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WEIGHTS FOR JAMAICAS CHIEF RACE RACENew New York Juno 5 Weights for the Excelsior Handicap of 2500 for threeyearolds and over at a inilo and a sixteenth to be run on the opening day of the summer meeting it Jamaica Juuo 10 were announced today and are as follows followsHorses Horses Wts Horses AVts AVtsBorrow Borrow 127 Iron Duke 104 104Hoamer Hoamer 125 Sam McMeekiu 102 102Strwnboll Strwnboll 122 Trial by Jury 102 102llarmonlcon llarmonlcon 121 Tartar 100 100Rock Rock View 121 Charter Maid 100 100Short Short Grass 12 Norse King 97 97Flying Flying Fairy 115 Republican 99 99Pebbles Pebbles 112 Spun Glass 9U 9UPunch Punch Bowl 112 Addle M S SGainer Gainer Ill Kilkenny Boy 9i 9iFlittergold Flittergold lit Hocfgo 9S Buskin 110 Cliff Field 95 95The The Finn 109 fiino 95 95High High Noon 10S True as Steel 93 93Pandean Pandean 10S Harry Junior 92 92Cnarlestoniau Cnarlestoniau 107 Fair Count 90 90Last Last Coin 107 Tudor King 90 90Surprising Surprising 105 Beethoven 90