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ROAMER IS HIS BEST FORM J +1 RUNS A GRANB RACK IN THE BHOOKDALE . HANDICAP AT AQUEDUCT. * j* it Tea Caddy Captures the Tremont Stakes with ,j fa Achievement Second Amain Wal- — Wins Again — p loon Disappoints His Admirers. tl ii I, New fork, .Inlv 1". -aVmnaer was the feature of " toilayfi raring at Aqueduct when lie wen the twenty " ■ixth running of the Itrookdale Handicap, one mil.- " nasi an eighth, over the Belamnl pair. Stromholi ami Buck View, ili« cuilv .tin i -i.irt.r-. Tl utile ■ program, which consisted of seven races, W.I- :lll of " • eeiiini ,.i,e anil furnished first rate sport, bail the scintillating performance ol Roamer was easily s tile li.pie ,ii I lie a fternnon. Koaiucl. Carrying 13S* i • ■ i ■ i , I -. which »:i- a t wo pound- change in favor of sr i .iinl.i .1 i a« com|iared i t li then- la-t meeting, went away from the Inrrier like ■ -print, r and. Retting ■ dazzling |tacc througliout, won snex tended in the remarkable lime of l:..u-.. which equaled Hie track record established by Tartar. The traetii I time shows Hie race In have hell a fast one, being 13, 24%. :;ii. 17%, M»%, 1:12, 1:.":7: :,. 1 :-", ►•-.. Private i I III!. I C.lllglll till S|.eel. Miller gelding Bfl lllll- ;| uing tin in i in I : I.i -.. | There is n . doubt thai had Butwell ridden-him ti .ill be would have shown a inmli faster perform g aaee, aa lie wan eased n i through Hie final si- teelltll w lien tilltWell saw lie had llis oppo ill, n I •ai.i.v Itealen Tlie Brookdale was worth £!.02Ti a net . Second in importance to the mating of the Brook- I dale Handicap wa- the victors of August Belmonts ■ t.i i add over a k I I I of youngsters in the S Trenton I Stakes, which was :it Ihree-noarters, the ■ first stake offering for two-year-olds at thai « t i — f tanci tin- year. Tea Caddy waa ■ mpled with i Da at roach as Mr. Belmonts entry ami. showing ■ 1 high turn ol speed, led from harrier rise to finish. • winning; with all ease. Achievement raced ■■■ I • • 2 second pi. n i- alter swerving in the stretch, with I Slip I km third. The Trewoat Stakes waa worth r •.-..». ::•_.. net. I The i. lory of Aiunlli. It. T Wilson** old earn paigucr In Hie fifth, came near being as popular :is Boomers. The old horse as anaal. was badly • .in l :n i .I iii the early running, but the hum stretch enabled him to wear the leader, down in the last ] itrnle. Wall i wa a well meant "good thine" for IN- sixth, lull went wide after leading b the turn I oi the chute, and swerving hail I j in the fttreteh. iinidaeed. The winner turned up in Boll j Kedlleld, hut Turner was guilty of almost pattiuc. J I j itogrnphv over the fence opposite the Jockej j board. The result remaineil unchanged hy the stewards, Imwevcr, after IkiIIi boys had heeu called into the stand. I .1. VV. and Jefferson Livingston were t « » 1 1 ■ visitors this afternoon and will r. main here for the Krnpii e itj nu ■ i Inji . ! .1. W. Maj receiveil ■ message from Jockey Mee-linn which stated that the wreck in which several ] horses were Killed near Cincinnati, was a shocking sight. Iloi linen were unanimous in the opinion that the peflorui.niee oi Roatuer today waa one of the most rental kalde si-ii in reeent years. The stake idauks f..r the fall meeting of the Harford Agriculture and Breeders Association were distributed at g horsemen today. Entries are scheduled to rkmc August ::. Jockey Klenck was uninjured when Big Sandy fell ■ while going over I In- firsl hurdle in the steeplechase. It looked like a had fall to the spectators. Boh Kedfleld. winner nf the fifth race, was ml- vauced fioin s mi to sTiin bj K. II. lleC. Potter, hut was liought in hy Archie /.innner. Ihii.i". whose pntrj was orilered refused Irid.iv after bis fractions behavior al the post, wa il lowed I" start today, as tin- ruling wa made after he had been entered In todays rai Willi the track fast at Belaaont Park this niorn ing. these w ■! k-onts uci arred : Benjamin tiv p right lis in 1 :fll j Borrow Mile and a qaarter in 2:10%. BrontM Half mile in 51. ardauiiiie iv. eighths in 1:02%. t i niiinu I on cr liii « quarters in l Iia.ldv s t imii ■ ■ KMve eighths in I :ut .. Fcnmouse Three-quarters in 1:14%. Hester l*rj Ttiree-quarters In 1:15%. Iron Duke Mile in 1:48%. M istone Hall mile in IS%. item ii, l. rue . Kive-elghtbs m 1:08%. Sai en I Three quarters in I :1.V" ,. ShelWooO Tllle. i|li:ll t. rs in 1:17%. Sir Vivian Half mil. n Is,. •Tartar Mih- ami a quarter in 2:K!. •The Tilill Mile in I : IKS, .. I Trumpator Threi eighths in 38 . Vermont Qnarter mile In •_".::.-. : thr eighths in 46%; half mile in i»%; Ove-eightha in 1:04. At A. 1 1 1- dm t tin work-oats over ■ fast track wen Bac Tin . •■ qnarter* in l :19. l:, - Ii, n Half mile in I.i Bo Tess Half mile in 18%. BfWMiivale Hall mile in 10%. elan, In i Kive-efghtha In 1:02%. i apra Three-quarters in 11.".-. c h Half mile in HO" .. lnv; n Half mile in -",l . Gaiin i" 1n-ii lli i ••• . i.hih in 38%. Nephtbrs Seven eighths in 1 ::: ». 1aloi, Mile in 1 . h,. Pullii Tl i "i eighth in ::i: : Daces of Paradise Three-eighths in 36% in, iv. Half iiol" in t.;... | i ; urn Halt mile in :.o. S n.v Half mil. In 18 . s;|,.|]:,i iua Hall mil" ill .". •. Tinkle |.. II Mih- in 1 13 .. Wax tare! Half mil" in 10%. Wooden Shoes Seven-eighths in 130.