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BELMONT PARK FORM CHART KEW YORK SATURDAY JUNE 5 1915 Fifteenth day Westchester Racing Association Spring Meet in of IS days Weather cloudy Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 130 p in FIRST RACK 34 Mile Straight 74800 108 1 137 Cretdiiioor Ulgliweight Handicap 000 Added 3yearolds and upward Net value tw wlunor 573 sec ond 100 third 50 AWtPPSt U Sir Fin Jockeys Owners O II G P R KIN wn 3 132 3 1 2l 2i I1 I2 J Dreyer J E Madden 7o So G6 12 out outKil Kil TOP HAT w n 130 15 34 3 2l 2 = E Dugan A Belmont 3 4 3J 1 25 M f ADAMS EXPRESSwn 7 12S 2 3 U 1 31 3t G Byrne II C Hallenbeck 3 4 3J 65 12 r r0fi 0fi l SPRING BOARD wsn fi 125 5 2 4 43 4 ° 4 T Davios E B Cassatt 4 fi 4 G5 12 122010S 2010S XOUREDDIN wn 3 120 4 4 5 5 5 5 AV Ural R T AVilson 30 40 40 10 2 Time 110 Track fast fastWinner Winner B c by McGco Gnnrod trained by AV S Walker WalkerWent Went to post at 237 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow Won enslly second and third drlN lii nf McMEEKIN was saved behind the lenders until in the final eighth then drew away at bis riders leisure Ynd won casing up TOP HAT moved up monncliitlv in tho final quarter and disposed of ADAMS EXPRESS but could never get to the winner ADAMS EXPRESS displayed a fine turn of speed and set a fast pact but tired In the final sixteenth SPRING BOARD ran in and out all the way NOUREDDIN was eased up at the end endScratched Scratched 20021 Top o th Horning 140 SECOND RACE 58 Mile Straight 00085 58 2 122 500 Added 2yearolds Maidens Special Weights Net value lo winner 410 second 100 third 50 AWtPPSt U A Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H G P S 205U5 TEA CADDY Willis 41 IS I1 I1 l = i E Dugan A Belmont 71043 33 13 out 20534 3PLAINT1FF wsn 115 5 3 41 41 4 2J T Davies E B Cassatt 8 10 7 2 710 71007253MURPHY 07253MURPHY w 115 22 2l 2 21 3 J Dreyer J E Madden 1153 3 71013 71013OLD OLD KOENIG wsn 115 14 52 3k 3 4e T Nolan Beverwyck StablcS 15 12 4 83 83207602P1QUETTE 207602P1QUETTE wn 112 36 6 6 a 51 J Butwell E F AVhitney 12 20 15 4 8G 20562 NOLLI ws 115 65 3 5 6 G II LaffertyAV C Daly 20 30 20 G 2 2Time Time 59 Track fast fastr Teas Over trained by S C Ilildreth Ilildrethent r ent to post at 305 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing TEA CADDY bored out from the start but was much thu best and drew away decisively when called o PLAINTIFF closed up steadily and outstaying MURPHY in the final drive appears to he improving MURPHY raced close up throughout but tired under punishment OLD KOENIG ran well but was high in fiesh and probably short fc r7O TIIIRD RACE 1 Mile 10870 130 3 117 Fortyfifth Running Ladies Handicap AJ 4 Ov Value 2000 3ycarolds and upward Fillies and Marcs Net value to winner 1450 second 350 third 150 Index Horses AWtPPSt M V Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II G P S 20591 ADUIH M wu 4 106 4 2 3i 4 k 43 I2 I1 G Byrne J AV Messervy 453 6512 6512203763LADY 203763LADY ROTHA wn 3 106 1 5 6 6 31 21 2 J Butwell A Miller 34365 35 35178993COMELY 178993COMELY wn 3 113 26 2i 2i 21 3l 3l C Borel J Butler G 7 G 21 63 17224 CHARTER MAID w 3 10S 3 3 5 3U G 6 4b J Dreyer J E Madden 67621 20389 POMETTE BLEUwB 4 115 G 4 11 I2 li 43 5 AV Ural R T AVilson G 8 7 2J G5 G5205632FLYING 205632FLYING FAIRY wsu 5 12G 3 1 4 = G1 5l G1 6 T Davlcs E B Cassatt 2i 31 3i 7533 Time 13 25 36 49 101 114 126 l3a Track fast fastAVinner AVinner LangdonWent Ch f by Star Shoot Breakwater trained by G AV Langdon Went to post at 338 At post 1 minute Start good and slow AVon handily second and third driv ¬ ing ADDIE M after being saved under slight restraint moved up quickly when the others came wid when entering the stretch and taking the lead had speed enough in reserve to withstand LADY ROTIIAS challenge The latter was outpaced in the early running but saved ground when entering the stretcii and made a fast finish COMELY closed a big gap early but quit in the final quarter as if short CHARTER MAID raced wide all the way and finished fast POMETTE BLEU quit after setting the pace to the home ¬ stretch poorlyScratched FLYING FAIRY ran poorly Scratched 20701 Rhine Maiden 07 07Overweights Overweights Lady Rotlia 2 pounds OllTQl FOURTH RACE 1 38 Miles 8035 218 3 100 Fortyseventh Running Bclmont lJ I O JL Stakes Value 2500 3ycarolds Allowances Net value to winner 1825 sec ¬ ond 400 third 200 Index Horses AWtPPSt 1A Sir Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S 20593 THE FINN wn 126 2 2 1J I1 1 = 1s 1 G Byrne II C Hallenback G5 32 75 out 20593 HALF ROCK wu 126 3 3 2 = 2i 3 2 = 23 D ONeill A Garson SO 50 40 3 20537PEBBLES WB 126 113 3 2J 3 3 C Borel J Butler 71034 33 out outTime Time 218 no fractional time taken Track fast fastWinner Winner Bile c by Ogdeii Livonia trained by E W llelTner llelTnerWent Went to post at 407 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving THE FINN was rated In front under slight restraint while setting a great pace and drew away in the stretcii to win under restraint HALF ROCK saved ground on all the turns and responding gamely to pun ¬ ishment easily disposed of PEBBLES in the stretch PEBBLES appeared to climb during the running and tired badly when the liual drive caine 6lr7Of FIFTH RACE 34 Mile Straight 74800 1OS 4 137 300 Added 3ycarolds lJ I O l and upward Selling Net value to winner 500 second 100 tldrd 50 Index Horses AWtPPSt JA Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II G P S 206973 AMANS WB s 3 92 7 3 2l 2J I1 I1 P Lowder Milltown Stable 3 31 10 065 35 20590 SUPERHUMAN wn 3 111 G 2 41 1 2nt 2U C Borel 1 Butler 5 G G 2 1 15l 20618 LOST FORTUNE wr 4 112 5 3 3203673UNCLE 5l 3U 33 33 T Nolan R F Carman 20 30 30 12 G G1J 203673UNCLE JIMMIE w 4 112 S 4 1J 4 4 4 1 E Dugan T Smith 3 3 tri 20697 PLANTAGENET WB 3 97 1 6 6U 7s 6s 51 G Watson R T WJIson 20 23 1 1Si 20623 ROSEMARINE w 3 97 2 9 Si G 5 G F Hopkins E F Whitney 30 40 10303 YOUNG EMBLEM w 4 115 9 1 31 G1 73 7J G Byrne R A Brown 2i 3 1331 3 20697 AVIATOR WB 7 112 3 S S20590HYDROPLANE 99 9l S1 J Dreyer J A Reed 50 GO 60 20 1 10 1020590HYDROPLANE 20590HYDROPLANE wsn 3 97 10 7 720697HILL 71 S S1 9 E CampbllE B Cassatt 20 30 30 12 6 620697HILL 20697HILL STREAM w 4 1C5 4 I Left at the post II LaffertyF Feitner S 15 12 3 2 2Time Time 111 Track fast fastWinner Winner HoganWent B f by Bryn Mawr Miss Donne trained by W Hogan Went to post at 437 At post 5 minutes Start good and slow Won handily second and third driv ¬ ing AMANS after racing in closest pursuit from the start wore SUPERHUMAN down in the stretch and was driving hard at the finish hut holding his own SUPERHUMAN r ced UNCLE JIMMIH into subjection in the lirst half and look the lead but swerved out slightly in the fin 1 quarter which probably cost him the race LOST FORTUNE ran straight all the way and was gaining t the finish UNCLE JIMMIE tired ladly at the finish ILANTAGENET finished well The winner was ci tered for 400 no bid bidScratched Scratched 20407 = Minstrel 105 20231 Gilt Edge 100 20400 Hen ib Jr 112 20730 Sepulvcda 110 20535 Duke of Dunbar 04 04Overweights Overweights Plaiitagcnct 3 pounds OfVryQO SIXTH RACE 58 Mile Straight OOOS5 58 2 122 300 Added 2yearolds iJ i OO Selling Net value to winner 400 second 10O tldrd S50 Index Horses AWtPPSt A k Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 20696 STELLARINA will 4 4 21 31 Ink in p Lowder J E Madden 3 3 2i 71014 20372 2TRALEE w 107 3 2 4 2i 2 24 W Ural R T Wilson 73 S5 GG 25 out 20595 PROHIBITION WB 110 53 3i 4 41 3J J Butwell G A Cochran S 10 10 21 1 1GALESWINTHE GALESWINTHE WB 102 2 5 555 41 L Allen M Hirsch 20 50 40 12 3 320562HIGII 20562HIGII HORSE WB 119 11 I1 1 3 5 E Dugan A Bclmont S5 3 1354313 1354313Time Time 100 Track fast fastWinner Winner B f by Star Shoot Ballerina trained by W S Walker WalkerWent Went to post at 508 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same STELLAR1NA disced of her opposition after going threercighths and tired but resiionded gamely to punishment and outstayed TRALEE at the finish TRALEE improved her ix sition steadily and took the lead in the final eighth but lost because IneUiciently ridden when It came to a drive PROHIBITION Mverved out all thu way hut finished gamely GALESWINTHE finished well HIGH HORSE unit badly after setting the early pace The winner was entered for 000 no bid