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I ; . SECOND RACE — About 2 Miles. Steeplechase, 3-year-olds and upward. Handicap. 17540 - ::r,7— 4 -142. RACEBROOK, b. g, 8 148 By Racine— Miss Wandelohr S. L Josephtbal. 23263 H.deGce Ah 2 4KB fast 4 142 7 E 1 :: :;- 4* MrSLJosal 8 Syosset, Golden Vale Grey Lee 23056 H.deGce Ah 2 4:00 fast 4J 138 211 1 11 PJ J Dupee 8 Astute, Idle Miehael kgoa 2298 H.deGce Ab 2 4:01 fast 3 152 9 Fell. MrSLJosl 9 Abdou. Early Light Mesbacb. 20231 Pimlico 2 3:57-r,fast 1 5 154 4 111 L. rider. R Lucas 9 Worstdale Carter Fro" 20117 H.deGce Ab 2 4:01Vislow 13-5 148 3 2 13 t»* li Mr JosthT 7 Abdon, Humility S and Stripes 20044 H.deGce Ab 2 4:02 fast 8 147 7 4 2 1 1* 1* M Josthl 7 Wooltex, Gun Cotton Woodsia 20097 H.deGce Ab2 4KB%fnst 60 147 9 1 3 2 2« 2" Mr Josthlll Astute, Abdon, Aberfeldy ABDON, br. g, 5 145 By Bryn Mawr — Miss Doone Milltown Stable. H.deGce Ab 2 4:93%f*st 16-5 14. 222 1 2" 4 G Oaskins lo Syosset. Little Hugh Jnverence 22982 H.deGce Ab 2 4:01 fast 18-6 142 7 11 1 1« d ■ T Gaskins I Early Light Mesbacb KockFNli 22820 BelmoUt Ab 2 4:33 fast 1 147 2 2 1 1 1* 1* v Bootb 4 Eadbald, Lit. Hugh WalkingFox 22670 Belmont Ab 2 4:21 last 1S-5 147 3 2 2 2 24 2- W Booth 7 Zettwood, DixonPark BicSandy 2ir29 Belmont Ab 2 4:26 fast 13-10 150 1 1 3 3 26 210 W Booth 4 Gnn Cotton Pseocia Frilolee 20538 Belmont Ab 2 4:19 fast 5 137 4 6 5 3 3» t*| W Booth 7 C. Malotte, Old Salt.j. Walser EARLY LIGHT, b. g, 5 139 By Peep oDay— Wantage H. G. BedwelD. 23294 ii.deGY. Im70yl:46 fast 40 103 1113 14 13 121 lo-.p Cooper 11 Day Day Jesse Jr Santo 22982 H.deGce Ab 2 4:91 last 10 152 4 4 :: 2 2- ■■"■» Koerner 9 Abdon. Mesbacb Bock Flan 22772 BlueBon. Ah 2 4:11 slop 9 138 4 2 4 4 4s 31 D Caddy 0 CuBon, IdleMichael MreliCourt 22594 Conght Ab 2 3:58 mud 4 139 5 5 6 3 3h 4". 1 Caddv 6 Stucco Cynosure C*U Bon 22502 Conght Ab 2 3:57%sloW 7 142 2 4 4 2 D 1» I Caddy and F. A. Stone, 1nion Jack. Cn Bon LITTLE HUGH. ch. g, 6 142 By Glorifier— Glad Tidings W. Stockton. H.deGc« Ab 2 I l3Atfas1 6 138 7 5 6 E 4- 2- M HensonlG Syosset Juverence kbdon 22982 H.deGce Ab 2 4:01 last E 147 E Ban out. I Gaddy :i Abdon Early Lbrbt Mesbacb 22820 Belmont Ab 2 4:33 fast 1 147 :: 1 Bolted. M Henson 4 Abdon Eadbald Waikiiur Vox 22755 Belmont Ab 2 4:11 fast 10 134 2 2 I 1 2- 2* M Henson t; Swish. DixonPark Idventnress 22670 Belmont Ab 2 4221 fast S 147 7 Lost rider. .1 Dupee 7 Zellwood hdon Dixon P«rk H964 Aqueduct Ab 8 4:18 fast 8 144 7 2 2 6 51 5" M Henson 8 Senegambian. Cloud, Dixon Park BATTERY, b. g. 5 136 By Faraday— Inconstancy H. Rites. 23201 H.deGce Ab 2 43%fast W ill 9 1 1 1 8»» 6" C 8moo4 l» Syosset. LItthTlIuKb Juverence 23036 H.deGce Ab 2 4:07%fast 21 14511 7 I 2 I] r M Henaonl4 Grey Leg Ivbi tor Brush 217 I Belmont 3-1 st 1 :iir0faat M 112 9 11 11 18 13** J P Bysn 15 T. as 8teel. Grump D.ofDunbar 21345 Aqueduct 1 1:45 hvy 20 107 8 8 8 8 76 721 0 Turner s Saratoga. Minstrel Joe Delhold 21102 Jamaica 1 1-16 1 :47%fast 15 107 4 4 4 4 4 414 J P Ryan 4 Hermis.Ir OSuIlivan B o Light 21016 Jamaica 1 1-8 l:55V4good 20 101 2 5 4 2 22 3i J P Ryan fl, Marshon, Dngerfield DIXON PARK. br. g, 9 135 By Kinloch Park— Babv Dixon J. H Collins. 2:1201 H.d.,; ,,. Ab 2 1:02.. . .ast 1", I:;", E I s 7 7 8" P Brady lo Syosset, Uttte Itngn Tjuverraee .27 Belmont Ab 2 1:13 last 8 139 1 :; .. S 31 3 1; Haynes Swish, Little Hugh Idveutnress 2207o Belmont Ab 2 1:21 fast 1 117 l 5 .". 3 8* 31 H Willms 7 Zellwood, Abdon Bu Sandy Saratoga Ab 2 4:33 fast 6 1:1 8 11 3 3 3 II Willms .; carter. Handsalirouml stute 22359 Saratoga Ab 2 4:41 good 11-j Isi 4 FeU, p Tnburke 6 Valentine. Constador. Monstone BEN DALE. b. g, 3 130 By Ellisdale— Fairy Bird Shoshone Stable. - 63 H.deGce Ab 2 4.-03 fast 99 « •• l .". 7 Bled. W Bootb 8 Syosset Golden Vale Grey le- 23036 H.deGce Ab 2 4:07*4fast 6 132 ■ 2 I 8 Befused.W Booth 14 Battery Grey I ear witter £0801 Pip.Bk Ah;: l l:l3».rifast 6 97 6 2 2 51 6" J Ryan 7 Rhine Maiden Flcinny Holiday 20781 Pip.Rk Abll:42%fast 10 o:: ill 2 2- V J Ryan S Absconder Star Gase Doublet 20623 Belmont 8-4 st l:ll--,fast 30 ion 5 13 4= SM Buxton K Gino, Saratoga, SandMarsb BUBGEOIS, b. h. 5 138 Bv Burpomaster — Victoria M. Mr Earle 6557 James n 51 f l:08%fasl 60 113 M 19 lo 16 iu"-.v Knapp M Clot lies Brnsb IoS Battery Pimlico 5-8 l:014*fas1 30 1161 I § 10 12 121* G Burns 12 Pnnklmrsl v»""daPltxer Brush ,; v Laurel :. 1 l:10%slow 12 112 !•■ 11 11 iv ll*3 Schugrl2 F.Falry p intoinette Ambrose 5922 Laurel 5 f 1:08 fast 26 Ml S 1 ;, 2 :■.;■ . c dross 8 Afterglow tmbrose Betray S|i l.aur. I 51 f l:08%fast 20 :n 9 il n ii"ii-".i Gross 12 Kxlon. Mabuhab Vmbrose 1 Jamesn 1 2 19 tasl 1 | j p :- 1: EMep I! Lib. Hall. Sp.Mald. RthelbnrgH. WlJnmesn 1-2 51 good 6-S iir . 4 _ 2»* 3 .1 Butwell . 10 Spring - - " • o ww- • * -- ..4 .1 ■ -ui i ■ 1 ■" • pilll. Maid. .Uillll. Floral I IMII Park. I illh. Exton I.1P11