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TILTH RACE— 1 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 90878—1:38—3—108, ALHENA, b g, 3 96 By Star Shoot — Belle of Glendale J. F. Adams. 21698 Vqueduct 1 1:40 fast 4. :n; I s :; i I 6*1 J McKverK Amalfl, OSnllivan. Stonehenge 1325 Aqueduct 1 1:11 fast 6 Ml 1 3 I 3 S* 3*1 F ll. |ikius 7, Instant Shore, All Smiles. Altara 1193 i.i mi 1 1. .i 1 1 M 1:17 fas! 4 s7 1 1 1 1 2- 3 R Campbell 5 Am.ilii. Doublet. Orlin Kripp 21040 Jamaica 3 4 1 :l4%fast 13 10 M! 7 7fi »» 3*1 G Byrne 8 Chesterton, BthanAUen. Yodeies 2499* Jamaica 1-4 1:15 slow 3 107 4 S 2 ll 1* C Fbibor 8 Snperburnan, Mhtstrel, Coy "0875 lamaica 3 1 l:13%fast 12 102 13 13 11 11* Ss* .1 McCakeyli INuab l o, Outbxik. Tinkle Pell 20324 Pimlico 3-4 l:15%mud 43-24 105 5 E 3 S* S«| C Turner 6 Uornlti m. Busby I lead, Mimico •. gj Pimlico 3 t i:l5%siow 5 !i7 1 111 I4 • McCahey 8 Brandywine, Isidora, Nellie C. KARATOGA, br. c, 3 106 By Ogden— Unsightly D. J. Learv. 1564 Vuueduct 1 1:43 slop 2. ill 1 2 1 3 1* -- « Turner 3 All Smiles, LadyTeresa, Grumpy 4u.h1uc1 1 1:15 hvy 8-5 99 3 2 I 3 2 Il J McXver X MinstieL Joe Ihdbokl, Ne|ditb x 21130 Jamaica i 1 14 1 : i«.:.iast 10 5 M4 5 5 5 3 H 4* I Louder r, Cliff Field, Watertown, W. Shoes r i7.7 Belmont 1 1 II fast 12 112 3 2 3 2 2- H J Dreyer 4 Ktrusean. Coin. Cammon 204 "3 Belmont 3-4 st l:ll%fast 13-5 112 1 4 4 ::- f -l Dreyer 8 Gin©, Sand Marsh, Uncle Bill . imont 3-4 Lii%fast 1 106 4 8 5 4 3- C Brady 11 DinahDo, S.Marsh, D. of Dunbar 2 440 Belmont t-4 st 1:12 mud 20 Ml 4 4 2 2J 353 C Brady 7 Phosphor, Half Buck, Dist. Shore MOM Belmont 3 4 l:l3%slop 15 loo 3 3 3 3 IHC Brady 3 Potnettc Bleu. Galnef YODELES b. c, 3 108 By Roehampton — Yodcler H. Underbcrg. 21494 Mu.clu.t 1 l:41%good 4| no 17 7 4 2 1"i .1 McCahey 7 All Smil.-. Vladimir. Grumpy 21374 Aqueduct 1 l M-iast 10 :.:, :, :, 4 5 U T • McCaheylO Stonehenge, T.Bell. Beethoven 21172 Jamaica 1 1-16 l:4SVfcfast a 105 4 fi 5 :: Sl 3*1 J McKver 0 All Smiles. Coin, Ml- McGIggie 21040 Jamaica :: 4 1 :l4%fast 50 10s 3 fi 4 5 4 i-f McKver 8 Chesterton, Btkau Allen. Alliena "0937 Jamaica " I l:13%fast i"0 115 7 7 fi 5 :: J McKver 7 Ilanovia. i-u/zy Wuasy. S.M»rnh 18-10 laurel 51 f 1-fHejffast 217 104 fi fi fi fi fi1 W Doyle 8 Borgo. Stal.IIeieu, BrooatFlowuc 19092 Uiur.l 5 I 1 :o7«;, fid 110 8 13 12 12 13-"?,V Kovle IS Dervish. Carlone. LeoUUkM CAMELLIA, b. m, 6 102 By Stalwart— La Mujer Mrs. J. L. Paul. 21131 Jamaica 1 1 16 1:49 fast 11 i M. :•. 4 3 3 3* P V l.illey 5 Valentine, ;. Crime, Nephthys "54I67 Jamaica 1 1 H. 1:17 last 7 !7 5 :: :: 1 6* 3* W l.illey . Or. Kripp, B.Qnincc, i. M.Miller lamaica 1 1 16 l-.SOVfcslow 3 105 2 1 1 5 5* 4» W Lilley 7 C.M.Miller. B. Quince, Roblnetta 2 K 02 Jamaica 1 1 14 1:1. i. last 11-10 M3 4 2 3 2 2* 2 W Lilley ; OSnllivan. Dermis Jr., Marsbon 20S48 Belmont 1 1 l »-last 3 Mu :: 1 I 1 1"* 2" W Lilley . Guy Fisher, Robioetta, Beethoven 20454 Belmont 11:11. fast 11-6 104 5 4 fi E E | 6*1 W Lilley sit. oLight, Oroi I. Robinetta 19849 N.Orlna lm20y l:4l%fast 1 M2 S 6 4 4 3« 24 W l.illey 13 Her la. Cogs, Bogart 19294 N.Ofina 1 I l:12%tast 8 107 E « fi V 4*f, F Keuffji 11 Ait.nnha. T.Buaybdy, L.Londn ELLA BRYSON. ch. m, 7 109 By Juvenal— Graziosa R. F. Carman. 21193 Jamaica 3 11 5 1M 2 2 2 1 1- ". Iliisiis 7 l.. inne, M.B.Knhanks, B.Dipper 9H992 .lamaica :. 1 1:15 slow s 115 I s s 7- 6*| C Hie Mis s Albena, Superhuman, Minstrel 20875 Jamaica 3 1 1 :i:.,fast 8 no c, fi fi 4 1J T Nolan 15 Dinah 1 . Outlook, Tinkle Bell 20793 Belmont fi f l:20%fast in 5 los 1 5 5 3* 3*1 11 Lafferty 8 Orotund, Dist. Shore, Beethoven aW67 Itelmont 3 1 1:15 slow io 117 3 1 1 1*1 11 • Dreyer 7 Minstrel, CbestertiHi, Broom leaf 24098 3 I l:13%rast 13 5 110 :; 11 l" 4*1 J Butwell 7 Joe linn. Fair Helen, Mamie K. G. M. MILLER, b. h, 8 112 By Lissak— Subdue R. F. Carman. 21398 Vqueduct 1 1:48 fast 3 112 M ! 7 7 7s Pi .1 Butwell l.l Amain. OSnllivan, Stonbcnge 21067 Jamaica I 1-16 l:474£ia«i 31 llfi 4 5 5 E V P C Hueatia t*. Orlin Kripp, B.4Juiiiee, Ci -Ilia ; Jamaica 1 1 16 l:60*4slow 2 2 115 3 I fi 2 1 1*1 C Iluestis 7 Ben Quince, Roblnetta, Camellia 20793 Belmont 1 1 lfi 1 :47 fast 24 111 fi I 3 I ?■" 2- II Lafferty « W. Shoes, Al Bioch, OSuUivan 20763 Belmont 1 l:3.i/sfast 3* M5 5 5 5 4 B* V II Lafferty 8 Bac, Astrology, Guy Fisher 20495 Belmont 1 1:11 fast 12 G 114 2 2 2 2 2 2. M Buxton 2 Montresor 24420 Belmont 1 1:48 fast 2* M7 2 2 2 2 21S 2* M Buxton ". TbornbilL Bepulillcan MCM Pimlico 1m70y 1 :4fi%fast 63 10 118 3 4 5 4 4 4-J M Huston 8 Loehiel. Corsiean. ClitT Field TALECARRIER. br. h, 5 118 By Armeath II. — Jumbly Girl G. J. Day. 21*17 Jamaica :: 1 1 :i:- fast 25 117 E 5 4 2 1- R Waldron « T. as Steel. Andes. Blackthorn :wr. lamaica 51 I 1:07 fast 15 115 .". I 6* I* R Waldron •• Palanquin. Yado|tecp, Asyiade -,.| 1:: Piinlieo 3-4 1:14 fast Ho 118 1 I 4 4a r*| M H*thews R Andrew, lies. Prynne, R. Maiden 16X31 Kmpire 5 r I .-.Iast fi 113 1 E 5 5-" :."■ E Alley 8 Mater, Lily Onae. Garl I iki vqueduct 1 l:P-,slov 2a 122 3 1 fi 7 7 7-"".K Alley 7 Golily. Daingiiiield. Heartbeat I4SS3 Mboro Ah.", s pal/sfast 10 M7 PIE Alley 8 S.of B.Mawr. Hoy. Holly. SkcctS 12472 Pimlico 1 I I 2:07 fast 7 ME 3 2 2 2 2* T- It WaidronlO Ambrose, Buskin, Barnegat YAD0PEEP, b. m, 5 10G By Peep oDay — Lady Bramble Palace Stable. 21578 Aqueduct a 8 69 fast 6 US S 4 4 4- J* J Byrne H Quarta, Iolanii-. c.v Merrick ■lei : .1 imaiea " f 1 ii7 fast 2 110 4 4 4 J* 2 W l.illey .» Palanquin, Asyiade, Talecarrlcr 2HK75 Jamaica J-4 l:l3Vfcfast 135 11a 14 14 M M M-i ; Corey IS Dinah Do, Outlook. Tinkle Bell 18482 H deGce 51 f l:07%fast 7 10 los 1 4 3 3 1 A Sehugrll Farlynioni. Man nCasea. Soldier 1S404 II UCce 3-4 l:13/ilast 17-10 lla 2 1 1 22 2"" A SchugrM Striker, undaunted, Briar Path 17878 i«aur.l 3-4 l:13*4fast 31-20 113 6 5 5 5n" 5-4 A Bchu*g*ri0 Briar Path. Water Lily, Prairie 17040 Belmont 7-8 l:24%faat 8 lot 3 12 1 2s 2 J MeTugnrt 8 Blue Thistle. Progressive, Strons TINKLE BELL, ch. p. 3 105 By Peter Pan — Lady Gay J. Butler. 1117 queduct 3 I l:15%slow 8-5 105 4 4 4 4* 1- C Tinner s Hiker, f Silt Bdge, Hill Stream 21274 Aqueduct 1 Pfe-.-.last 15 Ml 3 3 2 2 2- ::- .1 P U.van Kl Yodel,-. Stonehenge. Beethoven 21104 Jamaica 6] f 1:07 last 4 M7 :, !• fi 7- r,r" D Steward • 1 ncle Jimmie, Mamie K., Sleuili 21045 Jamaica 3 1 PM:,iast fi5 114 1 3 I 3* 4r- c BureJ 7 Ahara, Graprsuot Andes 30875 Jamaica 2 1 1 :i::v, fast 41 M2 1 4 2 3- 31 J McTagrtlS Dinah I»o. Outlook, K. r.ryson 2MI8 Belmont 1 I 1:13 fast 3 112 6 4 fi P f|C Borel 7 Royal Martyr. Brooutleaf, Holy S06OU Belmont 61 t 1 :204fcgood 31 112 1 2 2 is I* .1 Lofius 5 Dist.Sliore, SamSIIck, Fenmonua 20409 Belmont 3 I PK.i-.mud 10 108 2 2 3 3 3- C Bond :; Montresor. Virile M437 Saratoga 6] 1 1:48 slow 13 5 Ml 4 I 1 35 3" .1 Kederia 7 Charter MaM, Kuplca, Stubborn 15C20 Rmpire 61 f 1*07 goed 44 M2 1 2 2 2° 21 J Kederia 8 Phosphnr. Miss Fraurea. Vaza DRYAD, b. c, 4 114 Bv Sir Huon — Rosemeade C. W. Gasser. i, ,|u.,hi,t 1 I:45*4slop 12 110 3 3 5 2 1*1 1- M Buxton s B. Ouince. Repnhlican. Patricks. IP. ,|U..iii,i 3 I l:i. -low M lis i 7 5 5* 5*1 M PuM.ii K Tinkle BeU. IUker, Gilt Kdge nSU9 Vqueduct 1 1:41 fast 28 IM 2 4 2 I 2* : .1 Hanover ; Star Girt. Bohnetta, JoeDeihold I 21192 Jamaica 2 1 I :l P.-.last 10 IIS 4 E 5 5* 5:* J Hanover 7 K.l.ryson. L.ui-m,-. Jill. Fubanks 1 21127 Jamaica 3 I Pi::. fast 10 no 5 4 4 5s ;.•, C Bgame 7 Presumption, Hurakan. Omtund 1 20786 Dorval 3 I PIP -fast 1 M. 9 it 7 7 6*1 R Haynea Ih Mrs. Me. The Governor, IL Brass 307J0 Dorval 5 f 1Hr7»ifcfast M 115 8 s 7 8 4 1 P.,, land 8 Bird Man. Viley. Hearthstone 20237 Churchill ■ 1 l:13*t 34-6 114 4 3 4 8 6**|J Butwell 8 ldyMooaet, ConDeilvery, Acis LORD MARSHALL, b. h, 5 109 By Oddfellow— Coraza J. Johnston. 1 1 Vqueducl 1 Pll fast 2 113 3 2 3 3 4 Ii .1 Butwell io Volant. Minstrel. Dr. Duenner 2 »olfi H.deGce ■■ f po7-.iast 10 115 7 fi fi1 fi,:; : Corey 7 Bgmoat Coy. Ida Claire 19896 Bowie :: I 117 - low 30 103 6 5 5 5 ." II Bresch 7 Cello. JiraBasey, l!r. Cunnrder ]9»r7 NOrlns lm70y 1:43 fast 10 1"3 5 2 3 5 fi fi-JK Murphy 8 J. Wright, Indolence, B Candle 19144 N.Orlna 3 I 1:13 fast 4 111 I 3 I 3» 1*1 P Gokistu 7 Kale K.. J.Basey, Kayderoseros 19143 N.Orlna 11 14 1:47 fast 4 lis 3 2 2 4 4 441F Murphy B M. Ann K., Orperth, K. of Savoy pu :, N iiiins lm7oy l:454slow 8 MS 7 2 4 fi 8" 8*1 W Ulley 8 Rob. Kay. I. Gardner, Vetena 19069 N.Orlna 7-8 1:24 last I 148 4 11 1 15 4*| F Murphy 7 Robert Kay. Yenghee, Kate K. 18997 N Orlns 11 lfi I : i.",4;fast 7 111 1 1 1 1 1" 1" F Murphy 6 Verena. H. Hutchison, M.AauK. 18955 N.Orlna 11:41 good 8 l" fi 2 1 1 3 1*1 W Lilley 0 Just Red. Robert Kay, Polly II. UM1 N.Orlna 2 1 1 :i::» last fi 113 4 4 1 21 2* F Keogh 8 Viley, Kl Pato, Salon 18799 Charlen 2-4 1:17 mud 7 11- E 1 1 4] B* M Nathan 7 F.Five. Brandywine, H. Brother 18743 -li.irle-n 7 s 1 ::o pnod 7 112 Ell t 1* 1h M Nathan 1» Itiiisse.-iu. C.Milern. Caletliiuiis 1 JOE DEIB0LD, b. g. 6 106 Bv Irish Lad — distance G. J. Day. Vqueducl 1 111 fast R 110 fi fi 5 fi 7 :• G Corey 11. Volant, Minstrel, Dr. Duenner 1 Aque lucl 1 1:43 In | I 111 7 7 fi fi 2" 1*1 G Corey 8 Saratoga. Minstrel, Nephthys •i:.,,i Vqueducl 1 1 II fast 16 M9 4 2 1 I P P G Corey ll Star Gift, Dryad, Boliinetta 21193 Jamaica 1 1 lfi 1:47 fast IS MS 5 :: :: 4 5 5" K Waldron 5 Amalfl, Doublet, Alliena 21013 Jamaica 1 1 16 l:49%good 3-2 113 2 2 2 1 2 :" K Waldron 1 Hlnah I»o. Patrick S.. Piluwry S0R79 Jamaica 1 I 16 1:48 fast 7 111 3 4 4 3 52 B» 0 Borel 6 Spearhead, Ortln Kripp. Amalrl Pimlico lm70yl:46%fast 4 112 5 4 4 3 4 4" P Goldsfn 5 P*gressive, B.Quince, Carlton G. PENALTY, br. f. 4 105 Bv Marathon — Miss Lida C. W. Oasser. ?r562 Aqueduct 11-1 59*4slop 7 94 3 3 4 3 P I" L Minli 5 Marsbon, I.a/ali. Amain ■HI, 1 Vuuetlct 1 "• io 1:18" slow 11 3 93 3 4 4 1 1* :" L Mink 6 Mars C.F.Oinger. Sepniveda • 171 Aqueduol l l:4o%fast li 105 4 4: 2 3* 2* M Buxton 5 Nephthys, M.B.I I arbor, Nreddin 30826 BlueBon. 1 1:41" fast 22 109 , t, 4 :: ". P H Haynea 1i J.H.Hnoghton, Rlwah, s..,il.,,,- 20724 Dorval lm70j 1:481 r.i-t 3-2 102 7 S : 5 31 2 1: Haynea 12 Durin, Lu«*ky G u-e. Atax 20411 Dorval 1 1 16 l:50%fast " 112 fi 8 fi 1; 6= ■ D Poland IO P.. Sister. Sliephenless, Fda.Fson 1 24844 Churchill 11 16 1:48 fasl 33-26 HH s 7 fi 7 71 E B Oti N Birka. Marsbon. OSullivaa 20274 Churchill 1 1 16 1 :48%slow 87-14 l": ! 5 ", 4 4 P K Pool 10 Requlram, Impression. I/ividand 1H471 Jnarea 1 l*388andfmat 4 M 5 6 7 fi 4J *- A Motl s Paj streak. Art Kick. Choctaw RICHARD LANGD0N, blk. g. 5 110 Bv Dirk Welles — Lass of Langdon R. Jaekson. I.s Vqueducl I 1:40 tat 15 113 13 " 12 13 I Pi.ili r I" Amalfl. OSnllivan. Stonehenge •■. » Pimlico ini7e 1 :! :■. fast 27-5 lor, 4 1 : 5 5 •"■ ".I McCahey .". pgressive. B.Quince, Carlton G. : Pimlico ImOOylMS slop M-5 110 :: I 1 1 I t C F"bther S Orperth, Cockspur, Joe Deihokl •,,-,.-, Pimlico 1 1:43 good 6-5 112 8 11 1 I* 1" II Lafferty •" Warlock. Ily Home, lH-iiiel S41S3 Pimlico 3 I Plfi mud 37-10 IK I 1 4 4 5*1 C Pi.tler 7 Faker, Joe Deihold, Crossbun 20106 II deGce 1m70y1:46*4good 31 148 111 1 1- 21 C F*hther I Clitl Field. Ixtchiel, Pi, or. Gem S0071 H.deGce Im70y1:44 fast 16-6 113 2 11 1 2:: 2 C P"bther 8 Jawbone, Orperth, Teuton riehl 19992 Bowie 1 1 14 l:51%faat 22 117 fi 1 1 1 1- 1*1 J McTag1 1 Lazuli. The Bump. Orperth 19945 Bowie lm20yl :46%fasl 4* 112 7 11 1 1* 1» .1 McTagt 7 Paton, Utile Rngland, Trovato i 1M17 Bowie 1 1-14 l-62%good 41 IM fill l 12 1* T McTag1 8 Peneuck, T— ilsureck. PordMal i NEPHTHYS, ch. f. 3 89 Bv Isidor — Maiest T, J. Moran. ■]■■ ,pi.,iu l I 1:45 hvy fi M 4 1 5 5 F I". .1 McCahey K Saratoga. Minstrel. Joe DeII old •1 71 vqu duel 1 Pi". last 20 •«; 2 :: 4 4 1*11* .1 McKver 5 Penalty. M.B.IIarhor, Nonreddln ri 21131 Jamaica 1 1 W 1:49 fast 15 5 Ph 5 :: 1 S E 1 J McCahey 5 Camellia. Valentine. GoM.Prime ,. 2101 7 Jamaica 5J t l.-084tuood 4 105 4 fi fi 3P 1- J McCahey 14 CyMerriek, Womlfair, Northlight t «7 Jamaica 3 1 I IP last fi W7 7 4 4 ■.. 3*1 J McCahey 11 Valentine. D.ofDnnbar. In. Bill I •0025 H.deGce 3 100 101 4 2 5 a- IP". I McKver 11 Sleuth. Silver Moon. Free Trade ,. 24014 Haleiee 61 f l-07*4tfaat 150 M 5 4 4 5 4° .1 McKever 5 Marjbrie A., Alliena. BeAectioa I