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HODGE IS UUND CONDITION GIVES AWAY MUCH WEIGHT AND DEFEATS BRONZEWING AND OTHER FAST ONES. Track Slow, but Several Latoiiia Favorites Score — Plans lor Havana Racing — Frobable Independence Handicap Starters — Horse Shipments. Cincinnati. ».. -Tulv 1. W J. Weber*. Hodge qualified handsomely this aftel ii. miii for Ins .tart in III" rich I iiii-| ML-ii lfiHf Handicap, to In- run ncl Mondaj . the closing day ol the Latonia meeting, ii.v galloping homo in front of a fairly good band tn.ii contested with liim the mile and an eighth handicap which featured today*, card. He was eon-cediug chunks of weight l ail the others, but went out 1 1 • -1 ■ i the .tart and «et an exceptionally fast pace for the dull track an. I was under uilld restrain throughout. Bret ise wing wa. his closes! attendant at the end, with Goklcreet Uof foi low in j. Threatening weather did not keep the racing devotees awaj front the course and another large crowd was on hand. Notwithstanding the heavy losses entailed in the recent continuous failures of favorite., today*, .peculation waa of large vol me. The coarse was siui slow and rough for the tirst race, lmt Unproved as the afternoon pro greased. Some d the contest, were close and the liuishes exciting. Favorites tared fairly well and practically all the winner, received liberal support. 11. D. I.i nn. general manager of the Havana track, was a visitor this afternoon, having stopped oil en ronte to California, where he will make a brief visit. Mr, Brown .poke glowingly of the prospect, for Havana racing next sea. a and expect. to have a Idg meeting. While not ready yel with his plans, II . undersl 1 that the next racing season will exceed in duration last years. The re-tolling of the Hack will obviate the necessity of postponement, during the Inclement weather, [tie plant in general will be given a th rough overhaul nig and when completed will compare with the Kites in the world. It is Mr. Brown*. Intention to gi - no purses of l -s value than ui. Mr. Brown will be ready With his plans in ample- time before the opening. He will leave for the west tomorrow. . Perkins will ship Tetan, Gipsey George, Korf- bage, I ii 1 1 1 1 ■ • i -pari and Bve others that be is train m inn to Belmont Iark next Tuesday and campaign ■ iheui c,n eastern track, during the summer, returu- m [anj in the tail to Kentucky. P It. I.. Baker*, string 01 eleven racers will be nt to vYhniror nex fue-da to await the opening ot racing there. 1. Itawnan will ship his horse. to Lexington, to be rested until fall. W. 11. Tim moas, who at one time owned a pretentious string of racers that were campaigned on eastern tracks. bought trow C. T. Hughes today the cor Traction. A hard .bower fell just before the running of the last race and continued during the running. llandicappei Kdward Jasper announced this after noon the weights for the Independence Handicap, to l e run on the closing day of the meeting, next Monday. Seventy-four barse. are eligible to start in this mile and three sixteenths event, and the Held will likelv he made up ol Star Jasmine, lit; Prince Dermis. 10»: John Gund, 109; l- Bay, 105; Bronaewiiig. 105; Urevllle, IOG; Uortch, 103; Little ■ Nephew, H.»; Water Witeli. H9: K| eetatiou. . •: Ringling. 85; Embroidery, 02, and Goldcrest Boy, 90. I. at ilia work-out. over a slow track this morn ilig won-: leai h Comber -Mile in 1 : is-.. Brickie Mile in 1:17. Cannonade M ile in 1 : IS. Dare Devil Three-quarter, in 1:18%. Dnndrear.1 Three-quarter, in 1:19. lliiiro Half mile In 53%. Galirlo Tlin ■ c ighth. in :;s. Ceorge Stoll Mile in 1:40. Jacob. Half mile in :.!--.. .lane Straith Halt mUe m 51%. John Gund Three-eighth, in 38. John Jr. Half mile in 51%. King Box Mile in 1:48%. Kri. Krni-le Three-quarters in 1 .-*. Malheur Three eighths In ::s. Il in o 1 1 run- lial f mile in 55. Uncle I.ryn Mile in 1 : MS.