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FRENCH SARCASM ON ENGLISH ACTION. The faOaariag is from a French newspaper amh-lisbed on what should hare beea this years Derby Day al Id i : "Today the Derby should have beea ram. But Mr. Bunciman killed ii with a stroke of the pen. Something ••; England has disappeared. Something so traditional, -., national, so Inherent t- the life ,,i tin country, one would bare though I that even revolution coald not have touched it. The govern in, hi in live seconds changed the legendarj Bine BIbbon into a hand of crape. Fifty years ago, day tor day, Gledlatear won the Derby for the Count d.- La Grange, l-ast year. Darbara success was the second French victory in the BngHah Derby. Austria won in I87G with Kisher. The Germans liave won Hie Derby of 1915."