Fort Erie Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1915-07-11


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: i ; [ • . 1 1 r f i i ! I , , , , , ■ , 1 , - f D 1 0 , ,1 1 , , rj i 0 .. 0 . o o — ■ » FORT ERIE FORM CHART. FORT ERIE. 0NT., SATURDAY. JULY 10. 1915.- Seventh and last day. Niagara Racing As ociatkm Swanter Me tfaig of 7 days. Weather clear. Presiding Steward, Joseph a. Murphy. Presiding Judge, Francis Nelson. Starter, a. 1!. Hade. Racing :■ eretary, J. B. Campbell. Rachsg starts at 2j45 p. m. Ctdeagn time 1:43 a, ■_. W Indicates whip, s spurs. B blinkers. in lues hi parentheses following the distance of each race indicate index number, track record, age I koBW and weight carried. Indicate- apprentice allowaacc. 2| pT O rj 1IKST RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. 84348 -1KB_ S MO. Parse 8580. :: year old- and X UU I upward. Sening. N.t value to winner 00; Bccead, : third, 838. Index Horses AWtlP St 44 „ _ Str lin Jockeys Owners Eiptiv. Odds Strt 2l4«filK.KTlA wa3 15 .", 2 11. Tb" i«| M Garner V Sheridan lb. bo 21205- YENGHEE wt G M 1 1 2 :i- V V L McAfee J A Gibson 100 8I528s*_ANGHORNE wn 3 94 2 4 M 2 3 :Jl J Acton s M Henderson 100 21555:1.ALV LONDON wit .". KiT :i :: 4- i- A* - E Haynes W Smith l Ion loo 20155 SWGBR w I C 104 1 a t S ".- 5" J Kederis Miss 4. Gray I b" 21480 Kl.NG K. a :; 197 C i 5«J ."■ C ti C VanDunL. 11 Gaudry 3390 bxi Time. 234;,, 4945. 1:03. 1:09%. Track slow. mntuels paid, Veaethi, .96 Btraight, .sJ..xi place, .40 -how: Yengfaee, .10 place, .h how: Langhorne, .4i show. Equivalent bonking odd- Venetla 14." lo in i straight, 4." to 100 place. 20 to loo show: Ifengbee. 1". to 100 place, b". to jm show: Langhorne, 20 to 100 show. Winner B. f, by fteittaire 11. Salvatrix trained by P. Sheridan. Went to posl at 2:4 1. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. INKTIA went to the front with a ru-h and Bel the pace under slight restraint all the way. YENCHEK came through on the in-ddo when entering the homestretch and finished fast and gamely. LANGHORNE was lard ridden to outstay LADY LONDON. The latter ran well. I K. R. L. 8WARBNGEB began slowly. Ihe wMiin-i- was entered for nii: no bid. 4 1 PT O O SECOND RACE— About 2 Miles Short Coarse. 61200- :!:tl -0-112.1 St., pie. hase , __ X *JCjCj Im-e 1915.sh00. l-year-olds and upward. Handicap. Net value lo winner 00; ec- . ml, 0; third, .Sod. Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 7 16 12 lin Jockeys Owners O II C V M 21551 MORPETH w 8 139 12 1" U - ::" 1*1 K Craw IrdW Oberneaaer »la-M8 215542DOROTHY WEBBwb 9 140 5 3 I- Ill" - M ofonr.l Mackay IStt-100 21554 Jot: GAIETY w I B$ 1 1 3*5* I ■■ 21 ■■• J Dnpee J W Hammond ..... phi 215543STUCCO w 1 140 J 1 2 1 _ 3* 4* b1 N Brooks W L blaupin 110-100 20334 CYNOSURE w C 139 3 4 :;- :■-- r.--- . -■• j Russell G P Sherman i.,.n pki 2 1185 LILY PAXTON w 7 133. 3 C 5] I I « tl 1 Smith M O Viau IBM Ml Time-. 4:08:K. Track slow. mutnels paid. Morpeth, 0.30 straight, 4.80 place. .70 show; Dorothy Webb, ifd.lo place, S2.70 -how : Joe Gaiety, .00 show. Kipiivalenl I kin-, odd- Morpeth. 2015 to 100 straight, 840 to KHl place, i;;-, to 1ihi -how; Dorothy V. ebb. To to 100 place, 33 lo 100 show: Joe Gaiety, 15 to inn show. Winner il. g, by Mindoia -Lady Churchill trained by C. C. Robb. Went to post at 3:0C. At posl 2 minutes. Start ".« .l and slow. Won easily; second and tbiid driv-ii:.. MORPETH, after setting the earl] pace, followed the leadei closet] and was taken wide waei entering the homestretch, but, finishing gamely, easily disposed of the tiring leader. DOROTHY WKBB was saved under restrain! until In the hi-l half and went to the front with a rush at the eleventh fence, but tired badly in the last sixteenth. JOB GAIETY fenced well and easily disposed of STICeo m the last quarter. STUCCO tired after going well for a mile and a half. Overweights Lily Iaxton. 3] pounds. pr O "h THIRD RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. Sbils 1:05% 5 100. Purse 850O. 4-year olds aad 2-| 1 Owtf npward. Selllag. Net value to winner 8400; second, 0; third. 0. index Horses AWtPPSt Vi V-i :!.i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 3 1588 DEPOSIT ws 4 in; 2 I l b- 1" I" L McAtee L II Kaapp 380-108 214:!8 SIR BLAISE WB 8 189 4 :; 4» 4" :i -" E Haynes W P line 240-108 21507 LAURA w 4 lot 3 I ?• ■,- 41 ■■" A Scho*_*rH ; BedweD 1400-tOO 20528 *YORKVILI_5 wb 5 99 I S _" ::- -- I1 J Acton J J Ryan • p. km 21488 *RRANDYWINE w 5 107 S 1 J r." ■• 6s W Iral .1 Wilkinson :::;n 1H 21332 SINGLE w 4 lot •• 2 51 *i 6 6 C VanDunCllnton Stable 1000-188 Time. 23%. 49. i:02V5. 1:09. Track slow. mntuels paid. Deposit, .20 Btraight, .30 place. .70 show: Sir Blaise, . m» place. .30 -how: Laura, sii.oo show Equivalent booking odds— Deposit. 300 to 100 straight, 115 to Umi place, 83 to KM show: Sir Blaise, 100 :o led place. 05 to Kill show: I. aura. 2mi to 100 show. Winner— Ch. g, by Woolstborpe— Mr . Maraprop trained by W. A. Burttschell. Went to post at :i:42. At post I minute. Start good ano slow. Won cantering; second an I third driving. DEPOSIT took a quick lead and raced closely with YOBKVILLE at ■ fast pace for tbe first quarter, hen drew away into a long bad and win in a canter. S1K BLAISE * i- cut 0_ at tin sixteenth po-t and . .- Men taken to rhe outsde an! finished gamely LAURA ran well and outgamed the tiring YOBK ILLE. The ninner was entered for ,200; no bid. Overweights I. aura. 2 warads. »1 PCCijf I 1" l" 11*11 1 PACK 3-4 Mile. 10844 1:11-.-. 1 -102. Thirteenth Riinnin7~_oit. Erie _i 1 Oi/U Stakes. ,500 Added. 3-year-olds and upward. Seliimr. Net value to winner ,825; second, 00; third. 00. Index Hones AWtPPSt % _ ;i Strlin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 2 1888 WATER LADY hi: I Ml 8 1 SJ I". I- 1- I, McAti Mrs J Arthur ?345-100 21468*VOGUE w 3 108 I 8 S 3 2»i W AndressGallaber Pros. 345-108 21486 *BE_4DEL « 4 W8 T 2 7] ■ 6» 3* W Ural J I Tim merman 515-100 " I 107 • .- l i:i:i.I-:i; w 1 Mo 1 5 b 4* - 4" T PargtonE McRride 515-108 31468*ROB HENSLEY wb 1 111 « I I :: 5* 5»1 J Acton K P. KlUins J_M-100 2134f8*TORY MAID W 3 93 •". T S] fij s j M Garner S M Henderson 580-100 21310*ENCORE wu 3 M S :; 2 2 I] 7«* A Collins Mrs J Arthur v 21000 THE NORMAN wn I m - s •"* "•- •■ 8 F Murphy E B Elkins J C npled in betting. Time. 234;,. 434, i:1g,. Track slow. mntuels paid, Mrs. J. Arthur entry, .90 straight, -20 place. .00 show; Vogue, .10 place, -58 show : 11. ndel, slew . Equivalent booking odds Mr-. J. Arthur entry, 343 to 100 straight. 1 K to Km place, go to 100 _ow; Vogue, 155 to Km place. 12-". to 100 show; Bendel. 2# to 100 how. w am, 1 B. r, by Watcrbov Dnchess of Towers trained by J. Arthur. Went to post at 4:K; At posl 5 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third dnv-ii.u. WATER LADY, after having forced the early pace, took thi had whllt rounding tbe far turn ind ill h away In the stretch t win in 1 canter, voi.l I was outpaced in tbe early running, but was taken to th. outside and Hnlshed with a rush. BENDEL began Blowly, but finished fast and m l up in time t« dis . -. 1 1 sii eki.eb at the end. The latter showed tbe mosl earlj speed, bin wa- tiring at tbe nni-h. Ilii; HENSLEY and ENCORE wen prominent early, but both quit. The winner wa- entered for 00; no I hi. S." nt.-h.-d - _l_:i li.-i M.-i-k. I-!: 21::01 1 Valas. PC , 1 P_ C_ 1 FIFTH RAC1 5 1-2 Furlongrs. 84348 lMi%- ■ 109. Purse 8800. 2 voai~hN. _5 1 ♦ Yj JL Selling. Set value to winner 00; second, 0; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % _ Sir lin Jockeys Owners Eqniv. Odds Strt 2 1527* Al DKKY UJSTIN ■ " ,;l i1 1 !■ Mi 1 s m Henderson 1028-100 21487 LARKfN wn 119 S 8 • I 1 W Ural W Walker 1 -. i 100 »1327»BROOM STRAW w b "■ 5 I : W H. 1 1 A P. Stelle lluo-Hni 2O980 JOHN RIXNY wn 101 . 3 :- • ■■■ F Murpbj K It 1 Ikins 1 :oo Kmi 118; WILL CASH wu M9 it 11 • Smyth II o 1 mstork tin phi •m.vjt- i;i:ki:!Ii;s m W5 1 1 c b Fell M Garner P 1 Coleman vVloo 21 187 1 * iAi; BRLSH w 113 IT T T Fell. J Acton T 1 bud 1300-100 Tim.-. 25U,. 51. 1:04-;,. 1:11%. Track slow. 1 mntuels paid. AwVrrey Austin. 2.40 straight, 0.30 place .90 show; Larkbt 8.38 pine. .20 show; Broom Straw. -! w. Kquli ilenl 1-. lie ...hi Audrey Austin, 1020 to UK straight. II. to l«» place, 195 to Khi w; b.ikii 805 to Kin idee ::ki to 100 -how: Broom Straw. 205 to 100 -how. Wiiiiur P.Ik. f. b Migraine- Sallj K. trained by S. M. Ilemlerson. Went to post at 4:51. Vt post :: minute-, start good and -1 m Won eaaily; Kecond ami third driving. AUDREY AITSTIN, off slowly, moved up rapidly on the inside anil, passing tbe leadei I" the stretch drew awaj fast at the end. UIimn closed a Rap steadily nn l. fluistiing fast, outgamed RROOM STRAW al end The latter was « forward contender throughout. WILL CASH set a _.,od pace, but CKi:i: TiNCK- fell .it the Sixteenth post and TAP RRPSH fell ,,,r 1, r. The winner wa- itered f. r 0 : no hid. _ pT fa O SIxr" RACE 1 MO*. 08700—1:37% 100. Purse 8000. 4-year olds .-,nd upward. 2-i 1 ♦»/ _5 Selling. N.t value to winner 80; second, 0; third. 0 . . Index Horses AWtPPSt Vi _ % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Fquiv. Odds Strt 21205 CNCLE BEN am 7 Mi J 1 . 1- 1- 1- 1" A SchugrMrs T Francbj 985-180 21572 »l. KKCALDVwn I bl 1 I Mi » 2 1 2] :nl- .1 A.f.n II K Harbour; 575-100 215A5*FORD MAI w ■ E bU I I 14 s1 l« P :;" I. McAt«« F !i-ante ■ !MS»-1li0 21572 ibU.NT WB t* 112 3 f 4U B" 5] 4l 9 .1 jieili ris F3 loUS loll-100 S11M*KILDAT W 4 1"t 7 I 7 8* 7 f, :. T Haves J A Cihson SOO 1fM tlStl LOVE DAY wb«112 7 7 8* 7 r. ? ,. q Burns C I WUaon :,7i loo SlMS*COL HU.I.OWAY 1"7 1 2 1 L" ■■ 6» 7 W Ur*l P J Seankin MO-100 liin.-. 25. 503/5. 1:17«5. 1:45"5. Tiack slow. mutinls paid. Tnele Ben. .70 straight, .ff.OO place, .20 show; Laird oKirkcaldv, .10 place* s:;.t show; Eord Mai. 83.70 show. F.pihahni booking odds— Uncle Ben, 185 lo 100 straight. Mo to KM place, 00 lo 100 show; Laird oKlrkcaldy, 1".". to 100 place, 83 to loo .h« ; Ford Mai. v, to 100 show. Wimi. i Br. g. by The ttiahman— Beseie Pi-land i trained by J. Arthur. Went to post at 5:24. At post l minute. Start good sad slow. Won tmattji second and third driving. UNCLE BEN am outrun to the tral tarn, bat went ta the front oa the backstretcb and. draw-in- away into aa easy lead, was easing ni at tin- «nd. laird OKIRKCALDV raced closet up than usual and bung oa gamely to the end. FORD MAI was a rorward eoatender throughout, bat was tiring l in the anal sixteenth. PONT raced gamely. COLONEL HOLLOWAY • ini t alter racing forwardly to 1 the treteh. In.- winie I was out- le.j l..r XloO; no l.j.l. 2-| p»QQ SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile. 967«0— 1:37%- 5 100. Parse 1000. :t year . his and up-lOJ/O waul. Selling. Not value to ulnnci |300; second, -S70; third, EM. lades 1! AWtPPSt 4 £ % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kipiiv. Odds Str-1 21557**D] KS PET wa I HS i ; k | i i ii i« .i .rton » R Poas nr, loo 21M7*8TAK OP a K a :: 91 i r. I" 4 1» 21 and I". Porehd L V :nrtli Hunt 100 21547 »ASTROLOGER wb 6 110 1 I :; J 3J "A 1. HartweUT J Blward 345-100 Sltwu*LADY SPIRITLE w3 M •: - S] • 4 l 1" A Collins S Louis 770-100 2 ISM I.i i ISE TRAVERS w 4 KB :: 1 ■ 5* I : B» W I nil i: .1 Met! raw llooioo 214w«*JABOT w 7 i it E 1 1 31 El SI I 1. McAteeJli Strode 355-100 Time. 24V,. 49%, 1:17, 1:45. Track slow. nintu.i paid, l k"s Pet, .90 straight, 9X20 place, ?2.7o -how: *tar of Love. place, .00 show; Astrologer, .00 show. Equivalent i kin- odd* Dick* Pet, 1 tr, to ioo straight, 00 to 100 place, 38 to loo show; Star of Lave, it" to loo place, loo to 1 h show; Astrologer, 50 t . 100 show. Winnu H. f. by l.att — Kitty l.elle Brooka trained by . P. Tons. W.n; 0. post at 5:55. At post 2 miaates. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. DICKS I • I-:t began slowly, hut went to the front while rounding the turn into the- backstreteh, then raced JAF.iil Into retirement and dr. w away into an easy lead to win eased up. STAR OS" LOVE raced Well and easily disposed ,,t ASTROLOGER in the gnandl quarter. The latter war hard ridden to outstay LADY SP1B1TUELLE. JABOT set th. early pace, hnt quit badly- The winner was entered for .00; no hid.

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Local Identifier: drf1915071101_2_8
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