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FORT EWE MEETING ENDS TRACK IMPROVES AND THE LARGEST CROWD OF THE MEETING IS IN ATTENDANCE. Water Lady Wins the Fort Erie Stakes in a Canter from Vogue and Bendel— Muttiel System Prove-, Popular. Fort Brie, Out.. .luiv 10.— The Fort Erie Slakes, a dash of three i|iiailers with 11,500 added, wa-featured by the Niagara Bachag Assoc iathia for the closing days program at tort Brie. An immense gathering turned out. the attendance being the larg-• -i by of the meeting. There was a decided improvement in track e litiona and interesting contests in order. Iron Mask ami Vala - were withdrawn from the stake race and of the righl that were I. II in. Water l.ady and Encore were coupled a* Mrs. .1. s Arthur* entry, and Boh Hensley ami ihe Norman as the i:. B. iBkhm entry. -Th.- race pi ved i a-v for Water Lady, which won in a canter after eased up in the but doaea yards. Squee-h r and Encore set a fast pace lo "the far turn, where Water l.ady went to the front with a rusk ami in the homestretch kept Increasing her advantage. Vo-ue was second and Bendel third. An interested vlsttor at Fort Erie this aften n was .1. Wadswi rth of Gene seo, N. S .. ami chairman of the New York stale Racing Com mis l..u. Mr. Wadswortli made a thorough Inspect! f the inutne] plant and was enthusiastic over the system. He wa- Ihe guest of the -towards during the all.i noon ami watched a couple of races ir the judges -land Jockey .1. Smyth will do the lightweight ridlag for the .1. K Seagram stable at Windsor. His uncle lias turned the lad over to John Evans, who will look alter his engagements. The elder Smyth baa arranged with Charles Brown to take ap a yearling hy llur-t Iark l.adv Charle- thai he has turned out in Kentucky. Smyth intends racing bis horses a I New Orleans aexl winter. Fil Moore, acting for s. Newaaaa has pgulmad the m. ire I ,u la Welsh from Walter Can. The apprentice allowance of Jockeys Acton and Hart well expired with the conclusion of todays : Il Sain I. ui- ilaiineil Lather after he was beaten in Ihe sixth race on Friday. Lather, hy the w.iv. was res| slhle for he miviip al the start. In which the heavily backed favorite, civiit.i. ami Frontier were bit at the post. When the barrier was sprung Luther ran across the track ami Ihrevi the other two against th.- inside feme. The stewards ordered thai Luther* entry be refused until hi- bad habits at the ]m.-i are corrected. The inn t i l inaehiins at Fori Krj,. panned a big -mie— .ml. like Blue Bonnets, there was a steady improvement in the volume of specalattaa as Hie Meeting progressed and the system proved entirely -ai i-la. lory botb to the public ami ihe association. It has been predicted by close observers thai the ma, him - ,v ill do well al Windsor. O. W. Hepplei. who raced an important stable on the northern circuit some few years ago. has returned to racing with a stable Of four. His horses are in charge of the Maryland trainer. W. Keating, a skillful man with a horse. .lames Bodea hopes to he able lo ship the II. Ray ml string from Hamilton tn Montreal early next week, llis departure was delayed by Reddest being laid up as a r.-sull of injuries sustained in hi- last rare. Several layers ami others departed for Montreal lasl night to lie on band for the o|Hii-ing of Ihe King Edward Park meeting. Edward Mi Bride, whose horses will be shipped to Saratoga mi M lay. left lot- Atlantic City with his family last night. Lewis Garth will not ship to Windsor. The di vi-i,.n of the stable that he raced at fort Brie will I..- s,ni back to Hamilton. Mr. Garth will -.. t. Virginia ■ look over the horses he i- resting during the summer for a winter campaign. The sprinter orkville ran in the inline of .1. .1. Ryan in the third race this after i. Mr. Ryaa purchased Ihe horse from W. .1. McIUnaurray and the stewards lifted the suspension when tbej learned of the transfer. A C. Weston ami Henry McDaalets, with the Thorncllne stable, shipped to Windsor this n- ing. Two big special train will pull out earl] Moat-day morning. Jockeys M. Gamer and .1. Artoa sustained onlv iniuor Iwuises wl Ireetings and Tar Brush fell during tin- running of the fifth race. Smith fit I a rrar have decided to test Weyanoke ami Lady London at Fort Brie until ihe aext meet-in:: of the Niagara Racing Association. lay Burn will ace pany Ihe MeBride stable la Saratoga ami will have the mount on the crack two-year-old, George Smith, in his raeea at the.Spa.