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DELORIMIER PARK RACING STATISTICS The Montreal Driving Clubs spring meeting opening May 22 and closing May 29 embraced seven racing days and during that time fiftynine races were decided for which there was a total dis ¬ tribution f 17950 iu purses This money went to seventysix owners fortytwo of whom won 225 or more each eachOwner Owner 1st 2d 3d Ami AmiFitzgerald Fitzgerald E L 4 0 0 900 900Striker Striker I 2 4 3 Freeman C N 3 1 1 ° V Yarrow Brae Stable 2 4 4McKinney McKinney W A 2 0 0Mikel Mikel W M 2 2 2 000 000Hill Hill D 2 1 3 571 571Lobby Lobby Stable 2 2 1 5 King W F 2 1 1 525 525Stowe Stowe 7 M 2 1 1 i 2u 2uBurkhart Burkhart N W 2 1 O 500 500Clements Clements Rooney 2 0 1 4 Goodman J B 2 0 1 4 4Herdel Herdel II 2 0 0 40 40Milam Milam J O 1 2 2Moody Moody T IT 1 2 2Haymaker Haymaker It V 1 1 1Sheridan Sheridan J 1 1 1Gregg Gregg Mrs A A 1 1 1 K 0 0Bernhardt Bernhardt W 1 1 275 275Crippen Crippen Mrs C 1 1 1 75 75Dayton Dayton T 1 1 2i Delauev P 1 1 0 275 275Hanley Hanley R 1 1 0 275 275Lyons Lyons G 1 1 O 275 275Marlman Marlman C B I 1 0 275 275Pinkham Pinkham J W 1 1 0 275 275Ware Ware Wm 1 0 2 275 275Fitzserald Fitzserald P E 101 250 250Kaufman Kaufman E D 101 250 250Polk Polk J 1 0 1 250 250Berry Berry A 1 0 0 225 225Daly Daly M J 1 0 0 225 225Eckert Eckert J 1 0 0 225 225Foley Foley G 1 0 0 225 225Hak Hak 0 1 0 0 2r 2rHarney Harney J 1 0 0 2 2ITendley ITendley W D 1 0 0 225 225Lewis Lewis J II 1 0 0 McCafferty J J 1 0 0 0Reynolds Reynolds J N 100 100Rice Rice Chapman 1 0 0 Of the IOC horses that were placed the fol folwinuers lowing fiftytwo were wereHorse winuers of 225 or more more1st Horse HorseBlue 1st 2d 3d Amt Blue Wing 21 1 Smiling Maggie 2 1 0 Edmoiid Adams 2 0 1 475 Hearthstone 2 0 1 475 Gordon Russell 2 0 0 450 Miss Jean 2 0 0 450 Rosemarv Mud Sill IXialoha Bird Man i Ben Uncas Electric Francis FrMl Jessup Iurn Jewel of sia Lucky George Oriinar Lad Tis True Little Jake Field Flower Inquieia Lord Wells Louis des Coguets Senator James Uncle Dick Al Court Belfast Bogart Capt Elliott Civil Lass Claribel Daylight Diffident Dr Cann Duquesiie Eutorpc Goggety Horse HorseJack 1st 2d 3d Jack Stern 1 Little Pefe 1 Marsand 1 Melts 1 Miss Chaucer ChaucerMiss 1 Miss Frances FrancesNila 1 Nila NilaPat 1 Pat Gannon 1 Penance PenanceSolders 1 Solders Best BestSpohn 1 Spohn 1 SpohnTempest Tempest 1 Thomas Hare 1 Tony Koch 1 C Knight carried off the saddle IK hoiiors of the meeting The record of the1ockeys who piloted piloted3d ono or more winners is as follows JockeyKnfglit Jockey arts 1st 2d 3d Unp PC Knfglit O 55 VI 4 5 21 Grand C I 7 20 12 McEwen E 2 11 19 McCul lough T TWalsh 0 17 14 Walsh A 2 14 in inli White C li 19 10 Russell J 0 1 75 Carues 1 11 11 McDowell J 4 19 07 Snyder IF Stanford C Rosen W Merlpole L Hullcoat A Dodd J 10 10Wolsteuholm Wolsteuholm S 17 1 Bergen J 9 1 2 2Foden Foden N 12 1 1 Gargan 1Gargan W J9 1 1 Meehan 13 1 1 Conway 1Conway J 3 ri 0 Daly 0Daly W i 7 1 0 Connors 0Connors J 20 1 0 0The The followingplaced but failed to toJockey Jockey Jits 1st Young 1stYoung W T 7 10 0 0Simmons Simmons 0Howard M 7 0 Howard J 13 0 Ballinger 0Ballinger C 7 0 VanBenschoten 0VanBenschoten G 5 0 Martin 0Martin S 2 0 Jockey Mts 1st 2d SdUnp SdUnpMcGuire McGuire 4 0 1 o 3 Gririer 3Gririer M 2 0 0 1 1 Kohn 1Kohn W 2 0 0 i 1 1Dawson Dawson J C 0 0 i 5 5Murray Murray A 9 0 0 1 S STho Tho following had mounts to the number shown and failed to place placeJockey Jockey Mts Jockey Mts Casey A 3 Hotallng 1 Clark 1 Levee W 4 Deaveuport J 1 Mergler C 0 0Fiirniiin Fiirniiin J 3 Plunkett 2 Gaugel L 5 Robhins J 4 3 Hill M 1 Tealian F Ji 1 The record of the trainers who saddled more winners Is as follows Trainer TrainerBerry Wins Trainer Berry A 1 King AV F Brown W 1 Lewis J II Burkhart N AV 2 Lutz E Crippen G AV 1 Lyons iG Daly M J 1 Marlman C B Davis S L 2 McCafferty J J Delaney P 1 McKinney AV A Durkin J 2 Mikel A J Eckert J 1 Moody J H Fitzgerald E L 4 Pinkham J W Fitzgerald P E 1 Polk J Foley G 1 Proctor T Freeman C N 3 Reynolds T E Goodman J B 2 Hice O Gregg A A 1 Rooney H Hak IT J 1 Howe C II Ilarney J 1 Scott T A Haymaker L 1 Sheridan J Hendley W D 1 Short AV Herdel H 2 Stowe J M Hill D 2 Whelan E 1 1The The percentage of winning favorites was above normal tabluatipnNumber as shown in the subjoined tabluatipn Number of days 7 Number of races 59 Winning 59Winning first choices 27 Winning 27Winning second choices 11 Winning 11Winning outsiders 21 Winning 21Winning at oddson v 0 Defeated 0Defeated at oddson 3 Percentage 3Percentage of winning favorites 40