Second Race [2nd Dorval Park, Daily Racing Form, 1915-06-06

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SECOND RACE 1 Mile 4yearqlds and upward Selling 17217 143 4 112 BOGART br g G By Bannockburn Belle Ward W M Mikel 2076C Dorval 1 l43fast 2J 109 5962 2J 22 F Cooper 10 Irish Heart Lucky George Font 20747 Dorval 1 144 fast 12 104 9 7 7 5 41 22 J Clancy 10 Love Day Merciiriiim Francis 20C36 Delmier Ab5S 102 fast 8 115 Lost rider Carnes FrancisCarnes 9 Miss Jenn BlueWlngSenJames 20452 Delmier 61 f l26good 12 116 I Cornea 12 HlueJay ColMeDougall Vanker 19349 NOrlns ImiOy l4iy5faat 10 11011211 7 6 fjh 4 E McGwnlS Hermuila Camellia Cogs 19296 NOrlns Im20y 141 fast 135 100 8 10 3 1 I 2 M MtheWsl2 Iridescence Rlv King Bnrette 19248 NOrlns 34 116 hvy 10 111 6 75 G 3J E McJwn 7 Hertodano TNIghtmare Priwer 19222 NOrlns 1 11C l46fast 10 109 3 3 3 2 2LUCKY 32 431 K McGwnlO InsiirMan Ora McGee TRiimp TRiimpBy LUCKY GEORGE b B 6 112 By Maceo Presentation C B Marlman 20766 Dorval 1 l43fast 4 114 7 4 4 4 52 33J W Obert 10 Irish Heart liogart Font 20724 Dorval Im70y l4Sfast 10 104 2 2 3 2 lz 3J J Dotld 12 Durin Penalty Ajax 20573 Delpiler 61 f 130 hvy 4 114 5 1 1 ut A Walsh S Dixie Tiger Jim P Dumas 20511 Delmier Ab5 S 104 good G 112 3 4 4 24 II Suyder n Rosemary Uncle Dick Inlan 1940S NOrlns Im20y l41BOod 20 107 9 C 4 3 2J Z B Pool 13 InsMan WCWest THancock 191S5 NOrlns 34 l17hvy 20 108 10 11 11 11 11JI Conway 11 StickPin BlueJay TNightraare 19132 NOrlns Im20y l43fast 5 111 10 3 5 1 U Cl W W Tlorll Trovato Shepherdess Llda Enrl 19067 NOrlns 34 l15fast 1 109 8 98 42 ji E Pool 10 Strange Girl ProsHoy Yemasee 1SSOO NOrlns 34 l14fast 4 107 4 35 3 = 3i A Woods S Light Knight Mordecai SGIrl 18837 NOHns Im20y l40fast 6 104 3 1 1 2 2J 5141B Pool 7 CHuford Stick Pin OraMcGeo OraMcGeoBy DUQUESNE br h 8 110 By Broomstick Falerna J M Stowe 20748 Dorval 1 l43fast 25 ntf 1233 3 5 J J Do ld 0 Mud Sill VoladayJr BabySister 20643 Dorval 55 f l07fast 30 115 1 99 9l 10 E McKwen ly Sieutii Iiuiileta Laura 20574 Delmier 6i f l28hvy 4 113 6 1 1 I2 T McCUllfh 9 Hazel C Col Lady Bertha V 20452 Delmier 6i f l2Cgood 8 119 12 T McCulh 12 Bogart HhieJay CoIMcDougall 19954 Bowie 34 l15 fast 4 115 4 22 7 7 1 M Maths 8 Hob U Battery Palm Leaf 19931 Bowie 78 l28fast 100 115 6 7 6 4 41 4 ° 3 R Harton 8 Yodeling Canto Castara 19898 Bowie Im70yl52 slow 20 110 C 7 7 9 9SPOHN 9 9t4JR Harton 9 Cogs Little England El Oco OcoBy SPOHN b g 10 112 By Peep oDay Smirr J J McCafferty 20769 Dorval 5J f l08fast 20 109 6 86 6 7s F Cooper 11 Martre Bine Jay Ortyx 20645 Dorval GJ f l07fast 20 112 5 8 S 72 7 ° J II Snyder 12 Sleuth Inmiieta Laura 20C02 Delmler 78 l31fast 3 115 2 1 I LauraI 1 H Snyder 10 Diirin Swede Sam Voladay Jr 20448 Delmier Ab5S l04good S 112 ll2 C Knight 11 MissJean Jewel ofAsIa Tankard 19907 Havana 58 107 slow 10 119 2 3 C TankardC 7W Hinphy S PeggyL CathTuruer Elsewbe 19SSS Havana 5S l14hvy S 118 3 2 219G54 2 4iJ Hdnover G Chilton Trance Ynca K Maid 19G54 Havana 1 l44fast 3J 114 1 11 13 I2 T McCullhlO The Monk Malik Tay Pay 19528 Havana 34 l15fast 115 105 S 6 6EUTERPE 5 3 = H Lafferty S Czar Michael ChBrown Masalo EUTERPE b m 5 110 By Ort Welis Halcyon R Hanley 20770 Dorval 1 l43fast 12 112 S S 8 8 9 S3 J Smyth 11 THHhton Gerrard LTravers 20613 Bprval 24 l14fast 12 105J10 10 S 5ii 7 S Woholmi Egmont Irish Heart Mazurka 20513 Delmier C f l24good 2 105 4 6 4 4f Meehan 9 GRussell Tankard CMcDugal 20451 Delmier 6 f 125 good 21 105 10519S91 I3 Meehan 10 Electric Ben Ilncas Sir Dyke 19S91 Havana 34 127 hvy 4 109 2 4 C DykeC 7201F Robson 8 San Jon LoanShark Muskmelon 19S53 Havana 5S 103 good 7 119 1 fi 6 6 ° i T McCulh 8 Pesrsr L Ynca Chlltou Trance 197S8 Havana 34 131 hvy 7 110 3 7 8 S34 T McCulh 8 Tiger Jim Wander Cooster 19715 Havana 5S l20hvy 32 117 5 8 C CoosterC 22 F R6binsn 8 Tins Lark BrownPrlnce CSced CScedBy 0 TIS TRUE b B 5 112 By Otis Jennie II C H Rowe 0749 Dorval 34 Il41fast 20 114 6 R 3 5J 42i M Mthewsl2 Anavri Inquieta Snlders Best 20638 Delmier 65 f l24fast 6 115 Bestlt lt C Knight 8 Ruissean Tankard Hazel C 0627 Delmier 78 l31fast 3 115 Oci COci C Knight 7 TonyKoch LVanZandt IlazelC 20544 Delmier Ab58 l02fast C 115 5 4 3 321C Grand S Al Court Blue Jay Inlan 20447 Delmler Ab5S l03good 10 112 32 G Van BnIS Francis TGovernor OchreCourt 19404 NOrlns 34 l13good 6 108 4 33 31 771 A Pickens 11 Serenata Sunno Joe D 19329 NiOrlns 34 l13fast LO 113 4 22 31 32iJ Davenptl2 York Lad Serenata Hoffman 19236 NOrlns 51 f 107 fast 15 104 6 55 54 5JW Liiley 15 Broomsedge Cloak Belle Bird 19209 NOrlns 34 l15good 15 104 C 36 36OCHRE 6l SSjB Pool 13 Vlley Lady London Jes Louise LouiseBy OCHRE COURT br g 6 112 By Ogden By Ways Snannon Walker 20769 Dorval GJ f lYOSfast 7 114 2 11 10 5 S41 G Burns 11 Martre Blue Jay Ortyx 20C01 Delmier 6i f 125 fast 3 115 3 5 S i C Grand 10 luqnieta Phil T The Urchin 20447 Delmler AbrS l03good 30 112 112IS826 421 A Walsh 12 Francis TlieGoveruor OtisTrue IS826 Charlen 34 l18good 15 112 6 61S790 C 6S F Robinsn 5 M oisant Master Joe I Lavania 1S790 Charlen 31 llSslpp 4 103 6 7s 7 = W Lilley S Trovato Stealaway Crisco 18755 S1S730 Charlen 3i l14fast 20 109 S II1 iO18 W Lilley 14 Jessie Louise Sordello Nisadoo 1S730 Charlen 34 l17slow S 109 2 2HOISINGTON 51 gujw Lilley 11 Ajax Wolfs Baths 1IaiirAnn 11220C02 HOISINGTON b e 5 112 By Wadsworth Agno J E Farnsworth 20C02 920C13 Delmier 78 l31fast 10 115 9 7 941 C Grand 10 Spohn Durin Swede Sam 20C13 S1S846 Delmier 6i f l24good 20 112 S 7 58 C Stanford 9 GRussell Tankard CMcDugal 1S846 Juarez 34 l12fast 30 108 5 S S11 Cr W Carll 8 Delaney Ann Tilly John Hurie 19753 Juarez 1 140 fast 20 108 12 II HurieII 12iM Garner 12 Flor Kri IIardy The Cinder 19660 Juarez 1 151 hvy 8 107 1 5 44 J Robbins 5 R Onell Voladay II AODay 19622 Juarez 78 l33mud 3 100 1 63 3 J Aqton 10 Slngletoe M Coghlll Comraendn 19559 Juarez 34120 hvy 6 112 4 32 2i J Robbins 7 Bertha V Anytime Winifred H 19444 Juarez 34 l17slow 30 112 2 1 llu J Robbins 13 B Masterson Dungara Oblivion 71U199 19212 Juarez 1 l44hvy 12 105 7 42 524SJ Acton 9 Hassou DMontgomy ATeresa 1U199 9Iftlll JUarez 5i f l15hvy 20 114 9 84 43i J RoBbins 13 Lehlgh ChasGoetz BillyBarnea Iftlll Juarez 34 l15good 40 103 12 12 10 J Acton 13 Kitty Stanfield Elma Vesta 19074 Juarez 7S l26 rast 40 102 12 12 11I5JT Robbins 14 Flying Prince Conrad Ambri 19056 105131S670 Juarez 34 114 fast CO 10513 12 12JT Rabbins 14 Orlia Smile Vesta Gerthelma 1S670 Juarez 7S l24ifast GO 105 12 11 11 = J Howard 13 Cecil Rockdale Blacksheep 18564 Juarez 34 l17slow 40 108 13 14 14 14CAIN 14 14 JD Stirling 14 L London II Street Orl Lad CAIN CHASER b m 5 ilQ By Otis Chablis F J Pons 20745 Dorval 34 l15fast 30 11014 14 14 14 1117F Murphy 15 Slumlierer Wodan Paul Oaiues 11204S5 20643 Dorval 5Jfl08fast 40 1109 10 11 11 1121F Miirphy It Hroomsedge Un Dick Ford Mai 204S5 Wdbine 34 l14sloV 71 10511 11 11 11 II30 F Murphy 11 Anxiety Aprisa Ruffo

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Local Identifier: drf1915060601_5_4
Library of Congress Record: