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KENTUCKY STATE RACING COMMISSION RECORD OFFICE: 1204 Fayette National Bank Building LEXINGTON - KENTUCKY MEMBERS J. N. Camden. T. II. W. I.. Ilaldoman. .»llie W. Younff. Chas. F. Jrainjrer. 0FTICERS J. N. CamdCB Chairman T. II. Talhot Y ice-Chairman S. . NuekoN. .ir Secretary and Treasurer At a meeting of the Commissi. m held on Saturday. June .7. I.ll... at Louisville. Ky., there were pieenl J. N. Camden chairman, Allle w. Young and T. II. Talbot. Thi follow ins new rules were offered: RESOLVED: "That the Racing Secretary shall not put any horse up as a starter in a stake unless Instructed to do so by the owner or trainer of ii wse." RESOLVED: "That each race traek applying t. this Commission for license shall accompany said application with a i ook of program made ait by the Racing Secretary heretofore appointed by this Commission,- showing at least si races far each day asked for and none of said races shall he declared off if as many as three starters remain in said race." All rules passed contrary to this rule are her.hy repealed. New res .lntion passed. RESOLVED: "That all the associations ra -inc under a license from the Kentucky State Racing Commission shall employ Keaturkiaiu only aa helpers t«. racing in conducting the race meetings in Kentucky." The following schedule for fall racing dates was granted: Kentucky Association, Thursday. Sep-1. mh.r n. to Saturday, September is. Douglas Park Jockey Clith. Monday. September 20, to Tues-dav. September Ls. New Louisville Jockey Club, Wednesday, September 29. t Thursday. October 7. I.atonia Jockey Cluh. Saturday. October !, to Wednesday, October l7. The meeting then adjourned, MEETING HELD AT LAT0NIA. KY.. IN THE CLUBHOUSE. JUNE 24, 1915. PRESENT: Vi.e hairman T. II. Talhot presiding!. Allle W. Young, W. P.. HaJdesaaa. RESOLVED: That Jockey J. P.utwell is hereby reinstated to all privileges of tin- turf." This motion was passed upon recommendations of the pr. Hiding stewards. RESOLVED: "That Dr. Henry Harthill he appointed Paddock Judge and Veterinary Burgeon." Mr. Maury Kemper, attorney for Oearge Innes. appeared before the Commission and asked for an opportunity to see the evidence in the Innes ease. which was granted. Mr. Kemper notified the Commission that Mr Innes wanted to appeal his ease to the Commission, hut did not ask for a date to he set lor a heai lag fhe foRowing new rule was offered. RESOLVED: "That any individual oontomplat ing the purchase of a horse at public auction out of a selling race must deposit a sum equal to entered price of the horse, plus fhe amount of the purse given to the winning horse, with the Se. re tary of the AsnociaHna and re.eive from him a credit slip which must he shown at the stile on demand of the owner of the horse betas sold." RESOLVED: "That a committee In" appointed to draft resolutions upon the death of Mr. K. W. Haginn." Acting Chairman appointed Con. liable man and Mr. Charles i". Grainger as committee to draft said resolutions. RESOLVED: "Edward Jasper was appointed Ilatidieapper and Placing Judge to till the vacant canned by the death of Mr. B. W Meghan, and a vacancy declared lo the ontoe of Racing Secretary and Placing Judge." RESOLVED: "W. II. Penree is hereby appoint..! Pacing Secretary and Placing Judge, who shall have the power of appointing an Assistant Secretary Bpoa all the race low sea in Kentucky racing under this Commission, and, WHEREAS A vacancy now exist* in said position, said appointment shall take effect at 011. e." Meeting then adjourned. The following list of ollieials will preside for tlte Coming fall meetings: Kentucky Association. Steward Barrett D. Wilson. Aasociatc Judge. Pacing Secretary and llandicap-per W. H. Shelley. Starter Han Morrissey. Patrol Judge John Ireland. Paddock Judge -Dr. Henry Harthill. Clerk of the Scales John S. Walla.,-. Track l*hysician — Dr. John Hagafre. Timet S. K. Hughes. Telegraph Censor Vernon Sanders. Supervisor Pari-Hutuel Machines— W. II Laade- inan. Douglas Park Jockey Club, New Louisville Jockey Club. Latonia Jockey Club. Stewards has. F. Price, L.l Hopper, John T. Ir.lan.1. steward Representing Kentucky Slate Pacing Commissi, ,„ f. n. Talbot. Placing Judge and Clerk of the Seales— W. H. Si.ellev. Placing Judge and Ilatidieapper -Ed Jasper. Placing Judge ami Pacing Secretary W. II. Pealee. Paddock Judge — Dr. Henrv llarlhill. Iaiiol Judge Charles K. Wright. Tini.r S. K. Hughes. Telegraph Censor Vernon Sanders. Supervisor Pari-Mutnel Machines — W, II. Landman. SI art.r— Harry Morrissey. The following lieens.-s have been granted by the State Racing Commission for the year 1!1.7: Trainers. Louis Abel Dillard Hill Lee Paul J D. Adkins T. J. Harmon l.lw. P.. Pars BBS Creaville R. ABenT. P. Hayes Walter H. Pearee George Arvin J- 8. Hawkins Win. Perkins A. 1- Austin 1. W. Hay F. J. Pons John Ahrams William Hurley Win. Pope . Baker J- M. Henry, Sr. T. I.. Pierce .1. II P.aker Orover C Hughes Kenny Pitl I. II Baker S. M. lien. h is .11 Jerry Powers V li P.aker Thomas Hodge K. J. Powers .ha- Baldwin Chris. Hauser .las. p. p.,s French P.r.N.ks John llogan John P I 1. .s vi BrookerJoha Hoffman 11. p.. Beether |i |l Ii,,;,,,,. Max llils.h J. I!. Kespess w 11. Biiekner 8- "- [losses Louis Reidel i; [• Brooks Frank linlse C.W.Rebliager C.e." Brown B. Horton Clarence Rogers 1. a i:iaii.hi Oearge- W. lanes J.W.Rogers II P. Brandt Olin Johnson M. J. Reardoa ll7.vP.10w n T. Johnson James Rowe It ,• i:,nsou - IL Johnson 1, |. Rb-hinga .I.M: Brown ?ea A. Jones j. it. It i i« - T Baxter A- " K,ll, C.B. Rogers. Jr. I CC ilm T. M. Kent k. I . hTogers w V| ,-.lin W. II. Karrlck u. -p. Bunnebi Robf F. CamphellC. II. Ke.-ne p. SlinU- !,,. 1.. Carroll George l:,11"1 «i„. R. Saliee J l-awlei I. I W. C. Clin.v S. Silt B. Cunningham Ban Lehan illiam Sail.s IMiilT. Chinn Mose l.ou.n-tem „. ., S:| ,.„,.,„ y i Cls4-o Henry I.audeii |.. Sehm I- c. t rockett W. L, .Lewis John F. Schorr ,. c.y,,,. John I owe v. ii. Scully i»" c.ut.n "■. Lynch LS.Scllingsteln "•r ,,, trill -Lis W. 1 illy A D. Steele ioini MeChrnand Al Lnaadei Win. J. Spiers Jlm,. Collins ceo. Mayl.eiiy John Stockier , riineo W. A- Manuel y. n. Saearley idward T. Coltoti O. 11. Mailman Walter Seamster V it Hnis J. W. May John T. Smith Ceorae Dennv has. K. Moore J. M. Shilling U p. Dickinson •- H. Mcail K. II. Sborl I.,.,. Brb ••• -s McBrid • D. K. Stewart I lines Kvermaa James McKenney j. D. Stevens itoheit C. Flakes R. McMillan J. Stephenson II Parrel! •. • Milam Peter Sheridan W 11 Fizer ll . M. Milhr Frank Smith James W. EormanD. P. Miller 1 r, .1 st it,,,, JamesOass E, Murray John Simpson Charles Oasser John MaCormick Kaj Spence I c Callaher J- J. Markleln Louis Tanber A.J Olovannettl I-w Marion I 1a.vlor Waiter Crater W. P. M. Kinney Ril Tin. -her 1; 1: Brieves P. J. Miles C Timberlake .I CoI.Mm. rough II. B. Morris II. .!. Thompson Muse Joldhatl Win. M.Daniel Loti is Thompson I liil.sou Dan Morris W. F. Taylor j f, ; e ;. B. Moreland W. s. Trevey Frank Bering. Sr. John Naylor Joe Cmensetter i;,o P. Ileniies-v -I. II. Ni. hoN 1 1 . P a 1 w i-.J r. 1 has. 11. Hughes R. J. IPConneB II. Van Ky Cliff llaniinou W. c. overtoil Pave VlUtaa T. P. Williams J. T. Weaver Ceo. Ward Poi.t. J. Wald.n E. Wilkinson Oscar Williams Win. Wallace John S. Ward C.T.Wortbington Phil Waters A. O. Woodman John 11 Whiih H. Wehh Win. WoimI.ii.I W.J.Young Peter Wimmer P. D. W illiams F. D. W -ir John Wallers Jockeys. Henry Ales LeaGaugel T. TTetbi Walter Andresa Roscoe 1; e A. Neyloa Edw. K. Ambrose Eddj ciitiin W. J. OBrien P. Buxton W ill i-s i:. Green Fred Paul has. p.rel Carl Uana Fail Pool I ». Poland John Hanover Amert Pease has.p.urlingame J. Howard Monte Preston lain.- P.utwell C. Jones Kohl. M. Small J. J. Campbell Frank Keogh Herliert Sumter -Dan Connelly Joe Kederis J. P. SmMh Kay Carter John Lof tug Dave Stirling Raymond Davies Walter Lilley H. Steams Harry Dennl-r Frank Murphy King l.apaille J. Domiiii.k J. E. McDonald Walter Taylor c. IMshmon Tbos. McTaggart Pred Teaban Jas. J. Duggaa B. Martin Eddie Taplin Frank Farn.y J. J. McCabe Roy I npihart . I ranklin Bernard Marco Clyde VanOusea Guy Garner John McTaggart Lloyd Gentry Alberi Mott *I.ieense issmd to ride for W. I£. P.issell and K. L. Paker. Apprentices, Jockey. employer. •J."1" . • : AIfr John Walters E. iillen. .Ir j. ,•. Gallaber James Brown j-;. gj. Bradley :Ul, J ■ L K. Allei, Mack Garner 1. 1.. Holland ." • ",l;v. lohn V. Schorr red Jenkins V. .. Ktrwaa low a 1,1 Hoffman Qulncy Stable l,,»* "",,« K. Spence Ar.-hie Kelley j. l Holland !" "." , l,Ill"l k Tom Pi a u 11"1 LaMaster William Cerst James Maher uy. K. Miz.11 Willie •,.■ Malone w ,uy Kll: Vni. Mahmey Perkins SfmT MV,Ui" • •• WorthingtoB William Me. han j * May Frank Martin uy. w. Martin harl.s Mergler 1. n. McCarrea Bryant tut | ,1VI|1. Frank Robinson ........ W ii i la ni Ibrsl ■:U" SI" de vVlll 1.,.,-Kins • ,"-,.sl.!:l" I 1L Raker I »•-"■•, - • w-orthlagtoB w W.-le.v Winkler Vi-.uik C.-rin" Irank Williams QUeur Williams The following Ucense fees have hi en refused hovs under age: Willelt K. Mitehell Harold Jeffeott Thomas Farley Henry Thomas Rvana Ilay.-s Tin- appli.alions of the following parties bare been held for further investigation and they will not I.,- permitted to pursue 1 heir vocation until their lice ejus haw been leaned: Jcekey James M. Deavenport. The following apprentiees will he granted Recuses when they have lih-d properly certified copies of tin ir contracts with the Kentucky Slate Racing Commission, hut will not be permitted to ride until taeir net usee have been laeaed: Sherman DilfcsBB Curd F.aslo.v John AlaBfl Authorized Agents. Affcnt. Employer. Joha 1 . Schorr j,,ii„ w. Schorr K. D. Williams lames I.. Holland Stephen J. Lawler lames F. Johns,,,, Qulncy Stabiel •:1!l"r W. K. Mizell -, ..Iwar.l T C-.lton |. .. c„|tou Mros2,1 ,-"l-. t|f 1. w. coi.ii.iit Wiliani Warlike uy. M. Karriek W. II. Karrick h. K. Km ... .... . , Oneck Stable W. II. Karriek Schuyler Parsons nl|i ■!""1 M. Iuinti W. J. OUttg |.-|,.,| s.halhr W.J.OUUg 1. |.;. Madden ,l"d May i,,i,„ uy. Greener M. -I. Shannon Raaa »V Laaney ■■" u- ""• II. P. Whitney William Cam lasper N. Mounee J. M.-i oriniek K ||e.- : " L. Pi.r.-e .Frank J. Kelly H- Ihdge K. P.. Flkins Herman K rand I |,n Livingston Phil T. chinn |,.„ Livingston James Rowe L. S. Thompson J. W. For-nian v. F. Koehelkamp -Milhr Paul . F. Keith ReRistered Racing Colors, A Abadle, Mrs. m. a c,,. Bed, while hell and atoCTBa, nd cross on sleeves, bine cap. Ahrams, T. J.— Red. blue sash, white sleeve* and cap. Agaew. T. P. Green, black sash, white rap Airhart. II. c. Blue, nil belt, gold sleeves, red cap. Alexander. K. D. Dark blue, whit.- sleeves, hlue and while . an. Allen a Son. .1. K. Iink. red MStt, red cap. Anderson, C. P. — White, sleeves while with green red eap. Appleuate. II. C. ,v; C .-White, hlue shews, while cap Arnold, P. C. Crimson, white belt. Arvin. Geo. Peacock hlue. while sash, white -I. eves with rial hand, white eap. Austin. P. .1. Whit.-, hlaek sleeve* and cap. B Paker. C. . — Bla.-k with gold stats. Paker. W. H Pink with gold siars. Paker. A. old gold, hlaek sleeves with old gold bars, hla.k . ap. Paker. J. II. Bed and hlaek polka dots, hlaek hell, red and hla.k polka dot s|,.,.N,s. ,,.,| cap. Balgowan Stalde if. .1. .V G. 11. clay i Black, white collar and cuffs, white -fir in front and hack, black cap. Barnes. G. Yellow, hlaek hoops, black ami yellow eap. Barton, J. • Co. — Black, red belt, gold cuffs on slo. . . black and w bite eap. Rates, Robert Pine, areea sash, hlaek steevea, blue cap. Raxti r, s. T. — Purple with white hors«« shoes, purple rap. Baxter, I.. II. Half hla.k and half white, yellow sleeves, red eap. Pell. P. F. Itla.k. green hell, hla.k and while can. Bennett, Geo. c. Green with while diamonds, P.iam hi. i. A.— Red, green mattes* cross on back, green nash, white sleeves ami .ap. Pill- A. Koeiner While, red sash, hlue sleeves and eap. Pisseii. Co. w. J. — OH gold, red bell and sleeves. Blackford. G. L. Purple, while sash, sleeves an.i eap. Bloomer, P. 11. Pino. brOWB shoves, hla.k eap. Booker, Applegate Rnrnt orange, purple cross ■ ishea, -re. n .ap. B . Mrs. n.— Red, brOWB sash, red sleeves, white cap. Pradley. 1:. K. White with three green hoops, white sleeves, green eap. Pradley. T. C. ft Co. White, hlue sash, plue sleeves with white bars, while and blue eap. Bradley, John — Purple, white sasp, orange sleeves, white eap. Brandt, A. II. ft IE. K. — Plue. red belt, red sleeves w ilh Id i.-k hoops, red and Id ok eap. Rrannon, I". F. Pink, green sa~h gr.en cap Breckinridge. Desha Plue. old gold Ix-lt. hlue sle. es. Old gold eap. Brewster, I.. Red, old g-ld Kelt, white ilmubbW straps, red sleeves, hlue eap. Brockmlller. c. .1. Purple, red sleevea, ml cap. Rrooks, P. p. Brawn, gray sleevea, green eap. Prow n. T. J. While, green dots, green bars on -hives, green and white eap. Prow 11. I.. J. BlSU a, green sash, blown sleeves, green and white eap. Burton, P. -While and hlue polka dots, hlue shews, red cap. Burton. In.i Harooa white mk ami earn greea I sleeres. I Bum In -iin-.x i r. Chas. I". Kiel, white sleeres and cap. I Butler, -Lis. White cberrj sash, sleeves and cap. 0 C iV M Stable Purple, white Bleerea Bad cap. I i ilin. .1. i . Orange, blue belt awl sleeves, pink cap. I i Callahan, T. V. Bed, greea stars. Camdt n. I. .. White, retl belt. Uaek sieves. red I cap. t .inn. in. K. 1. White, blue Hash, white sleeves 1 wilt i . 1 1 1 ■ - barn, base cap. Hi-ni. i. T. U Bod. white cross Rasa, red ami 1 hall u!nt. sir, ■ms. while cap. 1 .ii roll i i.. l.niwn. greea belt, green nh i icn. I brown 1icn.|is. green cap. Parley. ; ••■. Alice hlue. white craBB nil front :illil I back, red belt Carter, C. II. fellow, pink belt, phsk aleeres, I while cap. Cayse. l.. i. Peacock blue, white sash, red eap. Cefla, A. I . White, browa s,ish_ white slot is. brown .nils, hniwn eap. ! ChapiM II. r. V. Purple, green cross s.ishe-. green call. 1 li:i | .is i.-i ii. It. Green, retl bars on sleeves, red cap, J Cbeuault, C. D. Oraage, whin. sash, plum sleeves. White eap. Churchill, John— Pink, white sleeees, pink and uhiti cap. 1 ClviU, I M. Blue, eld roM sleeves, white eap. Cisco. W. r. White, yellow dots, while yellow del sleeves Mil, Cap. Clark, W. C. Copper, pink cap. Clarksoa. r. Orange, black sash, sleeres ami cap. Claucy, W. C. Ureen, red sash, green sleeves with whip- bars, l-il eap. Claj Bros. Vale hlue. orange Bash, orange eap with black band. Clober, 1. 1.. While, sitnll wet mi hack, white sleeves. r,,| eap. Coffey. II. K. Lighl him. d;irk hlue sleeves with white bars, while eap. Cobeu, M. It. Green, white eroaa Bashes and sleeves. -n in ami while cap. Iele It. L. Green, pin!; sash, red cap. Colston, B. Grange, red bell ami eap. Cult. hi. M. A. Black, purple sash ami sleeres, while cap. • |.|.i ■ Ihwait-.. M. C. While, hlue l.tlt . orange sleet es. while i ap. Cornell, .1. P. Im pi.-, eld gold cross n back, old gold bars on sleeves, purple ami noM rap i.i.|..r. Willard C. — Yellow, black collar and cuffs, yellow ami black cap. Courtney, . ». Green, red eroaa makes, green tad re.l e.ip . rrigan ,v ItcKinney — Bed, hlue sash, red eap. Crockett. !.. C. Whit., led belt and sleeves, blue eap. Crawford, W. II. Yell.. w, greea eroaa Baahes. in it and eap. Crtglar, Dr. r. D. Green, orange yoke, greeu sleeves, uiall-e CUffS. green ea|i. Cropper, Fred Bed, brown belt, red deeres, green i ap. Cram, A. T Pea areea black belt, black sieves. pea green cap. Cullen, l.. .1 . - Km ii t Orange, green sash, sleeres and iap. I line... John Black ami white halves, black sleeves. black eau. Ban i- ham i II ly Pink, greea .-ap. D DaaieJa a Hodges- Kid. blue dots, red with blue l|.t sill-Ms. white i.ip. Darby, .Mis. j. w. Green, browa leit. old gold eap. lliidH. W. W. Straw, purple Bash, while cap. Davl . .1. B. Green, black mIi. black sleeves, Idack .ap. Ii mi-. I W Kid. red ami white caffs, blue cap, Degnaa, John XeUow. green sash ami eufTs. yellow and git eu cap. Dickinson. K |*. Bed, white hoops, red and while 1 ps -le. .es. blue . ap. DIngcrsou Bros. Boyal blue with white diamonds, royal blue with diamond sleeves, royal blue witli while ili.imi.inl cap. Dodson, K. I and white stripes, green sash, blue tap. Donnelly. I, n. Green, white belt, orange sh.vis. nratige and greet! eap. Ootids, W. ;. King— Pink and Mack stripes, pink and black tap. bui ... .lames j, -Crimson, black s.tsh and eap. white uleetn -Dorteh, Ned ¥ -Black, oraage eroaa sash, orangi bars e n sit i s. black eap llev le. Martin Bine, red eap. Dnkc, Dr. W. B. -Brown, while sleeres, browa and w hit" eap. Hiiiin. William .1. Black, yellow eroaa sashes, black ami yellow cuffs, purple cap. Ilunltp. A. ; Black, white sash, red eap. E Llkin- i;. B. c rise, Mae belt. Bills ,. Portei Browa, ureea belt, greea sleeves. green eap. l.niim.ns II. II.— Pink, gray sleeres and eap. lab a Gardner Light blue, green cross sashes, dark Ida • sleeves, dark blue cap. Ererman, Mrs. .1. white, greea eroaa sash, white siecv . -. gn "ii cap. Brans, B. C, lreen Jacket, red sash, red and white I. . • • .d cap. F Parriagtoa, P.— Black, gold belt, gold deeres, avid eap. K.irner. ; .V Co. Drown, old gold sash, old gold s|ee. s. Ferguson, A. I.. Purple, three oraage strip sb-evi s. orange eap. I1-H -1 W. l.n ell. i. Id gold Basil, red old gold . ip. I"i uehter. William Brown and pink strip, s. old geld I. e. - itutl eap. Field Bros. Blue, red -a-h and cap. I Iser, W. II. ,v ■.. Bed, blue b, It and sleeres, w hi ie i ap Flad, 1.. B. Bed, sleeves red. white and Mae ■trip : retl cap. Flauigan, .1. Blue, white belt, sleeves ami eap Flowers, West Purple. yeDow sash, veil, w sleeres v . II. iw cap. IelsMhe. | A. While. hkuh belt Vcllow cap Porsytbe, .lames White, black l-it. red sleeres Id iei, cap. ii r-"ti a Farrell— Bed and gray halves, greea eap. "lev. ,7. M. Green, brown cross Bashes, white eap I i ikes. It. c a Co. Brown. 1 ■■ . ■ wrs. W. 11. White, green saah, red sleeres green cap Fuller, I W, Bed Jacket with orange stripes white cap. G Gaffaey, .1. P.— 8ky blue, greea bell and cap Gal label Bros. Btowu, red bars on sleeves redcap. Gardner, llarr.v Black, pink sash and cap Gasaer. C. W. Whit.-, green bell and sleeves Gaten a Buekner Black, yellow boops, yellow bars eh s|e, res, w! Ite cap. Gearj ,. Baa mi Black with white yoke while sleet "s. hi. M k eap Gel :. William Kid. while and blue In, ps blue si. . res. w hii. cap. Gering, Frank Green, white "G" on back, red belt ami iap. Gibson, -i. A. -Wall ■. red belt, greea sleeves, red e.ip. Glass, nwen Blue, white sash and sleeres Mack eap. Gloss, p. r. Black, V.U..W belt, yellow witb brown ham!-, brown cap. Grater, Walter Green, pink yoke and cap. Greener, .1. G. tight blue, while sleeves with brown bai -. I.r i« a i ap. •i.: -las. Green, orange sleeves, green ca| Grefer, F. -I. Parple, lun cross -.isli- purple 1 1 eres, pu |»le and while eap. _ Grieves, s. it. -Bed. brown saah, red wilh brown bar sleeves, him cap. Griffin, -l. .v ii.. Black and white stripes, rreea sleeves, retl cap. Grahei II. B. White. Mack -ash collar black -b . v. - witb wliti I ,,s |,l ,,k .ap Gohlblatt, .1. W. White, red crosa sasl es, red Imntls ..n h ■.". - u ; ,.,. , ,p Goorie, .1. at. ,v. I ... Boyal purple, gold dots old . ap. Go iliii.iii. J. I: Blue, yellow bell and sle res red cap. Gordon A.- Green red sash, red sleereu. Gorey, A. .1. W U!te . nd n d stripe . brown sle • I tap. Gorin II. B. Selrose, green belt, deerea ami cap Guthrie, B. F. W bite, red hum red rut - ,n sleevea red cap. H ii. rani ,v Sbaaaoa Black with white diamonds. H.H.. ii. Black Jacket, gr en sash, red sleeres with green bars, greea eap Hamilton, C B. .v. Co. Bine, while sash, red eap. !•" k, A. B. Oraage, white bo ps on Bleeves, « iiite cap. Hauler. I. II. a Co. White, purple s.,s|, parple i ir. parple eap. II.iiNy. KM. s. i, i.|| plaid jacket, white ulcere*, while i ap. flense. Geo. Larender. greea sash, red ideeTea, bit . i:tl r and u et n cap, Ilat-t. .i. E. Blue, red belt, oral re sleeeea with red b.-u s. gre i Hiiimiii. T. .1. Greea. gold belt, gaU I pi mi sleeves. -,,|,| ,,ip. Harris W II. White, orange sleeves, nil eap, Hatflehl, T. Iink. blue crosa sashes, red euo. iiaust-r, CiuiB,— tavtuaor, grvtu cup, I I I I I i I 1 1 I I I ! J 1 1 Hawkins. F. II Hd geld, blue belt white cap. Hawkins, Georgt M. Gray, cherry strapa and cap. Hawkins. ,1. S. - Co. tran,e. green sleeves, while cap. Haves. T. ]• Bed, jjreen tobacco leaf on back. _i. . ii cap. lb a. I ley. II. T. Navy blue, while sash, collar, enlTs ami cap. lea. llev ,v Miller- Navv blue, white sash, collar, illlTs. blue cap. Hen liii . I, eer-;, M . limy, uiay sl.cvcs. cherry stripes, cherrj cap. Hennessey, I, uhl gold, purple stars. lb in v. John M Sr. Bed, purple sleeves, green eap Heiniliin. O. K. Blue, black bell, oraage Bleerea, greea can. II. I/. 1 : li 1 1 1 K. ,1 ami white blocks, blue sleevts. blue cap. Heatbington, ,1. 1". Green, white stripes, red sash. i-d cap. Hewitt. II. II. While, red star in front and back, retl collar, cuffs ami eap. Hickey »V Clober Greea. pink si -h and sleeves. white shoulder straits ami ea Hill. Dillin! a ,.. Vcl.w. nd sasb. red bars on sit ev , s. yelloVv cap. Ilrs.ii. Samuel Iink. purple belt and cap. Hitchcock, F. K. Greea, Ught green sleeves and cap. H.siili. .I.thn luii|Uoise blue. gold belt. white sleeve-. goM cap. Holland, .1. U — rale blue, oraage bar on sleeves, orange cap. Hoots. A. W. Bed, white cross sashes, red sleeves. black eap. Gorton, i:. -White, purple s.eli. green tap. Hughes, .1. T. While, blue belt red sleeves and tap. Hughe-. It. .1. a. Co.— White, green belt, black collar and cull-. Hughes, S. K. a Co. Light blue. Hughes, Tand] .V Co. While with red stripes. white sleeves, red ami while cap. Hume, Bobert Half black and hall white, white cap. Humphreys. A. P., Jr. Parple, cerise sash. iiuidey. a. E. ;r -en with red stripes, gold ansa, led sleeves. greUI eap. Hurley. W. Black, green bell and cap. H v iniii -. it. Heliotrope, whip- sash, parple coUar anil culls, purple ap. I ln-;i is. Edward H.— Black, oraage sash, red cap. lanes. George W.— Green, white bell, zirvii and white cap. Irvin. Mrs. T. M.— White, yellow bell, red cap. J Teamtte. I. f.— Yellow, black sleeve ... white sash. pink cap. Johnson, Croeswaite «V Co.— Nelrsae, green cnaTs, green sash, green cap. Johnson, Lucien Alice blue, greea sash. Alice blue sleeves, blue cap. Johnsoa, J. 1. -Green, white sash, white bars on sleeves, led cap. Johnson, J. W.— Green, white sash, white bars on sleeves, j.1i-i u and white cap. Jones. i;n A. White, old "id belt, gneea sleeves. green cap. Jones .1. I.- Greea, grata with green bars on sleeves. .Icin cap. Jones, T.iiii 11. -Orange, red and blue crOM s.isip-s and cap. .1 id. in. A. — Green, red saah, red and greea bars on sleeves, green eap. Jordan, Chas. Orange, black belt, raffs and tup. K Keen-. J. O. — Oraage. Mack s;i-li. culls ami eap. Kcesik, .1. I. Browa, greea belt, green cans on sleeves, green cap. Keith a Spent t .itll, orange s;|Sh. red eap. KeUey, l". .1. Orange, greea i«-lt. cuffs ami cap. Kelly, .1. -White, green shoulder straps, green eap. Keraey. .1. A. — Green, orange belt, black "Icim. white tap. Kirk a Soa, Henry — Orange, orange sleeves, brown sash, lemon cap. Kirk, W. II. Blue and white stripe-, bine sleeve-. blue .ind while cap. King. W. r. Bed, greea sash, white sleeves, brown cap. Kirwaa, Mis. w. . — imple. red sash and sleeres, purple ami red cap. Knapp, 11. K. Imple and gold Bqaares, g«dd sleeves, purple cap. Knebelkainp. K. . Imple. white belt, blue cap. Kobriug. F. W. — Orange, green iKlt. green sleeres, - : . "ll cap. Kohrmaa, .K — Red. blue bait] whit" -It t vis. [jiue eap. L tab M. A. S. Canary, purple sash and sleeves. ■unary and purple rap. I.all.v. .lis. -Bottle rreea, scarlet belt, sleeves and eap. Laag Herman Dark blue, black sash end sleeres, bhii k cap w ii h w bite eroaa, I-an-hUn. .1. .1. Orange, while Bash green and while bar- on sbeves. green and white cap. I-ailih nian. . II. Black, red sash, red sleeves with while bars, red cap. Laxtua, John Iink. pink belt, black shoves and black cap. I.e Blond, take— Black. Leach «.V Stowe Browa, red Bask and cap. Lilian. Mis. Daa— Green, blue sleeves, blue belt. brae cap. I.. Ii hi Daa— Green, Mac sleeves. Leigh, It. A. Vellow, blue sleeres, green cap. I. in-ill. . 1. II. Black and while polka dots, white e.ip. Lewis. v L. ,V Co. Velltvv. biuwn band on sleeves ;iml royal I urple eap. Linker, W.— Light bine, dark blue sleeres and cap. Livingston. .lelTt is n Lavender, white sash, red ban "II sleeves, while cap. Long, iii ii. .1 Peacock blue, yellow ssi, and cap. Lowe, John— Brown, pink sash and sleeres. Lowenstetn, J. Purple with white hoops, purple and while bar OB sleeves, purple eap. M Btacej .us White, red Bash, greea sleeres, red and green cap. Macias it. Black with yeUon pouta dots, yellow sash. Madden. J. L. -I lurry, white bars jh sleeves, white hoop on c ID. Mahoney, .1. T. It".!, greea sash, nleertl ami can. Marion, Lea Bed, purple sisii ami cap. Marklein. .1. .1. I.luc. American shield on hack. red cap. Mailman. W. .1. Greea, red sash. sleees Bed with white bar-, red cap Marshall. K. P. ..,1,1 with blue stripes, gold eap. Matlo.k. C. A. Black, white belt, old gold cuffs, black and old gold cap. Mattingly. G. I, a Co.— Black, yellow aash, black sl eves, j i Itow .-ap. May, -I. W. While and orange stripes, oraage eap. Meddis. C.— Purple, red belt, red cap. Meyers. «;.,,. ii,| gold and blue Stripes, black sleeves, him cap. Mid.llfli.ii a Jones White, blue sash, white wilh red striped sleeres, red cap. Mil in. .1. C. — Green, g Id sash and raffs, green BBS gold eap Miiis. j- .i Greea, pink belt, green aleeres, gold . ap. Miller, I. I.. Green, white sash, brown cap. Miller. Of... M. Black. li-Jil blue la It. light blue sleeves, black and white cap. Pal .1. -White and green diagonal bars. while eap. Misick, Mrs. J. D.— Bed, black sleeves with green bar- gn en iip. Miaell, W. It. While with red hoops aleeres white wilh blue hoop-, nd. white and blue cap. Moore. K W. Maroon, yellow sleeres and cap. Mo re. C. W. Orange, black ami while cap. Moure M. C. Kid. greea sleeres, rellow cap. Moore, vi, p.. Blue, red steeres. Mend. mil. G. I:. White, purple it-it and cap. Morris. Dan T, ft Co. White, red hoops on sleeres, red shoulder straps, red and white cap. Mori is. i ,. ]:. Purpli . w bite cap. Morris, .1. It— Maroon, while sash, maroon and white cap. Moshier. Geo Q. Green, red Bash, greeu sk vt . led tap. Morris. A. II. Scarlet, parple bell, scarlet eap. Mounce. I. Canat™ black si-li. canary Bleerea, gn i n cap. Mulbolland, 1 . E. Iink. gran sash, green Bleeves, -i i "ii iap. Mulh .Hind. Wm. —White, orange, sash, black cap. Hurray, E. Black .jacket, orange with white bars on sleeres, white cap. Mm pi v. T. M Purple, greea uutb Bad tap. M : Manns .lames Green, ami purple quarters, • ■ - McBride .v. Tonkin Greea, pink crosa Baahes, pink sleev is. t 1 low . .11,. Mi IalT. rty, J. .1. Purple, geld chevron ami shoulder Btrai . Mel .nit n. .1. II. Iteil. black collar and culls, red ah cv i - w bite cap. MetTeruaiMl. .1-1 I.I -old. black "JtM -n back, old Bold sleeres. black .ap. Mi-ioniiell ,V Wheeler Cerise, black sash. whit. Sleeves, black bars, cerise eap. M. H..W.II. •Ill..-, c. -WhttC, black sash, white enji w Mb black Juiil. Milii-ii. E. i: I.lue. WilM g"bl Maeorml liars, gold can. McWeoogh. .i I.— Greea, btaeh belt, white collar, e,l||s :ill,l ,,.. M ■- ■ ii ■. -i. w. Green Jacket, white cross ssin-s, ltd bar- OB sleevts. retl cap. McKenaa, has. w. Boyal purpli. gold belt and cap. ajatkwwiv, U. J.— rwijfe, wWtv swl*. McMillan, s. r.. Cherry, araace hoops, while cap. Mi -Qua id. A. A. Green, white sash, white sleeves w i i li green cuffs, gn en cap. MiSwceiie.v. i. true M. Purple, -obi bill, gold bars on slec es, whil" can. N Newell. A. — Ue.1. black belt, red and black bars en sleeves, red and while cap-Newman, .1. 1. -YeDow, yellow sleeves, white bell. while cap. Nichols, .1. II. and Co.— Black, green sash and cap. Nicholson, A. D.— Bed, white belt, green sleeves, red cap. Nici 11. Mode Purple, lanar.v sash, sleeves ami eap. Noii is ,v Jacob! Pink, green belt and cap. Nut-kola, S. ».. Jr.— Old gold, red sash, sleeves ami cap. Nimii. W. L. Greea, black sleeves, red cap. 0 OVonml!. K. J. and Co. ireell. white sash, blue sleeves ami t ap. Olson. S. Green ami red diamond Jacket, gold saah, green aleevt a, v i 1 T • w can. OMalley, .las. J.— Bine, old rose belt, whit,- sleeves, white cap. lots. Howard Black, gold star on back, on. Geo. P.. -Black and white stripes, yellow cap. Overtoil. W. C. iV Co, Old gold- hlue sash. P Parks, . W.— Bed, yellow Blet v. s. yellow belt, red eap. Parr. A. D.— Bed, gold belt, gold bars on sleeves, red cap. Parrista, J. w. Terra cotta, stone cap. Par s. S. I. Orange, black band on sleeves, black cap. Parsons. Edward B. Black wilh white sni|M-s. green cross -siies. greea eap. Pauls. Ceo. Green, While sleeves, silver tap. Paul. .1. L. Yellow shoi . red and black itripes, retl eap. Payne, W. 8.— White, red sash, black Bleeves, red cap. 1oareo. Waller II.— Green, black belt, green sleeves, while ami black tap. Peek, Ed I: old gold, Id gold with greea bars on -h. res, old gold c ip. Perkins, Mrs. W. B t". — Black, pink cress sashes ami eap. Peyton. Felti Bed, oraage sleevts. white cap, Phillips, w. E.— Black, greea sash, sleeves and tap. Piiliii.ui. V. M. »S: Co.— Bed with black polka Ids. while cap. p N-. owen Green, red sleeves with white bars, nil cap. Pons. I*, .1. — Orange, llceves orange and black stripes, green cap. Pope. Hurle.v -Bed, white sash, blue sleeves, black cap. Porier. Bid — Cherry, black belt, green alrtTcs. green cap. Portwood. W. L. — Greea, red, white and blue belt, white tap. Powers. B. .T.— White, sbeves white wilh red blocks, green sash and eap. a Quickstep Stnhh — Green, gold belt, sleeves am! cap. Qnincy stable— White, red belt, green caffs ami cap. Quinu, M. — Purple, red aash, red sleeves witli purple bars, blue cap. R Bawaoa, W. aL— Black, yellow sash, black sleeves. reBoW bars on caffs, purple cap. Baylmnld, W. .1. — Bed. black sash, pink cap. Bcardon, W. P.— Purple, blue sleeves, green cap. Beether, II. B. — Bed, green borae shoe ou back, blue sleeves, greeu ■ a I . Beeves, Airs. Ida— Green, brown sash, browa sleeves, greea cap. Keitl. C. 1.. While, black sash, red cap. Beidinger, . W. nine, white •It" on back, white belt and cap. Benshaw, Edgar — Brown, white sash, white shc.-. brown cap. Kespess. .1. 11. — Purple, white belt, white slcivi s, white cap. Biley. J. P.. — Purple, yellow sash, brown sleeves, yellow cap. Beeves iV Abratiis — Green, brown sleeves. L;r.n cap. Kitihie, W. J. — White, green sleeves, red and green cap. Bobbins, J. T. — Purple with pink dots. It dgers, .1. CUede— Bine, black sash, cuffs and iap. Bogers A. I.. — Cerise, white yoke, cerise cap. Sogers, It. L. t c Son While, bin, belt, red cap. Ko-i rs. j. c. — Green and gold stripes, green sleeves, greea and gold "ap. Boss li Loonej —Green, white stri|n- on sleeves, rreen sad white cap. ltyaii. Tils. 11. — Bed. while sash, red and white eap. Byan, J. J. — Greea jacket, pink en sashes, greea sleeves, pink bars, greea cap. It.van. John .1. — Green, while slars. white cap. S Salt. L J.— Blue, white -asa. black sleeves, hklc an Sands, turns — Peacock blue, white belt, navy bane sleeves, red cap. S.-haefer. W. !.. Bed Jacket with white 1 ps. red sleeves, while bars, reen cap. SchaUer, Fred Browa, blue sash, blue sleeves. Mae tap. Schorr. J. K. — Orange. Orange cross sashes, black sleeve-, black cap. Schorr. -I. W. Orange, Mack sleeves, white cap. Schmidt, ll. A. Ketl Jacket yellow yoke, yellow belt, yoliou sb cm s. greea cap. St hreiber. .Mr-. Carolyn Black, bill" sleeves, red can. S, hullo W. P.- White. Kcoit. l . W. Orange, purple s-ish, red bars on sleeves, red cap. Scully. W. P. -Peacock blue, live green sash. Seh I., s,. Or,! n. yeUoW and black striped sleeve-. gTCI ll and black cap. Sean, G.- Bed jacket. Mae sash, blue sleeves. Mae cap. Sin lion. Mrs. .1. K. White, yellow cross sa-h.s yellow cap. Shilling. -I. M- -Whil,. green yoke, black cap Shilling. Mrs. .1. -Purple, while sash, blue sleevi- blue tap. Shepard, Claude B. — Black, gold sash and sleeves, black and gold cap. Sheridan, Peter — Green, brown belt and sleeves. -old .ap. Sheridan, Philip ]. White, with blue stars, white es with blue cuffs, blue and while cap. Sharp. Lew a Co. While, greea -eli and Bleeves. Shafer, Join A. Ma a. white belt. yeBow cap. Sb I... !.. . -White, gold sash and eap. greea Bleeves. Short. I.. II. While and red diamonds, red cap. Sbowalter, W. Bed and white squares. Bleeves red and whit.- squares cap red and white sic ih. Parkiiurst Cerise ktcket, old gold with black bars, obi u-,|,l cap. Sloan. I.. C. old gold witli Mack "S" oa hack of .jacket, old gold -hfves. while belt. Smiths, Lit - YeBow. pink sleeves, white cap. Snni;i. E. Black with green dots, red eap. Smith .V Farrar Green and white stripes, green cap. Smith, John V. and C". -I.lue, yellow sa li, white -l Ms. whin cap. Smarlv. W. 11 While, blue cross Bashes, blue toll-, red ap. Spenee. Ka.v White, brown bell, red cap. Spencer, .lessje Black, lavender sleeves ami eap Spo I Powers Pink, green SB SB, green sleeves, wilh red bars, red eap. Staebler, J. M. Green emerald, red star on back. red, while anil blue stripes on sleeves, red, white ami blue cai«. J Slump, -r J H.. Jr. I.luc. while star on back, red i sleeves, red cap- •- J Stanhope. II. it Blue, red Sleeve* with blue band- ■ red sad blue can. Starr. George -Black, obi gold belt. Staton, Fred Light Mae, red bars on sleeves, red nin. Steele, W. II. Pink and blue s,jpes. pink sleeves, pink and hlue tap. Steele, A. I». White with red dots, orange sleeves, re, I cap. Stephenson, J.— Purple, red belt, blue cap. Stevens, .1. H. Black, orange sleevts. orange cap. Stewart. D. B.— -Black and while stripes, black cap. StraUS, C. -While, bllle sash, black sleeves, MM cap. Strauss, William— Black, blue Bash, blue Bleerea, bllle lip. Strode. J. V. N.ivv blue, sleeves navy blue and while kOOpa, while cap. Stone, Kinzea Magenta, green belt. Steuve, Wm. Whip, with green dots, old gold cap. Swain. Georgi IfeBow, purple sash. yeBow sleeves, i tack cap. Swain. John Black jacket, green belt, black sleeTt . .V bile i .11. T Talbot I Kins. White, criwoa caw. Tate. -I. W.— Old gold wilh polka dots, oil gold sleeves, old gold cap. Taylor, A. L. Navy blue, white and blue sleeves, while cap. Taylor iV Baxter— Black, red sash, while sleeve . red cap. Taylor, T. -Purple, red and white cress Bashes, red cap. Taylor. .7. D. Purple, yellow -a-h and cap. Texas Stable— old gold, greea crosa sashes. ;recti -leeve- obi g ll! cap. Thompson. M. G. Sky blue, brown belt. Cttffa iinil cap. Tbrelkeld, W. s. Emerahl green and old gold -tripes, emerald green and old gold cap. Tli .mpsoii. L. S. Green, red sleeves, red cap. Thompson, James A. -I.lue Jacket, red cross sashes, red Bleeves, blue cap. Tiltii. Boberi Peacock blue, navy blue belt and sb i vi s red cap. Tinihorlake. . —Bed with while stripes, yellow anil white cap. Timineiiiian. J. J. — Black, white belt, white sleeves, black cap. Tincher, Ed.- -Green. Toyaa Stable — Bed and steel gray. Turner. M. L. Bed, black bell and cap. Turner, ama — Bed with black bars, red sleevea, black cap. U liuensetter. Joe— I.lue. yellow sash and sleeves, red i ap. ITnderweod, Oliver Brown, yellow sash, brown bars i n sleeves, yellow cap. V Vanby. It— White, white and yellow sash, black ami yellow bars OB sleeves, red cap. Van Meier. C. C. Yellow, red belt, black sleeve-. red cap. Veiller, S. — Pink, brown licit and cap. Viveii. a. H. Bine Jacket red bell, yellow sleevea with while bars, yellow cap. VIvell, B. o. Cherry, old -old sash, old gold tin. Vogler, A. I.lue. brown -ash. oM gold bat M sleeves, bllle and old gold cap. W Wableii. Mrs. K. v.— Purple, white sleeves, purple bars, white tap. Walker. Wm. -Cerise Jacket, orange with blocks. on sleeves, orange cap. Walsh. W. E. pine, rod sash, sleeves and cap. Walter-. John Gray, Mack sleeves, red cap. Walking. P. A. Old rose with white hasps, old rose sleeves, while rap. Wallace. W M. Krovvn. gn-cu and white cross sashes. Warner. Frederick Light blue, white sleeves, blue and while cap. Waters. -I. c. Peacock blue, white sash, red cap. Watts. Garrett i berry, gold bars oa back, gold bars on sleeves, white cap. Weaver, I. T. While, red sleeves wilh green bar-. red and w hit • cap. Weber. Win. J. — l.aveiular. red hoops ami bars, red cap. Weber iV Ward While witli red stars, red cap. Weir. P. 1. I.lue. gold sash, gold bars on sleeves. blue ami gold cup. Weis-. Lewis Purple, gold belt IpaVd bars ou -leeves. gold cap. Wells, ll. W. White jacket with red eagle and llaus. white sleeves with red eagle and Bags, while eap -lar and American eagle and ting. West. Shelby -Green and black BOOBS, green sleeves Bad cap. West, John Taylor— White jacket, purple belt, purple -l . s. w bite ami black t ap. Whitlow, .1. ii. I.lue sleeves blue and white blocks, yellow shoulder sirups and eap. Whitney. II. P. Light blue, white licit, brown cap. Whitney, Geo. II. Sky blue, red aash, orange cap. Win-- hi r. I. a Audress. v. Purple, yellow ,,ash. bla.k sleeves, blown cap. Willard. B. G. Kim i.o kit. red collar, blue sleeves w ilh red raffs, red cap. Wilne t .1. .1. -Boyal purple. Idack sash, royal pur-Pie cap. Wilson. P. S. — Greea, white belt, black BfceiCB, white cap. Will mm-. Oscar Bed, white and blue stripe-, red sleeres, red, while and blue cap. Wood K. 1». .V Co. I.lue. red belt, white tip. Woods S Stent r Greea red bell, while sleeve- and cap W larl. Win a Co. — Cherry, sleeves cherry and blue hoops. 1 ,| ii - cap. Woodman. Mrs. ,. c. Black, while belt, black and white bands n sleeres, blue cap. Woodman, A. ;. — White, red and black: diamond sleeres. blue cap. Woodford. J. Hal Pink, black sleevea. Wortblngton c T. Oraage, Mack belt ami sleevea, oraage ami black cap. Y i ink. w. c Bed. •mm. .i w. Oh! goM .ind silver diassoad . Young, Milton Kim- with white striix-s. ■ mm. W. .1. While, purple sash, orange ileevet ami cap. Young, W. L. Whit.- ami rreen diamonds, white and green diamond sleeves, while and green diamond cap. Z Zhumer, -I. M. Kid with white p.aka dot-, blue cap. Wat kins, Hugh — Bed. parple sash, greea and yellow cap. S. C. NUCKOLS, .IK.. St eretary.