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AQUEDUCT FORM CHART. NEW YORK. SATURDAY, JULY 10. 1915.— Thirteenth day. One. n- .unity Jockey lull. Summer Meeting of I. days. Weather clear. Presiding Jadge, c. n. Pettingiii. Starter, Mara Caealdy, Raehig Secretary. I"- Rehherger. Rsi lat starta at 2::o p. m. Chicago time t :::«• p. m.i. W indicates whip, s spur:, ji bUahers. I i- ii.s in pari nthes,. x following Hi.- distal i each race indicate in.i. aumber, track record, age of horse m.i weight carried. •Indleatea appreatlce allowaace. pTQ A IlltST UAli: 3-4 Mile. so: :.11 — 1 :12— 5—120. 00 Added. :! year oi.N and upward. 2-i J. tlJjTC Hlghweighl Haadican. Net value to winner 00; second, ; third. 0. Index Horses AWtrtSl , n % Str Lin Jockeys Owners o II _: i S 2ISM*HANOV1A w .1 ino i 4 21 1 11 1?. C B* Qulncy Stable 2 2 WMH 21531 HELEN BARBEE wa 7 134 :; : 11 21 - -" •• Turner R I Ma. k. nzie § s g :; 7". :i503*SAM JArKsuN wa 7 134 i 8 S B] ■ : W McDottT l OBrien U V. 15 • - 2i49«:,vi. ai-imir wb 3 IK !• •; : :: ■•"• i" M Buxton !•" A Clark i". m 7 21 i; " IllliS HANSON WB3 123 1 1 t;- -.■ •", .",2 .1 Toftus S !. ! arsons 2 ?, Ki-r.l 1-2 211M LADY BARBART w 3 124 7 .". " r tJ •• .1 Butwell !: 1" Carman 12 17 IS ii :i I0:5«: SiPERINTENDT WB 1136 .7 7 I ■ 7l 7* T McTagtF Mannix 1_ X 20 I I -.I704 nMs RXPRESSwb 7 135 2 . 8 7J J B1 i Byrne H C Hallenbeck t 7 •; j l 2tl«SCARLAVEROCK w :, 113 8 :i 7. :i : .i H Flint T Smith 12 H 70 20 S Time, 13. 24, 36. 49. 1:014;. 1:14*5. Track fast. Winner — Ch. f. by Fair Play Miss Hanover trained by s. .1. l.awhti. Went t.. |Mist :,| 2:.:t. At post .". minutes, start uK..l and slow. . n hamlilv: second and third driv-iULT. HANOVIA ran in lose pursuit .f the leader lo the stretch, then t.»,k the lead at the eighth post and Vim und.-r restraint. HELEN BARBKK showed i h. - most early speed and finished gamely under punishment, lot the winner held her safe. SAM JACKSON, sway in a tingle, elose.l a tremendous gap in the stretch and was fa-t al the finish. VLABIMIR tired whin put to a drive. HANSON was never prominent. AOAMS KX PRESS was not persevered with after a Quarter. 4 -a PT fTk pT si:i nli RACE About 2 Miles. i77.:is ;2x»— I -1 IP. | Bteeulechaae. .*7.". t Added. J. OV_/0 3 year-. Mc and upward. Handicap. Net value t.. winner ,15; second. .25; third. •*7-7. Index Horses AWtPPSt 3 0 0 12 Kin Jockeys Owners O II 0 I* S i J 1 53» BONNY LADDIE w 4 152 2 1 I l l | l| T Tuckey II H Henry I 7 1 3-4 1-3 out i i I 107 ii M II "s r.ll «s 7 131 S 1 I* r ■- 2] 2J W Allen GlenRiddleFarms 1 4| I 1 2-3 2101! sixm.l. STICK wa i 153 1 2 2" 21 :;: • ::" A Lee .1 F.Davis t E 4] 0-5 1-2 17043 MEADOW LARK w 6 140 15 4 4-1 1 1 M Tighe P A Clark 15 21 M 2 211MXBIG SANDT w « K3 1 3 FeU. E Klenck II Lee I 7 I I 3 7 M Time. 4:272,. Track fast. Winner it. jr, by Doraati — Maid ..f the Order trained by .1. II. Lewis. Went to post at 3:01. At pest 1 minute, start good and slow. Won easily; unrnad and third driving. BONNY I.AUUli;. after helag saved nnder restraint through the field, drew away when oa the main track ami won with speed in reserve, CACTUS BCB raeed into a king lead in the first half, then was taken hark srd saved, hut came agaia in the stretch and outstayed siNOI.i: STICK. The latter made a game effort in the anal half but tired as if short. MEADOW LARK was sigh in tesh and ran an excellent race for a wile and a half. UK. SANDY tell at the lii-si jump. 0 "| Prrkav THIRD RACE 3-4 Mile. 80351 1:12—5—120.1 Twenty sixth Running Trcmont £ J. O •_/ O Stakes. Value ,000. 2-year-olda. Net value to winner *333; see ond. 4W; third, 1300. Index Horses AWtPPSt % M % Str Kin Ji ckcys 0 II 0 P B 31101 TBA CADDT wa H7 1 l l1 1- I1 1- C Turner A Belmont n C i I r. - 5 owl 2 14»1 ACHIEVEMENT w tux. :; :: 2] 2 2» 2 .1 Butwell It I-" Carman 5 7 I 3-5 7 H 2I4JI5 SLIPSHOD w M I I I I I 1*1 P Lowder 1 S Thompson 1-7 20 20 ii 2 214431 AMR08CH WB Ml 4 1 11. 5* ::- 1- G Byrne A Belmont "M 3-5 0-5 2-3 out 21501 -si ifKss w Ki7 B S -7- ii Al .7- .1 McCaheyQuincy Stable " E 4 I S I 2 21443 WooltWAUl wb Mi - 2 :; ::- SI I M Buxton .1 B Mudden U 1 13-51 2-5 fCoupled m betting: no separate place or show betting. Tin,.. 13l5. 23V 48V 1*1%, 1:15. Track fast. Winner ch. c, by Rock sand -Teai Over trained by s. c. tllklreth. Went to punt at :;:.:ii. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won ridden out: second and third drivlag. TEA CADDY left the barrier with a rash raced into a safe lead while rounding the last turn. 1 hi r was ridd.-n ..ut al the finish. ACHIEVEMENT raeed in closest pursuit all the way and was under am si. re throughout, hut held mi gamely in the closing Btrhles. SLIPSHOD, a slew beginner, ran in the center of the track all the way and came with a belated rush through the final eighth. DAMROSCII showed speed. I. in quit when prominent. SUCCESS mot with minor Interference. WOODWARD qui! after going a goad half. Overweights Achievement, 1. iioumls: Woodward. 1. i — — 4 -a fT fk T Id "III RACE 1 1-8 Miles. 212::s. -1:50%— 5—103. Twenty sixth Rawing Brook- lOt/ I dale Handicap. ,500 Added. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner ,028; se.-i.nd. s:::.0: third. 90, Index Horses AWtPPSt % % *i Str Kin Jockeys Owners O II C P S 21474 ROAMBR WB 4 121 1 1 1- Ill- I* 1- .1 Butwell A Miller ll-MS-SU-Mout— •»i:»7 siiii M lail.I wa I 124 2 2 2" 2-i 2 j,; 21" Turner .V Belmont t3 2 8 S 3 2 out— 21474 I ;i ■ K VIEW wbSIM :: I 1 3 -! :. 1 R Dugma A i: lmont f3-2 8-5 3-2 out — iC.uple.l In betting; no separate place or show betting. Time, 13. 24V 36. 47V B»*4, 1:12. 1:37V 1*0% equals track recnrdl. Track fast. Winter I:, v. lo Knight Rrrant Rose lie.- II. trained by A. .1. Goldshontugbl. W.iil t . post at 3:50. At post 2 miaates. Start good and slow. Won rantering; second and third ..ise.l up. ROAMER look the lead at on., all. I s.i a fast pa.-.- under restraint until in fhe final quarter, linn di. -v :i xv iv and was ,,nl canOling at the tini h. STROMBOL1 was rated hefaind the leader under stout icstraial in tie- earlj running, hut tired and swerved ha.lh when .ailed on lor a final effort. ROCK VIEW ran torwardly for three-qnarters and was eased up when he tired. S I ateh.-.l 21 l-.7-lhe l-ilin, 1l-"». 4 -a pfr-tt KIITH KACK. -1 Mile. 50370 -1:38 :: loo. 1915.sh00 Added. 3-year-olds and apward! Ji X *J*JCj Selling. N.-i value to winner 33; seeand, 00; third. 0. index- Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Kin J. .keys Owners o H 0 1 S StSdAMALFl WB 7 1M 1 111" M 8 ■"■- iaj McCaheyR T Wilson 21 13-52] 1 1 *1*190SI I LIVAN wb "• 112 2 1 7- f.1 7 ■■ 2* C B*gnme .1 MncMnnua 8 8 7 2] 7-7 21475 ST »NBHENOE wb I KB 13 1 l" l| l - i: ■■■■ M Buxton C K Rockwell M 20 17 C I •~lt»«7 ■ M MILLER wb 8 112 1" a 7 | 71 7 1 .1 Butwell R P1 Carman :: 4 :. 8-3 i 2 21S2S ALHENA WB I M 5 8 x: S I1 r •"• .1 MclCverJ !• Adams I I I1 ! • N ■1147 AMBROSE wa S 109 7 i;1 5 :: ■ 8* T lIcTagtP Stevenaon W • 28 8 1 flft4d*BRIAN I.oKt* WB 3 K M » |A] : :• t* 7 P Lowder. J Long :.-• 4o 40 15 7 ••1504 tlRCMPV w 3 M8 I I 3 2- -•"■ 21 8| C Turner C .1 Brockmlller 29 0 IS I 3 •1475 GOLDEN PRIME w I M7 12 11 13 11* 11* M 9* A NicklausJ F Cmrliale 28 M M 12 I • ll,r"l i: EITHANKS w 0 MO I a I1 I1 •. xM1o" I. Allen F I! Lentaire IS M 1" I 31476ARMOB WB 6 105 8 12 12*13 13 12*11* W Lilley .1 L Paul 88 KW 88 M M ■•0-"» » l.lll LANODON w ■"• 113 8 13 " si. 1.- 1:: |»«« C Il. ih.r U Jackson 12 1.7 15 8 :: •1574 DENURO W 3 ! •:» II 7 . : 1 | 102 M 13 R Troxler M A folton 38 38 M 12 fi I ime. 12V 23--•,. 351,. 47V 1:00, 1:13V 1:27-,. 1:40. Track last. Winner ch. g, h The S. rih. Tarantella trained b] T. .1. Healeyl. Went to i«.si 11 1:24. Al pnsi 5 minutes. Start good and -f w. Won driving; ncrond and third Hie waae. AMALK1 begaa Bhiwlj and was outpaced la the early running, but humped his way through in the Mi- Ill and. Bnisbing fast, iiist got up in lime to win. OSI 1. 1. IVAN was kno.Ued hack oil the first turn. Ian closed up paiuelj in the final quarter and outstayed STONEHENCB. The latter showed 1 high Bight of speed 01 paceniafclug. but tired ha.lh in the last Kisteenth. O. M. MILLER .!os,-,| ■ gap. OKI Ml and 1IIIAA well 1.. 1 three-quarters. The winner was entered for : no hid. Scratched 21475*Bea Quince, lo7; 21504*Lady Teresa, M; 29334 Lord Marshall. 110; 21534 Beethoven, too. Overweights Ciuinpy. :: pounds. 7-k -■ prrkrk SIXTH RACE 5-8 Mile. n;:.r.i SO 2 120.1 Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Maidens. j£ X *y*J*J Selling. N.i value to winner 00; -.eon. I. 0; third, 0. in.h-v Horses AWtPPSt % V.-. ~, Str Kin iockeya Owners O H C P S •aatl BOB REDEIELD w Ml 4 l 1] I] 12 1 C Turner .1 M Zinuner ; R I 2 4-6 ■ 14W8 i i riii iiiaiA a 1*8 a ■■■ V , :: 2 T McTagtJ II Shreve ". t r. -7 7 18 •1014 TTPTm;baPHY a i"| -1 Butwell R 1- Carman i 8 8 :: 7.7 21344 B OPT. KITCHEN wa 1« 3 S 8 8 Il C F"bther M J Leonard 15 28 0 8 1 214*1 A M.l.iMiN wb n I , r M Buxton P Johnson ;:,■; ~, l 2 7 i »1344*MAIPOL wb W8 7 S 7 II 6* .1 McCaheyH I. Pratt 4 r, 13-57-5 3-5 •»o«»77* .1 1 :i : I : JR. a l«4 18 8 7* 7 7 W Lilley -I II Loucbelm M M 38 U 4 PAYENTE WB Ml 1 I 7*1 « 8 * L Mink .1 .1 Mulrenaa M M m 12 8 Time. l:02/5. Track fast. Winner- B. g, by Mohawk II.— Toplash train.. I by A. Bin ii. Went to post at 1:51. At pnsi I minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the Mime. BOB REHFIBLlI, a rapid lieginner. set a K««od pace and. responding well to punishment, drew away ,,. ii,,. final xixti-enth. KM! II iiIoa raced clear of Interference ami Bnished fast ami gaasely. TYloo IIAPHY i.a.e.l in close pursuit ..i the leaders, hat was in .I.-.- quarters next t.. the rail in the final eighth and forced to imll up. . foul was claimed againsl the winner, hut nol allowed. BELLE OF THE KITCHEN el. ,,l a hiu Bap. WAI.I.uoN Rbnwed speed, hut tired. The winner, entered for 00, was bid up to 03 an.i bought in Seralehed 21411 ii. hi. n ■ at. -. lot. t»B ~% Ctf4 SEVENTH RACE 5-8 Mile. 05451 50 2 - 12o. , Purse 0u~ 2-year-olds. Maidens. a Zi J. OJv/ Belling. Vi ralne to winner 00; iecond. 0; third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt i M W Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P B "rill STARTLING w 112 2 1 r 1 1* 1 M Buxton R P Carman 1 l I 7 7 7 M 21344*0001 tLNSEL wb 1«7 :: - 8* 4* 4* -I McKverQuincj Stahfa I 7 I 2 1 l»S*8»REtU SE WB 112 •; ::•• 2. V 3*1 C Tuner s McNaughton •; s r. : I S »O530 INHIAN CHANT wi: 112 7 7 ." •■ I! -I Butwell I P Kecm 8-5 1 13-51 1 2 SI AM FLAO DAT una MB s 7 4] 7 :. :■ ". Byrne EFCooaey •; I 13-51 12 •MI70 NOLL1 W 112 1 1 - -J H 8* T McTagtW C Daly I I 8 2 1 •M--o* Miss Ill 1 1. TIN" a KM S 1 7i 7 7 7»1 W McDottMrsJMcLaughlin 15 20 20 7 :: •M4II TONY FASHION w 109 6 8 s s s s R Troxler Mrs N B Davis 17 2, 1 M 10 4 ~ Time. 1:014. Track fast. Winner — B. e, by Maria Santa Country Prawl trained by R. i". Carman. ~* - - Went fo post al 7:17. At post 3 minutes. Start good and idow. W.m ridden out; --..ond and third driving BTARTLINU. naowlne a high order of s|m-.-i|. raced lata a safe had in the early running and eanielr* withstood ; | COCNSEI/8 Hiallenge. The laif.r wax sluggish in I be early running and finished v ilh 1 rush hut sw.-ive.l over to tin. inside rail. RECLCSE mad.- a wide turn al the elbow and was in ,-4,,-,-H puisiiil 10 the hnil sixteenth, th-.u tiled. INDIAN CHANT and l-I.Ai; DAY were outpaced. NOLL] howed nyajai.