Eight Race [8th Hillcrest Park, Daily Racing Form, 1915-09-29

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2"234 j ;.»! KInaFJd iior.i. .o.- bo-8 a i ,u i » i-i •= ■»■■ " l" ........ ■■ v, -...*. ....... ,,..,..., „..,.,. .,.„...- EIGHTH RACE— About 5-8 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selilng. COLORS b. f, 4 109 By Yankee — Mamie Worth J. D. Misick. ,-, Dorval 51 t l:06%fast 19-5 104 4 S S V 6*1 K McDotl li Bableon II.. M. Fox, M.Johnson r 2847 Dorval J. t 148 slow 11 5 1 lo fi fi 5 54 7 i A Ilaver :i Coy. Jim L.. Indifferent 22676 BlueBon. 3-4 1:14%fast 19-5 1 "7 0 4 2 4*1 2" K Weahy lo Boaemary, KathIneG., M.Gayle 22185 Con ght ",. [ i:i0%hvy 3 103 2 2 3 3 A 1 Acton u JoaeBna Karate, Mater, Colors 22137 FortErlc oi f l:09%hvy 22 103 3 4 4 3i i* 3 Acton 7 Comniensia, Yorkville, Zin Del MISS GAYLE, b. f. 4 109 By The Commoner — Alpaca C. A. Crew. 23326 Hillcnst 61 f l:26%slow 12 112 8*1 N Foden H IoreopsU, Parlor Hoy. Tactless 23243 Wdbine 3 1 l:13%fast IS la, 4 2 3 3- fi1* P Johnson 7 L.Linilon. tomensia. Scrutineei 22676 BlueBon. 3 4 l:14%fast 43-10 110 4 6 6 3U 4«J J Miller 10 Rosemary, Colors, Katharine J. 23623 Conght 51 f l:12%hvy 5 106 7 4 1 «h 7"j J Callahan 8 Krieklev. K. Differ. SirRavmond 22317 Windsor o£ f l:0S%slow 3 107 4 1 4 51 fi9 T Hayes S York Lad, Broeanedge, Colle. 22109 FortErie 3-4 1:16 hvy 31-5 102 4 11 2s 2* T Hayes S Water Lily, Cold Cap. Laura 22049 FortErie 5* f l:ll%hvy 9-20 102 2 1 1 l3 l1 T Hayes 5 Finalee, Jim L., Dimity THERESA BETHEL, ch. f. 3 102 By Peter Quince— Prairie Bell B. E. Chapman, i • Mt. Royal " 8 140 fast 3 9tt 2 5 5i •" J Dodd 6 Tiajan. Indifferent, Phil I ngar 22806 Dufferin Ab5-8 148 slow 1 102 1* X Burger 8 B.Terre, L.Capriclous. MisaJeaa 22465 Hillcrest Ab6-8 141Hslow 21 W! 3 1 1 13 I2 X Burner t. Chitra. Iluniee. Pat Cannon 22312 Hillcresi AbS 8 141 fast S 102 1 ill1 2?. X Burger 0 Barette. Lea Invalides. M. Led! 22996 Dufferin AbS-8 l:02*4fast 4 102, :; 2 2 I3 1* E Cullen H Fawn, Daylight, Littlest Bebel !HB3 Dufferin AbS B 1 :*lbgood 10 192 fi S S 8 S10 E cullen 111 I.laek Chief. Amerieus, Chitra CHITRA, b. f, 8 107 By Cesarion — Linora H. Van Ry. 23021 Dufferin AbS 8 1 :"2-slow 8-5 109 A Pickens 8 J. Nunnally, ToIs.dOr. MrtyLoa 22972 Dufferin All". 8 l:02%slop 21 109 3:; A lu kens 0 Orlutar Lad. Barette, Bnnlce 22832 Dufferin AbS v 142igood 2 1"7 l2 A Pickens t Paas On, Wavering. Puek« Dick 21i Hillcrest Ab5-8 ir-ivslow 21 105 2 3 3 32 22 B CuUen 8 Ther. Bethel. Bunice, PatGannoo 22419 Hillcrest AbS 8 594fcfast 6-5 103 1 1 1 I3 D E Cullen s Blue Jay, Daylight, Ynca 222.V. Hillcresi , ." 8 142 slow 7 198 7 I 2 21 31 K, Cullen 8 Clint. Black Chief, Crystal BLUE WING, b. c, 3 106 By Hastings — Blue Jacket W. F. King. • 0 BlueBon. :; I 1:16 mud fid 199 fi 2 12 B J Smyth 10 Golden Plume, Gordon, Anavrl 29746 Dorval 3-4 1 :15 ifast 6 107 i 1 2 2J 2h J Smyth 12 Kayderogeroft, F.Mai, Ruhlconll. Delml r AbS I 142 fast 3 110 2»* C Knight 9 Miss Jean. Sen. James. Or. Lad M629 Delmier Abo-8 1 :»2%fast 10 110 l2 B McEwen 8 Francis, Hearthstone. S.ofltoeks 29519 Delmier AbS S l:0S%good 6 IT. 5 4 1 l1 C Knight 12 Tower. Frokendale. S.s Best JACK NUNNALLY, ch. g. 11 108 By David Tcnny— Lillie W. Mrs. A. F. Dayton. 2392] Dufferin Ab5-8 142%sIow 4 110 l2 K Jen:;:-.- s T. dOr. MartyLou L.Capricious W0 Dufferin i " B 143 hvy 21. M9 11 I" Jenkins «• Grenvllle, Dr. s. P. Tate. Are ne 921 Dufferin Abo-8 l*3%good 3 198 11 F Jenkins 10 Lit. Bebel, Rav R. Miller. Hvki 22441 Hillcrest 6 f 1:25 fast 2* 199 I I 1" 4s F -leninks 7 Tyro, CoL XcDongall, The Monk 22351 Hillcresi VbS 8 l:00%fast 4 111 fi I 3 ■ 2 I F Jenkins S Rebecca Moses, Fawn, Tyro 22114 Dufferin AbS-S 1:02 fast 6 M9 X 0 6 6i 7", 1 Jenkins 0 KlMahdi. Gertbelma, P.. Williams DUSKY DAVE, ch. g, 4 104 By Bonnie Joe — Independent E. D. Kaufman. 23020 Dufferin 6 f l:26%slow 2 113 8»*|J Howard li ci.-r. McFerran, Belfast. Oueed 2"i!: Dufferin Ab5-8 l:03%good 3 10S 1 1 Kolsnd :i Moisant, Fawn. Virginia 8. 22901 Dufferin Abo-8 1:03 hvv IS 103 - • MeDowll S Rnnlee. Ormead, Cass iin 19534 Juarei 3 I l:ll%fust in 107 4 ." fi 71 8 s,c Molesthl2 Rio Brasos, AnnTHy. Anna Reed I 19470 Juarez 5] f l:06%fast 12 106 fi 9 11 lo ll10iC MoIesthU Jge Oheeus, Amohalko, Ckopal TOISON DOR, ch. g. 9 104 By Blues — Goldflece J. Phillips. 23921 Duff, rin Abo-8 l:02%slou 3 111 -- C Peak s J. Nunnally. M.Lou, LXaprieions ; "i. 1 niff. 1111 l." B 1 "2 slou ". 113 si A Pickens 8 T. Bethel. B.Terre. L.Caprleions 22e.ll Mn uve AbS B 59*4fa.st 2 111 4 1 1 1* W Gargan 8 Jesaup Burn. Constitoent. Nila 22540 Mneuve Vh6-8 1:03%k1ow 4 1 in 4 1 2 2J t; Corey 8 Orimar Lad, Carious, Bertha V. 22491 Mneuve Ab5-8 59%fast 4 ill 1 3 2 4 W Bosen « Skeets. M. Frances. D "Tis True . KingEd. Ab5-8 58%fast 3-2 lie 1; c, 6 612 T McCullli 7 Indifferent, Regular. Odd Cross ODD CROSS, b f. 4 109 By Oddfellow — Crisscross T, Sheehan. 22633 Mneuv Ab6-8 l:00%fast 2 112 .". 2 -I V D Poland ! ComiMok. Turkey Trot. Tower 22612 Mneuve Ab5-8 59%fast •". 111 II 1 -I W Kargan S Jim Mailady, Arcene, Pawn 22t!. Mneuve Ab3 8 l:00%fast 1 109 fi Pell. A Pickens , Bat Masterson, Ynca. Puity 22207 KingEd. Abo-8 :.x%fast 4 108 1 3 I •* ■ andtep 7 Indifferent. Regnlar, Kenneth 223*2 KingEd. Ab5 8 59%fast 7-5 113 il l -" A Mthews C Masurka, PetK Bleu, Inhu HAZEL C. b. m. 6 104 By Kismet — Jean Green J. Hoskinsl 231 87 Mt Royal S B l:02%fas 2". 112 fi 4 7 I , .1 Dodd !» Frokendale, Bye straw. Borel 23099 Mi Royal " S l:01%fast 20 103 4 4 9 7" J Dodd :i Lenavaal, I.laek I hlef, l i"mi 22893 Dorval 51 f l:06Hfas 87 105 4 fi * ■ 19" s •Volstrn 10 Fastoao, Lady l»ndon. Jim L. 22587 Mneuve 6 f 1:26 slow 1 112 2 2 I I* A Pickens 7 CivllLass, Pilik. Ladylnnocence 22542 Mn uve • f l:28*4slow 3 114 4 2 4 4;i, A Walsh s, p«titBleu, C.MeFerran, G.Lasah

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1915092901/drf1915092901_4_2
Local Identifier: drf1915092901_4_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800