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SECOND RACE— 5-8 Mile. 2-year-olds. Fillies. Allowance-:. 940657 :.! 1! Kill. I JACOBA, blk. f, 2 108 By Jack Atkin— Agnes Virginia J. 0. and G. H. Keene. -M. l.atonia l"1-,:,! 11 3 ltis 2 111- 1- W v Tlor .". C«rdi ■in.-. M. Elliott, GypsyBlair 2WM Latonia 3-4 1 "J Blow 4 M I sua 9;T,.l McCabe 8 B*d Twt, L. Always, BeyedKate •_■■■* Lexgton a E 1 :un-» 37-20 113 1 2 2 2- 2| .1 Butwell 7 Kinney, BelliU, Gtpsey George rnov? Lex art on 4i f M%fast 6-3 112 6 l l- l" J McCaTbe 7 M.r.lUn. W. Warbler, L.CrVhen 20033 Lexgton 1 2 EOtfcBVy 41-10 112 7 8 7J 711 V V Tlorll Important. S. Leagoe, Lucky R. BLOOD TEST, b. f, 2 112 Bv Helmet— Stumpy E. R. Bradley. .• M La ton la 5-S 1:02 sow 2,.; M M4 1 1 1 l» 1- I. Ccntry 9 L. Always. BeyedKate. Cardome ■ !..ii. in.i a 8 LOlVifast 3-5 Ml :. 1 2 2* 2 r Gaos S i.a.H Always, Pleuro, 8. League .1 Douglas S-8 "..--last 47:0 MM 4 3 2 I* 4*1 J McCabe 7 Bulse, Haw Henry. Pockiehoo GYPSY BLAIR, b. f. 2 97 By Cvclades— Moonshine W. Gerst. • l.atonia • S i 04 mad 5 I ll" 1 B 3 3« 2-. 1" Robinson s l*aulson, Bernini, Argument • l-atonia H l » -,t,i-i 36-3 97 I 4 .". 4" 1". K Lapallle 5 Jaeoba, Cardome, Mol. Rlttott l-atonla 8 i . •. v.i-t W 1".: 7 7 7 71 7-; i- Boblnsn H Dodge, II. Gardner, Bochestef • ■ Douglas 5-8 1:08 last 6-6 109 4 t 4 8» 2" I Robins n 7 Bulogy, B Troonet • Douglas 5 8 Irtftttfasl 9-N1M .". E .". 31 2". V Roblnsn 11 Moinen Star, Busy Joe, Eulogy n luii. hill V t .".■ ...r.-i-t ".14 112 6 5 4 2* r Robins i .1- Beaut] Shop, S. League, lai.iria • . I « Iiim lull #f H%afOW 19 3 112 2 1 22 24 F Kol.sonll Kathleen, Llhel May. B. Shop IAULSON. blk. f. 2 10? By Hurst Park— Isabella D. J. M. Foley. " Latonia hf 1:04 mad K lilt fi 8 11* Il J McCabe s Gypsy Blair, Bernini, Argument Latonia 5S1:oi%fast 1H liu 9 4 4 H In" .1 McCabe 12 Cora .. Dolina, Mary Bstelle "713 Douglas S 1:01! fast 33 95 5 I 5 ..-1 :.71. K Lapallle s Mary II.. Bessie N-. Intentloa ■ i i" .ii •■!:,• r r 63 good 39 1M 1 fi ;,u fi j McCabe 12 It. Strickland, B.Joc, R.Juli.tte • Douglas 1 f 7.7 .mu.l 33 106 !! 11 8" 9« R Hit 11 Y- i inaU. Chivator. A. Maacml ■ H Churchill i f 32 112 s I I1 7s V W TIorl2 Beauty Shop, G.Blair. S.Leegue 20178 Lexartoa | f G6 ihvy 4 M2 S 5 3- C-- V Lill.-y s S. Vanity. Snn Maid. South. Star MARGARET N., ch. f. 2 108 By Stalwart— Larlv Hope J. S. Hawkins, i I At on i 8 1 .•» ■■ test 31 10 ins -, ; 4 E B»j V .1 QBn •« Jaeoba, card. .mo. Mol. Rliiott 1 I a i ..ii. i r. 8 1 • !.: hw 2:!.". M3 I I 2 II l» II Garner •" BncyedKate, JohnJr.. C.MHJee Latonia 3-8 IMS slow 33 lo; s r, I Sj l«| W .1 ITBn » Bd Teat, L. Always, BeyedKate "774 Dougla? 3-8 3»%fast 23 M8 3 S I 7 7: E Martin 7 Buloe, Mar-- Henry, Pockicboo ■v7 Douglas tS 1:04 h v 23.". M3 4 4 2 3* S7 B lool 4 B.Kate. H. Gardner, S.Vaniv • 77 . inn. hill r. s 1 :.,. good 31 M9 Z 2 2 ZJ 2J K Pool 8 The UecWop, S. Leagne. Bellita • 7 Inn, hill 4* f S4%slow 2 112 .". 4 4 4J W v Tlor ". Lil.Sist. r. Sal Vanity. I" hnr. hill 12 4s fast 3120 11. I 3 P ! K Pool 12 Lit. Slater, LackyB., Boath.Star TANK STRAITH, b. f, 2 102 Bv Dalbonsie— Tickle . D. Parr. 64 Latonia 1 01 fast M ln7 1 3 4 4 4*J W V Tloru lit 1 1 Bigger, Bes ••■ X.. Dolina "v" Latonia 3-8 Id fa -1 I M9 . 8 7 7- 7*| W Mel, an !t Franklin. John Jr., Bocbester 1 Latonia 5-i 1 •,ia-i r. mi 2 t; 4 # i y B Goose 11 Savino, Ingot, l«»e«tn»enl Latonia 5-S 1:01 fast 86-5 110 1 111 T. it ;..ose 12 I oni-e Stone, Triad, M..I Clliott "• latonia 4! f B3%nad K 110 3 2 3 V II Alov 1. Mary II.. Intention, Mim Atkin BERNINI, ch. f. 2 97 Bv Puryear D.— Pourquoi W. A. Reid. La ton a 3-8 1 04 mad 14 110 :: 3 2 2» ; | B Goose S Paulson, Gypsy Blair, Irgnmen! Latonia ■ l:01%fast fld M9 8 9 * 7*1 E GrlBn 12 eon O.. Dolina. Mary EsteBe "• 1 .. 1 1"1 la t f1.1 liu 12 10 9 9 9"* A N.lon l _ . 111. Sti aitli. LoqlseStone, Triad ■ i Pimlico 4 f ;,.;• Cant 3814 no E 9 9 8* fi" 11 Chappell 1 Plumose, Qn of Paradise, lollta S3 Pimlico 41 f f.fivlop 42 197 2 S 8 S 7"ii Chappell 9 Blame, GfcMDer, King Tuscan