Hamburg Places Fine Crop Of Foals., Daily Racing Form, 1915-06-06


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HAMBURG PLACES FINE CROP OF FOALS Lexington Ky June f At John E Maddeus magnificent Hamburg Place this season there were foaled an even 100 thoroughbred colts and fillies The fillips predominated there being fiftythree Four of tho foals two colts and two fillies died The sires of the youngsters which are said by those who have seen them to be an extremely finelooking band are Star Shoot Ballot Ogden Plaudit Trap Rock Peter Quince Uncle Jack Atkin Sir John Johnson and Rapid Water Tho following Is a com ¬ plete list of tlie living foals foalsBay Bay colt by Star Shoot Allopath AllopathChestnut Chestnut colt by Star Shoot Amelia AmeliaBajr Bajr colt by Plaudit Autumn Leaves LeavesChestnut Chestnut filly by Plaudit Auvergne AuvergneBay Bay colt by Plaudit Ainericah Girl GirlBay Bay colt bv Sir John Johnson Amstel AmstelChestnut Chestnut filly by Plaudit Belle of Glendale GlendaleChestnut Chestnut colt by Star Stfcot Blue Grass Chestnut filly by Ballot Bonnie Blue II IIChestnut Chestnut colt by Ogden Blue Danube DanubeChestnut Chestnut colt by Star Shoot Bold Girl GirlChestnut Chestnut filly by Star Shoot Busy Girl GirlChestnut Chestnut tilly by Star Shoot Busy Maid MaidBay Bay coltby Star Shoot By Ways WaysBay Bay ChapallaChestnut filly by Star Shoot Chapalla Chestnut filly by Plaudit Colline CollineChestnut Chestnut filly by Rapid Water Comet Bay filly by Ogden Continental ContinentalChestnut Chestnut filly by Star Shoot Copyist CopyistChestnut Chestnut filly by Plaudit Courtmaid CourtmaidBay Bay colt by Sir John Johiisou Deviltree DeviltreeChestnut Chestnut Jilly hy Star Shoot Dicker DickerChestnut Chestnut colt by Star Shoot Dike DikeBay Bay tilly by Ogden Dingle DingleBay Bay colt by Star Shoot Dolly Higgins HigginsBay Bay colt by Star Shoot Dorothy Gray GrayBay Bay fillv by Ogdeu Dorothy Hampton HamptonChestnut Chestnut colt by Plaudit Elsie B BBay Bay filly by Sir John Johnson Fair Catherine CatherineBay Bay lilly by Ogden Femesole FemesoleBay Bay colt by Ogden Flora Pomona PomonaBlack Black colt by Star Shoot Frances McClelland McClellandBrown Brown filly by Ogdeu Golden Egg EggChestnut Chestnut colt by Ogden Grace G GChestnut Chestnut colt by Ogden Hot Water WaterChestnut Chestnut filly by Sir John Johnson Irish Girl II IIBay Bay filly by Plaudit Janowood JanowoodBay Bay filly by Plaudit Janeta JanetaBay Bay colt by Plaudit Lacrimae LacrimaeChestnut Chestnut filly by Plaudit Lady Alberta AlbertaChestnut Chestnut filly by Star Shoot Lady Bedford BedfordChestnut Chestnut lilly by Star Shoot Lady Hubbard HubbardChestnut Chestnut colt by Star Shoot Kuly Schorr SchorrBay Bay colt by Ogden Lady Sterling SterlingBrown Brown filly by Ogden La Pucelle PucelleChestnut Chestnut colt by Star Shoot Ixiughing Elsie ElsieBrown Brown filly by Star Shoot Little Buttercup ButtercupBay Bay colt by Rapid Water Linda Lee LeeBay Bay colt by Star Shoot Lost Ball BallChestnut Chestnut filly by Star Shoot Love Note NoteBay Bay filly by Ogden Magna Stella StellaChestnut Chestnut colt by Star Shoot Mamie Worth WorthBay Bay filly by Ogden Marian Casey CaseyChestnut Chestnut colt by Plaudit Mary Scribe ScribeBay Bay colt by Sir John Johnsoit Melee MeleeBrown Brown filly by Ogden Meritorious MeritoriousBay Bay colt by Star Shoot Mimosa MimosaBlack Black filly by Star Shoot Miss Canale CanaleChestnut Chestnut filly by Star Shoot Miss Granville GranvilleChestnut Chestnut colt by Star Shoot Miss Kearney KearneyChestnut Chestnut colt by Star Shoqt My Princess PrincessBay Bay filly by Star Shoot Nellie Irene IreneBay Bay filly by Star Shoot Noreen NoreenChestnut Chestnut filly by Plaudit Offensive OffensiveBrown Brown filly by Rapid Water Okitau OkitauBay Bay colt by Plaudit Olga Nethersole NethersoleBuy Buy colt by Sir John Johnson Onaga OnagaBlack Black lilly by Star Shoot Passan PassanChestnut Chestnut colt by Star Shoot Partridge PartridgeBay Bay filly by Trap Rock Pedigree PedigreeChestnut Chestnut colt by Peter Quince Pamela PamelaChestnut Chestnut lilly by Ogden Plain Dorothy DorothyBay Bay colt by Sir John Johnson Plaster PlasterChestnut Chestnut filly by Rapid Water Playground PlaygroundBay Bay filly by Jack Atkin Possession PossessionBav Bav colt by Sir John Johnson Quack QuackBay Bay filly by Ogden Queen Dixon DixonBrown Brown filly by Ogden Quebec QuebecChestnut Chestnut lilly by Star Shoot Rebound ReboundBrown Brown colt by Star Shoot Raglan RaglanChestnut Chestnut filly by Star Shoot Rose of Gold GoldChestnut Chestnut lilly by Uncle Hound the World WorldBay Bay filly by Plaudit Sally K KBay Bay filly by Ogden Saratoga Belle BelleChestnut Chestnut colt by Star Shoot Sardine SardineChestnut Chestnut filly by Plaudit Susan SusanBay Bay colt hy Ogden Swell Girl GirlBay Bay filly by Ogden Tenotomy TenotomyBay Bay filly by Plaudit The Nurse NurseBay Bay filly by Ogden The Lady in Blue BlueBay Bay colt by Star Shoot Unseen UnseenChestnut Chestnut colt by Star Shoot Unterock UnterockBay Bay colt by Ogden Vega VegaChestnut Chestnut colt by Star Shoot Veil VeilBay Bay colt by Ogden White Owl OwlChestnut Chestnut colt bv Ogden Yankee Sister SisterTho Tho e which died were the chestnut colt by Sir John Johnson An tiope bay colt by Plaudit Miria bay filly by Jack Atkiu Smoke and the twin chest ¬ nut fillies by Star Shoot Blakeslee

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Local Identifier: drf1915060601_2_4
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