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WATERBASS IN WINNING FORM AT LAST. Takes the Valuable National Handicap on Dominion Day at Hamilton — Track Notes. Hamilton, tint.. Jul] I. -Dominion Hay drew a record-breaking attendance t the Hamilton J" k Chilis coarse this afternoon. The crowd pack d the big grandstand ami filled the lawn-. The dub provided a weU-balam-ed program for the occasion, wilh the National Handicap as t lie feature. This race brought out the best Held that lias gone to the post in tan :da this year. It also furnished a good c nte.1 .ml Amos Turneys Waterbas. was returned i the- winner in handsome fariii in after niakins; the pace all the way. T re were mx starters, including slumber II. Rain came uti just before the t ■eplechase and made the going -beppy. The change In the footing h-d man. to btrlieve that Waterhass chance- were ruined, in the horse simpi] revelli I I in the sloppy going aiat ran tin- best race he ha. shown in Canada t Lis uinuiei. Tactics wa- sec m«l I and fountain l"a laiil. toinnionada appeared I unable to extend bimtelf in the gtdng and was I never prumilH I.omlel and Crystal have Im-cii turned over to John t Walker, who will trai. them in future. The stable, of J. s lyiee. J. I. Ryan and C. W. Scott will he shipped from here to Whlsor t await the opening of be meeting there. c. Millar today sold the tbree-year-old tilly Stagger by Bowling Brook to J. Pearson, a Toronto - man. who will I* I the- mare with the hope - of getting a Kings Plate winner. Tin- Jumper. Fairy Godmother and Lady Rankin lane been turned over to Lewi. Garth. Andrea Blakele] n i •« I word from II. . Cotn-stock that if he dues not dispose of his yearlings at private -ale that lie will ship the entire thirtv-six in number t New Orleans consigned to ISlakelcy. who will I. leak and race them until they are disposed of. Several horsemen lave nln idy shipped their • stable, over to Tort Brie. This morning Gallaber Bros ami George R. Senn left with their horse-, and W. A. Burttscfaell will leave with the Sam Louis stable t- norr morning. Bdward UcBridi aiiuounce«l thai al the conclusion i e no • i in". ::t i ■•! ; Erie be would *end bis string to Saratoga. Mr- McBridt i- anxious to try out his tw-year old c »"ge Smith with some of the e iii in i racks, John Nixon, acting for C. Millar, has obtained an i option on the live w nliim- that Mr-. I.. A. Uving- [oa ha- at her farm at Coburg, »nt. They are to be the besl looking lot of youngster, that I in- f .nn ha- ■ I ir if duced. R. I!. Stedle aniMHueed that his horse, would he returned to Hamilton al the conclusion of the Port Brie uc ei r,iz. to he 1 1 -:■ d s. Louis received word from Maryland that River Kin" and Cri-o. which were turned out at the • c nclusion .1 [he Plmlieo meeting, an doing welL Ilic Bring iron- weie ipplicil to Crlsco*. ankles. Joekej i Garni will report to Herman 1!. Brand at Fori Erie Julj 6 and will ride for the .1, lie i -. i, I a- log I ilde. Charles Smith will leave f r Mn.koka Wharf nt the conclusion of the Hamiltoi etlag. j. it. Warren, one of W. partners, returned to Chicago tonight. - _ «, Thirty-nine layer, wen- in line at the Hamilton truck the afternoon. Anion.: the pew operator. , - - were J. White-ides. ,T. Mellinger and Hyde and Co., of Chicago. Albert Robrback and Sheridan Clark were among the vBtrora at Hamilton this aflornoau. Mr. Robrback left for Buffalo tonight.