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I , I . ; . i , , HAMILTON FORM CHART. HAMILTON, ONT.. THURSDAY. JULY 1, 1915. Sixth dav. Hamilton Jockey Cluh. Summer Meeting of . dav-. i.v.i Pooks on. i Weather clear first, showery thereafter. Ilesidiug Steward. Francis Nelson. Presiding Judge, F. W. Gerhardy. Starter. A. B. Dade. Racing Beeretary, a. U. Loudon. Racing starts at 2:45 p. m. Chicago time 1:45 p. m. I. •Indicates apprentice allowance. h "I OO/k LiKST KAt K 5-8 Mile. S20C 50% 2 Khi. i Palace at Wales Pane. Parse, 8500 afl JLOOvf 2ycarol.|s. Ilntdehs, Caaadl aa-loaled. Allowances. N.| value to winner 7 : second. 3: third. .V o. 1 ndex Horses AW tPDSt U .j ■j Sir Kin Jockeys Owners O II C I S 21256McKKIDK w no 1 1 V 2» 2* l3 .1 Smyth Brookdale Stable! 12-54-6 1-2 out 21256 II Li LAS KI.AMi: wit llo 7 3 V 1" l« 2* .1 Acton A Dulcrolt 28 M M I I 21005 I.II.I.V I Ki:w w 113 .". .", 5* i4 :i V G Hums .1 l Dawes 2| I 3 :; .", 11 212ai KAIlll.LLN II. vv 115 2 2 S1 4i l1 4* N KennedyJ Hendricks 20 40 H M • ffj 21256 WATBROOWN wn 115 I 4 P .:. •"• :.»t .1 MetcaM .1 S Hebdrie lo c, s 1 1 21052 TlloltM Kill 1: Willi.". :• f. . .". 51 6«* P GoldstnThorncliaTeBtnble 8-5 ::v ::. 1 2 ". m DOROTHY CABUN vv 11.". I 7 7 7 7 7 A SchuffrL A CampheU 20 40 lo It I M lime. 24, 48-,, 1:02V-.- Track fast. Winner h. g. I,y Red I"o II. Depends trained bj G. Walker. Went in post at 2:45. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; sec, ml and third driving. M.DK1DK wore lie tiring leader, down in the homestretch and was going away through the last fifty yards. IIKCLAS lLAMK showed much the most speed or the first half. Put tired in the iasl eighth. LILLY l-ltKW was uoiug last at the linish. I I KUtXI LI I TL was pulled up at the start. t 1 Q *_ I SECOND BACE About 2 Miles. 10054 4:03% 0 lt:2. 1 Mount Hop. Steeplechase. £ X O O JL Ilirse ;oil. 1 jeari .Ids and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 30; second, ; third. iji.iO. Index Morses A W llISt ". IP 13 IS lin Jockeys Owners O II C P S 90000 HUMILITY ~ w~~ T. 14o 1 1 :: Z| !*• V 1-- F Willms L W Garth M .: r. 1 2 out - 151056 VLl.SI NT vv 7 14.2 I 1 • I 3 3 2 S HisKins M I-roy I 12 1. out 20982 DKCATHLON w4 127 4 4 l | 1« l| •*• 3 II Boyle atlapah stable 2 11 :,ll d 3 out 21223 JIM 0. « 0 14:: 2 2 Kan out .1 1 Jup, e W G Wtl on 20 24 lr, I 4-"j Time. 4:12. Track slow. Winner th. m. by Dryn Mawr Penitence II. trained by L. W. Garth. Went to post at 2 13. At |H,st 1 111 i ii 11 1 , . Stan good ami slow. Won cantering: second and third driv ing III MII.1TY was sav,,l under restrain! until in the Iasl turn of the held, then moved up rapidly when going to the last teii.c. where she disposed ol DECATHLON VI.LSIM fenced well. I.ut lacked speed DECATHLON swerved alter taking the gfteenth fence and forced the winner out with him. then bolted through a nap to the oatheM and waa palled up ai the fnlsh. JIM 0. ran out at the fourth fence. The winner was enter,,! for 00; BO bid. . 4J a OOO TH1KD BACK 3-4 Mile. 90335 111 8 113. Parse 8500. 4 year olds and upward and J. ♦ 3 O £i Selling. Net value to winner $.273: second. 3: third. $. . Index Horses TwPPSt 4 ~T~:l7 S~tr~lii Jockeys Owners O H C I S 21261 ASTBOLOGES ws 0 105 S - lb l"u I" lll J htetcalf T J Ehvard 12 12 7 : I 8U57**PATTENGE WB I MB 3 : !• .1 Acton lira .1 Arthur :: Ij :: 1 1 21260 CLIFF KDiiE wit 9 l»s s s 7 .." . t;1 ::i. A Key Ion H E Watklns 8 M M 4 21261*V Kl w 7 100 3 5 I1 ■. • 3* 1" .1 aforya . R Sutherland BO Put so 40 2t 21307 SURPASSING wis 4 110 , 9 M ■ ■ •• " ■ F T. alum .1 J Ryan I o 20 8 4 3U06*SINGLE w 4 101 M 1 ", •; 61 « T Par* gt on Clinton Stable 8 8 5 ! 0-5 20582*. Kit: I l wn .". Ms I | ak 7ak 7k 7.,t w StevsnH .1 Mcdravv ti S s I I i 21295*111 DAS DKOTHFIt vv 4 104 7 10 9 8* 8* 8J K M.DotlX I.r.nt 81 llo M 12 I 203351M AIUOUID A. vvi: 7 111 4 in 4 4*1 9* B Tnplln II G Bedwell 7 ", 11 .".II ",t 1 21295 SI LLL Al A WB 4 102 1 7 8 H M lo W Oberl Mrs A F Daytonl2 12 12 6 *j lime. 233r„ 48, l:14s. Track sloppy. a inn- r Dlk. h. hy Star SI I I reiiiorne train, d by J. ». Diirtlschell 1 . Went to post at 3:40. At post 1 minute. Stall good and slow. Won driving; second and thild the same. ASTBOLOGEB weal to the front with a tush and led at a fa-l pace to the stretch turn, where be imw awav. I, in had to he ridden hard t ainlain his position. PATIENCE wa- a close contender all I he wav and finished CLIFF EDGE closed a gap and outstayed the tiring VAN DC at the cad. SI R PASSING closed a hiu rap. MABJOBlE A. null Padh. The winner was entered for 8300; ao hid. Scratch, d 21021 I out. 107. iv, rw eights Surpassing, 2j pounds; Stella ta, 1. 41 1 OOO FOIIBTH HACK 1 1-8 Miles. 3228 I 50% — 5 — 115. Seventh Running National X f O O Handicap. 82.080 Added. 2. v. ar olds and upward. Net value to winner :£1..iL" ; second. y::oo: third. HI. TdVx Horses AWtPPSt A /■; % Sir Fin Jockeys Owners 0 H CDS 20921 "WATEBBASS wn4 110 4 4 i- i* 1- l«l 1*1 W AndressA Turn, y I v ::v 8-5 3-5 i21294TA"lKS wn 6 DG 5 5 5 1 5* V t% -■ 1 Acton P .1 Coleman ii C 3 I 21294 1H NTA1N F wb 5 li 4 ii 1 Zj ! p| 8* :s .1 Smyth ThomcliffeStable 7 1", 15 4 i20936isi.i V1BEB II. w4 120 I 3 4; I»l 4* I 4" F QoldstnL S Thompson 7 :. 2 • 4 ". out 21205 1 OMMONADA arg 2 loo 3 2 V 4a* "•" "• •* F Tnplln H J Austin 1-5 4 : 1 1 - 21225 BABNEGAT W8 5 102 250088 C YanDunR E Watkins 20 20 10 4 2 TUne, 244s. 49. 1:15. 1:41, 1:55. Track sloppy. Winner Br. •. hy Waterhoy Bassetlng trained by W. M Martini. Went P, po-t at 111. At post .", uiinutc Start good and sh.vv. Won easily: second and third diiv ing WATEBBASS took the lead while going to tfce tu-st turn and drew away int.. an easy lead on the 1 i-kstretch, then had 1.. be 11,1,1, ■ ont la the la-t eighth to dispose of TACTICS, bal tinailv woa coquTorta- bly Tie- latter moved up on the inside while rounding the far turn. Put tired alter getting to the leader lii VI 1 n 1 wa a forward contender all th. wav. COMMON ADA appeared aaable to extend himself in the going. SLCMBEB II tired kadi] in the stretch. Scratched 21223 ladohan 1 104. Overweights Coniniouada. 1 pound. £-a a *h » j FIFTH BACE 3-4 Mile. 108375 1:11 »- 113.1 Pane $.H . 3 year old- and apward J 1 OOt I 1II1.- ind Mares. Selling. Ncl value p, winner $|.3Q: -,t„ih|. •fliM; third, ." . "Dale I [.uses A Wl IDSt 4 ~ Sir Fill Jockeys Owners I || C I S 21261 K 1 1 k wa 6 116 7 2 V :"""- l1 T PargtonP Staton « .". 2 9-6 7-10ont 21261 REFLECTION wa ■■ 105 5 s 7- 4* 1 -! V l„it Mrs A F Dayton , r. 21157 1M JtGINSON vv .", 108 11 I* 1* 1" 3 .1 Acton Clinton Stabta 4 4 2 4-5 1-2 21260 MI- v VTEBS vv I 110 ! ij 8* 6* 1*1 J M.t.alf F .1 Ions s s | 21292 Miss GAYLK in: I IM 8 2 :" :: 3* W Ural * A Crew 1 i :, I 21207 l.l 1 .1.1 A N MtllT wit t 111 :• "• 4" v •■ 8 L McAtee E J Crawford 89 N 38 12 I 21260*1 WIIINLA w .". Km; •; I E a V 7L TL W Stev n-l Fh I ■ r 28 SB 15 I 21058il WI.USMK wn 2 05 1 7 8 8 8 8 F Forehd S Rons : M :;.. u I Time 24. 49",. 1:15. Track sloppy. Winner D 111. by Deep .Dav Wantage trained-bj F. Staton*. Went to |h,-i al 1:11. Al post 1 niiiuii.. star! E | and slow. Woa easlv ; second and third drif K All: K was s,n.,i under restraint until in he la-l eighlh. when she moved an rapidl.v and. liking the lead we going awav al the end. REFLECTION mad,- a wide turn when entering the boasestretcb, Itll was going fast al 1 it.- linish. MAMA JOHNSON showed the most speed l,r the lirsl half. I.ut tired liollv MISS GAYLK tired and unit In the Rtreteh drive. The w inn. 1 was entered for 8500: 11.. hid. Scratched 21 .".::2 Iati.ii.e. | III: 21 21U1 Loudon. 110: 213*1 I ad.v Spoil ii.lle. 1ii::; 212ft! Laura 11" 1 4-1 O O K SIXTH i:ti: 5-8 Mile. 3308 .i.V. - l"o. Parse 83 2-year-olds. Maiden*. A J I 111 Allowaii,,- Nej value lo winner •f.17.": s.coml. -".: Ihird. $. . i 1 "luuV Horses MVnTSri~i, *4 Sir Fin Jockeys Owners H C I S 81301 P RT LIGHT wa 102 11 8 2* I* l« I* W Ural L 8 Thompson 3 1 21 I 1 ! 21259 PEEP SIGHT vv it 100 1 I 1 21 2* 2* J Sm th Tlnrn.litl. Staid.- 2 I 4 s .4 , 1 21221 II AUI vv Hh; 11 8* 8 8** S*» L McAtee F Presgrave 7 7 4 - • I • I 21053 I U BBCSH vv 100 12 7 5| 6" 1 I" R Shilling T .1 Bird 10 ir, g 8 S • 21027 01 KAN PRINCE WB 10B lo » 7 7- i| W Vndn bJ S Tyree :: :; l-a t-t 21290 I / WIGGINS w 103 s 1 ** D "• 6 • Connors 1* l Dons 11 :;,. 38 1 • 21201 snsiini; wn 108 C C I :: 2". 7 A Neylon I Livingston 1". 8 15 • I 213H UB si 1 I.IVAN wa li»2 7 :» 8" 8* si si , Collins E .1 Crawford 39 88 30 l- • . 21222 M.iLLI.VND ui 1 1 ui "■ 4 Baa .; •. VanDunA Tnmey :: 38 8 12 ♦. 21053 -1 KEN APPLE w 100 4 ". 7 1" 1" 19* K Forehd H i:„- 30 38 S8 I 4 ", 21221 TLS1I TITSH WB 88 I 13 11- II* II* 11* J Acton Keystone stable 1". 1 i : i ■ 3 i 20612 l.oKDI wu 10.7 lull 12 12 12 12 J kfetcalf P Sheridan 20 30 :n S 4 II Time. 24i, 49-;5, 1:0235. Track sloppy. Winner R. «•, by ll.-uuhurg Moralagatde drained by . Mm«, -iii to poet :it 5:00. A i noal « ii u,. . atari l;.....1 niui alow. Won c.-imIv: *Noad awl thin] .1 driving. PORT LIGHT began tat footed. l ut wen I u I on atatde with n ru di and wear-IBS the leaden down, drew awaj lata a laag lead la the I:im nearter. PEE MIGHT cnl acroas in ii.ini ..f the others at the atari ;in l. after aetl i i ir the early pave, held m well to the end II ui r. • !• rd i gag and Mitgamed TAB BRUSH. OCEAN Illl.M i; waa reoeatedly pulled up. s .svn o Bbowed speed. Scratched 21053 Clara Morgan, W; ivtiar. 112. « verM-i£h_l .1. X. WiLuins. 1 pound: Saiisyuiin-:. 1: Algardl, 3. fc | QQjT-i SEVENTH RACK 1 1-16 Miles on Tu~rt 82982— 1:45%— 0 wT FI.muIh.i,, Purse. - + -*■ O O " j* Pane 1809. 3-year-olda aad upward. BeUlag. Net ralae to arlaaer 50; w 1 sum: third , 0. " lcx Horaea AWtliSt U % Str Fin Jockeys Owners o r- |- s - 21207 »p.l i; i iiii i wb 3 .is 7 S ll 1* 1- 1- 1* R McDottA Turney 7 5 8 ." I 0 1 ■ out "2% I i:uock u :; m l l q »i : 2 J »ij l M. At.- R B Btelle . « •■ 7-10 *JI22*JOE STEIN vv 7 -i I B3 5 1 :.i 61 ::■• T Par*«tonE W Moon 10 10 IS :. - 1 212b2*l LY IIOMK rilM I I lJ 1 SI 3] 4* J Actoa W Martin 4 ti j 7 .. 7 lo lo iaoai RAINCOAT wa :; lHi 2 7 7 7 7 t;- ; - r VanDunH oots 1 8 8 2 _ i»y*4 LUTHER .vii 8 II" i 1 •"• :;"• 11 iJ 6* .1 Smyth J A Gibeoa 3 4 1 6-5 3-5 5 12Z7 OOL. UOLLOWAX m 8 lo7 o 2 6» ti" a* 7 7 .1 htetcalf l l Scanloa IS 1G 12 4 1 Tim. . 25. 50,. IM%, 1:42, 1:50. Track sloppy. Winner 1:. ,. by Tnnavaal Misv McLaughlin trained lij W. M. Martini. Weni iq |„.M ,, .-.:io. At |H,M ,; 1, ,min,., start uim.i1 .iinl si..«. W..11 driving; aec 1 aad third the he 1. 1:1 RWOOP sprinted inn. :i loots U-ad In the tirst quarter, lint tired badly Dear the end and his rider in- whip nt the sixteenth post. FEN ROCK need in cJoxeal pomuil all the way and, re»|iondin3 rcso rij it. puui-liuii lit in the Una I drive, would bare won in another stride. JOK STEIN closed * 1.7;; can hinI Unlahed fast. II. V IIOMK nn well. LUTHER quit. The winner was entered for 00- no bid Scratched J1L".Mi Milan, inn. _ - LATONIA FORM CHART. lATONIA. KY.. THURSDAY. JULY 1. 1915. Twenty-ant day. Latoula Jockey Club, s-rini; Mt-.tii. „i -1 days. Weather cloudy first six races, showeiy last. Presiding Steward. Charles 1. Price. Presiding Judge, W". 11. Shelley. Starter. Harry Morris aev Kaclng Secretary. Walter H. Pearce. __ • Kin-in starts at U:". p. in. niiie.e--o time 2:.:o p. in.i. *Indtcaten apprentice aUowaaee. - - fc "I »Q7 FIRST RACE- 3-4 Mile. 15138— 1:11— " IK;. Pane 9000. 3-year-olda aad avward. rnjjm. O O I Sellinj. Net value to winner SI ..«*: - .."id. 00; third. 0. ! "l|,N li":: AWtliSt t ■_■ "4 Sir Fin Joikeys Owners Kqiiiv. Odit. Strt - _ t * 1 : - * l ; 1 « . ii:./is w « M8 11 t 11- 1- 1- B tt .Mrs A t; Woodman ::i;r. inn - .•i:;on--1; iv.i, 1 i:. wa 0 113 4 3 411 4 :i 2" M Garner W 11 Baker 85-100 !!!! no : 2lt07*MAItTIN CASOA wa 4 117 R 3 I1 -- 2» L Oentrj F Browa 900-100 : !0S75*COn»EItTOWN WB 8 108 1 C 6 "• l- I1 K LapaJlleR J Powers l:;7:.-lno : 5I30S SANTA ItULE «11M 7 8 :- ; •"■ :.- F Robins nG Watta 4310-100 i-t;r» ORKEN a J HI ; ;» »* 8 B 14 A Motl r w Rehttktter 2315-100 1 ! I .«: STONINGTON WB KU I I .. 2] 7l 7 E Martin C K llainilton :::,r,i |iki 1 :ul 10* It A I.I H LLOYD WB5 108 SKI J" 9 V 81 .1 Mali, r W R Mizell 14X40-100 hi 1 I994»« IM. MA w 8 113 10 7 II M 9 .* .1 McCalx J W Tale 14875 100 1 I*1SM*LADY POWERS a J 101 % ■• ".■ 7 » 10» C Hunt W I Ueardou 2045-100 ::m 1:1:1.1.1: OF ALL wa 3 102 - 11 11 11 11 u C Joaea w* Harley t •Muiuel held. Thae, 23. *7«5l 1:14 = -.. Track slow. ] limine!- paid, Rio Braaoa, 10.30 straight, .10 place. .00 show; Royal Tea. ..r.o place 20 1 : Martin 1 .t-.a. . :;.Ki dww. 1 kins ...Us - Rio Braaoa, 308 to Kut atraight, .".."1 to 1ihi place, :i" to loo -how; Koyal Tea + 25 lo lint place, in lo loo show; Martin tasea. 55 to 1 mi abom Winner B. g, by Modred Heh-a 1iint trained by A. G. Woodman. Weni to i«.-i al 2:30. At pout 1 minute. Stan -•o.l and -l. . Woa eaaHy; accood ami third drrelaa. , II" BKAZ11S btgan fast and, showing the most speed all the way. won . ■asiin: up. ROYAL TEA appeared :;, , •• l e in a Jam for the first li-tlf aud finished fast MARTIN CASCA need well to the atretch, but tired in i . • aaal drlre. COPPERTOWN «a never dangerona, but ran welL STONINGTON showed apeed. The •.tinner was entered t. r 00; bo bid. Kcratehed 21100* Alledo, MB. Overwcilit- ltelle of All. 1 poiniil. ■ j k 1 OOO SECOND RACE 5-8 Mile. 90267 50 1 100.1 1915.sh00 Added. 2-year-oids. Mahhrai f £k A O *5Cj SeUiug. Net value lo winner $.»0H: second. .:;c.: third. .1. _ Index Horses AWtliSt lA Vz % Str Fin Jockeys °AyillLrj5 E |iiiv. Odds Strt •t - 2I182*MARY EKTELLE wa M6 1 1 l" 1. ." l" A M.nt W 1. Lewis 020100 -H, - JI1SJ BUN MAID w 10fi :. 2 Ll, ::■ Jk •■ v W TlorT 1 llax.- C,.-,i-HMi „ - •.07!l VEJLDT MS 8 S 71 7 " ■ E Martin 1 J Millet t 1040-100 : .•l.O! LOi ISE STONE w los.p. C :. ■_- 1» || W .1 OiJnJ S Hawkins 210-100 : ! •MEUEN wa Ml 2 s -; 8-3 I » " B Ott V, .1 Long 2330-100 20SS7* INNOVATION a Ml ». S 4. t] 7l ti1 M Garner .1 1. Holland 500-100 2094M MIKE MITLLEN w ins 11 M 9 I sl 71 F Rob.nsnJ .1 MarUlein 144 -inn I 2129S ARGUMENT w Ml I 7 J" M I 8» P K- .j;li V 1» Weir ::os.-,-iih : 2 2 ISM STUNNER w 11 107 1 :i ■ 41 411 R t;,Mis, M Ifoaag 1700-100 - McADAMS WB Ml 7 11 11 II 10 M* K Pool 1- Marion ? f 2 ■,0970 METHOD w MB 1 I 5* 5*11 11 F Murphv S West t t - tMataei Held. Time, 24. 49--,. 1:03. Track slow. aintuels paid, Mary KsteUe, .sJn.lo straight, .90 place, ¥7.".n show; Sun Maid. place, .70 0 -1 a : Veldt, .:t0 slioa . t i.....Uiii_- ..t!.!- Mar.v Bstelle, illO to Iimi Htnight, 345 to HO place, 75 to 10U show; Sun » ■ MahL :;7n to Khi place, i::.". to Kmi show; Veldt. 205 to 100 show. Winner I.ik. 1. by Kllkernn Estradia trained by W. L I.ewisi. Went to poal it :on. At p«.-t 2 minutes. Start good ami slew. Wen drlriag; second and third the htrne. MARY ESTELLB, from a fast start, showed the most early speed and. standing a bard l i-i 3 j unely. managed to Jnst last l .n enough to win. SIN MAUI tini-le .1 gamely and ran a ;; . .d nee. a VKLbT cloned a bia gap and was going fastest at the end. LOUISE STONE tired right at the en. I after ■ raciag into the lead In the stretch. MELJEN ran a good race. The wlaaer wa- entered for 00; no hid. y Scratch d Owana. I«5. f? Overw.iulits Sun Maid. 1 pound: Louise Sieiie. 1!: Meljeii. 1: Ar-jiiineiil. 1: Stunner. 1. .- 1V* O THIRD RACE- 1 1-8 Miles. 1 1 !! 77 1:50% :; -105. Purse 1915.sh00~ :; y. ar-old- and up ". 21 X O O Xj ward. S.-Hiu. Net value t.» v iniier !ji4. li: -ocml. 00; third. ■$■ ". y, I ndex Horses AW tPlSt H "j Str Fin Jockeys Owiiers Fipilv. Odtis Strt j Tl269; KKl.l.oWMAN W S Ml 7 1 1* 2J ll 11 I1 R Goow G Heaae 158400 i 21218 .1. KAVANAUGH wa a Ml 1 I 7 0k gi 1 _ F Keogfa Mrs U McMillan 088-100 •.114 OORDIE F. wit 7. Ill 2 ; 4 .".- :.- r* i1 F RobinanP J Miles 028-100 •:i099*ly. 11. ADAIR wafi K8 i ! 14 ■ ■■■ J !•• M Garner Mr- w A Kirwaa 588-100 2 1S82» ALSTON w 3 Ml 1 a -: I* 2 * •"•■ 1. Gentry 1 Crigler ::r.:.-ltMi k 2124W*HEI EN M. wa 1 Ml 5 5" V 4 S» •.■ F Fuent J Hogan nuo-nm i y •II87S.. BRIDGEWTER w 7 Ml « 7 «« 1 7 7 7 B Ott J 1! Riley 13630-100 20 Time. 24/5, 48. 1:15, l:422r . 1:56. Track slow. M inutmd- paid. Follow inmii. .-:..«» straight, .;i. In place. . l.7l show: Jack Kavanauli. ?7.:;o place, ti » ;.!* Htrntr; Omlie I., -how. 1- Bquivalenl hooking odds -Feilowman, 150 to ion straight, 7 to 100 place, ,,: t.. IUO show: .lack Kava- if, kaaah. 205 to 100 place, OS to loo show; Cordle I.. 130 t i 100 show. 14 Winner B. g, l.y Oddfellow -Ferroi trained by .. McKhMey. Went i" post :ii 3:28. At poal 1 minute. Start good aad slew. Woa driving; second and third the . , ..ii.-. FKl.l.oW MAN set tne earlv pace and. standing a hard drlrc after lieinj. head.-d briefly, oatatayed , .IMK KAVANAUGH throngh th last eighth. JACK KAVANAUGH closed a good gap In the iasl quarter. : 1 11RDIE F. waa in im-M going through the stretch, enabling her to ontstaj I.. H. ADAIR. The latter raced S . !l up early, bat tired in the stretch. ALSTON ran a good three-quarters and tired. The winner was en- ~ ;• red for *4 mc no bid. S Overweights Alston, 1 pounds; Allen Bridgewater. 1. 2 b "I Q /I /"a l-"ITmi~TtAvK 1 1-8 Miles. 14977—1:50% 3—106. Parae 80. 3-year old- and 1 tt £ X O 4a7 W Bpward. Ha mlieap. .N.-i value to vviiin.-i .S" .V : .-«■ -•■ 1 1 I . ij Hw»: third . 0. jj ludev Hois..- AWtliSt .t ; ■. % Str Fin Jockeys Owners lapiiv. Odils Strt -1 2 ItS 1 HODGE w 4 122 C 2 i» Ii v i1 1V K.-o«li W.I Weber 155-100 7" 88661 sBRONZEWING wr. 4 lo.". 1 1 .. 4| 21 24 -- F MurphyA P iiamphrey Jr 075-100 -, :itS83GOLDCREST BOY w 3 W 7 4 A- z V "■■ ::; P Judy .1 W Schorr 555-100 2 21868 WATER WITCH wb 3 Ml 2 I a* ; 1 i t M Gamer WJ Yoaag 328-100 7- •;il84 BRYNLIMAH wa 5 MS 7 7 7 ! •: B" ■"- C Jonea .1 Lowi 1848-100 21898 RINGLING wfi j0 I S 3] •"• "J " 8* K LapallleF i Weir ::l40-1imi l" •1231 ROB T BRADLEY WB 5 Ml 3 3 - 7 7 7 .1 Metal.- W K Mizell 1385-100 8- Time. 24. 48-3. l:H l:39-and. l-M%. Track good. 21 $:i miituels paid. Hodge, .10 straight, .00 place. .10 show; Bronsewing, .20 place. $:j..:.o show; 31 Ooklerest Boy, .50 sh w. 34 Bqnlralenl hooking odds — Hoilge. l..r. t.. Ion Btnight. so to Umi place, 55 to 100 show: Broaae-wing. ion t . ion place, 7-7 to UK -how: Goldcrest Boy, 77. to Hm show. M Winner -Ch. u. by Ivan the Terrible Nannie Hodge trained by K. Spence. 17 Went to p..-: :ir 4 80. At post 1 minute. Stan .m„i and -l-w. Won easily; second aad third 17 ■lriTiag. HODGE, in sjdendid form ;ti present, waa hard held for the entire way while aettiag a East 5i p.,.-!. and won casinj; Up. BKONZEWINC 111..M.I up rapidly alter going the lir-t h.ilf and held on well to the end. GOLDCREST r.uV showed much -peed and was best ■■: the others. WATER WITCH had n : . mishaps. ROBERT BRADLEY quit badly in the last half. 20 ovrwei-hl- ltnl.erl I.ra.ll.y. 4 polling. •, 7, I O A 1 FIFTH n.MK 5-8 Mile. 00287 50 -J 100. Pane 00. 2-year-olds. ARowaacea, -" 5 A O *Jb -1 Net value to waincr :n: -.■■nd. . liii: third. jj Index Horses _ , Vl ll sH "" ~7rTstr Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odd- Strt ". ■.•"1267 - P.I. A.KIF. DAW wb Ml I 4 2* l1 1J 1* M Garner J Speaeer 100-100 ••.; !I267*BUCK SHOT a Ml 7 I V 21 -: -■ E Martin II J Comstoek ■-■ ,.. :i-»«7 PRINCE HARRY w M8 1 I 4] H o° F RoblnsnJ H Stamper Jr 7885-100 ",, • lo;~ 1 INIIUKI. II. w Ml n 5 V 4 I H P Murphy Gatewood .V l;inkn r 1975-100 V i29677THE DECISION w 112 i 1 I 5» •"■ 6* W W Tlor.I K Davis into-inn :i0!»7 LUCKY R. w M2 1 J ■"•- .- V I* A Mott I» B Miilliolland :;ii.;:,-iiMi D 1:07 JERRY wb Ml 2 7 7 7 7 ,■- K Goose t. J Long 705-1O0 20999 MYOLA v Ml 1 * I 8 3 8 C Flt J It Allen 30780-100 :■ rime, 23-,. 47,. 1:01%. Track good. • miitu.l- paid. Blaekit Daw, .00 straight, .00 place, .40 show; Back siu.t. .20 place. .00 J* ow; Prinei Harry, 1.10 show. Equivalent I d ls Blackie Daw, Iimi to Iim.i straight 30 to loo place. 20 to 100 show; Buck Shot. ]• 150K .... p. 11 » phoe. :.n to I0O show; ll-iie-.. Harry, 455 to mo show. ?• 14980 Winner Klk. e, by Tnnavaal Mary Daj trained bj W. Perkins. 1" Went m p ; ; ■ 1 31. At p...t 1 minute. Start pood and slow. Won easily; second aad third driving. M ItLACKIE DAW raeeil into ■ good lead in the lii-t quarter and was under mild reatninl throngh the last _ • -hth I.i CK SHOT .1 tin early pace and wa- haul ridden, but tired and lust lasted l-.n.; enongh to out IT* ,:" ,v PRINCE HARRY. Tie- latter ran well and was teaming at the end. INFIDEL II. took a tired swerve WJ the i -1 eighth. THE DECISION dropped oat ol contention In the flnt uoarter. JERRY aad LUCKY R. Ml v.. 1 1 never promineut. H4 16132 Overweights — Lueky !!.. pounds. Ml i ifTO/l O SIXTH RACE 1 1-8 Miles, t 1 l:i77 1:50% 3 105. Pane 00. :: year olds ami up- CA X O -r Ju ward. Selling. Ne| vain.- !.■ winner Si7.ii; ml, shmi; third. .$.".o. -- Index Honei AWtPPSt Vt L- r-.t Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Eipiiv. Otitis Sirt 204 80487 21264 GUIDE POST wn •"■ ill 1111 I] 1- ! R Goose W II Baker 158-100 174 17480 31266 WRYNECK wa 0 Ml 3 2 2«1 V -- 2* 2" B Pool 8 R Grieves 77-7-Iim 174 17421 21214 STICK 1IN" w V lit • ". "- V ::- " J« AV U Tlorl: K rh.ipiuau 2708-100 l"-? 17369 ■ I • »! »PRC»SPECT a •!.:: " • •• 5* 41 5* ! .1 Sloan J J Ryan 1580-100 170 21216*ARDELON waa 103 n 7 8 B 7 .". .1 Main r W It Mizell 11000-100 lti9 ■|-» iij l.i.i: CAIN w 3 M2 I 1 I1 6s i,i »■! I C Jones Peyton »V Kusscll 0885-100 SH 21696 FEATH DUSTER v 7 108 I 3 :.; ■-. I1 7: L Gentry J B Beapeaa llinmo 174 •1 187 - * WT1.I HORSE w I M3 7 8 7 7 7: 8 - M Garner W P Johnson 180 10U in, It..l Time, 24--,. 48-0. 1:14. 1:41,. 1:H Track good. p-,- 1 unit 11. 1- paid. Guide Poet, .80 atraight, .80 place, .00 ahow; Wryneck, .80 plaee, .00 1:,:: 15331 bow; Stick Iiu. .30 show. 15084 I.711 Equivalent 1 king odds Guide Post, 150 t.. lot xtnight. SO t.. loo place. 50 to 100 -how: Wry- eT1 ], . |90 to ! xi place, 1 .0 p. 100 show; Sti.-k Pin, 285 to Umi Kbow. ,.,. Winner I:, m, bj Fllignne Lady Augusta trained by W. II. Baker. W.nt lo i".-! at 5:02. Ai posl 1 miiiiit. . Start good and alow. Won easily; second ami third iviiur. Ol IDE In-r net :i -". I i a.-, and drew away in the stretch to win as her rider nleased VRYNE K was In closes! pursuit all the way and behl on well in the stretch drive. STICK IlN il ,u awai t;ai the others in the I.i-i quarter. PROSPECT waa a forward contender most of the ** ,.n. WILD HORSE wa- outrun throughout. The wlaaer waa entered for 00; no bid. Overweight Allen 1 tin. 5 ininiii-. J-2J ___ fjpl-■ O/l Q SEVENTH RACE 1 1-16 Milea. rsS 1:43% :; -lio.j Purse 00. 3-year-olda and mf 20616 J. 0 4t:€ Upward. Selling. Net ..lne ! ■ winner Sl.Mp -...■.md. Slno: ihinl, .S-.n. gaa 20491 .|. Horses AWtliSt 1 % ■, Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kqinv. Odd* Sir7! -"• ■17 11232 JESSIE LOUISE WB 4 10.7 ~ i |1 V V Is 1 F Murphv. I M Goode 815-1O0 S 80308 1 • i |- , * I HSl ! 1.1 SION a :. I I 6 "• 4» 2* 21 -• K LapailleW W«mdard 1055-100 M280 - I2130DTRANSIT w 4 Mi 2 j I* ." I- I1 J" J Domink L H Johnson 115-100 * •i.:u; BONANZA WB « 113 I 3* I1 I R Goose M Quinn ::s.-, inn 212 • 1303 MALLARD w 3 Ml .,.,..-. 1 MeCabt W I: Mi/.ll 1490-100 21117 -" 21230 Miss THORPE a C 110 7 3 V . - .. .[ CampbllA B I. owe BUO-100 210 J1010 21213 JETFF MORGAN a I 101 17 7 7 7 7 7 C Jont Mrs II B le 7895-100 " l» Time 24. 484s. l:MMt. 1:404... 1:47%. Track Rood. -■ miitii. 1- paid. .1.— ii- I i- . silt, ntnigbt, 10 place, .00 idiow; Disillusion, .40 place, .00 -" .how ■ Transit 12 ISO 2081 10039 l.|iiival. ni iMHtklna .aids Jessie lionise. 015 - mo straight. 255 to 100 place. 100 to 100 -how: Dial ! ! .70 to m. place loo lo Phi show: Tnnsit. 30 In Umi -h..w Bra MISS Winner h. :. bj M irta Banta Dtdlle Me main, d by .1. M. .•■ uV I. 21W4 W ii t" poal ..1 5:30. Al post l inmate. Btart g 1 and slow. Won di i ■.;.•_: second and third the -pi 21260 in JESSIE LOI ISE took Iht bad it once and wa bard ridden all the way. hot tired and just lasted "p« 21007 ugh to win. DISILLUSION finished fasteal snd weald have won in a few stride* more. TRANSIT 209 20R62 •an well and might have won mid. r a better rider. BONANZA ran Fairly well. The winner was entered for 123! 12321 biio: in liiti. i2js 12258 s. ratcba 1 21323 Gold Color 108 1:: 1 236 Ovcrwelghta— Mallard, ii pouada; llii Thorpe, $, . - -. in.". li,.".»;