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i . i , ; J f j • j j J j ; * ; ; 1 ; I I | 1 1 I , - . . . i , I . 1 _ . ! HAVRE DE GRACE FORM CHART. HAVRE DE GRACE. MD., TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 28. 1915. — Twelfth day. Harford Agriculture and Breeders Association. Fall Meeting of 14 days, i.::: books on. i Weather clear. | Presiding Judge. C. Coriiehlseti. starter. James Milton. Racing Secretary, F. Behberger. Racing starts at 1L:J0 p. m. Chicago time 1 ■■ p. in.. -"Indicates apprentice allowance. fcTo~*5FTt3 FIRST RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. 5158—1 :05*i — 8 — l5tl Purse $•, :; year-olds and and Q tjVjKJ upward. Selling. Nit value to winner .f:HH : second, 0; third. 0. "index Horses AWtlPSt 4 -i % Str Fill Jockeys Owners 0 II C p S 23205-FORIM WB 4 108 .". 4 ].. 1:: 1- I1 T McTagt L 8 Thompson - 2 ! -G 9-102-5 HMSi FI.ANTAGFNF.T wit ■. 105 i I VI 2 2. 8* .1 P Ryan R T Wilson 3$ 20 20 8 4 gggW*VIGNOLA WB 3 .o I :l 2" $] :i- I* A Collins H Waterson 10D2O0 2OOX0 40 23168 LILY ORME wb 4 109 U 7 -I, Si 4l 4h R Troxler N A Green 10 15 15 5 2A J43205 "II ZZY WIZZY wis 4 !7 4 « P V «. .".- L Mink Cleveland Stable :! 4 4 ti-5 *-5 23089:SCORPII t Jit] 1 5 ti1 7? 7* ti11. F Hopkins J O Talbott S 10 10 4 S-5 232u5 ENVEB REY WB -1 100 10 2 5- 4- 7 C Turner F L Turner ti 12 18-5S-5 4-5 23205 INEZ WB :; 108111 8 7- .. 8* 8* J Hutwell S Yeiller .10 fiO «0 25 12 23205 HARRY JUNIOR wit . 107 7 It Uakll M| !* T Davies H C Hallenbeck H 12 12 f, U-i 23134-»LU;HTS ol I w :; 88 2 13 12 l: 11- lo- T PargtonF E Rose 10 Z$ 20 7 £ 18448,I.YIIA A. w :i 10:1 11 0 H » •* 11- F Cooper S Ross 10 17, 15 0 3 23136 MARYLAND GIRL w 3* 103 ■ 12 1:. 11 13 121 1 l.owder R I Milb r M M$ 100 40 15 23134 GREAT SI RPRISR wb 4 108 S 10 10-" 10J 12= 1:! W Lalley G S Martin iNWXOlNM Time-. 23%, 48, l:0i%. 1:07?5. Track fast. Winner — th. c. by Yoter — Harpsichord trained by A. Simons. Went to post at 2:35. At post 8 minutes. Start food and slow. Won handily: second and third driving. FORIM quickly raced into a safe lead and won all the way. but was doing his best at the end. PLANTAGENET was a forward contender from the start. VIGNOLA ran well, hut was driviin; hard to outstay LILY ORME. I-TZZY WlZZY closed a big gap. The winner was entered for 00: no bid. Scratched— 23205 Water Welles. 100: 17000*John 1. Wakefield, 100; 23187 Armament. 100: 2:!240 Miss McGiggle, 98- 2:: H4 Nild. lot: 23188 Miss Clara. 88; 23888 Yoluspa. MS, Overweights — Inez. 11 pounds: Harry Junior, 2: Lights Out. :i: Lydia A.. ■.. OQQHU MBOOND RACE-5 1-2 Furlongs. 515V-1 :»,.-r. — ::--lori. j 00 Added. 2-year-olds. qfl Q OUt/ Handicap. Net value to winner 20; second. 0: third. $:!». tad ,x Horses AWtlPSt % 5 j Str Fin Jockeys Owners; o 11 C P g *OBME8DALE wr. US 1 1 F 2- P I1 J afcCabeyR T Wilson t 5 !i-Mi :. 1 4 out Zd236 SPRINT WB 1001 2 4 4 4 V .. .1 McTagrtMizpah Stable -". ti 4 1 1-4 2323b SlARlI.ING WB TOO 4 1 1-1- f "- VY Lillev R F Carman :. .V. IB-n.l-T, out 22122 DAMROSCH m 108 I 2 :;.. ::.. 4 4 J Butwell A Belmont I 12 12 1 hB3 Time. 23%. 88%, 1:00%, 1:06«5. Track fast. Winner — Ch. c. by Orm ..ndiile — Madchen trained by T. J. Healey. Went to [Hist at :;:0o. At post 1 minute. Start good anil slow. Won easily: second and third driving. ORMESDALE was saved under restraint for the first half mile, then went to the leader with a rush and ua- going away at the end. SPRINT was off slowly, tmt wore tlie thing STARTLING down in the final seventy yards. STARTLING showed the most early speed, but tired near the end. DAMROSCH quit. Overweiul-.ts — Sprint, 3j pounds: Startling. 1. O Q O I THIRli-RACE— 3-4 Mile. 1 7S4o— 1 :ll-v.— -1— 91. Third Running Princeton Selling 500 J.U Stakes. Value ,000. .l-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner 75; Seconal, 00; third. 80. liaic Horses AWtlPSt U »» -v. Str Fin Jockeys Owners H C P S 23203*IIE WILL wi :! IPS t 2 2; 24 23 1?. Y Lillev L Feustel S-67-1013-20out— SS!984*YAN. NOTIONS wn 5 111 :i 1 I1 1 1| S- F Cooper Oneck Stable 7-5 S-5 3-2 1-4 — 23083 •SARSENET WB 3 188 2 3 :; :; :; 1 L Mink K T Wilson lo 12 12 8-5 — Time. 23, 47. 1:11%, Track- fast. Winner — B. g, by Heno — Naughty Lady | trained by L. Eeusteli. Went to post al 3:31. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the -.ime. HE WILL followed the leader under restraint in the early running, then wore him down slowly in tic last eighth and took the had in the dosina strides. YANKEE NOTIONS, away quickly, set a fast oa-lv pace- and tired when challenged. SARSENET was always outpaced. The winner was entered far ,508; no bid. Scratched— 2:;i70-Iistiint -Shore. 112: 2:;2aT!Iullux. 10:1: ZKMjBjForum. 105: £120.". Borgo. 101. * *1 * 1 | FOIRTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. i2.!2f.5— 1 :42.-,— 4— 11!. i 88 Added! 4-year-and O O A jL olds and upward. Selling Handicap. Net value to winner fl.lO: second. 0: third, li.dex Iiorses AWtPPSt k _ *i Str Fin Jockeys Owners O it C 1 S tttUBETBOUBN WB 8 108 4 ." 5 1- V V 11 Q Byrne W J Speirs 9-5 11-58-5 7-10out t237 HEDGE WB • 107 2 I 8* 8* 8 1 Q 2- T Davies H C Hallenbeck 4 5 $ 1 2-5 22984 PARDNEB w « 102? 1 1 2 21 V. Z-- Z F Cooper H G Bedwell G S 7 2 4-5 " 23238 CLIFF FIELD w 4 105 3 2 4"* 5* 4 ; 1- 4:1 L Mink L J Carey 21. 3 2 7-10out 232CC NAPIER 0 5 6 « 6 B ti 5- J Gartner J W Hedrick Jr M 50 EO 15 « 21348 ABSCONDER w 7 84 G 3 I] 4i 5- r.1 ti J McCaheyDeep Run Stable 20 20 15 5 2 Tinse, 24%, 4», 1:14%, 1:40, 1:44. Track fast. Winner— B. g. by Star Shoot— Last Resort trained by W. J. Speirsi. Went to post at 3:58. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. RKYROIRN was outrun for the first eighth, but moved up into an easy lead on the bac-kstretch r-nd saved ground on the turns, then tired and finished driving hard to outstay HEDGE. The latter raced in close put suit from the start and came wide into the stretch, but finished with a rush. PARDNEB raced Weil up all tin way. but tired in th-- linal quarter. The winner was entered for ,000; no bid. Scratched — l2. 204i.Vinalli. IPS. Overweights — Hedge. :l pounds: Partner, 4j. »_ O 1 6 FIFTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. i2:32l 5— 1 :42.-,— 4— 11!. j Pane 8888! .; year olds OOl and upward. Selling. Net value lo winner 00; second, 0: third. $:»o. Index Horses AWtlPSt U .- Str Fin Jockeys Owner.; O H C P S 23089 -*GL GAMING wli :! 104 4 3 2! 2- 21 1 •" 1; L Mink Berwick Stable 3 4 18-68-5 4 5 23204 ill Y FISHER WB t lltl 11 E 3 1- 4- 4- 8»1 T Davies F, F Cooney 10 12 12 5 U t81*VOLANT wb .i 101 I 2 1* 1» 1 2- 3i L Allen S Lewis St St | 4 2 232U4,DAINGERFIELD W « 10C. 1 ! 5?. fi?. S| 5 4L P l.owcler R Newman 10 12 12 -". 2?i 23172- ALHENA wn :! 104 9 12 7- ■ 3i J« 5» J McTagrtJ F Adams 5 6 ti 21. ti-5 23087 YODF.I ES w :; 107 7 13 10". N P* sl ti J McCaheyH 1nderberg ti S S 4 2 id3264 STALWBT HELEN w :5 10S 10 11 13 13- 11 7 711 J HeCabe L Weiss r, ■ 25 10 6 23237 TAMERLANE w .! 102 I 8 »« s". tih ti1 B» J Pitz P M Walker 20 30 25 10 I 23237 SAM SLICK WB S 188 ti 10 1 1 ll1 12.. 12- ! J Butwell Cleveland Stable IS 15 15 ti 1 23267*TOWTON FIELD WB 7 107 14 15 1" 14 14 13 10 A Collins A G Blakelev 10 15 15 i 3 23237-EARL OF SAYOY WB 5 100 l"i 7 S- ion 7 Hi ll1?. C Turner J Talbott 10 12 7 3 S-5 23204 OSILLIVAN wn 5 114 s 1 12- 12 10- 9l 12- C Bganie J MacManus M 15 1" I I 23136 KN RELET w ;! 104 13 14 14k £ B 14= 135 J Smyth W R htlSell 10 50 50 20 M 23136-*P.ALFRON W 4 100 5 4 4b ti SMe. 14- F CooiH-r H G Bedwell 7 10 10 4 2 23267 PKTELIS w 8 100 12 ti ti1 71 13*15 15 R Troxler I. A Seregni 12 15 15 I :. Time. 23%, 48«5. 1:14. 1:40%, 1:44%. Track fast. Winner — Ch. 0. by Star Shoot — Autumn Leaves trained by L. E. Piper. Went to post at 4:20. At po*i 4 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driv- iig. GLOAMING, after racing in close pursuit of the pacemaker, went to the front when his rider was leadv and drew awav into an easy lead. GlY FISIIKR finished wilh a rush. VOLANT showed the most early speed, but tired. DAINGERFIELD finished close up. ALHENA tired. Tin- winner was entered for M.oo; nc bid. Scratched— 23287 Camellia. 188; 2.i2H7 Col. A-dimcade. 100: 2::111 Napier. 115. Overweight — Sam Slick. I pound. QQQ I Q SINTII RACE 5-8 Mile. i4017— 59— 2—100. Purse *4o0. 2-year-olds. Maidens. QO 1 Q Special Weights. Net value to winner 00; second, .0: third. 0. ;":T7ic-x Horses AWtPPSi t :■ Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 23200 OCEAN PRINCE in: 112 .". 8 7- P U U C Turner .1 S Tvree q I 4 S-", 4-.". DELANCEY w 112 4 7 :: 3 2 and .1 Butwell A Belmont 3 4 3. S--". 4-5 23200-GIERALTAR w 10! 1 1 1" 2 3 3- T McTagt J Sanford 21 3 11-54-6 2-8 23088 RAE B. w 100 ti .". n 7- 4 4- J McTagrtW C Baxter IS 81 20 7 3 22983-WIZARD w 112 7 2 41 «- ti :. J McCaheyR T WiNon ". 5 p. S-5 4-5 22983 BONNIE CARRIE w 108 3 :. gi in r,. ti R Troxler J E Madden 10 12 in 4 s-.i 23200 COL. MATT WB lo: I ti :,. K| 7J 7 J McCabe .1 Livingston ."1 s s 3 S-5 23088 ORATORIUM m 112 :» i $« gi* x v- I! gam-- J MacManus 3" 40 10 l", | 23200 LAST CHANCE WB 112 2 9 ! I D !i .1 Pitz Mr Earle tio 1V lOcI Jo 1", Time. 23%, 48%. 1:01. Track fast. Winner — Br. c. by Canard — Interview trained by I!. It. I.arricki. Went to po-t at 4:53. At post : minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. OCEAN PRINCE was badly outrun for the- first three-eighths, but worked his way up nteaadily and. finishing gamely, outstayed DELANCEY at the- end. The latter was a forward contender all the wav GIBRALTAR set the early pace, but was excessively used in racing with RONNIE CARRIE and tired! B. finished fast Scratched -21D71 Queen of Paradise. 100: 23266 Friar Nought, 108; 23288 Life. 100