untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1915-07-11


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. ununnnnnnnnnnunnnnnnnnnnnnnnuunnnunnnnnnnnnnnnnu-, j WESTCHESTER RACING ASSOCIATION J RACE COURSE: BELMONT PARK. OFFICE: 18 EAST 41ST STREET, Queens, Long Island. N. Y. N e w Y o r k. ST A K E S TO BE RUN AT THE AUTUMN MEETING, 1915 To Close Thursday, July 15, 1915 FOR THREE-YEAR-OLDS AND UPWARD. MUNICIPAL HANDICAP Cash Value ,500 One Mile and a Quarter. BELMONT PARK AUTUMN HANDICAP Cash Value ,000 One Mile and a Furlong. THE NASSAU, Selling .Cash Value ,000 One Mile. FOR THREE-YEAR-OLDS. RAMAPO HANDICAP Cash Value ,000 One Mile and One-Sixterr.th. JEROME HANDICAP ,000 Added One Mde. FOR TWO-YEAR-OLDS AND UPWARD. MANHATTAN HANDICAP ,000 Added Seven Furlongs Main Course, AUTUMN HIGHWEIOHT HANDICAP ,000 Added Six Furlongs Straight. FOR TWO-EAR-OLDS. THE CHAMPAGNE, Selling Cash Value ,500 Seven Furlongs Main Course. THE MINEOLA, Selling Cash Value ,000 Six Furlongs Straight. NURSERY HANDICAP Cash Value ,500 Six Furlongs Straight. STEEPLECHASE STAKES. TOR THREE YEAR-OLDS AND UPWARD. CROOK CUP HANDICAP, ,000, and Plate of the Value of 50 Added and About Two and One-Half Miles. ! CORINTHIAN HANDICAP $ 1 ,000 Added About Two Miles. BROADHOLLOW HANDICAP $ 1 ,000 Added About Two Miles. I 1 1 1 DISILLUSION, 2.70 to , WON FITZGERALD, 2.25 to , WON Above wen- two nice oms that we aenl out on our NEW SERVICE. Will. I puetw you will hare Io a, linn that this is ahoiit the liesd Information thai a-. rver riven out. Above and aeveral other win nils were geul l" me hy an old friend of mine, who lii- owned an. I trained homes ii"st all his life and I OR GETTING WINNERS. as tin- above proven. Tins pari] is goine; to Wind- aor and we i|i.ii to rH over some live ones at this track. When yon RatMterlbe i»- this information win are getting ih - Ih-si we ran u -i and what we have |o pa Iol- awney for. Wiiii you pay us isnt anything to what we have to paj them. Wfc WANT some new *.r"oii relmhle aaerntator* on iiii nerviee wh.« will riniil at oiHi-, as we ih not son. I tin in the set mill winner till we rerelve paymenl for the lir-i: and furthermore, we will not take any aulxeription alter JULY 14. WE REQUIRE NO MONEY IN ADVANCE for Ibis nerviee eseepl .00 I" guarantee telegraph rliaijris iii winnera we exneel at leant what a l.ihi iiivisi meiii wonlt] ainonni to on each wire. Now. i: you want !•, get In on this aervlee, aend in your name I,, day. as wc will not take any new ua s after .Inly 1 I. We reserve the rir|it to reject any application, Ye*tcr4ajrs Form Special ran aeeuwl. I .iil Win- anve a winner and a accoml. S|,o.ia: Bpbiheil secoml. MONDAYS FORM SPECIAL: June Grape 33-31-G1-17. THE STANDARD TURF GUIDE Room 40", 22 Wer.t Quincy Street. CMeagU, Illinois. 1 : GEO. L. STRANG nox at Windsor track FOR THE ENTIRE MEETING— 7 DAYS. One good thing wired yon every morning. DETROIT PATRONS. NOTICE: M dally ratings and -i Ms it aale al nil leading hotels and new* -t.iniK during meeting. Address Care of POSTAL-TELEGRAPH CO. DETROIT. MICH. i i NATIONAL RACINC REVIEW. MONDAYS SPECIAL: New York, Molest. Maroon. Canary. XX Speeial. VENETIA, 145 to 100. WON. I-tiii S|,iial. DICKS PET. 145 to 100. WON. Room 44li, Ml South La Salh Street, Chicago, 111. ri ,. t I ,. I — Venetia. 145-100. Won. wa Saturday? Bost. Mon- days Ee.st. T66. Book 209— TfiG B21— Y48 LCI— 1 U DD69— A?0 X50— Malachite COS. SEND FOR NEXT SATURDAYS SPECIALS. Wind Prepaid. THE AMERICAN THOROUGHBRED. Baltimore Building, .. :: :: Chicago. III. r THE TURF REPORTER MONDAYS FORM SPECIAL: April Carmine Nate-Ddte-Pa-Law. Room 509. 22 West Quincy Street, Chicago, Illinois. SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY RACING FORM. ANOTHER I OPPORTUNITY O on two jumpers which will tart at Bclmoat A ► Park Wednesday and Friday. Mail or win ▼ Jr me and I will wire you each play, provided T you agree to give me a square deal. Both T 0 plays will be positively reliable. BONNV ▲ i* LADDIE, last Wednesdays Special, WON. ♦ 1 1 Only two given this week. T * R. R. RHODES 211 Si. Paul Street I * Baltimore — Maryland X SKIRTS MADE OF your own material WILSON, 166 it State St.. Chicago COFFE E. Did yon ever try Tevnes MOCHA and JAVA Coffee? If you are not already one of Jevnes Coffee Customers try a pound at onro and you will never use any other. Tile pound. 42 cents. C. JEVNE and CO., 30 - 32 South Wabash Ave.. Chicago TELEPHONES: Automatic 02-756. Harrison 1314, 1.115, 1316. All Departments. OWEN H. fAY LIVERY CO. AUTOMOBILE LIVERY AND GARAGE. 435 Plymouth Court, Chicago. Ill The finest Resort Hotel in the World HAS BEEN BUILT AT Sunset Mountain. Ashevllle, N. C. ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF. OPEN ALL THE YEAR. An old-fashioned Inn: walls five feet thick of granite houlders. Water from slopes of highest mountain east of the Rockies. Finest golf links in the South. Write for rates and literature. GROVE PARK INN, Sunset Mountain :; Asheville, North Carolina.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1915071101/drf1915071101_6_4
Local Identifier: drf1915071101_6_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800