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■ RAIN AFFECTS RESULTS AT AQUEDUCT. Lady Rotha at Odds-on Easily Beaten by Water-town in the Union Stakes. New York. July I. Kain. which tell last liU-lit. rendered the Vquedoet track heavy for today*, racing and accounted for wbotwale scratching in a majorltj of the races. It dried out considerably, as the afternoon prog reused. The running of the I nion Selling Stakes resulted in a surprise when Watertowa heat Lady Rotha In an easy manner. The race- am. reduced to three starters by withdrawals, which hit Lady Botha, Watertowa and KEhan Allen to go. The first named ruled favorite at prohibitive odds, but aftei making the running to the strete-h turn she tired unexpectedly, and Watertown. taking the lead. Won 111 a canter. Watertowu is perhaps better than he has shown. Norse King was the medium of staunch support in the third race and made -■ -od easily. Both Top o" th* Merging and High fyeon Were scratched, which accounted for Sea Shell being the1 opening t. vorite. Quarts, which had worked exceedingly fast, wa tin pacemaker to the middle of the stretch and raced into a long lead, hut tired badly anally and finished unplaced. Hart] spaw at odds-on, had an easy time in beating Till In Id and Lazuli in the tilth. Boxtou took him into I In- had early and he dominated the running throughout. Favorite, caused sex.iai surprise, throughout the afternoon. Sun God, starting on* with a victory in the first, which wa. for maiden two -year olds. The Caaaatt racer, after meeting wiih early Interference, came through in the final eighth to win going away. In the sixth Itroino made good after a hard drive all through the linal eighth in which he heat Sprint by a narrow margin. .1. Temple ii iiiniey. a prominent member of the Cotton Exchange, has purchased a farm in Virginia on which, he will breed hunters and steeplechasers. James Wood wc rd. a New York banker, has purchased the stallion Ileno. which he will place at the head of his siinl iii Maryland Then entire stable of Basil Hen, composed of Short ras. Runnymede, lcueairn. Devilfish, Han-worth, N.wtbligbt, Marsboa and Tboughtreader, will be sold at auction a! Bdmont Park. July 17. Mr. Her/. uae a. his reason for selling out. that it has been practical lj impossible for him to secure a mpable rider. ,. meeting of the stewards of the Jockey Club was held Ibis aftcruon in the dubbouse. Ben Pope ha-- arrived with a stable of steeplechasers belonging to II. V. Kiddle. , f riiiladelphia. Patterson will in the future train the horses belonging to Jose| h Marrone. They Include Cliarlestonian ami J. J. I.illis. Tbe former, which pulleil up Kiini after nis last race, is reported to .; do - l« .cam. Aqueduct .Muk ml- ore. a slow track today were: Blue Rock Five-eighth, in 1:10. Bonnie Tess l *lve-eightha in 1 :0"J. »o.|ii. Me rlve-eigbths in l:i 7. Golden Hours Three eigbtlia iu ol. Helen Ba bci Half mile in 54. Hih lih Seven-eighth. In l:ol. Hill.tream— Half mile in 53%, Pive-eighth. in 1:10. Patrick S Seven-eighths iu 1 ::;G. Solon -Three-quarter, in 1*29%. Tbag ■ l.n rj Half mile in : -. Wayfan t Half mile In 59%. r.olmonl Iark workout on a blow track this morning were: Al Reeve* Half mile Eli 52*j .. Cardamine 1 n e eight lis in 1 :0ti. Chicle Three eighths in 37%. Gainer I tree truarters ia 1 :J1. Fenmoiise Three-quarter, la l:18*iL Libyan Sands — Three-quarter, iu 1:10". l.oiac Kive-eightb. in 1-09%. Three-eighths in 7%. Mr. Sniggs Half mile in 31. Plaintiff Three eighth- in 36%. Pretend r Tl rce-eighths in 36*J Remembrance fcive-elghths in 1:05. St. Rock Half mile n 54. Thundern r Three-dgblha in R6%. crni-ni Three eighth, in :;7%.