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SPEEDY HORSES BOOKED TOP. WINDSOR. Detroit Mich.. Inly in. Bequests for reservation of stabling i "in at I be Windsor track ror the meet inL: that open-, next Wednesday, continue to pour into the office of Ibe secretary of the assoclal :,nd. whil. Hi" | ri-.nt I ;■ Btalding will lie taxed to the limit hv the unusnallj liiavy demand, il i-. In I U-v il that the "Inh will liml means to a - , ,ni late all oi He Uorses thai are shipped here. The lap t, ai i..ii f..r stabling conies from 1 William Hi., w ell km.w n Nashville larewer. ami owner of an extensive stable "I runners, that have i|IM closed a -n sslul i ampai-ii . n the Kea tttcky tracks Will Mclhtniel, trainer of the racing String, is due to arrive with llis charges from l.a ton la, bringiiia "iilv the lies! of the stables racers. Included M I he 1 i ■ — t are tin- crack pair of two -yea I olds Oypsy Blair and Panl n utdk . both wlaaw ra al Uitimia. The consistent thre year-old, Oonrerse, which had Hi" distinction ol finishing in the mom v in -i of hi- laal raeea, is also included In the ■ iiiimlir. together with /.ali and Brlekley. Jockey Robinson, alio led t" the tlersl stable and • of the |.,.t lightweight riders at l.alonia, will DC ie*B i iii the saddle at Windsor. .lames B. lav is ■ in inr all the way from Hen .r. Colo.. Willi seven Road horses, all winners at I the leeillt lueetiliK ;| I Kiel land lulk. lie MM - - I ported to reach here from the west by this morning. Reservations have also been made for practically all of the -tables now being raced at the i-ort Brie meeting. Twelve stalls have heea reserved for the stable of Jefferson Livingston, whose colors are beins allied on he Canadian tracks for til" first turn-this year. The Livingston shipment, which is in charge of trainer If. B. Brandt, is headed by the Bnglish-breil horse. Royal II.. winner nf this yea; -. l.alonia Derbj and Other faces on the Kentucky tracts. Tin- -real lion Mas!,, holder of the record tor tin iiiarier-. i- also included in the shipment. The staid.- has lii-l call ■ n Ike. nervlces of Jockey Ma, k earner, tin* sensational apprentice, whieh will erve to make the Uvingatoa horses popular with loeal race | o.r- William Walker, whose horse* have enjoyed a fair measure of sweess on the Canadian ciivuii ihi-year, is coming l" Windsor with hi- entire stable, whieh ..iiipii-.- twelve or loiin.-.n horses. A ul- the smaller stables that will !"• seat Hon. Port I.i a-to Windsor are those of K. t. I.m-as. Qeorge Semi. C. II. Sherman, P. Sheridan and I. .1. Pons. Miller Henderson has written for twelve stalls and will bring among others Matnik. Billy Pulherl son and Audrey Austin, while Callaber Bros, will ome "ii with ■ Idg string, iaclndiag Little Sister, Beauty shop. Vogne and the old campaigner, Howdj Howdy.