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SIXTH RACE 1 Mileand 70 Yards 3yearolds Selling 20010 140 3 10o FLY HOME ch c 3 108 10820G16 By Armeath II La France W Martin 20G16 Dorval Iin70y l4Gifast 95 103 4 3 = lit F Cooper It S of Ix ve Celebrity Raincoat 20334 Wdbine 1 116 l4Sfast 315 102 4 3 = 2n F Cooiier 7 Ida Claire Cliff Haven JoeSteln 20127 Wdbine 1 1S l54fast 4 109 2 7 4TJ T Uice 7 Couunoiiada Cliff Haven Boxer 20203 Pimlico 1 143 good 41 97 5 3J 31 P Louder 5 BichLangdon Warlock I ochiel 20147 Pimlico 1 143 fast 2920 110 1 1 1J C Turner S Cliff Haven Faker Celebrity 20067 HdcGce 34 lKSfast 12 107 9 G1 31 C Turner 11 Fair Helen Minstrel Hiker 20031 HdeGce 34 l13fast 40 97 8 9 G3 P Louder 0 Progressive Water Lily Coy CoyBy VALAS b B 3 109 By Puryear D Olathe R B Stclle 20751 Dorval 1 116 l49fast 95 2 I1 2 it McAtce S Jabot Asa Herndon Ben Uncas 20616 Dorval Im70y l4 Vfcfast 2 101 S 03 G41 L McAtce 0 Fly Home S of lyove Celebrity 20191 Wdbine 1 116 l47slov 385 95 4 It 3 = 1 J Acton 5 Cnttyhunk Ida Claire Balfron 20427 Wdbinc 1 18 lGlfast SS 100 5 5LOSOS Gl 59J M Mthcws 7 Comnionada Cliif Haven Boxer LOSOS Pimllco 1 l42fast 6320 103 5 5202SO 3i 4 C Turner G OMaid Tamerlane LSirtuelle 202SO Pimlico 1 l45slov 19 95 9 23 21 n McDottlO Norus Schnapps Lady Bryn 20219 Pimlico 31 l13fast fid 103 12 11 II11 A Nicklausl2 Pharaoh Humiliation Inez 19530 Havana 31 l14fast 30 9S 7 G 71SJD HolTman S Joe Finn Briar Path Encore EncoreBy ASA HERNDON ch g 3 10G By Blues Miss Van Winkle C Timberlake 20751 Dorval 1 116 l49fast 13 101 4 31 3 C Vanniru 8 Jabot Valas Ben ITncas 20304 Churchill 1116 148 fast 62 93 7 720L76 5 = 4 = 1 M Garner 10 Bhka Marshon OSnllivan 20L76 Churchill 1 1S lGl slow 194 89 4 8 S15 R Unihart Sleeth JUeardon Mary Aim K 20097 Lexgton 1 116 l4Gfast GI 101 5 10 10 = iA Mott 10 HHowdy Wryneck Flciiron 11 19710 Juarez 1 l33fast 20 94 1 7 = 7 L Mink 10 A Kick CMcDougall Wavering 19660 Juarez 1 151 hvy 45 92 2 4 G ° i M Garner 5 It Onoil Voladay II AODay 19566 Juarez 78 131 hvy 4 94 4 1 = 1 1 M Garner 8 BLynch MDnlwcbcr StolAnte 19519 Juarez 1 l43mud 4 91 7 1 I3 M Garner 7 CMcDougall LMInt Orliicnlaii 19514 Juarez 1 l43tfgood 5 100 1 53 6101J Acton S MDulweber Moscowa Sinletoe 19119 Juarez 1 l39fast 6 SS 1 54 810U Acton 10 Twilight Obolus Petit Bleu SCHNAPPS b f 3 100 By Burgomaster Irish Reel Mrs T Francis FrancisG 20642 Dorval 34 l14fast 12 97 2 G 2 = It McAtce 14 ICellectiun JosZarate Jefferson 20520 Wdbine 34 litast fid 91 9 13l 12 Li McAtce 34 Yorkville L I ndon York Lad 20311 Pimlico Im40y l4G = fast 25 92 4 7 = SI7JP Lowdcr 8 Stonciicugc CltonG LEngland 20280 Pimlico 1 l43slow S 93 4 3l 3H A Collins 10 Norus Valas Lady Brjn 11231 Pimlico 34 l1414fast 18 93 7 S 8s L MeAtee Itlclnvnod M Sherwood Alhcna 201S6 Pimlico 1 l45rnud 140 102 3 2 3 3 = U Shilling Warlock Volant Carlone 2012S HdeGce 34 l155slow 23 9G 2 22009S 53 5 1 L McAtce 7 Hiker Saturnus J B Harrell 2009S HdeGce 31 l13fast 2 200 SS 4 G1 63j L McAtce 7 Joe Finn Fair Ilcleu Mauiie K KBy ENERGETIC b f 3 3206S9 100 100206S9 By Sir Wilfred Listless S Ross 206S9 Dorval 5i f lOSfast 4 102 1 4 = 35 K ForehndlO Jefferson Deviltry Briny Deep 19917 Bowie 1 l44yffast 5 92 8 31 441 K Forehd 8 Uicliwood Fitzgerald PiedPipcr 10911 Howie 24 115 fast 4 4J 104 3 35S G = 431 B Ambrose 8 StLazedau FHclen Penrock 16220 FortErle 5S l01mud 1 13591S 103 4 3l 1 = F Murphy 5 Proctor Gold Girl Gerthelma 3591S Hamton 34 l14fast 4 4151S9 104 2 2JJ 2l 21 F Johnson 7 Dengro Haberdash Jeff Kobcrts 151S9 Haintoa CJ JJ f l09 fast li li149CO 1S5 104 7 4nt an F Johnson 7 Zin Del Gerthelma Tie Pin 149CO Conght G8 l04mud 6 614S77 102 4 1 I8 F Johnson S Kazan Raincoat Haberdash 14S77 Conght 5S l02fast li 15 10S 8 85S G2 411 F Johnson 12 Carbide King Hamburg Kazan 115S8 BlueBon 5S l02fast 1 15 107 9 9 8 F Johnsonll Ken Jefferson Mrs Campbell CampbellBy SLUMBEREH ch g 3 107 By Peep oDay Janet Gray Mrs J W Dayton 2U7J5 Dorval 31 l1555fast S SI051S 102 3 21 lh A Claver 15 Wodau Paul Gaines BrinyDuep I051S Wdbine 34 l13fast 3 31 103 10 9 8 E Ambrosuia Maxim Belle SirLJoe Schemer L04S5 Wdbine 34 l14slow f fid 97 1 4J 413 J Acton 11 Anxiety Aprisa Buffo 20H7 Pimlico 1 143 fast li 15 ICG 2 6 6 3 J McCahey S Fly Home Cliff Haven Faker 20042 HdeGce 34 l14fast 10 9S 12 8s 4S W Ural 15 Breakers Royalty Shrewsbury 200 5 HdeGce 34 llflfast 15 103 3 Gnv G J McTagtll Sleuth Silver Moon Free Trade 18483 HileGce lm70yl4Gfast 10 100 3 3U 3 1 R Shilling 11 Elespian Half Hock RiverKlng 18436 HdeGce 34 116 good 15 105 4 S1 5 i R Shilling 11 Minstrel Pcnnyrock Meelicka 1S375 Pimlico 34 l14fast 2110 87 10 10176S 7 Glu P Louder 1 ° Norse King Volant Cliff Haven 176S 5 Laurel 34 l14fast 14 107 12 12SMILING 3 ° t 3i K Karrick 13 Fair Count Marvelous Ruslla SMILING MAG ch f 3 105 By Smile Margaret M N W Burkhart 20703 Dorval 31 l14fast 50 109 a a206S9 5 7 3B Hayncs S A N Akin An Del Reflection 206S9 Dorval 51 f lOSfast 30 102 5 6 571 J Connors 10 Jefferson Deviltrv Kncrgctic 20603 Delmier 7S l31fast 12 110 3 2 55 J Connors S T Hare Blue Jay D of Shelby 20547 Delmier CJ f l24fast 13 103 5 5 59 J Dawson 10 Gor Uusscll HazelC Ed Adams 19961 Juarez 1 l40fast 30 S3 8 J O Gentry 10 Comdatlon MTilghnin PBleu 19902 Juarez 1 l39fast 20 72 73 B Marco 10 Xnngarec LadyMint Sh Knight 19S44 Juarez 34 l14fast 15 21 1 = 1 B Marco 9 Vesta Pat Unland Emclda EmcldaBy GOLDEN LASSIE ch f 3 100 By Goldcrest Fleda B T Cheek 20689 Dorval 51 f lOSfast 23 99 9 10 7ai F Cooper 10 Jefferson Deviltrv Energetic 20310 Delmicr Ab5S l03good 20 103 9 10 S i Kalllngcr 12 Bine Wing Tower Frokendalc 2 030 HdeGce 5S lOOVfefast 40 100 9 919S75 101 9iR McDottll Applauder II Tide Goodwood 19S75 Havana CI f 130 hvy G 99 2 lh 2 D Lindsey S Mortgyle Masalo Virg Hlte 19786 Havana 51 124 hvy 1 12 102 G G5S G 510iII Snydcr S iscwhcrc Ynca Mlnda 19731 Havana 5S 111 hvy 1 15 103 G G 4 i II Snyder 7 Parlor I5oy Ajax Mortsyle 1 569 Havana DJ f lOSi fast 2 25 9S 7 9 915 F Robinsn 0 InfernoQiiccn Moncrclf F Levy 19139 Havana 34 l22hvy 2 20 92 4 6 515JJ Gartner 7 Kali Some Kid Indifferent KAZAN b c 3 By Filiffranc Sautcuse C J Odcll 20616 Dorval Im70y l46Vifast 1 6 7 ° 3M Mthews 1 Fly Home S of Ijove CelehrKy J030S Pimlico 1 l41fast 20 106 6 63M 5 58 C Miller C OMaid Tamerlane LSirtuelle C0191 Pimlico 3M l16hvy 7 99 7 31 3 = 1 C Miller 7 Hiker Amans Burwood 2012S HdeGce 34 IHuVfcslow 9 110 G 7 7 C Miller 7 Hiker Saturnns J B Harrell 20067 HdeOce 34 l13fast 50 110 3 10 = 9 C Miller 11 Fair Helen Minstrel Fly Home 20018 HdcGce 6J f l00fast 20 106 7 51 o C Miller 10 Corsican Fair Helen VIdet 19831 Havana 51 110 good 8 106 7 7 Gl C Miller 7 MPmitv EIIwd DrIlLSger 19691 Havana 1 204hvy 2 102 7 7BLACK 6 5 C Miller 7 Marg Sleise Transport S Kid KidBy BLACK EARL blk c 3 105 10520G02 By Boanerges Lady Danraven J H McCarren 20G02 Delmler 7S l31fast HO 7 0 S3i A Walsh 10 Spnhn Dnrin Swede Sam fiir Domlrr fij f l25rast 10 J05 5 52iMl3 4 V i Merglor n M France SkinnyB HXpratos 2iMl3 Del in lor 6 f l2tgood 23 T 9 9204Vt 9 7 VC Morgier nIJussell Tankard CMi DnKnl 204Vt Delmier 1 116 l53V food W 105 7ls DnKnl7ls C Murglpr 8 Mud Sill TigirJIm LVnnXindt 19320 NOrlns 34 l13fast 30 104 7 71915C 101 9 = VT Smyth J2 York Lad Serenntn O Pis True 1915C NOrlns 1 l4ftfast CO 07 3 3190CS 7 7lr OBrien 7 Flyllomu Blackthorn Kobloinai 190CS NOrlns 31 114 fast GO 104 G G Gcl R Mason 0 IMIeleii MMontgomy FIIome 19019 NOrlns 51 f l07 good CO 99 7 73 71G It Mason 8 Siinno Kciinlram Jvzail fT744 Charlen 31 113 good 50 S = 8 = 3 R Muson 11 Pierrot Minstrel Bamboo 1SC7C Charlun 34 llG7sfast 30 10G S 51 4 = J II Mason 0 Dixie River King Lida Karl TIVI ch f 3 107 By Vowhccs Nanna P Sheridan 10612 Dorval 34 l14fast 15 97 12 9 Gi T Hayes 11 KelUction Schnapps JosZarato 2Q424 AVdbine 31 l13Vfast CM 104 15 13 12oJlJ Metcalf lr Brandywine Egnnmt Ida Claire 20110 iJcxgton 51 I l07fast fid 104 9 S3 S R Carter 12 Amazon Gilt Edge BusyEditli 17384 Wdbinc 31 115 slop 235 1031 C CCI G3 710 J Metcalf 7 An Del Star of Love DCortcz 17170 Dorval CI f 110 fast 115 103 4 3 lh J Metcalf 7 Asuokan Almee Leslie Raincoat 1G97S BlueBon 51 f 110 slow 3 101 S S5S 7 33J J Metcalf 12 Commensia Mer Twinkle Solon 15118 Aqueduct 5S l01fast 20 97 9 72 7s J Mctcalf t Amazon Borgo Page White WhiteBy MILAN ch c 116 By Sir Huon Nelusko J A Thompson 20730 Dorval 34 115 fast 100 100 2 6 = G8 C VanDun 8 Hts of Oak Kts Differ Gordon 204S3 Wdbine 34 l14slow f Id 103 7 71 5AE Ambrosell Anxiety Aprisa Uuffo 1S244 Latonia 34 l13fast fid lOSill 12 1213iJ Hanover 12 Cannonade Nobleman WUrown