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I The imall figure under "Str." shows the distance the horse was ahead of that next in the race. I I The small figure under "Fin," — unless the horse won — shows the number of lengths the horse was I 1 bohind the winner. Weight to be carried appears at top of column of weights in previous races. J o- o * *IRST RACE— 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling, 6*381— lit*— •— 120. i 1 Index Cours, Dist TlmeTckOdds Wt St i % Srr Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish HELEN BARBEE, ch. m. 7 113 By Peep oDay— Lady Bramble fR. ,T. Mackenzie -634 Aqueduct :: i l U%fast " r.l 2 1 2 Sl 2] C Turn.: 0 UanoTia, Saarfackson, Vladimir 1S5I in. i :: i in f. lo Mi 2 4 :. :.". i- .1 McKver-ti Y. Notion.-. L. Botha, Moutresor iiti Aqueduct 3-4 l:tf%siow 9-5 li-t 1 1 l l» l» c Borel I Grumpy, Vladimir, Garbage Aqueduct 3-4 l:l3%fast 7 l"l :! 2 I 4 4". M Boston I Coquette, Uanovia, Capra -" *5 Aqueduct 3-4 1:14 fast 4 111 4 2 2 ;,. 4~. 1 McCaliev T Wanda Pit**, Etruscan. II. ■Will 20465 Hough-is 3-4 1:14 mud 9 10 110 2 111" 1« W Median 9 Rob llcnsley, Korfbage, Batlaa "!l Douglas 3-4 l:15%mud 14-6 108 4 5 4 8» 1* A Molt 7 It. V,- lose, M. Cassidy. Othello "•; Inn. lull l l:40slow 6 112 111 9 9 9s1 H Small 10 GdldcstBoy. lloenir. Sloul 1 leart " • • Inn lull 3-4 l:l2£alow 131 113 1 2 2 3t 4" 3 J tfcTagl i Leocbares, B.Noon, Bronzowing 30124 Uexgton J-4 l:12%fast 21-6 112 7 6 4 D1 B*| J M,T;ifii 7 Chalastra. Rarfbag*. B.nanet TRUE AS STEEL, b. g, 4 116 By Broomstick— Loyal P. S. P. Randolph. I* "Aqueduct i, i t:20%slow 8 104 3 3 3 3 4TJ M Baxton l Thornhlll, Leo Skoinv. Prairie Ian i .i 3 1 1.1;;*-fast s J15 2 2 I I" V P Low, in II Talecarrii r. Andes. Blackthorn o 3-4 l:13%fast 13-5 108 3 2 2 4- v* c Turn-r 8 Water Lady, W.Pitser, Ci-shan -• o I -in Im 1-4 1:11 fast to 112 1 1 2 3- 4 T Goldstn «i Bums. Andrew. Protector 30118 ii.ri.-dce. 3-4 l:l3*ia-ood 16 mi 3 l 2 s: 6*1 C Tamer 8 l Bleu. N. Simple. U. Temple ISH05 Oharlon 51 f l:09%hvy 9 S 101 3 2 3 3»* 6« .1 Benytfa 7 Boxer, Squeeler, Col. Tom Green IN709 Charlen S f 1 M hw M Ml 2 1 1 2 4- .1 McTagrl S Celesta. Water Lady, Aneaa I 69 Charlen 2-4 1:15 fast 2J 1"! 3 2 2 3 V .1 llcTagrt 8 W. Lady. Indauntod. H. Shaw PRESUMPTION, b. g. 6 110 By Golden Maxim— Proud Duchess J. MacManus Jamaica 3-4 2 1 7 1 111 1*1 M Buxton 7 Hnrakan, Orotund, Coy 2i7.,:: i imont l l:39%fast 8 no 3 2 2 « C i- M Buxton c; Bac. G. M. Miller, Astrology 205«i Belmont 6 f l:20%good 3 113 2 2 2 2- 2". M Buxton 1 . Snore, Beethoven, Astrology 20439 Belmont 61 f 1:21 mud 21 105 1 112- 2*J M Baxton 3 ThorahUl, Astrology, Spearhead 20298 Churchill 3-4 1:1 "--.last o. ill 3 2 3 4 5*| W Lilley 10 Hawthorn, kfaznik, The Nonaas 8MW !. t.gton 3 I 1J Mi 4 4 3 3 3i H loose 11 Coa.TowW, Tlie.Nonnan. Useeii WW lttoala 3 4 1 : 1 1 U,fast 9 101 4 4 0 4- V A Mott 0 1 chares. BringBrst, II. 1*328 Latonia 3-4 1:12 fast 33-10 P s 1 1 l 1 »■ 2 .1 McCabe 7 Lady Mooaet, Colle, Beaaaat ,v"l Baton. a. 3-4 1:12 fast 9-5 100 8 2 2 51 H-iW Aatdnwolfl Lit. Fniner. P. Park. Morristown CO*, h. m. 6 10C By McGee— Fickle A. J. Reinhardt. :Li A«|ue«luc 3-4 1:18 slop s lis G 3 I 3* 3:1 1 Corey 6 iolariiis. Chesterton. Baraeaat ttz i ,|u.|.it 3-4 1:15 last 7 11312 13 13 11 ll14 ; Corey it Palanquin, Hiker, San ?ega 21127 Jamaica 3 I l:i:-,fast 4| MB :• 2 2 2- 4*1 C l"l tliei- 7 Presumption, Uurakan, Orotnad lamaica 3-4 1:15 slow 7 11.". I 7 7 41 47 B Waldrou M Aihena, Superhuman, Jllnstrei SOWS Jamaica 3-4 l:13%fast 10 no 4 5 and •» 7" W war*tonl3 Dinah On. Outlook, Tinkle Bell 3::t; Plmlico 3-1 i:i3,good4i 20 no l 4 4 i* o7 M Baxton •» BrburPatb, MTttaGaaea, Pharaaa TALECARRIER, br. h. 5 119 By Armeath II.— Jumbly Girl G. J. Day. 21217 Jam; a 3-4 l:tt%fast 25 117 .". 5 4 2 1- B WaMron « T. as Steel, Andes, Blackthorn 2H r: .;, ,: a I l.-«7 Cast 1". 115 3 I I 6» 47 B Waldron 9 Paianguin. Yadopeep, Asyiade 30143 Pimiico 3-4 1:11 fast 140 iis 4 4 4 4- l«j M Matchs 3 Andrew. 11. Prvnne. it. Maiden 1.W31 Empire 5i f l:u»;. ,tast C 113 4 r .", :.-" " B Alley fi Mater. 1 .11 v Orate, Garl 15290 Aqueiluct 1 l:42%slow :T. i:j 3 1 G 7 7 1**W ABey 7 Goldy. Daimterfle.d, Heartbeat 14883 Hhoro Al,.". S l ..lufast 10 107 4s! E Alley U B.of B.Mawr, Hoy.Dotly. SUeeta 12472 Plmlico 1 1 4 2:07 fast 7 M9 3 2 2 2 2h 7- H WaldronlO Ambrose. Luskin. Baratcat VOLANT, ch. g, 3 109 By Cunard— Estimation J. E. Davis. 21534 Aqueduct 11:41 fast 8 r*8 111 1 V 1- T M rag 1 10 Minstrel D.Duenncr, 1.. Mar-hall 21324 Aqueducl 3-4 1:15 last 10 105 12 10 8 7 V D Ilollinan! Ialanqain, Ilik.T. San Vefja 2110S mine Ab7-8 1:27 good 3 lis l 1 3 -J. I 8 A 7 Singling, Ambrose. Stonelienge 2M60 Uline Ab7-8 1:M Blop •- 142 111 1 I4 1" A Lee 1 Singsong. Sir Giles Mr. Snigics . 89701 Pip.Rk Ab 1 l:42%fast I Ml 4 3 0 7 G* 7"tD ONeill K Absconder. Star Gaae, Ben Bale MK2 Plmlico ll-si:-,s mad 12] 1"4 2 2 2 E B« «*• R Shilling 0 llhineMai.len. Half Bock, Runes 202K Plmlico 1 l:41*4faat 63 N 6 4 1 4 ::i :;-., A Collins 7 Runes, Celto, Basra no 2*186 Plmlico 1 l:45%mud 31 ln2 2 12 1 2* 2l C Turn.-r . Warlock, Schnapps, tarlone M444 Pimlico 3 4 1 :V*i fast 50 07 4 22 2"k | | I. McAtee 6 Keweaaa, Maude K., WaterLady ETHAN ALLEN, b. g, 3 99 Ev Yankee— Ondurdis R. T. Wilson. 21347 Aqueduct 7n 1:31 hw i ft I 3 I I I t» J 1* Ryan 3 Watertown, I.a.iv Botha 21169 Jamaica 3-4 1:15 fast 16-6 M4 1 ill- 1- .1 McCabey 6 Outlook, Hinah Do, Sinai 21040 Jamaica 3-4 l:14%Caat 4 M3 2 11 2" 2". J McCahey 8 Chesterton, Albena, fodelea M4C7 Belmont 1-4 1:15 alow 3* loo l 4 4 41 57, W Ural 7 RllaBryson, Minstrel, Chestertoa 20387 Helmont 3-1 1:1 4%slop 13-10 OS 3 3 3 3»k43J McCahey 4 GarL Perthshire, heslerton 17291 Wdhlne 3 ! l :i:i fast 13 io 105 5 4 4 3* 21 r Meander and Zin Del, Pepper 8auee. Caaaaa LADY TERESA, b. f. 3 102 By Star Shoot— Maribel Quincy Stable. 21564 A.m.. her 1 i;45 slop 18-5 nM 2 1 3 .1 2J -, .1 McKver .". All smiles. Saratoga, Grumpy 21235 Aqueduct 3-4 1:14 fast 15 no 6 7 7 7 G"M i:-aine 7 Wanda Pitaer. Btruscan. HeWiil 20973 Janiai a 11-16 1:49 fast 4-5 M 2 4 2 3 3 2i J MeCahey 5 J. J. Ullis, Hedge, Patrick S. 20216 Piin i i:!!--,iast IT in M 7 3 Lost rider. .1 MeCahey 7 Banes, Celto, Volant S»118 H.dcG«tM 3 1 i.i::goodl7-io M 1 4 4 4" U. .1 McCabey 0 P. Bleu. N. Simplex, II. Temple 20057 ii. ,1 .-,,-, 61 t l:06%fast 13-6 103 1 7 G 6 »*1 E Ambrose 8 Celto. NorseKrng. Her. Temple 20017 IL.deGce .". S :.:• l1- .". 105 5 I E I1 »« R Ambrosel3 NoneKinar, I rotector, N.8implex B006 Vjiu|,.p- 5V f l:ii;-;:,s|ow 2| 1H I 3 I 2- l1 .1 McCahey -1 Gnat, Al K. eves. tieo.Uoesch OROTUND, ch. f. 4 108 Bv Hippodrome— Olevia R. 0 Miller. - -H Aqueduct 1 l:40%fast 4-5 107 G 2 2 3 • ■" 5*JJ McTagrl .". Xeidithys, Penalty, M.B.Harbor il "." Jama a 3 I 1:131 last 7 lor. 6 5 •". 4- 3- W Lilley 7 Presumption, Uurakan, Coy * 70:; Belmont 6] l -".last 12 M G S 4 21 I1 W LRley 8 I . Shore. B. Bryson, P.. .thoven 20656 Belmont 1 lMlfast IS 3 102 g 3 2 2 2 2*1 W Ural 8 R.oLlght, Bobinetta, D.Deaaet 20664 Belmont 11:40 good 10 Mj i 2 I I and :: | W Ural 3 W. Shot-. Dr. Duenuer, JawbeM 20236 Pimlico Im70yl:45%fast 23 Ml 5 G 6 6 61 77 A Srhugr 7 An. alii. Spearhead. Carlton O. »10K H.fVOoe Im70yl:46%good 9-5 •". 5 2 2 1 l1 T- L McAtee 8 O.Kripp, Dr.DBer, Chrtophiue andB072 ll.dcGce lm70yl:44%faat 7 H5 5 11 7 5 5l 4s A Behut*erl2 Ban Around. Al Block, Cogs IM64 H.dcUce lm70yl :iG» fast 4 103 4 3 2 2 l"k 2» .1 Smyth 11 Jim Basey, Goldv. Peteiai 11 II deGce lm70yl:47 slow 7 Midi 2" 31" K Shilling 7 SUrGlft, B. Around. T.Busyhody NOUREDDIN. br. g, 3 99 By Ogdcn— Frances McClelland R. T. Wilson. 21374 Aqueducl 5-8 1:00 good 8 MS 2 2 2 2". -J1 .1 McCabey 7 Lucle Jiitiuiie. Hiker. Patricks 21324 Aqueduct 31:13 last M MS 11 12 12 12 12" i MeCahevll Palanquin, Hiker. Saa Veaa 21271 Aqueduct 1 1 :4e--,fast 2 M l .", :, p 4*1 J McCahej .". Ncphtliys. Penalty. M.B.Harbor 21014 Jamaiia 3-4 l:13%good 12 108 1 3 3 V 4«| J McCabey C Spring Board, StarGift, H.Shaw 209*16 Jamaica 3 11:11 fast 2* 1"7 7 I 2 t* V V. Byrne 7 Duke of Dunbar. Vaaa, Abara MW78 Belmont 3-4 st l:10%raat 40 ]::o 4 5 5 5 C-.W 1 ral 5 S. UcMeekin, TopHat, A.Bxprem 8910s H.deGce 31 f 1 : i7Vs fast 12 VC 9 S G G1 4 i W Ural 10 Polarius, Singsong, M. McGlggle 16272 Saratoga 3-4 l:12*4fast 12 110 0 r, 5 5 5 : .". HijzhNoou, Dls.Sbore, T.hyJuo SINAI, b. f. 3 105 Bv Dr. Leggo— Norinne C. W. Gasser. 21560 .| 3-4 l:lGVf,slop 20 95 I I I ; 8» L Mini; a Istrose, Plantagenet, S.ofValley Vquetluct 3-4 1:14 fast 30 M 3 6 I 6] 7" V Hopkins 7 Wanda Pitaer. Ktruscan. UeWill 21169 Jamaica 3-4 1:15 last 30 K.7 2 2 2 V 4A .1 Haoorer S Lilian ABen, Outlook, ltinah I. 20845 Bluelt .n. 7 s 1 :_s-., last f Id 102 G G 4 4 41 ;". 1 llaynes 15 It.-dlaml. Inuuieta. Burwood 20616 Dorval lm7 iy l :HP/„fast lo 11211 3 4 8 S 8" D Bohutd 0 Fly Home, 8. of Lore, Celebrity 20251 Churchill :: 4 l ;::-.,iast 35 us I 7 7 andi» 4"1 K Lapaillell Masnik, Manioc, Superhuman 19536 Juarez 51 f l:0and%fast 6-6 M2 3 4 4: 22 M Garner 7 Yallaha. Lanehorne. Type 19495 Juarez 51 f 1.-01 fast 4 M 3 3 3 2=?. 1-. M Garner 8 Maznik. Marie OBriea. Type 19371 Juar.z 61 t lttSJfctaat 5 91 3 3 5 l»| 1* M Cafner 0 Type, Ida Camaings, Kathar.Q.