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THIRD RACE— 1 1-1C Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 3220— 1:43%— 3— 110 "TLD BEAR, nb. g. 6 108 Bt Beareateber— Cantivate J. N. Monnee. 10 Latonia 1 1 Mi i:!7-.ra t 26 lui 2 2 2 1 1» 2- K Lapallle S I.a M...I.. Bank BUI, Foundation Latonia I 1 IT hw 22 103 ". .: fi 4" 4 K l.apaill. s Grosrenor, Antaauo, Carrie Umte H9S I.itonia 2 ! 1 :l:.-.fa-t 23 110 fi fi fi 7 7; f C.nuv. il Bora 1 Tea, Oakland. Longfellow n Ijitonla . I I -I-hw • 103 •; 5 4 41 ■!. is Lapallle 0 Taleliearer, Blaektlmrn, Oakland 7 Latonia 1 1:141 mad -".1 II" 2 fi fi B" 4j.l ln:il» f Dengro. C.onDelivery. L.Pcliita Doaglaa 3 1 ll-.fa-t fl.l 1"S I fi 7 7 9" W .1 OHnl." a-.v .lone-. Kdilli V.. Collo 3 Douglas 1 1 it; l:.",.:.fa-t 101 M8 fi 3 2 2 2 f," K Lapallle 8 B. Dipper, Il.Ilill. Comaaaarerta OBOLUS, b. g, 3 104 By Oddfellow— Kenmore ttueen J. W. Callahan. itonia : . li;i:f.O slop 22 3 102 2 11 1 1« 1" E Martin 7 "maur.-tt.-i. Kneclet, Santa Rule Latonia Im70y l:44%fast 17. 991 6 10 M ■ s "l- Pneral 10 Chllla, Reno, Alston • i-.tii.nia 1 I 16 1:47 fast 33 100 c, i , 4 # :: | R Mariin 10 I. Gentleman, Mockery LaMode •38 l.aionia ! :: ifi :: !3 mini 17 : 2 3 4 4 4; .I Murphy .". Any Port, Coajmaaretta, Consoler ■* Latonia I I 1 1 : lfi:» last 29 98 1 fi ~- 7 7 fi- P Murphy 10 WbiteWool. Mockery. V. Horse ■ 70 l.aloma I 1 16 l:46%fast 3fi lot 7 s 7 7 7l fi " A Mott 0 Pce Engene, S.Actress. W.Wool 0704 Doaglaa 1 I 16 l:46Hgood 40 KH 6 7 7 7 7 7:, Mott 7 Impression, Star Actress. Reno IK7.Iu.ii. z 7 s 1 :27%rast 6 5 112 3 0 3 4 1« ll.I 13 V.Vield. Mali. 1 ulwclnr. Lit. Abe LACKROSE. b. g. 7 112 Bv Lackford — Sararoge R. P. Dickinson. 7 l.alonia 3 I 1:M inuil 1". 107 1 4 fi 7 7"1, V Reogh * larri.- Orine. E.Delllng. M.Casca 1165 lAtonia :: 1 i:i:, II 10 ms 4 7 E •- ".:1, W V TlorlO Charmeose, Langhome, Soreget ■ 7 l.alonia 3-4 1 :l 111 Ho 8 S S 7 Ii" V J Ol.n H Dengro, C.onO.liy.i v. L.Pcblta :"77l Doaglaa 3 1 11 -last Si io ms s 7 7 7- 7*"1L Gentry . Maznik. Ilih Private. Colic .11 Doaglaa 3-t 1 :lj/r,fast 14 7. 110 2 4 7. 7W."1. W J Vlinlii iindl. Gabtio. Longfellow .-is Doaglaa 3 I :« 111 2 fi 4 2. 3*1 W V ThTCl.l Lit. father, DHagan, Cliil.Kins 9 Charchill lmTOy 1 :46%sk w 2J 112 E 5 3 3 4- 4"j C Bgame s M.Dulweber, Brkthorn, GaLBoy DOCTOR DOUGHERTY, b. h, 8 115 By Galveston— Lobosina F. Harrington. ■• I itonia 3 I l:M mud 7 7. nj 7 7 7 fi. |*J C Can/. 8 Carrie orinc R.lVIIing. M.Casca ■S Latonia 3 1 1: 13*4 fast ;"l 113 7 7 7 4 :., C Gana S tolle. Carrie Orme, BddieDelltng ". Latonia 3 1 1 I6%hv 28 113 :. E E 4 4° c Jonea in Freeman, Soreget. Batina . l.alonia 3 I l.lH-.nin.l :".t 112 7 7 7 6 7"» Jones H Dengro. C.onDelivery. L.f.hila ■ Douglas 3 I 11., last 32 114 13 9 9 E* 7"!C .1 s in Casey Jones. Kdilli V.. ..lie • Douglas 2 1 Miiriimii fid in 4 4 3 2 II C Jonea s VV.Bear. Snreget. Qaartermaster L-«i43« Doaglaa lin7uy li.-.hvy 7". 119 fi C fi 7 fi. fi ! N.yh.n J Mini Thorpe, Banal, I.. Paaehlti OLGA STAR. ch. m, 5 108 Bv Star Shoot— Ols-a Nethersole J. C. Milam. 69 I l1 inia 1 : 16 I 6] Hifi 7, fi 7 7 fi- P W W Tlor 9 LPnchita, I.Gtleain, l-"ouinan Latonia I 16 11111.I 21 7. In2 4 5 fi fi fi fi s l Gamer Ii Gold Color, Reno, any Pen 9 Latonia 1 1 16 I:t.;.fasi 13 99 4 7 7 r. 4" 1" M Garner 11 A. is. Irish Gentleman, Raoal 116 1 hui. lull 1 I 16 1:46 fast f.l 20 ms 7 9 10 9 9 9 4 .1 Butwell n Miss Thorpe, Reno. I.. JaneGrey . Charchill 1 1 16 1:49 slow 1 ME 2 x lo 7 9 7s K Pool 10 Je*. Louise, In. Man. MIssThorpe 01 Lexgton 1 1 8 1 :":.- last 17 10 bi9 2 I 4 E 2" :• .I BoQ Ih 1" W. Wonder, Marsboa 154 Lexgton 1 1-4 2:06 Vt fast r. 4 Ills 1 2 1 1 11 .1 Smyth I. Consoler, Any Port. Teoer 0115 Lexgton 1 l:49%taat 12 113 I 4 fi I 3- 2 .1 Smyth 10 Beolah s.. Jea.Lonlae, *... Girl BItlCKLEY. b. g, 4 108 By Ort Weils— The Scold W. Gerst. Latonia Im70y 1fi 109 17 7 7 7 7T1 F RohinsnHi chilla. Beao. Alston S Latonia Im70j i:46%mad 91 10E 7 7 7 7 7* fi-K Boblnsn 0 L. Iainliila. Alledo, Allen Cain ■ 13 Charchill I 1 II 1:47 fast 111 mi S 3 4 2 2,1. 1*1 l" Rob son !» old Ben. Guide Post. Veres* 1- 12 Latonia lin7o I iv-fi-t 23-10 103 9 s 7 fi iv 4* j V Robmsn 10 Bes. Latimer. Billows, HigtiClasa I; 81 l.alonia 1 I:404fa8t 8-5 9914 4 2 2 2- 2 V V Tlor 8 Tavoiara. OBellly. MssB.Harbor . : • I., lonia ImTOy I : is-- mu.l 43-20 1«7 s 7 fi 3 3* 2 V W Tlorll Bank BUI. Itolvliill. Sl.epbenless ■ 15060 T-atonia 3-4 l:l2-.fnst II M 105 I 8 7 42 4*1 G Byrne 8 T. Miller. Rnlit. Kay F 11833 Latonia 3-4 l:lSfAfaat 4J lnfi s 8 3 U- l:i A N.ylon 10 Bandmaster. Claxonette, B, Kay WORLDS WONDER, ch. h, 5 IOC Bv Hermis— Rose Miller 0. Williams. 16 Churchill 1 1 K 1:46 fast 21 Ins 910 9 I T* 7- K Willms 111 Mi-- Thorpe, Reno. L. JaneGrey U01 lexgton 1 I s l:53*4fast 15 109 3 2 2 2 22 3-J W MeehanlO II. Howdy. Ohta Blar. Marsboa •: Lexgton 3-4 1:13 fast 114 112 8 7 7 fi1 B»J W Meehan » TV Norman, Sesius. tndaiinlc.l 17r..l Doaglaa 1 1 8 l..mfast 2S 110 E 2 1 E 3 3* C Dislimon II M Ann K., StarOKvan. G. Color 17509 Douglas 1 1 16 l:46%fast 37 lnfi C 9 4 r. ■ s".r. i .x.| IO Impression. B. Chance. Hermuda I Lexgton 1 1 16 I "•! hw S7 10 191 2 11 I 3- 2" V Reach 7 Ymir. .I.k DethnM. Cold Color 1 i2 Latonia I I 8 l:52%fast IS 112J 2 2 3 2 A, 4 I Niml 7 8. 0 Ryan, ri.uronTL. rlounian I 85 l.alonia 1 1 1C l:4«%fast 22 5 112 3 11 2 8s 8"1 D Ni.ol ! Cam. Ilia. Carpathia. Prospect SYRIAN, b. c. 3 107 Bv Electioneer— Chicklets G. W. J. BisselD. 1 Latonia ltn7m 1 : ll" 22 iii9. 4 2 2 2 3* B*l l i onnelly M hiiliision. Cmanretta. Ddreary 1160 laioina 1 in .". I :l.";-.las| ::;. 7. ] »; , r, ,: t 2 1". I B iliillin 12 Prospect, B. Comber, SiiWilliani ,..■: Douglas 3-4 1:14 good 3S pki 9 lo 111 in 10»» D Connelly 11 Amason. Maznik. Blackthorn ■ 36 Inn. lull 2 I lUt fast jj i]0 9 7 ],i in 10- I ConnllylO Chart ier. Deposit. Tin- Norman :.0L2 Lexgton • I 1 13 Cast i-h 1M 7. 1 2 r.4 «"J1 Conneliv :• The Norman. Snsius. indaunted i in l.atonia CI f l:07fast 12 11-11 13 Fell D Connelly!.! nuii.iivarv. Poxy Griff. Resiga 18169 Latonia El f 1 : s--.fasi ifi iu 3 7 fi f." 2= D CofmelljrU Beyal ii.. Bom Hih . Mex FEATHER DUSTER, b. g, 7 108 Bv Broomstick— Ascot Belle J. B. Respess. 1 Latonia 11-8 1 ..:;•.... 1 14 108 3 2 2 7. 4 7." I. Gentry s Guide Post, Wryneck, sink Pin 21099 l.alonia lm"0j l HHgood 34 lno « 4 4 E H s it mi |2 e.A.Weigle, K.Box. J.Kavangh ..; ; Latonia 3 I 1 : 1 1 -• hvy 19 ms 7 7 7 s 7" L Gentry 8 Grosrenor, Amazon. Carrie Orme 000 l.ilonia 1 1 1.. I l.-.V.lasI 27 1 i2 7 7 9 9 In »•• B Otl In White Wool, Mockery, V. Morse i.l Douglas 1 1 Ifi. I :7.n-. uiud 3 lid 2 I 3 1 ;.•. "L Gentry i", I.ivnliinali. M.Dweher ..... Inn. hill 3-4 1 :l.".v,iniiil 9 IM I 9 7 7" 7"JI. Gentry II Antaxon, .onDellvery. ariirm. 0344 Churchill 11 Ifi l:li;-:. fast a ms g I 1 9 I •••IL Oeatry II Jessie LooJae. Impression. Acta fiEORGE STOLE, ch. g, 5 108 Bv Nasturtium — I.ucy Locket F. Gering:, Jr.. » Latonia ImToj 1 ilcnml to hie. 10 9 10 n 11 ll-W WinkleiU F.A.Weigle, K.Box, J.Karangh . Latonia 3 1 1 1 ; .fast fl.l 110 9 10 in I 8» W W Tlorll Royal Tea. Oakland. I -fellow •1 I l.alonia 1 1 Ifi I 19 .mini 41 n : :. 6 7 7 7 734 V Winkler s Ili-h Private, A. is. Mockery rfiO Douglas 1 I I6 1:46%fast HH h7 .". 3 5 E fi- V W Winkler 7 Mallard. J.Goehel, J.Kai anauirh 1 l.atonia 1 1 16 l:4fifast 31 H»7 S S lo 10 In M»* C Van Da n 10 Indolence. Ilorin. Boberl Kay 1 - :ir. Latonia 1 1 ifi 1 ifi that 23 M6 2 3 3 2 l* 2» K Pool IS GaidePost, Bouansa, LoalsePaal AT.KANET. b. f. 3 90 Bv St. Savin— Alanarka Moran and Mead. I Latonia 3 I l:15%hvy "2 92 7 9 S fi" K Lapallle! ■ Fitxgerahl. Grosrenor. lr..nian s Latonia 3 II I:: last 32 99 1 1 fi 7 fi", i: Martin 8 Colle. CarrieGrme. Dr.Doaaiierty 6i [jttonia 2 1 111 fast 41 93 E 4 4 4 4*1 K lanaiilo 7 J.BosenQeld, RIoBrazos, Gabrio , . ,, Latonia 1 I i7-.hw 34 ME 1 I I I1 ■■ n Stirling 10 Kneelet, Werpmaf, A.Lawrence , m Douglas 11-16 1 I7.,fa-t I inl 2 2 4 4 A" V V. Martin s Disillusion. K. Krlngle, Dnndry ir.96 Douglas 3 I 1 I ■- fast 29 ln.A 7 7 7 S1 4". I Stirling ! ani.or annonaale, Malheur 1 Douglas 3-4 ll7:i„hvy SI MS E I 4 fi1 fi,vil» Stirling 10 Amason, Mallard. ABeda i 0NG REACH, b. g. 3 97 By Out of Reach — Sister Molly L. Lasser. :■, i.:ii..ina 24 1:15 hvy to 10515 fi fi fi fi!".i Domintck « Converse, Pleetabelle, Vmaaoa , 1 ..ii. .ma : 1 l:l«%hvy is 100 s s s in 1.1 K Lapaillelfl Freeman. Rareget, Ratlna • r. Douglas 2 4 1 11;-. 11111. 1 62 1"7 I r. E ». fi V W Iloiio Mex, Ijinghorne, Pennyroek . .inn. lull IiimovI 4..- 1:1.11.1 35 9! 4 fi s s s s" M Garner 8 Beao, Hard Ball. Lady Panebtta ,,,. N Ctrl n: lmii l:41%fasl IS 9i fi E 5 4 fi- fi" | W l.ill.-v Pi Kil.lay. our Rea. Copitertowi ; ml ns 11:41 fast 10 M6 fi fi E E C2 C"ii: Ambrose 12 llvllomc. W.C West, Pagi While .