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J +1 . * j* _4. WINNERS OF THE ST. LEGER THAT HAVE BEEN IMPORTED INTO AMERICA _ .. . . tr it ,j fa p tl ii I, " " " ■ of " s i ;| | ti g I a I ■ S ■ f i 1 • 2 I r I ] I j J j I ! ] ■ The first of the St. Later winners lo be imporled lato the Baited states was Phenomei whose pai chase was not effeited until the bane was twenty-three years of age and its he died I mated lately upon landing was of i ur-e denied the opportunity of lierpetuating his line in this country. spadille followed on. .i bay, foaled in 17M, hut the stud l»iok fails | disclose the date Of bis importation and spadille lias left nothing behind him to keep his name and fame alive. Barefoot, the St. I eger hero of ss.. was ■ aotably goad rare horse and arrived in the state of Massachusetts in isls. Bare foot1 a St. Leger triumph however, was not uiiinoi. until after the race or rather course had h.-en twice negotiated. Here is what the Knglish Turf Calendar of 1H23 baa to say Barefoots St. l*grr: ••The Greal SI. Leger Stakes: Jkj t;s each: colts st. 2 ll.s, lilies s st: three year-olds: St. Leger coarse. .Mr Watts ch. c. BareXoot by Tramp — Boaa-inonil hy Hii/./iid ii. QoodisoB 1 Mr. Iloiild-worilis b. C, Sherwood Iilh.. da Puts 2 Mr. Kiddtlls br. c, fuintc dAfiois — Boarboa :; The above is considered to be the aetata! start for the si. Leger, but ii is important to state that there was a liehl of twenty-seven horse- mounted ami ready at the time appoint.,! for the race, when after two or three false starts twenty three of the held went away without the word having been given, and all! u-li the huul" was sounded to call ihein haek Ihej peraerved and ran the course through, the Bosanne coil coming out first, Barefoot Hfcond and dilute dArtois third." Ir. .in the above it would a linear that Barefoot was a lion hearted horse, for two goes on one aften n over the one and three-quarter miles St. Leger coarse is no joke for an three-year-old, especially with bis weight up. and Bare foots performance mast be considered as one of unusual im-rii. Besides winning the si. Leger Barefoot w me race aa a was aa beaten at three, ami at that age his wins include •jto sovereign* at iork. n«» sovereigns at Pont* react. Hi" York St. Leger and .".in sovereigns al Newmarket. As a four j ear old Barefoot was firsl home in The Swinley Stakes at Aseol. and at live won a llold Cap al Lancaster. Barefoot was l,v Tramp, sire of llencoes dam Tr.-iiiipoliii . out «l H o.i.ii.l bj P.ii./.iid, out oi Boneherry by Ilienouienom. the first of our St. 1. -.r iiii|i..riati us. and was a member of Bruce Lowes No. :. family, one of the greatest winner producing lines in the world, and to this family trace sarii equine celebrities as Qladiateur, Hon raster. Hermit, Marie Stuart. Bnsicrucian, Caltee More. Aril Patric!. Metrv Hal. Sunsttir Heriiy I.lll. Princess Dorrbs oaks and Hue Thousand I.lll. Mirthful, Hnnfire, Trigger, etc. Barefoot, however, failed despite his great racing ril and line pedigree, to set up a house of his own and is best known to students of pedigree as the sire I Motio. whose name figures s. prominently in the make up ol the Sally Lewis hfaneli of the No. U family and is. therefore, th* maternal an restress of Onondaga, Sensation, Stratford, Susquehanna, and Potomac. Another daughter of Barefoot which was productive of some first-class st.«-k was Clara Howard, to which trace some of the heal of our modern day race horse-.. Rowton, whieh won the Mg Doncaster event in ISLl.. was a eliesnul. bj Oiseau nut of Kal In line by Woful. and a member of the ontslde family No. •_".». and was Imparted in 1833 by the Messrs. Merritt of Virginia, along with Lapdog, Bmanelp at ion and Margrave. How ton does not figure prom ineiillv in :ni v nidern pedigree and the chances an- that the horse died soon after landing. Margrave however, did niueli heller than bis shipmate Rowton. and left behind him some first rale prodite-ing daughters. Margrave wa- a chestnut, and was loahd in IS2», and as a t wo year old won a sweep al Btocklwidge and was placed second to lan.lina for the loarwell stakes and also won the trlter nun stakes. A year later Margrave finished fourth I.. St. titles lor the Inihy. was siie.-e--.lui in the llascoigne slakes beating that good horse Julius. won the Ira ml Duke Michael stakes at Newmarket. and heat the Btigbty i:i idea Idler in the St. Leger and wa- by Mntey ..ul of a daughter • f Election and traced to Ibe Burton Barh mare. Margraves daughters were notably successful -in. I matrons and Include such a Fanny ;.. Vn-toil,- Victor] ne and Kmuia Wright. Margrave also before llis departure from Rngland pro! the dam nf Sir Tall, i! sii,.- which won both the Two Thui-aml Guineas and SI. Leger. The year of the Importation of Mango, the brown son of Kmiliiis, which won the St. Leger in 1837, I do not know. but. the tml Boot to. is us that Hie hois,, wa- owned in li;o or when twentv -i years oi age b.v Messrs. .1. ami 11. Bathgate of Morriaaaia. N. . I am utterly unable to tind where Mango left behind him anything of merit and suppose that he was imported late in life. Koi Juha, a bay, foaled in 1835, the grand sire of imported Ronnie Scotland, i- -aid to have been Imported in 1834 but BO record can be found of an] of llis produce. Baa Joha, however, before bis la-t voyage beeaaae the sin- in England of the celebrated stud ina iron .Maid of Ma-ham. to which trace so many of the best of our latter day horses. notably C.v Ibne. Peter, Timothy, SI. Ililaire, Soli-man. inktields Pride, the Frenchman Ecouon. Btar SI t ami Hessian. Apropos of Hessian, I was mi aware until Ibe oilier day. that he is the sire ..r I nkei Tom winner of last years Scandaaavtaa Derby. 1 knew well that a few of Hessians gel Pad raced wth -ome ateasures of mcceaa in Eng land. Boots finishing second to China Cock for this year* Liverpool Spring Cup. II i- now up to Mana :or Wait.-. Hessian* "lose kin-man. to carry oil the forthcoming Kentucky Derby. Rathor curious is ii not thai I n John though, he seems to have failed to have sired anything at all in this country should have his own line carried on through his grandson lagi. the sire of Bonnie Si ol land. Kalghl of Si. George was only a little fellow, barely fifteen hand-, when he won the St. Leger in ls. t. and was a bay, by Irish Bird catcher from Maltese by lleliuan Ihiloif. bred in Ireland b.v Ml. Disney and Imp rted into this country hy A. Keene Ui. hard-, of Scott county. Kentucky. Knight of St. He urge was a mrmlwr of the outside No. 9fi lamilv. the Iii f ori.v Derby, Rhodora. I.ihhi Ciiimas. Bill oi Portland, which as a stallion, set Australia aflame, Ulearlg, leu Broeck, Loagfelloa and Herod and only fortj two mares were returned I i this family in Vol. IS Of the l.nlisli Stud Book. Knight of St. fleorge besides capturing the St. Leger wo.i the National Breeders Produce Stake* al The Curragb, Ireland, and won the Worcestershire stakes and ran second in the Chesterfield Cup on the other sid" of the Irish ChaaneL Kalghl of St. t; -ge is f ainoiis as the sire of T.dina. ancestress of one of this years Kentucky Derby favorites Ed Crump. Moiiie Fisher gramlam of Ban Ton. Qeorgia Wood one of the niainslays of the Maria West family. Mishap, gramlam of Reek u. I.i.nna gramlaui ; The Bard. Maga and Bonnie Kate, Clla I"- dam. Kay, n dor. the cliestmil Preach bred son of Flageolet ami Araucaria by Ambrose from Poca hontas, won the St. Leger in Istii ami was so nglj that lie was nicknamed "the canaeL" Rayon dthr was imported into ihis eouiitr.v by Mr. W. 1/. Sioit and afterwards was purchased by the elder Mr. Belmont and stood for a long time at that gentlemans Nursery Sliid in this eoiintdv. The fame of Rayon dOr does not by any means rest with his SI. Leger victory. The Frenchman. a* a two year old. won the Levant Slake- at flood wood, a sweepstakes at Doncaster, beating cliari-beri afterward* winners of the Two Thousand. As a three-year-old Rayoa «TOr could only get third to Charihert for the first ..i th,. rhuoncs, was unplaced t.. sir Bevy* for the Derby, won the si. .lam.- Palace Stakes at Ascot, beat Charihert ami Baperra for the Sus-e Stakes at Goodwood, walked over for the Zetland S;ake-. won the Ureal Foal Slake-, heat Placida in tile Svlct Slake, al New market and turned the tables oat Sir Bevys in Ibe St. Leger. As ■ foar-year-old Rayoa dOr led off by winning two hi frame and won Hie Prince of Wales Slakes and Boo* Memorial Stakes on Aseol Royal heath. This is indeed a lir-t elass racing record, and. as might 1m- supposed. Rayon dOr proved I great success as a stallion in this country, becoming the sire of Banquet, titans, Hon de thro. Octagon, sire of Beldame and Norman III. winner of the Two Thousand; Bolero, bail. ie,, ii. Julien, I.i Tray, Tenny, Clement in i. Ileiir dOr llaii llr- dam llitlernioiise. I.ailv Madge, I adv of the Vale. Laura stone. Louise T . Reine dOr, St. Prisciita. dam of PrisoHliaa; Ssarg, The Belle, Rensselaers dam: Souveraine. Son trie, and anv numler of other good onea. II is almost beyond c prehension, that Rayoa dOr, great race horse as he undoobtedlj was, su, , «■---ful sire as be proved himself to !«■. should have failed lo establish a line of Ills own. Octagon ae i ompli-lied mm h as I sire in geting Beldame ami Normaa III., and I il ink his degradation to the ranks ,-f the Breeding Bureau was a bit premature. Ormondes Eclipse has already been dealt with under Ihe Herliv winiie.-. and Rock Sands sm . .-- a* a sire has als.. been noted and this winds up the winners of the si. Leger which have come to us from across the western ocean. M. I. I.KAt II.