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1 ■ i I - CAEFIR OF THE LATE CHARLES LITTLEFIET.D. Charles I.itlhliel.l. a famous Jockey in bis day and for inanv year one of Americas leading trainer-. died ve-terdav al I lie homo ol hi- in law. .luliu- rar-hlo. i:i-i Nineteenth street and Kings High way. Brooklyn. LittlefieW was bom in Rochester in iv::; ami liegan hi- career as ii Jockey In Canada. where, in the i iilv fifties, he rode the winner of the tirst race ror the Ooeena Plate at Toronto. His broth, i Nelson was ruling at the -auie ti I itileiiehi returned lo the [Tatted State* periodically, ridinc al Hie old Fashion and Union courses in the vicinity of Now JTnrk and also at Ponghkeepsie, where there waa considerable rac ing at that time. II.- accompanied the Ten Broeca Stable to Knglauil iii 1S57. ridinc Prior. Prioress, l1-..mpl". Stark", liiipi.e and other horses. lie did not remain buisr. however, but letutn.d t.. this country .-liul settled at Patersoa, N. J., then a famous romiegvuujj tor turfmen. He nlso rode at the i hi Seeamus tracT n."Hl ftfilMrtten. and look nail in the Inaugaral meeting at Jerome Park in the early -ilies. lie had the mount on Kentucky in manv races, being In the saddle when Unit horse won the Inaugural iui Stake- at four utile heats at the afcaiag meeting at Jerome Park. Opposed to him in that event, whieh was contested in ISO;, was the famous negro rider "Ahe." reckoned the finest horseman ol his time. It was in tins contest that Kentucky heal IdtewUd and Fleet wing. In 1SIJ7 he toile Kentmky in a race against Lexingtons four-mile record of T : l . • :-t . but failed to heat it. This was his last public appearance in the saddle. I.ittblield then branched oat as ■ trainer of thoroughbreds and aim,, I the tirst animal placed in his care was the mare liira. afterward the dam of lliinyar. Another horse in hi- ear.- about ilia! time was oiieral Duke, a sen of Lexington that won the Belmont Stake* in ITn. Late in that year he took Milton II. Sanfords horses to train and had a great ima-ui" of iWCfiB*, having under hi- ear. -m h horses al Monarchist. Break ne— ami Sal ina, afterward the ts r Saivator. William Ha v ward was the premier btckey for thi--lalde. whih al o had Doaahoe, Driseoll ami Ed Feakes among its riders. In the aiiluinn of lsT". I Icliebl tinik the San-ford horses ,. England ami ra, ed Ihein there for three seasons, returning to America in ls?s The following year be traiaed the horses of the lat, Pierre Lorulard. but disagreed with that g. nth-man ami opened I public -table iii iss.i. He then trained for the late .lame- Ralway, who raced under the name of the Ireakne-s Stable ami had a great measure of success, -ending anch horse* as Linden and Belvidere lo the post. Late ill the eighlie he formed a partnership with Partes Boyle, now living at Woodstock, Canada, Willi whom be had several most successful seasons. Among the best horses owned hv them were iitlimar. Miss Maul Peacemaker ami Mv Fellow, whieh Lady Reel, after ward the dam of Hamburg, was a member Of Unstable, although owned by Dr. Andrew Sinilh of Toronto. The tirm of Boyle A I. itileiiehi was dissolved in IMS ami sine. that time Mr. Uttlefield has trained a few horses tor the late James B. llau-gin. It i- -aid that lie waa re poii-ible in a greal measure for Hie success of the phenomenal Water b..y. this black horse having been discarded a- well nigh worthless until Uttlefield persevered with him the spring he wa- a- -t In ee v ear old. Mr. Uttlefield is survived by three nana- Tied. who. like his father, was a ami who new is living in Maryland, where he own- a largo farm; Barry, who trains the horse of .1 !•;. Seagram. president of the Ontario Jockey club, ami Bad. win. lives in New Jersey. Charles I.itl leliehl. another son who was a turfman of n do. died some years ago in Hie prime of life. He will !»• re railed as II w lief of Connoisseur. Miss lrim. Sabilla and other good performers. New York Sun of July l.