Seventh Race [7th Latonia, Daily Racing Form, 1915-07-02

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, . 1 I , . ■ , , 1 , , , ; r 7 . j . . , ,", 1 v r n SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 3390 1:43% 3 110. FLYING FEET. b. g, 7 115 By Woolsthorpe— Winged Sandals T. M. Irvin. 20984 Latonia Im70y 1 :46%good33-20 113 4 4 S 5 5" 5«1W .1 OBn 0 HardBall, H. Private, Fellow man 2IW01 i.aiiniia 1 I 16 l 0 mini 37 M 112 2 11 l 1 l» VY .1 DBnlO I.a Mod.-. Hermuda, HighPrirate 20606 Douglas 1 I s 1:53 good fi 7. M4 1111 2" " W -I OBn 8 Gold Color. O.rdh- I.. Goldy 20243 Churchill 1 1 Ifi 1:47 fast 17 10 no 12 3 4 9 f»j W .1 0*B*a ■• DM Ben, Guide Post. Briektey 18245 iAtonla 11 Ifi LlfiHfast SSlolKI 2 2 2 1 2» 8» A N.yh.n • La Mode. Ask Ma, HOWdTHowdy 18151 l.atonia 1 I Ifi 1 :4fi fast 92 211 M7 1 E 3 fi 61 8»1 F Murphy ! Injury. Tenghee, Brookfteld 17909 Chun hl 1 1 4 2:nS mud 12 20 Mfi 1111 1- 1- IMurpliv 9 MarshOC. MaivAnnK.. Milton R. I7si»i Churchl 1 is i::,.,,iiuiii:i 28 102 111 1 l5 !• !• Mnrphy 8 Marshon. MIHoa R. Ihil Mohr WHITE WOOL, ch. g, 7 115 Bv Wool sthorpe— Mad ine W. H. Baker. 21265 Latonia I 1 Ifi 117 fast 22 10 MS 4 2 1 1 1] ■ It Goose 8 Hermuda. Altamaha, Consoler 21214 l.alonia 1 1 Ifi 1 : Ifi- last ... Ill 3 11 1 2J 2- II s Moekerg. Wryaeefc. lliiiinnla 2112E Latonia 1 1 ifi 1 : 17 fast 31-5 113 llll 2» 5»i R Goose In IrishGntleman. Eloekery, Hmlns 21008 Latonia 1 1 If. 1 :lt;-v fast 21 26 Ms 3 11 1 l| l"k B Goose m Mockery, WIldHorse, I. II diir 20870 l.atonia 1 I 16 l:46%fast 12-5 Ml 4 11 I 1» ::- . It Goose 0 P.Kngene. S.Actress. Cmaaretta 2OT43 Douglas 1 3 Ifi LaS.fasI 47 10 1 im; 111 1 Il 2 » R loose 10 Hard Rail. P. Ku-ellf, Getty KING BOX. b. g, 5 108 Bv Box— Eric Belle P. J. Miles. 2109* Latonia lm7»v 1 : 1! ■ iroo.l f I » 111 1 1 1 1 2 I Muiphv 12 P.A. Weigle. J.Kavgh. fndatlon 18097 Laurel I 1 Ifi l:4i;.lasi :.:: m Ml 1 1 2 2 2 21 .1 Keders 7 Work. Lad. Dr.. tun. 1. Lit. Rutland I7:i27 l.aur.-l 1 1 Ifi 1 r.-.last 27 105 s 6 5 4 3 2 .1 Kederis In Basbi Head. Hoi ton, Gerrard I7sii; Laurel 1 1 ifi 14". last 12 M4 1 3 2 4 4" !• .1 Kederis 7 B. oLigfat. Work. Lad. CarltooG. 17fi:.7 l.aur.l 1 1 8 l:334Kfnst 39 MS E 3 4 4 S1 1 .1 Kederis 7 Ililawav. Dakkarst, C.llolloway 17336 H.deGce lniTuvl :4:.- 4 M3 2 1 2 2 V Y- .1 Kederis S Sepolveda. Battery. I.. Travers 17111 H.deGce Im7n 1 4 .-tlasl 7-10 169 3 3 1 1 "• ■.- • .1 M.lalny 7 Battery, Napier. Roht. Oliver 17263 H.deGce Im70yi:i3 fa-d 15 Ms 3 4 I 2 2 4i .1 Kederis ll Walters. Orperi h. Royal Meteor KNEELET. b. f. 3 102 Bv Banastar— Dulrinea W. R. Mizell. 1. 1 ii,. nia 1 1 14 1 "■" slop 4 "• 99 7 fi 2 2 3 2. J Ma her 7 in... liis. Commauretta. Santa Bole ■■I : l.alonia 2 4 111-, hv v is mi | s s fi . . • 1 Stirling S Grosrenor. Amaxun. Carrie Orme 20998 Latonia 2 1 1 121, last 17 Mill 11 11 10 M""W Meehan 11 RovalTea, Oakland. Longfellow 26870 Latonia 2 4ii7-.hw 7, Iihi 8 4 2 2* 1 W MeehanlO Werproof. Alkaoet. a. Lawrence 20879 Latonia 1 1-lfi r I..-.fa-1 55 Mil 2 4 4 3 fi" 7"IK Martin ! Pce Engene. S.Actress, W.Woal -7ii Douglas 1 1 ifi l:17%fasl 37-14105 7 8", 3 61. fi" A Moll s Disillusion. K. Kringie, Ihindry 10703 Douglas 3-4 1:14 good 73 mo fi 9 6 8s .".1 Matter 11 Amason. Mass Ik. RIackthorn 29978 Lexgton Im7»yl:44 fa -t 4 M7 3 2 3 4 3 PfT McTagt 8 Type, first Piddle. Schemer FREEMAN, b. c, 3 102 B- Sir Huon— Merry Heart G. J. Long. 1321 latonia 3-4 l:15%hvy 91 In inn 1 E 4 3. 3". M Carui-r 11 FitsgeraM, Gosreoor, MgaretD. 1212 l.alonia ImTOy 1 M%fasi 82 M9 s 7 fi E 7 t*% 1 MeCabe S I " i 1 1 1-i. .11 . I "in int.-t 1.1. Ddrearv 11 ■:: l..ii,.nia ImTOy 53 103 7 8 8 9 8 8" II Ott s MissTliorpe, GdePost. S Win- 21. hi: l.alonia 2iii".ta-t fis 113 7 9 8 Q B»« A Case H I n. 1. I.imi M.Cassidy. Converse i .7 l.niouia 2. 1 l:16%hvy 71 10 as 6 3 2 .". 1 M lamer m Snreret, Batina. Ir. Donahert] 0896 l.alonia I I l:tfi mini la In lnfi 7 4 2 2- i-h B oil 13 Talebearer, Ciiinpv. Wterproof OR KEN, ch. m, 6 10G By Orou* — Jenny Monroe C. W. Reidinrar 1337 3 I l:14%slow 25 in I N I , 6" A Moil 11 RioBrasos, Roy.Tea, UartinCascs 21265 Latonia 11-14 1:47 fast Ifi Mfi 7 13 4 r."." Motl K Hermnda. WbiteWool, Altamaba ••l.alonia lm70y l:44iigood Tld 108 1 3 S 7 V • V .1 nT.nl2 F.A.Weigle, K.Box. J.Kavangu 2«9SO l-itonia 2 I 1:11 slow 124 Ml ", S fi fi *■" B Otl 7 Blackthorn, C. Orme, l.l-in.lrla 2H839 Latonia 1 1 16 1 : fhi mi 7 4". s 10 M "c Jonea 11 GIga Star, A.-K Irish Gentleman 20194 1.. i;ion 2 1 I:i3%fas| 128 10818 9 10 M l"7L Gentry II Masnlk. Qnsrtermaster, Gahrki •0113 Lexgton 2 1 1:13 .fast fhl IM 11 11 m M l« I. Gentry II IjM-knme, Roy.Tea, Con Deli vy 19173 l.alonia 1 1 Ifi 1 : 17 fast 1 .fi M7 r.6 7 s s si: on 10 Joe Stela. Weyannke, Ron Kois,. VERENA. br. g. 5 108 Bv St. Simonian IL— Tormenna ,L Hogan. I 3 I iloin.i 1 1 M 1:47 fasi 23 M7 s M M M M 1"" W .1 iiRnlu I. -man. Mockerv. Otmlo! • . I ..itonia 2 I 1 :lfihvv 27 M3 1 7 .". • • R lr |uhrtH Freeman. Soreget. Ratios 20401 Douglas 1 1 16 1 : |si-,niu,l M ml 5 1 1 2 ■ I: I rqnhrl 7 Marshon. Ai i-. Haul l.all • :• ■■ . him hill Im7iv 1 li.-t.niu.l 27 10 103 3 4 C. 0 1; 8" R Urqohrt u It: I. la. Transit •n.-si •hur.-liill 1ni7ovl l|-.-fa-t ■ MB 7 s 9 s 7 V* R Ililiail 7 Marslion. Tavoiara. L. II Adair -.11213 Churchill 1 1 16 1:17 fasl 13 MS 1112 4 I"1 B Iniliarl !l did Bea, Gaide lost. Rri, kl,.y ALLEDO. br. f. 3 97 Bv 0»t nf Reich— May Mack W. Woodard. Lllfifi l.atonia 11 I61:46%fast 7.1 95 12 3 3 2* 2" K Lapallle !i A. is m.i Ben, Hermuda ;i I.iionia 1 I M 1:48 K.....I 25 M4 11: 2.1. 4;] Is I.apaill. :. Cnnnaui-.-tta. Martlnos, Fidget 11039 I .at. una lm70 1 : lo-v.niii.l 71 10 f, 2 2 2 2 2" 2" K Lapaille !l I. Panchita, Alli-nCain. Sth-klin 20971 Latonia 3-4 linvhw 28 102 7 7 8 8 s"i:oiit p Taleliearer. Blaekthorn. Oakland 20711 Douglas 2 4 l:lMast 67 98 s 7 9 S s" M earner 10 Droll, Gabrio. Longfellow 28659 Douglas 1 1-K l:4$%falB E 82 7 3 4 fi S 8-- M Carner .v Hard Rail. I. C111I h-uian. G.Pont TWILIGHT, b f. 3 90 Bv Dick Welle,— Glena W. P. Johnson. 1 1 at a 1 1 ifi 1:34 slop 17 EC 12 6 6 fi fi- K lapaille 7 i»l«dns. Commanretta. Kneelet ".!■ 1 glas 1 1 16 ii7-.iast 4 MS ..7s s s s"; i. Gentry sn Disillnslon, K. Kringie, Dundry 20431 Douglas 3-4 1:17-. Ins 25 MB 4 7 9 M M*!. Gentry H Amason. Mallard. Alledo 19973 Juarez 2 I 11 Mast 2.2 M7 2 5 E 3* E* II Clark 6 Bine Racer, Tower, Dad l ai.-« I.. ". Inn./ 1 1 10 fast 1 93 8 5 4 4 2« 2»* M Garaer 7 iilil.i. Stolen Ante, Spindle 19872 Jamrei 2-4 1:12 fast 4 MB 4 6 5 41 V M Garaer 7 Had liains. Viva. B. A. .Innei l97il6 Juarez 7-8 l:26V4fast 21 97 5 4 3 4 41 4JJ li W Carll t Poutefrt. Theodorlta, D.idDavs 1. A. WEIGLE, b. g. 3 104 Bv The Scribe — Divide D. N. Prewitt. 21 •• Latonia 1 I M 1:50 - v 87 " I"- 1 I 5 B : •.. " M «tt V Dbolus. Cotnmaurctta, Kneelel 211X7 I. it.. ma 11-16 1 h..ia-t 27-3 KB 7 1 I 1 O I7 1» Stirling II Star Actress, W.llorse. HclcnM. l"" l-iimua lm70y 1 :1 1 -.K.M.d riil K 2 3 ■■ - l,,k 1- 11 Stearnn 1- K.Box, J.Kavaagh, Foundation :«:,■■ i.ii .i :; l I 17- bvj 39-9 197 7 !• s 6* o " i A N i.m in Knrrk t. Waterproof, Alkaael 20868 I. .it.. ma 3 I 1:1:- fast 29 5 102 5 ;. E 4 4;1, B on 7 II. Declare, Gabrio, sl heart Sue C98 lii.iiMlas :: 1 1:1::-, last 22 192 8 8 S o • B "it 9 CarrieOnne. Cannonade, Malheur is i latonia 51 f l:08%fast 34 109 10 !» S M 8« C Groai 12 Long Beach, Jester, P*ee Albert 18159 I ai.. ma f. f l:08%fast « H 9 C 4 8 S* ss W V Tlorl2 Bora] 11.. Hooa Hoo, S.riait 17999 Churchl 3-4 l:144sood rid las 11 lo 10 :• rHl Pool 14 OohL Girl «Va Brother. BUlyJot SIDNEY HELLMAN. ch. g. 4 103 . By Hermis— Kate Trcacy T. J. Abrams. i - latonia J l 14 l IT i.i-i ■"! Ill 3 7 7 7 V OM Kobinsn 8 Hcniiuda, WhiteWooi, Altamaha 20M5 I. .i-i.ii, a :. I I ii- liw 136 11117 s s I : -■ ■ GrUnn 10 l.a.h Panchlta, ELTea, Fellow man 18336 l.:it..nia 1 1 8 1 ."_■■, la I 71 1"! 8 9 9 II 9 V" A Noyhm IO JoeDeibold Bob t. Kay, Slick Tin 1 14 l.iti.nia lm70y l:44%fast rid Wl 11 12 12 12 12 7-3 K Tool 12 Indolence, Bobert K.. Baa. .Inn 18193 Latonia 1 1 II 1:41 mod 234 lot .".7 7 7 l«» 9" W Obert g Bonanza, BneCbancc, BermnOa 18132 Latonia lm70y l:44%fast fid 100 IS 13 13 !• 9« sTi B Pool 13 Mockery, Robt. Kay, P. Latimer 17 13 L.Vgii.n 1 I lo 1 :io--in -t fid :9 7 4 5 7 7V I" P Kohinsu 12 Expectation, Curlicue, ORelBy 17012 Lexgton Lm70yl:50%hvy 106 M 0 6 7 5 5- 6" ■ Pool 7 Gold Color, Bar/ Hill. Weyaaoho

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Local Identifier: drf1915070201_5_5
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