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I ] j AUSTRIAN DERBY UNCERTAIN IN DATE. The Austrian Jockey Clab nieinh. rs aie still ap-parentl] hopeful of running their Derby, hut. according t "Deatscher sport." they bare been aaable to licliniteh arrange a date, or dates, fof the stunner meeting. Much depends on the operations in i, aii.i.i and against Italy. "Deatachet Stonrt" mik-u.sis July I. in order that the German horses engaged in the i. so classic may not he unduly ta..l prior to the German Derby, which is t,ยป be run on July 18 at I lamhuru-l lorn. Alternatively il is xuggested linn the Austrian Derby might he run on August I. -mi, weeks utter tkaa usual. There are In German horses lefl in the race, the Gradlta Studs Anschluss, the Messrs. von Weinbergs re en; big winner. Amnion-. Ir.iheir von Oppenliciius Masher, I Iriiee ll.henloh. Oefariugens two colt-. I Ian and Sonnenstrahl. The Bonmaaian owner. Mr. A. htarghilouiau. can he treld.v i.pi.-. nl.d with hi-] Deri winner. Iiasiu. Wilfrid and Stejar. I he remaining ihirty-si baraea lefl in the Austrian Derby belong to Hungarians and An in. in-. London Sportsman.