Second Race [2nd Belmont Park, Daily Racing Form, 1915-06-06

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SECOND RACE 1 116 Miles 3yearolds and upward Selling 9330 144 5 120 G M MILLER b h 8 111 111207n By Lissak Subdue R F Carman 207n Belmont 1 l39fast 2i 103 G G20G93 55 2 II LalTeriy 0 Bac Astrology Guy Fisher 20G93 Belmont 1 141 fast 125 114 2 22C 2 2l M Buxton 2 Slontresor 2C 20 Uelmont 1140 fast 31 107 2 215 22 M Buxton 8 Thornhill Republican 20309 Pimlico Im70y l4Gfast C310 118 3 31S493 4 4JJ M Buxton S Lochiel Corsicau ClitT Field 1S493 HdeGce Im70yl44fast 10 1Q7 8 1i li H Lafferty 8 Amalfi Bl Thistle Lit Nearer 18469 HdeGce 1 1S 152 fast 12 103 3 41 3 1 H Lafferty 5 Robt Bradley Parduer Tartar 18445 HdeTce Im70yl44 good 25 1011 4 8 8 J Dreyer 8 RobtBradley Tartar Fltergbld WOODEN SHOES ch g 4 109 By Burgomaster Breakdown Quincy Stable 20564 Belmont 1 140 good 95 109 G G203C9 12 Hi J McCahey r Dr Duenner Orotund Jawbone 203C9 Uelmont 1 l40tast 3 105 4 21 3 J McCahey 5 Blue Thistle Amalfi Astrology 20214 Pimlico 1116149 fast 2720 109 2 22Q1C1 3 34 E Ambrose t Cliff Field Lazuli 2Q1C1 Pimlico 1 l4IMifast 10 109 4 45 3 1 J McCahey 5 Flying Fairy Celto Tactics 20039 IIdeGce Im70yl45 fast 5 109 4 41CS1S 52 433 E Ambrose 8 CliffField Progressive Lochiel 1CS1S Syracuse 1 11G 1431 fast 12 93 2 I5 I4 II Sumter 3 Naiad Golden Prime PrimeBy GUY FISHER b h 9 114 By Sain Appollonia E F Cooney 20733 Uelmont 1 l39 fast 1SC 110 G G20CS 3i 41V Byrne 0 Hue G SI Miller Astrology 20CS Belmont 1 142 fast 135 110 U UlS4jt 4 21 G Byrne fi OSuIlivan Hurakau Dervish lS4jt IIdeGce Im70yl44fast 10 110 2 21S4GS Gi S J Butwell 8 G SI Sillier Amalli Bl Thistle 1S4GS HdeGce Im70yl45 fast 1SG 120 3 G C4 J Uutwell 11 Armament Bushyllead HShaw 18441 UdeGce 1 18 l54good 3 118 3 31S3S1 ink i j Butwell 7 JDeibold B Quince H Brother 1S3S1 Pimlico 1 31G 202 fast 2110 120 4 41ST6 I1 1 J Butwell 8 GoodDay CHolloway BBaker 1ST6 Pinilicp 1 116 l47 fast 19C 120 C C1S323 G3 33 J Uutwell 7 Armanieiit Ambrose Une SIuu 1S323 Pimlico Im70y 145 fast 4310 HC 5 13 I2i J Butwell 9 Centauri Dan Slarch Joe Finn AL BLOCH br h 5 107 10720CCO By Voorhees Georgia VI S Lewis 20CCO Ueliiiont 1 lSlG2fast 1SC 9 2 2L0499 23 2n p Lowder 3 Amalli Jawbone L0499 Helniont 1 l40good 4 115 3 33 lt K Dugan 0 Jawbone Slonehenge HermisJr 20111 Uelmont 1 l43mud SG 11G 4 420n7 l k 1 G Byrne G Robhletta Stonehge SDenrah 20n7 Pimlico 1 116 149 good 101 102 1 4 k 43 AA7 Obert 7 Orperth Chrlstophlne B Arouud T Pimlico Im40y l4Smud 2 106 3 3il Il 1i AV Obert 5 Col Holloway Slyceuae El Oro il Pimlico 34 l14Vfast 2310 10G 8 3l lii W Obert 10 York Lad ReOection Supreme SupremeBy RAY OLIGHT ch c 4 105 10520C3G By Peep oDay Freyja J H Loucheim 20C3G Belmont ll41fast 12 110 1 li 1i D Steward S Orotund Robinetta DrPnenner 0 Uelmont CJ f l20fast 20 110 8 10 8lujD StewardlO Hurakan Lily Orme SofValley 20129 HtleGce 34 11C slow S 110 2 G2 54J A Schutgr 9 Yodeliug SlartiiiCasca Y Lad 20072 HdeGce Im70yl44fast 31 101 10 91 CiAV Ural 12 Buzz Around AlBloch Cogs 20038 HdeGce 34 l13fast S 110 5 C G43 R Troxler 8 Braiidywiue Al Bloch Joe Finn 20012 HdeGce 34 l14fast 2 112 4 9 S43 R Troxler 9 Thesieres UncleBen NewHaven 1999u Howie 7S l29fast 10 1131 4 21 32i R Troxler C AlBloch BuzzA round YorkLad YorkLadBy MARSHON b g B 109 10920TGO By Marathon Edna Shannon E Herz 20TGO Douglas 1 31G 201mud 34 114 4 2s 2k A Neylon i G Color Consoler Tughtreader 20437 Douglas 1 1S l53hvy 1 111 C 14 I4 J Butwell 7 Jack Kiivaiiaiigh Faleada BBill 20401 Douglas 1 116 l4Smud 65 110 4 1i 1 J Butwell 7 Acis Hard Ball Any Port 20362 Churchill lm70yl4Ctnud 1910 109 6 62031S 2 li J Uutwell 7 Tavolara LHAdair Bulgarian 2031S Churchill 1 14 206fast 3910 108 4 y J Butwell I BtiekKeenoti Raincoat Consoler 20304 Churchill 1 116 14S fast 225 114 9 4 2 J Butwell 10 Birka OSuIlivan Asa Heriidon 20201 Lexgton 1 1S l53fast 13 115 9 9201C7 65 4l iL Gentry 10 HHowdy OlgaStar W Wonder 201C7 I exgton 1 11C l4SV4slow 2120 113 S 21 J Butwell 9 Jcs Louise Bank Bill LIda Earl 20140 Lexgton 1 1S l52fast 13 109 8 5h 48j w j OBnl2 Buck Keenon Goldy Kilcrea 19406 NOrlns 1 11C l47good C 106 S 4 4U E Ambrose 8 Stick Pin Reno Slary Ann K 19396 NOrlns 1 116 l49hvy 4 112 9 9I93G7 31 2 E Ambrose 9 TLouise Earl of Savoy Consoler I93G7 NOrlns 1 116 l45fast 8 105 1 G4 G4 E Ambrose G DiinSIarch SLAnnK EofSavoj 19249 NOrlns 1 14 214Mhvy 35 108 2 I1 1s C Turner 4 BillieBaker Frog L Aran Zandt ZandtBy BEETHOVEN b g 5 109 By Broomstick Sans Peur Mrs R I Miller 20730 Uelmont 1 141 fast 41 10i 4 420C56 G 4si W Lilley 0 Chesterton Dr Duenr Jawbone 20C56 Uelmont 1 l41fast 7 102 S S20TCG 6i C4i P Lowder S Ray oLight Orotund Robinetta 20TCG Belmont GJ f l20good 30 111 1 32 33 W Lilley 5 DSliore Presumption Astrology 20309 Pimlico InVWy l46fast 24 100 7 C3 C41 W Obert S Locbiel Corsiean Cliff Field FieldG 20267 Pimlico 34 l14tfcslop 100 90 9 G C i J P Ryan 9 Slontresor Andrew R Slaiden 20143 IMmlico 34 114 fast 173 115 5 5 GJ A Scliugr 5 Andrew H Prynne It Slaiden 17972 Laurel 34 l12fast 87 93 2 G G 3JD Steward 5 Housemaid Isidora Slumber II 17489 Empire 1 l41fast 1G5 113 1 1OSULLIVAN 22 22 S Davis 4 SIrSniggs SlSrwood TtPardee OSULLIVAN ch h 5 112 11220C5S By Oddfellow Rosinante J MacManus MacManusI1 20C5S Relmont 1 142 fast 15 110 2 I1 li SI liuxtou r Guy Fisher llurakaii Dervish 20 Helniont CJ f l20fast 10 110 3 7s 7 Sl Buxton 10 Hurakan Lily Orme SofAalley 20201 Churchill 1 1lG 148 fast 3110 113 2 2J 321 A Neylon 10 Birka Slarshon Asa Herndon 20274 Churchill 1 116 l4Sslow 12 115 G G1R371 r4 G8 A Neylon 10 Re uram Impression Tx vbland 1R371 Latonia 1 116 l4Gfast 12 106 5 51S331 G2 GJ 1 Metcalf 10 Indolence Florin Robert Kay 1S331 Latonia Im70y l43Hifast 19 115 4 3s J McCabe It Weyoke AVWClrk HHowdy

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Local Identifier: drf1915060601_4_6
Library of Congress Record: