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i I I I I t AQUEDUCT FORM CHART. NEW YORK, THURSDAY. JULY 1. 1915. Fifth day. Queens Coiiily Jockey lub. Summer Meeting of IS days. Weather clear. Ircsidin y Juilne Tj ~H. Ii t liuyill. Slarler. Mais assi,|y. Racing Secretary. !•■ iteliberger. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time 1:30 p. mi. *luilicatcs apprentice allowance. 4 TJ O A A FIRST RACK 5-8 Mile, 60—2 190. 00 Added. 2-year-oMri. Maidens. IOtCT: Selling. Net value to winner ifloP: second. 0: third. gO. . "index Ilorsis A Wt Il St H j *t Sir Fin Joe-keys Owners 0 11 » i S 20O55 SUN IOD w IU 1 1 :: . 1J 1- T iiavi -s K i: "as-satt 1 i 5 I S 1 ■, out 3077* Mil. LI w 11J 2 i V - -" - -I McTagrtW C Kaly 13 K VI 4 1 MAIFOU wa b7 .". G «»| S1 41 3* J Met "aln y H 1. Pratt r Ifi 11 S 2| 21t7fi STARTLING w 112 7 7 V. 11 J 4- C Fbtlur R V Carman C 7 E s j 7-10 81220 B. OF T. KITCHEN w 102 1 B f- 71 .".- a* P Hopkins M J Leonard IS S, J5 s 4 ;il-240 GOOD COUNSEL wit In", :; :; and V »i:i 8* J McKverQuincy stable- W in 8 :: -5 20008 »MlK NSTONB w pes i; « ai ;,i 7- 7* C Watson 11 T Wilson 15 ZS -■", S 4 21220 TATIANA -wu H/7 I 4 I S 8 8 C Turner J MacManus 3 7 71 Time. 1:04. Track slow. Winner— Ch. e. by Aeronaut Sunrise trained by u. S. Henry. Went to ]Kist at 2:::2. At post li minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second ami third driving, si N i;ol worked his wa up on the outside I. responding gamely to punishment, dren away easily in the final eighth. NOLI. I. always prominent, bung on resolutely in the closing strkje. and outstayed MAIFOF. The latter linished gamely. START!. IN ; showed the most speed for a half, but aunt. Scratched 2i!i.i7 Corfu. ]i7: 20087 Pussy Willow. 111. fc I »_/! fT SECOND RACK — 1 Mile. 30376—1:38— 3— MM. 00 Added. :; year olds and upward. ig JL Q*dbO Selling. Ned value to winner : second. SUM: third. hB . Horses .UV tPlSt.4 - % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S 211S0*SARATOGA w 3 SI 3 :i Z* ::a 3*1 V i"J McKverD .1 Deary 8-fi J 5 s 0 :: E I •! 21tl5=MINSTREL n; .; In! 2 2 S* V 11 11 2 M MthwsW B Mitchell 6 8 I 1 7-i 21308 JOE DE1BOLX wb « 111 .", 7 7s H «• j« :;- c; Corey : J lay ♦; s I 2| ti : 21271 i.NKPH I1IYS -wu ?• !fJ 1 4 4l ."13 G. 4- 4" J McCahey.l .1 Moran 8 I « - 1 21040CHBSTERTON w n :; Km; 4 1 1 1- 2»| 5" G ■ M Buxton J MacManus :! ::j F! "il-a - 5 21271»*MI8S i:. HARBRwB 4 MS 7 5 «• I- I1 «••«*■ L Mink J C Ellis itt 2S » I I 81182 BATTERY w S 101 I I I I T» !*• C Turner II Kites IS 28 21 I 4 •i0!l. OSSART MAID all a7 8 C Gj 7" 7J s s F Hopkins B .1 Creighton oh 40 40 12 I Time. 12%. 24*i. 37. 50. 1 :C4, 1:17%, 1:32. 1:45. Track slow. Winner — F.r. e. by Ogden I ii.igbtiy tiaimd by 1». J. I.earyi. Went to post at 2*88. Al post -J minutes. Sliiit good and Mow, Won easily: aecond and third ilriv-ing. SARATOGA was cut off on the far tarn, but Improved his position steadily and drew out decisively in the linal eighth. MINSTREL was 1 forward eon b-r throughout ami raced into the lead iu the stretch, bill tired near the end. Jo| OEIBOLD was favored by the BMW going and. saving ground on all the turns. tlnsbed gamely. CHESTERTON set the early pace, hut retired after going a half in the lead. MOIIl lHVs ran w II. The winner was entered for .*7ixi: no bid. Scratched -21087 K. M. Miller. 110; 21274 Beethoven, 107; 2H26»Perth Rock. 110; •1103 Col. Ash nieaile, 102. Overweights — Minstrel. L* pounds. 61 Q J £* THIRD RACK 3-4 Mile. 88351—1:12 -5—120.1 1915.sh110 Adihel. .••year-olds. Handicap. and L O JO We value to winner 8575; second. : third. .%■ ■ . "index Hones AWHTSMj ..; •-, Str Fill Jockeys Owners O II 0 P g 21218NORSE KING wt; 11.1 5 i i" i,:l 1- l« M Buxton F B Lemaln IF..lI 8-2 3-5 out -, I I M0 -ska SHELL wm M2 I J :; ! ] • :■ 2» J McCabeyR J Mackenzie 8 i 2 8-5 3-* out 21128RUNES WB 183 1 : 0 E G « M M thews H Watteison 10 12 10 1 1-6 21180*RHINE MAIDEN wit M IS 4" 4 l 4 D Hoffman E F Whitney 8 10 10 :: 1 ■ 18883QUARTZ wn 112 1 1 l1 1" -*. T .1 Butwell 1 Sanford :J 3j 1 13 Time. 12. 23%, 36%. 49-/:,, 1:03. 1:16. Track slow. Winner I., e, by Fair llay -Nineveh trained by Ii. Ilirsibi. Wen lo post at 3:34. A pos _ minuic. Start g 1 anil sl"W. Won easily: see-ond and third driv lag. KORSK KINK raced in CKWefst pursuit of Ibe leader and. gradually wearing hiui down in the stretch, wen In a canter. SKA SHELL was knocked back shortly after the start and closed up rapidlv at the eighth post, but tired in the linal srides. RUNES was badly outpaced in the early running, but tinislieil with a belated rush and would have been second In a few stiides. QUARTZ .-bowed a high flight ol" spi-ed. but wu* tiring rapidlv at the- finish. Scratched— 20904High Noon. 128; 21180Top o th* Mornin". 128; 21188 Lady I.arbary. 83. Overweight. Rhine Maiden, 3 pounda. » 6 1 O A r7 FolRTII RACE -7-8 Mile. 18139 1-24.%— 3 188. Sixth Running Union Stakes. Ju JL eO TT I Value 81,880. o-ytar adds. Selling. Net value t winner !7.".: second. WOO; third. Ijoo. Ir.dcs Horses AWtPISt Vt V; % Str Fin Jockeys Owners o II C P S 2 1138 WATERTOWN WB MS 2 2 l- l:; l,; 1- 1 .1 M TagrtA .1 Stafford o 4 18-52-5 out 20875 I.AIV ROTHA wa Ml 1 1 l» 1- 1] J lm; .1 J.utwell A Miller 1 3 1 :i J 7 out— 21188ETHAN ALLEN wa M 1 :: "■ ■■ 3 :; :; J 1* Ryan R T Wilson 8 12 10 li-i out Time. 13%. 26, 37%. 51. 1:04. 1:31. Track slow. Winner I.r. g. by Orsini — Devotion trained by V.. I". Re-illy. Weal t" p.. si al oeti Al post 1 minute. Star! good and slow. Won easily; seeoml and third driving. WATERTOWN raced in close- pursuit of LADV ROTHA until straightened »ut in the Stretch, then passed lnr and won under slight restraint. LADY ROTHA set the pace under restraint in the early running, hut ipiit when challenged. ETHAN AI.I.KN saved ground on all the turns, lmt could never get up. 1 Scratched Il I.I.T-Ponhlot. 10:.: CM::--.! Distant Shore. Kill: ".QI4t Sarsenet. !IS: -J12::.-. I.ady Teresa. 101. Q J Q FIFTH RACK 1 Mile. 50378- 1 IS :: loc. Jf.-.OO Added. :: year-olds and upward 2-1 X O tit O Silling Handicap. Net value- to winner »f0: sec md. * H : : third. »:i0. Inclev s AWtilSt % j % Str Fin Jockeys Owners H C P S •il7:i-H l;l!Y SHAW wis I 112 2 4 1- 1- l3 1» l5 M Huxton O W Parry 7 101 : ", a out — 21273 CLIFF FIELD w 1 mi 1 2 4- o ;;- and -•■ J Mc Tagrtt .1 Carey ;; V t 1 la 21218 LAZULI w 6 187 ■. S 8* 4« I- !»• C Firtie r .. F Adaau ii M M " 1 21847s ABSCONDER w7 85 1 1 :: S 6 ¥ .1 McCaheyDeep Kim StableM 15 M •; 8-5 212S8SLEUTH WB 5 187 4 1 JL 2 :. V :, .1 Butwell F Mannix G -1 5| 7 5 1 1 Time. 13%. 2444. 37. 50. 1:03. 1:18%, 1:88%, 1:43%, Track slo.v. Winner R. e, by Sain Maud Bell t ranted by ;. M. odonii. Went to liest at 1:26. Al post 2 mill. His. Start good and slow. Wmi galloping: second and third driving. HARRY SHAW rushed into a long lead in the lirst half and. never menaced, won pulling up. CI. IFF FIELD wa. in deep going in the ea ly running, but came to the outside iu the stretch and easaTp disposed of the others. LAZULI had no opposition ror third place in the final eighth. SLEUTH was eased up at the finish. The winner was entered for ,280; no bid. Scratched 21328 Mac 11-V 2134T*Lady Rotha. Ill: 21 130* Wooden Shoes. IOC. Overweight. Lazuli. :; pounds; Sleuth, *". 1 Q /I O SIXTH RACK 5-8 Mile. n.oir,l :.!» J 120. 8500 Added! 2-year-olds! Allowances! 1 O 4Jr___F Net value to winner SIHl: second, -frlii; third. X.iQ. Index Horses AWtilSt ■_■ "n Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 21275-I:Ro"mo w 108 I 1 V- i] l1 5 f Davie. L S Thompson I :. 1 a a :; lOout 21270 SPRINT wa 112 I 1 5| H "i -• M Buxton .1 K Madden Pi VI S M 4-5 21012 I IAN I is* OFF wu 115 2 1 4 4- 41 I* W WiftonG A Cochran :: 5 5 6-6 3 i 21275Ssin WBllS ■" :: "• a ■■■ V R Trexler G I OReilly C s 7 2 I., 21041SOCONV wis 11a " ■". l f 2» •• .1 MecCaheyH I. Irali 12 15 15 5 2 21275 TRUMPATOR WB KR 1 I I • I i -I I.oftus G D Wldener Jr 5 10 S 2 7-10 Time. 1:024;. Track slow. Winner B. c, by Broomstick I.eayonara trained by J. Rowe. Went io 11. t at 1:53. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: aecoad and third the nn. RROMO sco be pace and rusbed Into a safe lead after entering the stretch, lmt had to be shaken up in the tiual sixteenth to withstand SPRINTS challenge. The latter bumped her way through in the Gnal quarter and finished gamely. HANDS olF linished last. SASIN wa- forced wide at the elbow. SOCONY epiit after racing In closest pursuit to the .treteh. Scratched •"II".. Achieve nt. I« : Costumir. IPO: Donrnant. UK: Lord Reek Vale. Hit.