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bv VALUABLE HORSES REACH LEXINGTON. r Lexlngl ;. Ky . Jul] I.— George Mill r arrived from New Fork tonight with Manager Wait. Votary. Traditionii- .mil thirteen yearling, purehatied it. Lemaire, C. II. Berryman. T. «. McDowell, Jamet I. l!,- and George Starr .it Sbeepsbead Baj lasi mom ij . "Judging iioin the- way entries have been eonilnjs In." -aid Se.ieiaiy G. I. Wilson of the Kentuckj Asaoeiati n thiv afternoon, "the Breeders l*uturltj for 1917, * v. inch close, tonight, w II have- more aom InatSona than In anj year since u~ establishment." .1. ii. Keene today stated that be will take np fourteen yearlings next Saturday to be broken at the Kentucky Association lunjli.