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DOUGLAS PARK FORM CHART LOUISVILLE KY SATURDAY JUNE 5 1915 Thirteenth and last day Douglas Park Jockey Cluh Spring Meeting of 13 days Weather cloudy x Presiding Steward Charles F 1rlee Presiding Judge W II Shelley Starter Harry Morrissey itdng Secretary Kdward Jasper Racing starts at 230 p in Chicago time 230 p 111 Indieates apprentice allowance 2O771 f r7 r I FIRST HACK 34 Mile 11017 110 5 127 000 Added 3yearolds and up ixlex Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt J0703MA2NIK wu 3 103 33 li 1 I3 I5 A Mott S M Henderson 20716 HIGH PRIVATE w 9 108 C 4 4JOG52 5 33 5 2n n Goose AV 11 Baker i JOG52 CQLLE wu 4 101 SO SOJ07Il2GAmiIO 4 4 2 35 F RobinsnW Gerst 1723100 17231003U J07Il2GAmiIO wu 6 110 a 2 2J0703 3U W 4 C Ganz G Arvln 220100 J0703 SWHETHART SUEw 3 S 9 41 41DOUCUIS 2 3 4 51 E Martin W S Threlkeld 5SO1H DOUCUIS w 3 100 1 G Ci GU G Gl M Garner II Oots 105S51OO 20711 LACKROSE wu 7 10S 9 S S20G48 71 71 7 = 7l L Gentry H P Dickinson 810100 810100S 20G48 FOUNDATION WB 5 110 2 29 S S S Si R Small J Doyle 025100 0251002037UPROSPECT 2037UPROSPECT w 5 103 7 7 9 9 9 9 J Sloan J J Ryan 28520100 28520100TInie TInie 23 46 112 Track fast 2 miitnels paid Mnznik 050 straight 410 place Jf330 show High Private 370 place 470 show Colic 500 sliow sliowEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Maznik 223 to 100 straight 103 to 100 place 03 to 100 show High Private 185 to 100 place 133 to 100 show Colic 103 to 100 show showWinner Winner 11 g by Mazagan Nikita trained liyS M Henderson HendersonWent Went to post at20 At post 1 mluiite Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving MAZNIK rushed into the lead In the lirst quarter and tjetting an extremely fast pace won in a canter HIGH PHIVATK began slowly lint finished fast and gamely COLLE held on well after saving ground wlicn turning into the stretch GAIIUIO tired after racing well to the stretcii LACKKOSK was never prominent The winner WMS entered for 400 no bid bidScratched Scratched 20357Mex 10S 20008 Day Day 103 20032 Wild Bear 10S 20740 Disillusion OS 20703 Mose Irvine 03 Overweights Gabrio 2 pounds Sweetheart Sue 1 Foundation 2 VOT7O SECOND HACK 5 Mile 8S22 5S 2 lir 000 Added 2yearolds Maidens sUJ 4 Allowances Net value to winner 483 second 121 third 03 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv Odds Strt 20649 ROCHESTER wu 112 4 2 1i 1 1 1 A Pease G J Long 830100 20609 = GYPSY BLAIR w 109 2 4 5n 41 3h 2l F RobinsnW Gerst 12010O 20699 EULOGY w 109 5 G G2 2n 4 3 F Keogh II Oots 440100 440100BELGIAN BELGIAN TROOPRwB 112 73 41 3n 2 41 C Ganz E R Bradley 335100 20712 ASPARAGUS SAM w 109 G 7 21 a2 5 5 AV AV TlorMilam Levy 1500100 20712 MEDITATION w 112 11 3n G G1 61 J McCabe II H Hewitt 4730100 4730100ARGUMENT ARGUMENT w 109 35 7777D Stirling G M Hciidrie 7500100 7500100Time Time 23 47 100 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Rochester 1800 straight 500 place 310 show Gypsy Blair 200 place 210 show Eulogy 340 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Rochester 830 to 100 straight 130 to 100 place 53 to 100 show Gypsy Blair 45 to 100 place 20 to 100 show Eulogy 70 to 100 show showWinner Winner B c by Scnipronius Embellish trained by P Coyne CoyneWent Went to post at 301 At post 1 minute Start good and slow AVon easily second and third driving ROCHESTER showing high speed moved into a long lead at once which he easily retained throughout and won pulling up GYPSY BLAIR ran well and outstayed the others in the final drive EULOGY showed speed and stood a hard drive gamely BELGIAN TROOPER tired ASPARAGUS SAM ran a Kood half mile O T ITTO THIRD RACE 1 116 Miles S013 144 3 103 000 Added 4yearolds and up J 4 4 O ward Selling Net value to winner 473 second 113 third 00 index Horses AWtPPSt Ji 3A Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv Odds Strt 20704IMPRESSION WB G 110 3 3 2 2 = 1U Il I1 C Ganz C J Brockmiller i 20303 BEULAII S w 5 104 2 5 G 5 41 2 21 D Stirling F D Weir 1205100 20654 OLD BEN WB 4 IOC 4 4 i 41 5 4 31 R Goose W II Baker 205100 205100200543KORFHAGE 200543KORFHAGE w 4 10G 1 1 I1 li 2 3i 4 = C DishmonW Bruce 405100 20701 JESSIE LOUISE wit 4 105 5 2 3 33 3 = 5 a B Ott J M Goode 813100 813100Time Time 24J5 48 113 1384 145 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Impression 430 straight 320 place 240 show Benlah S 710 place 340 show Old Ben 200 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Impression 125 to 100 straight GO to 100 place 20 to 100 show Beulah Si 255 to 100 place 70 to 100 show Old Ben 45 to 100 show showWinner Winner B g by Wild Mint Inspiration trained by C Hauscr HauscrWent Went to post at 320 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won handily second and third driving IMPRESSION was well ridden and having disused of KORFFIAGE in the llrst three quarters held BEULAII S safe through the stretch BEULAII S closed a good gap and finished fast OLD BEN came with a rush through the last quarter KORFIrAGB set a fast paco to the last turn and tired JESSIE LOUISK quit The winner entered for 1000 wag bid up to 1700 and sold to J II Stamper Jr FOURTH RACE 68 Mile 8822 58 2 115 Third Running Spring Trial Stakes 2O774 2500 Added 2yearolds Allowances Net value to winner 3470 second 525 third 200 Index Horses AWtPPSt U A Str Fin Jockeys Owners E inv Odds Strt 20606 BULSE w 111 22 I1 I1 F Keogh J AV Parnsu lOolOO 20364 M ARSE HENRY will 56 2 23 L Gentry J N Caniden 275100 20712 POCKICHOO will 67 67BLOOD 4 3U R Small T G Bradley Bradley3h 1703100 1703100t35100 BLOOD TEST w 10GJ 4 4 3h 41 J McCabe E R Bradley Bradley5i t35100 t35100t 20587 BRNBYED KATE will 11 11203643IIEIR 5i 5 C Ganz E R Bradley BradleyGI t35100i t 203643IIEIR APPARENT w 111 7 5 5205873MARGARET GI 6 A Pease A L Rogers i 0100 205873MARGARET N WB 10S 3 3 7 7 E Martin J S Hawkins 2480100 fCo iplcd in betting Time 23 46 59 Track fast 2 nntiiels paid Bulse 530 straight 320 place 270 show Marsc Henry 400 place 300 show PocTvicli M 510 show showEcu Ecu ivalent ookiiig odds Bulse 105 to 100 straight 00 to 100 place 35 to 100 show Marsc Henry 100 to 100 i lace 50 to 100 show Pockichoo 155 to 100 show showWii Wii ner Ch c by Disguise Nethersole trained by AV J Young YoungWe We it to post at 402 At ixist 3 minutes Start good and slow Won handily second and third driv ¬ ing BULSli was hard ridden and away forwardly and taking the lead on the last turn shook off successive challenges and was drawing away at the end MARSH HENRY finished gamely but bled slightly POCK ¬ ICHOO closed a good gap BLOOD TEST tired after showing much speed BROAVNEYED KATE tired after Butting a fast pace for threeeighths threeeighthsScratched Scratched 20104 = Ellison 124 207123Polroma 108 20730 Mission Bell 118 20581 Hops 108 108Overweights Overweights Blood Test li pounds fJ fJvryrT vryrT p FIFTH RACE 34 Mile 11017 110 5 127 700 Added 3yearolds and up 9 I I O ward Handicap Net value to winner 575 second 115 third 00 Index Horses AWtPPS J4 Str Fin Jockeys Equlv Odds Strt 16587 LUKE WB 3 109 G 2 Il 1 I4 I1 B Ott J N Camden 10SO100 20607 BRAD CHOICE w 4 120 41 21 2l 2l 2 J C Ganz E R Bradley Bradley4J 210100 20607 BUCKIIORN w C 124 1 3 4J 3h 3n 31 F Keogh R J Mackenzie Mackenzie3l 510100 20607 LEOCHARES w 5 121 3 5 3l 4 4 4nt M Garner J AV Schorr 125100 20648 LITTLE FATHER w 7 101 24 5 5 5 G A Mott AV AV Darden 1180100 Time 22 45 110 new track record Track fast 2 mntnels paid Luke 3300 straight 030 place 480 show Bradleys Choice 320 place 200 tiliow Buckhorn 430 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Luke 1080 to 100 straight 375 to 100 place 140 to 100 show Bradlcys Choice 00 to 100 place 45 to 101 show Buckhorn 115 to 100 show showAVinner AVinner Ch c by Peter Quince Amy J trained by P AVlmmer AVlmmerAAcnt AAcnt to K st at 430 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving Second and third the same LUKE showing great speed and holding on gamely for the entire way led throughout at a great Piiee but was tiring at the end BRADLEYS CHOICE raced in closest pursuit throughout and was gain ¬ ing at the end BUCKIIORN was hard ridden and finished fast and gamely LEOCHARES was taken wide and outpaced all the way LITTLE FATHER was well up early but tired tiredOverweights Overweights Little Father 4 pounds drr7 rf SIXTH RACE 34 Mile 20775 110 3 lCO 000 Added vcarolds and up J I I O ward Selling Net value to winner 305 second 133 third 72 T Horses AAVtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv Odds Strt 0301 BTS AND SADDLEw 4 111 7 1 3l I1 IS Il A Neylon J 31 Shilling 83 8306532MARS 06532MARS CASSIDY w3 9S G 7 53 2 21 2 = F RobinsnJ AV Schorr 9G3 9G320585DR 20585DR CARMEN 3 103 S G G 51 5 31 A Mott L Plielps 4010100 401010020653LIB13RATOR 20653LIB13RATOR 3 100 1 5 4 31 3 4 E Martin T C McDowell 170100 17010007162USEEIT 07162USEEIT S 102 5 2 1 4 4n Gi M Garner A AV Hoots 693100 0465 FATHOM v 4 107 2 S 71 7 Ci C5 R Goose J Lowe 581510 58151001372TORY 01372TORY M ID 3 94 911 SI S S1 72 B Marco S M Henderson 2310100 20716CIIARTIER i t G 111 11 10 10 9 91 S1 C Ganz Spiet Powers 393100 0530 CAUDIGAN 1 n 3 1011 4 9 11 11 11 9l B Ott G R Senn T2CSO100 T2CSO1008736BLACK 8736BLACK SILK v G 97 10 3 9 10 10 101 C Hunt T M Cayce t 0713 SKILES KNOB 3 106 3 4 2 G1 71 11 L Gentry AV Feuchter 4010100 4010100tMutuol tMutuol field Time 23 46 112 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Boots and Saddle 1870 straight 000 place 750 show Mars Cassidy 1030 place 760 Hhow Dr Carmen 1550 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Boots and Saddle 833 to 100 straight 380 to 100 place 27u to 100 show Mars Cassidy 415 to 100 place 280 to 100 show Dr Carmen 075 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch c by Voter Cap and Bells trained by J Powers PowersWent Went to post at 511 At post 4 minutes Start poor and slow AVon driving second and third the same BOOTS AND SADDLE raced into the lead after dsposing of USEEIT and easily held MARS CAS ¬ SIDY safe at thc cnd MARS CASSIDY worked through a rough early race and finished fast and gamely CARMEN came fast through the stretch LIBERATOR raced forwardly and finished close up USEEIT set a fast early pace but tired under pressure FATHOM finished well and close up The winner was entered for 1100 no bid bidOverweights Overweights Cardigan 31 pounds Cfrjrjn SEVENTH RACE 1 116 Miles 8013 144 3 105 00 Added 3yearolds and J 4 4 4 upward Handicap Net value to winner 380 second 118 third 02 Index Horses AWtPPSt 3i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv Odds Strt 0653 RANCHER w 3 93 2 4 2 1 1 u I1 31 Garner G M Hendne 1103100 05862HODGE w 4 116 53 44 45 4 21 2l F Keogh AV J AVeber 15O10O 7 ° 0701 BLACK TONEY WB 4 120 G 2 31 3 = 31 31 35 C Ganz E R Bradley 06102LEO RAY w 3 101 1 5 G3 55 52 4i 41 A Mott J T Looney 2f 100 0651SDAVID CRAIG wn 4 114 3 1 11 in 21 52 5 R Ooose J W Schorr 1035100 0586 RINGLING w 3 93 4 G C G 6 6 6 B Marco F I Weir t 2780100 2780100Time Time 23 47 112 137 143 new track record Track fast 2 mutuels paid Rancher 2110 straight 720 place 330 show Hodge 300 place 200 show aCEquivaientbooking odds Rancher 1105 to 100 straight 200 to 100 place 65 to 100 show Hodge SO to 300 place 30 to 100 show Black Toney 40 to 100 show showAVinner AVinner B c by Galveston Sweet Lavender trained by J Walters WaltersWent Went to post at 540 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won handily second and third drlv iii RANCHER showing high speed disposed of DAVID CRAIG in the first threequarters and held the others safe through the last eighth HODGE raced under restraint to the stretch and movei up fast but i in close quarters in the last sixteenth BLACK TONEY was taken wide on the stretch turn costing him much ground DAVID CRAIG tired after setting a fast pace to the last turn turnOverweights Overweights Leo Ray 2 pounds