saratoga 1S13C Laurel GJ f l07fast 85 105 3 21 43I K Karrick 9 1rotector Pulliix Ivagk 3 17U92 Laurel J4 l13fast 5 108 9 3U j J J Hutwell 12 Ella Bryson Briar Path Traif 17935 Laurel GS f lOCfast C5 101 5 3s 21 K Karrick J Heudinast Key Star B Flower 1C40G Saratoga 34 Il4 sood 12 110 5 5s GT2 J Butwell t Lady Barbarj T by Jury Luke LukeBy OROTUND ch f 4 99 9920C5C By Hippodrome Olevia R O Miller 20C5C Belmont 1 l41fast 133 102 C 3 320SG4 2 2i W Ural 8 RoLight llobinetta DDenner 20SG4 Belmont 1 140 good 1U 102 1 2 22023G 2h 3J W Ural 5 W Shoes Dr Duenuer Jawbone 2023G Pimlico Im70yl45tast 23 101 5 C C2 77 A Schugr 7 Anialll Spearhead Carlton J 20108 HdeGce Im70yl 4Ci4good 95 95 G 2 li 21 1 McAtee 8 OKripp DrDner Clirtopliine 20072 HdeGce Im70yl44fast 7 105 5 11 G1 4s A Schuterl2 Buzz Around Al Blocii Cogs 18464 HdeGce lm70yl4C4 fast 4 103 4 3 uk 2 J Smyth 11 Jim Basey Goldy Peteliis 18429 HdeGce Im70yl47 slow 7 100 C C 2h 310 R Shilling 7 Starqift BAround TBusyhody 1S3C1 Pimlico 34 l12fast 2C 104 8 Ci G53 J McTagrt 9 Crossliim TrueasSteel JJLillis 18211 Laurel 1 llCi4Cfast 4710 102 5 C 8 SliiD Steward S Slud Sill Be Hurakan HurakanBy STONEHENGE b g 4 111 111207C3 By Hastings Linda Stone C K Rockwell 207C3 PipKk ATJ34 llGfast C 153 2 2J 32i Cap Rwell s Culvert Andes Ambrose 20G92 Belmont 1 143 fast 20 157 1 2 GJ T CapCKRl 7 Doublet Virile Spearhead 204J9 Bclmont 1 l40good 12 107 1 1 1 31 SI Buxton 0 Al Bloeh Jawbone llenuis Jr 20411 Belmont 1 1 43mud 41 113 2 1 3 3 SI Buxton 0 Al Bloch Roblnetta Dunrah 20311 Pimlico Im40yl45fast 17 109 C 1 1 1i M Buxton 8 CarltonG LEngld CHolIoway 2023C Pimlico 34 114 fast 24 113 2 21 5 1 J Dreyer 10 G Plume Hermls Jr Tbesleres 20204 Pimlico 34 l14Vfcgobd 110 97 3 51 88i J McKver 8 Perthshire Al Bloch LTravers 20106 HdeGce 5J f 108 good 12 102 8 4i 10 = j J Dreyer 12 ColCook Yorkville York I ad 20085 HdeGce Bi f l07fast 20 102 C 4i 3 K Ambrosel4 Canto Silver Moon Clarlbel 20047 HdeGce Im70yl45fast 25 107 1 1 1DERVISH 44 47J M Buxton 9 TowField OKripp VenStrome VenStromeBy DERVISH blk g 3 92 By Delhi Coppelia J Butler 20730 Belmont 1 141 fast C 9 i 31 rJ P Lowdel i Chesterton DrDuner Jawbone 20G3S Belmont 1 142 fast 5 93 3l 46i P Lowder 5 OSulllvan Guy Fisher Hurakau 20504 Belmont 1 140 good 40 110 3ut 5 j G Borel 5 W Shoes Dr Duenner Orotund 20411 Belmont 1 l43mud 12 9C 5 52 ° F Hopkins C AlBloch Robinetta StouehenLe 20270 Churchill G f loCslow fid 110 10 101S25S 9 95C Borel 14 Hawthorn Cliartier BusyEdlth 1S25S Laurel 5S l00fast 14 109 G C2 CCJC Borel 8 Banquet He Will Hanson 18154 Laurel 5 f lOCfast 1C 102 S S1S092 9s 913 D StewardlO Bet Us Lady Rotha Broomleaf 1S092 Laurel 61 f l074 fast C5 10912 1 1 C Borel 15 Carione Leonnlhe Key Mar 14914 Belmont GS st l00 fast 1 105 1 114S19 21 3s J Kederis 7 Jyjie Sarsenet Jester 14S19 Belmont 5S st 59 fast G 107 3 3BEETHOyEN 3 3e J Kederls 10 Iolii5i Gaelic Fenrock FenrockBy BEETHOyEN b g 5 IOC By Broomstick Sans Peur Mrs R J Miller 20730 Belmont 1 141 fast 41 102 4 5 52065C 5s 43i AV Lilley C Chesterton Dr Duenr Jawbone 2065C Belmont 1 l4U fast 7 102 S 8 8203CG G1 C41 P Lowder S Ray oLight Orotund Robinetta 203CG Belmont C f l20good SO 111 1 3 33 AV Lilley 5 D Shore Presmnption Astrology 20309 Pimlico Iiri70y l4Gfast 24 100 7 C f2 C41 AV Obert 8 Lothiel Corsiean Cliff Field 20267 Pimlico 34 l14slop 100 DO n G C8 J P Ryan 9 Moutrusor Andrew R Maiden 20143 Pimlico1 34114 fast 175 115 K 5 fj83 A Schugr 5 Andrew IT Pryune It Slaiden 17972 Laurel 34 l12fast S7 93 2 2174S9 5 r rI3JD I3JD Stewards Housemaid Isidora Slumber II 174S9 Empire 1 l41fast 1G5 113 1 3 3MACK 22 2 = S Davis 4 SlivSniggs SlSrwood RParnee MACK B EUBANKS ch g 6 106 By Resolute II Evergreen F A Clark ClarkSU 20348 BelTer Ab5S fast S5 150 1501G159 SU Lottus 10 Fcnmoiise Sir Specs OHoFIoto 1G159 Saratoga 34 113 fast 7 95 3 1 I2 B Marco 15 Pharaoh Grosvenor Raoul 16033 Saratoga 34 l12fast 40 104 6 6U463 101 9JL Gaiigel 12 Sir Sniggs Striker Sir Specs U463 Douglas 34 ll fast 23 10S 5 31 2i SI Mthewsll Qrma ter ltl alnty Fellowman 14254 Churchl 34 l fast 40 107 5 G G14JM M thews 7 Bob Hensley Back Bay Furlong 13070 Juarez 34 lil fast B 104 2 1 1 4s E Haynes 7 GMarchmt R Dolly Cosgrove 12991 Juarez 78 l24fast 8 100 1 1 2 3s E Haynes 10 Barsau Sea Cliff Pay Streak 12945 Juarez 1 l37fast 10 105 3 1 31 710 E Haynes S Loween Swish Butter Ball 12913 Juarez 34 112 fast G 103 1 112S7S 2J 32J J Groth 8 Royal Dolly Parlor Boy Seneca 12S7S Juarez 34 l13 fast 31 109 4 3 32 H AVoods 10 Parlor Boy Barsac Goldflnn 12839 Juarez 51 t l12tshvy 4 109 4 22 3J J Groth 6 Pay Streak Ft Sumter ParBoy PLAltTAGENET b g 3 97 97207S2 207S2 Uelmont 34 st lllfast 23 97 C C20G97 C1 f 7 C Watson 10 Amans Stiphimuin LostFortnne 20G97 lielmoht 34st l10fast 40 102 2 9 S22 O Watson 9 Striker Forecast Amans 20090 Uelmont 31 l13Vfast 20 109 4 C GllT McCahey 7 He Will Chesterton Forecast 20100 HdeGce 34 l12fast 40 100 7 7 7 AV Ural 7 Star Gift Belamour Glint 20017 IIdeGce 58 C9fast S 103 13 1314fOG 102 10 AV Ural 13 NorselCing Protectr NSimplex 14fOG Belmont 58 101 fast 85 105 3 410 4J II AAolfe 5 Hdroplane Hectograph FHelen 14354 Belmont 41 f st GS fast 3 108 2 I1 1 H Wolfe C Couiely DlstantShore Shorthand 14233 Pimlico 41 f 5Cfast 2920 112 2 I5 2k II Wolfe 7 Cello Energetic Haberdash