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PROBABLE CINCINNATI TROPHY HORSES. I.atonia. Ky., July l. With the prospects of fas traek condition- on Saturday, the date of the run inn;.- of the fourteenth renewal ol the Cincinnati Trophy, everything indicate- a big held going to the poat. Below will be found a list of the probable and in rbaps possible starters for the event, with the name of their owner, and the weight, they will have to carry: M. W. Parrish*. Bulse, !27: unbeaten slake winner. »T. P. Hayes* Kinney, 124; stake winner. *.!oliii F. Schorrs Ellison, 121; stake winner. «]•;. R. Bradley*. Blood Teat, lis: .take winner. T. C. Bradleys Big Smoke, 111: third in one o! bis two starts. •W. Bbowaltei Cane Run, 111; ■ winner. "John t liurcbill*. Old Charter, 108; . winner. *.leff Livingston. Il- uro, IPs. third in one of his two starts; Pvlroma, UK, third In two of bis four starts. »f». .. Millett*. -lack OPowd. 198; second in the Harold Stakes. Parrish ft Rogers Dr. Moore, 108; a winner. •Weber 6 Wards Franklin, ins-. . winner. ».. L. Bogers Heir Apparent, 111: a winner. »,lc-s Spencers Blackie Daw, 114; . several times winner. TJmmc marked with ■ ~tar are considered sure starters. Manager John Haebmeister has made every ar- rangemenl to ace nuodate the Immense crowd hi expect, to - the Trophy decided. On thai day excursion rate- will be In i mi on all the railroads leading to Latonia from pout. lot miles away in Kentucky, and to accommodate tin- local attendance, extra railroad trains and sine! cars will be la oire ration. Mode NIcoU has bought In the last three day. three young h"i-c which have been racing a l-i tonia and viil now go into armj service a- cavalry horse i. tit M. II. Henderson k Co.. be secured the t wo ye. ii old baj gelding, W. F. Knehelkanip. While of I*. M. Chill he bough the two year-old brown eoit. Teckwoud. and ol W. L. Lewi, be «e-cured Tenei wbiefa was at ane time regarded a. quite a promising Derby candidate. Nieoll bone. t. ii me -I .i linn, tborottgbiireds for this seme dni |ng his -in at Latonia.