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e 1 !, , ; 1 to i • ■ 1 • r - 1 1 « 1 i I ; I I g i d i. i. p e e - y ». - « e ;- OVERLAND PARK FORM CHART. DENVER. COLO., July 5, 1915. —Twentieth and ! last day. Colorado Agricultural fair and Racing Association- Summer Meeting of op days. Overland I Park. Weather clear. Ire-idinv Stew aid. 1. A. Brady. Presiding Judge, A. T. i ob-oa. Starter, Edward bribe. Raciug Secretary, W. Y. Finn. 21579 first Race— 5-8 Mile. Inrse *j:,n. :. | ai olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner , 75; second. Soli: third. S. Equiv. Oil Is lud. Horse. fft Bin. Jockey. Straight. 3 1408 3 Indlanola m l- R small II WO , il.»IX Tordillo KG -" V Kelsa,y b.lobo , 21518M.Oanomnn 1«J 3* C Kiddle , 21515 Dolly Hays W8 4- C Basqull 8i 100 , ■;i 562 Thalia 109 •" - O Gb ntry in • ■ :i545*Oscuro 111 S4 l Bauer 2340-100 81271 Bil. KcQuaidtt2 T- f Stevens 21bb-100 , . I 1!»8 Saucj Nell 109 J J Donovan . -e lot 21413 i trtia 114 :•- : Warren 24; i 10 1 .MOT:! .hue I :ri,l • 103 m R Carter 39 100 Time. 2V-.. 43H,, 1*1%. Tiack fast. mini. els paid, Indianola. .80 straight, .10 place. .20 show: Tordillo, 1.20 place. .7u , show; b na i ano nann, _.o ■ bow . Winner Indianola Stables b. g, 5, by Proper V ill line trained by W. lloni I | Slut good. Wen driving; second and third same. - £1580 Second Race — 3-4 Mile. Purse 30. 4 year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner f 75; second, 0; third, 5. Equiv. odd-Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 21520 ob - i a la W Ki Isaj 21S10*Obllvion 109 -,: R Carter D 2154S VToli t Hay 105 3 C Cross 1 8151 I rallow I i 111 1 I i Raw r 0 ! I. *»■! - i K _ ;■ hi i :•■ b" ■:i;»I8 in. i VV i • • ! W U ■ da , 21581 i anda I0i ■ W Oi mi - 2773 100 ,1 21280 Eh ctrowan b-T s G Warn n 11 I 1 8 l..IX- M. Ki no. dy 103 »s R Small ■iliiX Lady Mint Ufi 10 S Smith 2l 30 100 , Time. 23 ,. 4S a. 1:14-,. Track fast. tnutuels nd. Orhest, .«I xtraigbt. , ll.o.. si i i ahow; Dbliriou. 1.30 plate, ST Jo rj show Vii lei Maj . 3.20 -how. Wlnnei .1. M. Stokes rh. r, 5, by Orbicular Nearest trained by J M. stoke-1. Start --1 I. Won driving; sec nd and third same. 21581 Third Race Ts Mile. Purse li.-.o. ::■,. ir-s olds ami upward. Selling, Net value to winner i 75; -■■ oi d. 0; third. 5. 1 7. 1 1 1 i v . ttdds Ind. Horse. Wt. Pin. Jockey. Straight. -il.JXT I • I-. ■- Ill .-Ii. W u im s 0 •,*l.»l! rumen Hi - AVK l-r • ■-. it«. .. 21514Dick Benson ill •"■ R Small I Ii 21483z7.angaree 100 4»1 O Gentry 22O-1O0 0 21483 Mollie Cad 109 6 I Russell 1S30-100 . 215 M r br e *• Warn n o EltHfIdun M T B BmltB 101U-IW o 3 -; 3 3 pi D ~ - . g „ 2 ~ 2 .] j i i I " • ;. . _ _ J ; , ■ | r * •il.llO-Cuiciuin ill s:l R Derrhy 2880-100 1 ,~» 1 T bom- star 111 t| C OMahoney 1 n;:, |eo 21S4M Alco 100 10 S MeCiaw 3220-100 Ti 24A, 483i. 1:144, 1:28. Track fast. iiiiiiuels paid. Pels, . 1.50 straight. place, SI. To show: Acumen. .20 place. .50 show; Dick !!• nson. .70 show. Winner W. Covingtons b. g. •"• by Sempronius Binds trained by W. Covington. Start fair. Won driving; second and third same. 21582 Fourth Race 3-8 Mile. Inrse $.,on. i-yeai-oids ami upward. Selttng. Net value to winner 10; second. 1915.sh0; thud. 0. Equiv. Odds Ind. Horse. wt. Tin. Jockey. Straight. 1500 -Metropolitan 108 1 C Cross 49O-100 1848-J ge Gheens 109 i: Q Warren 540-100 21517TKht KnightKC :: W Leeds 155O-1O0 21547 hl Coin 109 41 G Molesworth 1200-100 21389 Ann Tidy p.; »» W Kelsay 38a 100 21547*Jake Argent m:, i; v Ormes 2020 100 21548 Manganese 103 T r-; Denny 18 loo ! Time. 232-. 48. 1:00V,. Track fast. mntuels paid. Metropolitan, .sii.sii atraigbt, .20 place, .90 show; Judge Cheeiis. .40 place, 54.00 sic. a: Light Knight, .70 show. Winner J. McCarthys b. b. 8, bf Pillgnux — Annie Thompson trained by J. McCarthy i. Start good. Won driving; second and third same. 21583 Fifth Race— 1 Mile. Independence Handicap. Value ,200. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner 15; second. 00; third. 50. Equiv. Odds Ind. Hor-c. Wt. lin. Jockey. Straight. 2 15 IM I. oil us 119 1" J Murphy 1320-100 1 81550 Zoroaster 103 2" K Carter 2400-100 21481 John i Brahamll ! S t ; Molesworth • • 21550CIark M. IIS ij I; S nail 730-190 • 2 1550 -Rash 108 5 C Gross 240-100 1 2I550 Kxecutor ins ■[ C Riddle 2140-100 I 21481 -Stolen Ante lull T YVOrincs 1080-100 | 21483London Girl M 8= O Gentry 14SO-100 21278 I IoiiK tract MM :i"W Kelsay 720-100 21181 Be 105 H : Warren 1150-100 tCoupled in betting rime. 24--v. 483,. 1:14. 1:40V,. Track fast. . mntuels paid. Danieli ,v. Hodces entry, .40 , straight, .30 place. .40 show: Zoroaster, 0.80 , place, I. co show . Winner Daniels and Hodges ch. g, 4, by Dick 1 Welles labia Shannon Itrained by C. B. Han. bi. Start good. Won drivin": second and third same. 21584 Sixth Kare-1 Mile. Purse 08. :: year-olds ;: lie? upward. Selling. Net value to winner r 10; sec rod, 1915.sh0; third, 0. Equiv. od 1-Ind. - Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 21480 Louise Haul MM ii G Warren 220 IO0 i 21550 IHtsy Mack 111 -"-■ B Denny S48O-100 I I 21548l;i lato Mi I* O Gentry tb 1 01 DJ ! 1 • • • 1 I | , , 1 r - i I I 01 DJ 21300 Say hi i S sinjth 1333 mo 2 1388 Brando 113 51 W Kelsay 359-189 121 180 ilbil Molir 113 m W I ■ ■ da ::ir. M 21180 Tian.-paient IIS 7* J Murphy 23S0 100 21551 First Star 113 8* C Rlddli 27W Hk» 2l5o:5ill WalbankllS 9" Il 2740-109 21503 Erm Ida M MH R Crawford 21521 lOrbii Smile 111 11 F Steven- f tMutuel field. Time 24S. 484-. 1:141, 1:412-,. Track fat. mutnels paid, l-ouise Paul. .4fl straight. *...7rt £ place .20 show; Patsy Mack, 0.70 place 1.80 M show: KI Ialo. Held. $:t.!M» show. MM Winner C. Hawks b. in. o. by Kilkerran Ihe mw Crisis trained bv C. Ilawki. W Start good. Won driving; second and third game. 21585 Seventh Race 3-4 Mile. Purse 50. Owners Handball. Col. rado ow m d. d-yoar ohb ami upward. Net value to winner ¥1T." : second. 0; third. 5. Eqniv. Odds Tud. Horse. Wt. lin. Jockey. Straight. 21521 Zia 108 l1 .1 Russell 1245 KM 21010 la. Article M6 » W Kelsay I-152O-100 21521 l-l. Johnson MG ■■• C Oroes 543 189 81546 Minnie K. 81 I- O Gentry t:i:. pin 21502 Anne McGce 93 5 | G Basqull 3 elOO 2 1503 Otilo 108 ii W Ormes I2M 109 21417 apt. Druse hi:: T: R Carter 21400 Planetary 85 81 I" 1ulhr 21514 Tutor Irt". 1 G Warnn 1389 MO . . ainled in betting. Time. 23-,. 48"-,. 1:144;. Track fast. mntuels paid. Zia. 6.90 straight, -*H 50 place, show; C. C. Ihilllips entry. 0.70 place. m; 10 show- lot-t Johnson. -30 show. Winner !. hutchs I,, m. 8, by Orim- A urea trained by J. C. Hendricks. Start gcod ror all but otilo. Won driving; second and third same. . 21586 Eighth Bat -~,-s Mile. Pane 1838. i year dds ami upward. Selling. Net value to winner 75; second, 0; third, 5. Knuiv. Odds [ad. Horse. wt. rin. Jockey. Straight. 21418 Aunt Elsie 109 J- O Gentr ■ I"1 2154! Brighouse 110 2" R Small liO-tOO 21 118 I Arrow shaft 1"-". 3i W Ormes 11 .1" 2 1280 iia- Goeta 107 Ml B Denny i 109 • 1502 :,Tli. Cub llo 5» t Cry 21 S 109 2 1 580 »S warts Hill 103 0* S Smith 215-100 2 1 1 12 Cecil bT T; W Kelsay 100 21511 Xherrv SeedlOT -1 G Warren 263 WO 21517 Carondolet BW S !• Kulbr 8* b»» Time. 23, 47%, 1:00. Track fast. mutnels paid. Aunt Risk?. 7.00 straight. ss.-,i» place. .60 show; Brighouse. . to place. .00 show : Arrow shall. .00 show. Winner J. Randolphs i r. I. 1 by Bonnie Joe— Elsie Harris trained by J. Randolph. Start tCOOd. Won easily; second and third driving.