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• i • , CURRENT NOTES OF THE TURF. After Me-eling Bouse ran the la-t day al Jamaica ami bled he was quickly sold to J. 0. Talbott. Il.i luit L. Pratt does not think highly enough of the two-year-old. Mafia and Bessllen to keep them and has directed trainer James tftnstauMNH to dia- pose of them. The ceiiclition of Secretary Allie London of tin- Hamilton Jockey club .how. steady Improvement, and be will be able to have the hospital mueb before- the period usual in suih cases. Jockey. C. Knight and A. Walsh are under sus-peusion for the rest of the Delorimier Park me ting for rough riding and the "herding of other horse. than their mount- In races in which they rode. John L. Coyle ha- brought Chu|iaclero around into condition for racing again, lie announce,. Chupa-dero was injured while schooling at Brookline and it was thought for a throe that bis raeing days ware o. r. From January 1 to and including June- olt of this year. ,273,610 has been di.trlbuted among owners in stakes ami purses by the racing association, of the United States, Canada. Mexico and Cuba. The number of races run was 2,521, of which 1lo war i stake races. The steward, of the Royal Calcutta Turf Club are -dated to have receiitU-- made I icimniunication to the various management, of race meeUnn;. under their Jurisdiction to the- effect thai they disapprove-of belling monopolies Uoing give-n to any syndicate of bookmaker, or any one firm of bookawken. .Iockeys Walker and Jolly sustained broken collar-j hones as a resiill of their fall, in Tuesday*, stee-ple- caatfe at Aijutduct trom Dr. Paenner and Hustler, respectively. Dr. Duenner. by the way. is not proving the sucee-ss through the field it Was expected In- would. lie fe-ne-cs uncertainly and appears to need much schooling. Watercress IF. pure-based for 85.800 at Memday*. sale at Sheepshead Bay tor the- Klkwood I.irk Stable, will get a rest before trainer James McLaughlin puts him in active training. He is reported to have Worked three-eighths ill "0. ami 011 another occasion five-eighths In 1:02 before h-aving I the Haggin farm In Kentucky. The recent race wherein Roanter defeated sir emboli ami Haruiuiicon. strikingly illustrateel how a race may be- affected by atmospheric conditions. Running with the wind, the tirst half milt- was c-v nil in p;--.. being at the rate of a mile in 1:32%. Itut running against the wind for most, or the last half, the horses wen- so Jawed down that it was covered in the mrn-h slower time of ."«.!. or at the rate of a mile in 1:48. t the- annual meeting of nu-niber.s of the Canterbury Jockey club. Christchurcfa, .N. /... the balaace-s|n 1 t showed that, as coaipared with the previous tin. nn ial year, the decrease in revenue was nearly 0,000. The clubs expenditure for 1814-15 was 8283, 185. of which 88,850 went in stakes. The re ceipts came to 8301.185, of which KIT 1 .o.iO was derived from the totalizator. .!HT from race receipts and ;s.:;:h from nominations and accept amis. The New Zealand Racing Conferi-nce is still making thing, unpleasant for bookmakers, and recently warned dnba thai If they allowed alleged bookmakers on their course to witness racing it would be at the risk of having their permit, withdrawn. Furthermore, it is reporteed thai one offending rtnb has been warned by the minister of internal affairs that another breach of the regulations with retard to bookmakers will result in the caareOattoa of its license. If the bookmaker is not maele to feel hiin- seii a pariah la New Zealand it is certainly not the fault of either the government or the Racing Couftreuce.