General News Notes of the Day, Daily Racing Form, 1915-07-11


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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. The building strike, which has bee! In pi for three months and has largel paralysed building g in Chicago, i- over. Agreement on all points al i ls-n,. were readied at 3 :30 oclock yesterdaj morning after the committees representing both sides had d I.e. i, locked in since the middle of the al ti t i. i. The plan u e.l bj Maya- Thompson to settle the car -nil,, brought equal! successful result* In the p building trades lockout and strike. The points Anally agreed upon that the men will e a Hat scale of To cents an hour for the Bexl three e years, dating from May •"•! last to May 31, i.Ms. ami thai the? will submit to the working conditions - as provided In the uniform agrc «1 propoi d bj y the employers. The settlement Is a compromise. ». The carpenters asked for a sliding sale of To rents - for the In -i war. T21 ■ for th« second, and T". for « the third. Pbej have been receiving IJ5. One phase e of tbe Uniterm agreement in which the men ac ;- 1 1 ,. a ! j J I i J » j : I | | ; i i , , I i . j i i . . 1 1 ., . I • 1 r 1 s ,. . e - a n quiesce, is thai there shall be no restriction regard- 3 inn Ihe seuiee of material whether made in the -; 3 Chicago district or elsewhere. The last point of 3 difference was whether journeymen who became employing contractors should register with the eon-tractors association. it was agreed they should pi register once a year a- do all contractors and pay D annual fee. Bays a diapateh from Halifax. N. s.. of yesterday: ~ - "A bomb placed aboard the Atlantic transport liner, . Minnehaha, pr bably while it lav at its pier in New g York, caused the explosion and Ire al sea. la the opinion of the officers of the steamer, which put in here for examination today. The explosion occurred in No. .". hold ami was of terrific force, shaking the vessel t Those of the who iidii stem to .stem. crew „ 2 were forward at tbe time were stunned by tbe shock ~ 2 and two sailors were hurled Into the air. 1 lam M .] followed quickly and for two days and two nights j Ho crew struggled heroically to aave the ship, i There is no doubt in tbe minds of the officers i that Erich Muenter, alias Frank Holt, or confeder- I aies. were responsible for tbe explosion, which in-- " i red at 1:13 oclock on the afternoon of July T. tbe date on which Muenter predicted that some vea- • sel. the name of which he appeared to be uncertain, ;. would be destroyed, it was recalled thai a number of Germans were among the stevedores who helped . load the ship at New York. Muciitcrs plans were frustrated by the fact that his weapon of destrnc- _ lion was placed with miscellaneous freight forward. _ and -•• w.i- separated by stout bulkheads from an enormous cargo of ammunition which, with other iu-Qaniniable munitions of war Intended for the allies, tilled the after holds, while the sailors fought the lire. Captain Claret headed his ship for Halifax and brought it safely through a gale and rue 1o an J anchorage in tbe lower bailor here al 1 oclock this ; afternoon. Bj that time the Maine- had paten their way into No. -1 bold, but late this afternoon it , w.a- announced they had been extinguished." The Giornale dltaUa of Turin, Italy, tells of the ■ capture of a German submarine by a ruse, it says that a steamer belonging to one of the neutral Balkan stales was caught lucn with benzine and naphtha by an Italian warship. The captain of tin- steamer confessed he was waiting to deliver the cargo to a German submarine. The naval commander thereupon took possession of the vessel, -manned it with a crew of his own blue jacket-, | disguised as ordinary seamen, and armed the ship with machine guns. Then it set iiiit t keep the appointment. Precisely at the hour and spot ar ranged a periscope was seen emerging from the in lace. Greetings were being exchanged, when r tbe commander of the Bteamer stepped forward and * cried: "Take yonr choice; surrender, or be sun to the bottom." The Teutons chose to surrender, and with their craft were towed to a naval port. A dispatch from Petrograd of yesterday claims an important success and says: "The grand dukes armies not only have halted the Austro-i.m man advance on Lublin, but have taken the Offensive and are driving General Maekensen back on a wide front, extending from the mouth of the River Pod-lip to the south of r.ykhawa. the war office announed today. In the fighting around the village of Wil-kokaaom alone we have taken l-YlMHi prisoners. At the village of Konptcbe, on the Bug river, the enemy left 51HI dyad before our treuehes." Yesterdays Pa-el. all results National League: Ih-.-oklyn B, Chicago 3 Hirst gaaae; Brooklyn : Chicago ti second game; St. Louis T. Boston 1 first game; Boston 3, St. Louis 1 second game; New York 7. Cincinnati ■!: Philadelphia c . Pitta- i burgh 3. American League: Chicago 1. Washington I game called rami: New York 4. Cleveland 0; Boston i. Detroit :;: St. Louis 4. Philadelphia 3. federal League: Baltimore .:. Newark 2; St. Louis : . Pittsburgh 1; Buffalo, .. Brook lyn L. From Christiana. Norway, a statement says: "A local insurance newspaper publishes a report that the Hamburg-American Steamship company has failed, having suffered immense losses as a eonse quence of a number of its steamers being captured while others have been interned bf neutral powers or compelled to remain in German porta. Il is said that the dally toss. Including interest, sustained by tie company exee ds 9800,000. Genera] Botha, nnaniandrr of the forces of the Union of South Africa, has accepted the surrender of all German military forces in German Southwest Africa, says a dispatch from Pretoria. The German forces which surrendered to General Botha numbered 204 officers and -i. 1 c.t; men. it was officially announced. Tin y turned over 37 field cannon and 33 niai bine jams. Turkish forces from Yemen, southwest Arabia. supported bj Arab-, ar,. threatening Aden, the l.ri- lish free port, according to an official report issued by the British press bureau yesterday. The Turk-, with a large number of Arabs and held iins. crossed Aden hinterland, near Lahe.j. compelling a British force to fall back on Aden. This occurred on July o. fin started early yesterday morning in the Public Drug companys store ai 3 ; South state street. Before the tirst engine company reached the tire, the dames bad spread to the Braporum, in the adjoining store. Several firemen were cut by Hying lass and overcome by smoke. A 3-11 alarm was turned in. The daaaage is estimated at 5,010. Brown Bros. i Co.. of New York, announced yea- terday thai they were negotiating with French in- stitutions for UiV placing of a Prench credit in this ; country to facilitate commercial exports. It is re- ported thai the credit will be in the neighborhood [ of 0,000,000, with a possibility that it will be :_r :■ i ly enlarged. The British admiralty slated that it was officially announced at Petrograd that the submarine which made a successful attack on a German warship of • . .Iiilv 3 in the Baltic was a British boat. It is claimed that the sunken battleship was the Pom- mem of between 14,000 and 15,000 tons. A dispatch to Keuters Telegram company of London from Alexandria, Kgypt, states while the sultan of Kgypt was going to prayer- a bomb was 1 thrown, from a window and tell al the feet of the horses. If did not explode, however. The person 1 who threw Ihe bomb escaped. Allied warships accompanied by air ilotUlas are conducting a systematic bombardment of Asia Minor r roast towns from the Gulf of Adramyti to the Cull f of Phoenix, according to alytilene dispatches. Smyrna, Youria and Aivali have been heavily shelled. The American cotton crop of 1914 was the largest i ever produced, having reached 16,134,030 equivalent ."iihi pound bales which, if placed end to end. would i reach more than half around the world at ,the equator.

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Local Identifier: drf1915071101_2_6
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