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FIRST RACE — 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. i7Mo 1:11 •., :; 01. . Index Cours* Dist TlmeTckOdds Wt St A hi % Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Flnlub TRUE AS STEEL, b. g. 4 118 By Broomstick— Loyal P. S. P. Randolph, ■_. 33 H.deGc ■ i l:0644fast 31 119 1 1 3 P - • B*game 7 L.SkoInv. Scaramouch, NauBbon , 23167 H.deGce J-4 l:13Hgood 11-5 104 1 ■■ ■■ 4*14* • McTag*rt10 Isirose. Naushou. cino 22981 H.deGce 3-1 l:13%fast 7-5 120 2 2 8 2 2* T McTagt 12 Sand Marsh, BriarPatb. Sarsenet t 22751 Delmont 7-8 l:25*4fast 3H 102 1 1 1 1 1" 2» M Gamer !» Rhie Thistle. Pullux. W Pttaer S2626 Belmont 8-4 l:i2%fast 3j 114 2 11 I2 I1 T McTag I S He Will. Sarsenet, Doublet Aqueduct 3-4 l:13%fast E m ?, 3 3 H 4*1 1 ButweU I PuQux. Othello. Grumuy SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON, ch. g, 4 112 By Isidor— La Tosra II. W. AnJerson. "•0 H.d iif I 1:13 i.i I I l«9 • 1 5 6* « - Bganv il Silica. Humiliation, Searamourb , 23167 II il Oce 34 1: I "• 119 8 s 7 Bgame in i [ruse. Kauebon. Gins 22727 Belmonl • fl: **fcfasl 7 104 22 :" -" Bgame 7 Vank. Notions, Nepbtbys, Borai 22690 Belmont 61 f 1:21 fast fi 112 6 5 2 1 12 • Bcame 14 Ranto, Chesterton. Carlton G. 22JJ20 Belmont 3-4 l:12*4fas1 20 112 4 4 E .. .". • Bgame 8 1, as Bteel. II- Will, Sarsenet 21215 Jamaica 3-4 l:13%fuat 8 114 1 c 4 lh l"k • Bgame .Minstrel. Hiker. Graneshot 21131 Jamaica 1 L1C 1:19 fast 4 Hi 1 1 i t | and°*11 Truxler Q Cauullia, Vuleniiuo. Cold. Prime 1 MARJORIE A„ ch. m. 7 110 By Prince of Melbourne— Raiment H. G. BedwelD. 23 Mid. Pee 3-4 1-13 fast 4 HI E 8 9* ft" F Cooper 11 Silica. Humiliation. Scaramouch 22999 FLdeGce 3-4 l:13*Afuat 11-5 104 I E E B 2= P Ccuper 11 Sunecler. Dinah Do, Sinker 22658 BlueBon. 3-1 l:12*Afast 37-29 193 3 I 2 l1 1- f Cooper 10 King Box, InvetPetal. StrBlalse 2ZS69 Conght 3-4 l:14%f:ist 4 102 1 1 2 1". 1 P Cooper S W. Lily. P. Jinimie. T. Busybody 22410 Windsor 3-4 1:13 fast 73 1« 104 7 7 7 7" 9*J 8 WolsPm 9 Water Lily, A.N. Akin. I seeit 22248 Windsor 5* f 1 :06%fast 89-10 104 2 2 1 1 J l2 V Cooper 10 Imperator. Dseelt Poatefract 2218S FortErie 5J f l:07y5fast 11-20 114 4 11 luk 41 F Cooper 13 LadyMexican, GoldCap, Xisadoo 22078 FortErie 3-4 1:14 slow 39-20 105 2 I 1 1 l| f Cix.|ier 8 Plefract. Brooinsedse. L.London SCALLYWAG, br. g, 5 119 By Armeath IL— Skadi J. W. Hedrick, Jr.. 3290 H.deGce 3-4 1:13 fast 0 lot 2 9 1 6 V* J MeCaheyll Silica. Humiliation. Scaramouch •. H.deGce 3 I 1:14 fast .". 112 :. 2 2 1* :.".. I Met ahe 1 1 Sarsenet. Striker, Bev. James 29130 H.deGce 3-4 l:15*4alow 2 114 2 111* 1=" J MeCahey » Pair Helen, Ada Ann.-. Change 20923 H.deGce 3-4 l:l4%fast 3 2 PiG 4 2 1 12 l J McCaheylS Pregaslre, B. Meteor, I,. Russell 18324 Pimlico 1 l:41,fast 21 10 106 4 4 3 0 6 fi""JJ Mc-rahey 1; H. Head. Ambrose. P. Hnds. 18240 Laurel 3-4 l:12%fast 27 10 104 2 2 3 2! lb J MeCahey 5 Azyiade. Sherwood, P.iiar P.n PRESUMPTION, b. g. 6 115 By Golden Maxim— Proud Duchess J. MacManus 22626 Belmont 3-4 l:12%fast 6 999 fi 5 G fi r, *!. I.ilSey 8 T. as Steel, He Will. Sarsenet V 21975 Saratoga 3-4 1:13 fast 8 112 7 9 8 72 713 M Buxton 11 Con. Tower. Corslcan, Ialanqula 21882 Aqueduct 3 1 l:13%fast 21 115 3 3 3 21 1»* M Buxton D M. Specs. Palamiuin. Tinklei;. || 21601 A iuecluc«; 3-4 l:13%fast 17-10 110 3 5 4 32 3» M Buxton 7 Helen Barhee, Volant, Orotund 21127 Jamaica 3-4 l:137sfast 2 107 1 1 1 Is 1=1 M Buxton 7 Hiirakan. Orotund, y HUMILIATION, ch. g, 4 107 By Aeronaut— Millie A. R. Newman. 23290 H.deGce 3 11:11 fast 49 99 1 7 6 3 2 P Lowder 11 Silica. Scaramoocb, M. Cases ::i7- H.deGce lm79yl:45 pood 19 99 5 13 7 I* s" t Pmrigton :i Ben Quince, ABtena, Caritoa C. 23983 H.deGce 3 11:11 last S 104 10 7 6 Sl t*l P Lowihr 11 Sarsenet. Striker, Scallywas 23006 H.deGce 3-4 l:14-%fast 3 9!» 12 » 3 5= 43 P Lowder 15 Nausbon. Luther, Thought reader 22770 Belmont 3 4 st 1 :ll%fast 12 97 7 5 s 71 3- P Lowder Id TlirHeBen, Gloaming, DiuahDe ELLA BRYS0N, ch. m, 7. 113 By Juvenal— Grasicsa R. F. Carman. 22724 BlueBon. 1 l:39%fast 3 H* 13 4 r. 4". ."■". K Furehnd « Corslcan, Bcdtaad, St. Laserian 678 BlueBon. 1 l:39%fast 11-10 113 4 3 2 4 4- t*| P Gotdetn H Buzz Around. Corslcan, Vicht 22362 Saratoga, 1 l:42%good 6 111 111 1 l1 11 E Martin 12 MarsCasskty, Borgo, Corslcan 21842 Aqueduct 11:40 fast 9-20 111 111 1 1* 1* J P.utwell 8 Partunlh. Cmaunlta. B.Boru 2i ;or, Aqueduct 11:39 fast 4?. lo9 2 11 1 lh lJ j Butwell 7 Saratoga, Albena, Dryad 21192 Jamaica 3 I l:14%fast 1P5 110 2 2 2 1 1- : Huestla 7 L.Orme, M.B.Eubanks, K. Dipper 29992 Jamaica 3 4 1:15 slow S US 8 I 8 7= 6"! il Huestla S Alheau, Saperhuatan, Mlustrel PAY STREAK, br. g. 7 109 By Kenll worth— Mitten R. O. Effan. 3063 H.deGce 3-4 1:14 fast 40 112 5 5 10 9«* sH1. W i.iiley 14 Sarsenet, Striker, Scallywag 3005 H deGce 3-4 1:14* fast 20 10-1 2 11 11 10"*16*1W I.illev 1" Nausbon, Luther, "liouuhtreader 21973 Dufferin 6i f 1:25 fast 6-5 113 2 2 1 21 6°i A Xeylcn 8 Wavering, Bye White. Dixie 21295 Ham ton oi f l:0725fast 5 106 1 5 4 5= 45 J Metcalf ! Single. Broomsedge, Yenshec 21206 Haraton 5J f l: J6%fast 20 112 2 4 4 51 3s F Jackson 1 1 Filey, Miss Cayle. .New Haven HIS NIBS, ch. g, 4 107 By Uncle — Countess Wanda G. F. Johnson, Jr.. 23136 H.deGce lm79yl :49%mud 2. lot 6 112 2i :;=1 W I.iiley lo Dryad. Balfrou. Maryland Girl 22027 H.deGce lm7o 1 : i.-.iast 4 lei 2 11 1 2 1*1 W I.iiley lo Borgo, Daingerheld. QSulllvan 22880 Belmont 11-8 1:53 fast 15 10.1» 3 11 1 li 4* M Buxton 9 Daingertleld, Amalfl, Guy Fisher 22763 Belmont 1 1:41 fast 30 107 5 111 1- 1 If Buxton lo Forecast, Dainfiold. Watertown 1717S Belmont 1 1-16 l:16-ifast 7 94 3 3 6 6 51 619 H Sumter 6 Jawbone, Orotund. Mud Sill NOUREDDIN, br. g, 3 105 By Ogden — Frances McClelland Marrone Stable. . 203 H.deGce 3-1 l:12%fast 99 19813 5 6 6 5*1 D Steward, He Will. Hanson. Pullux M819 Aqueduct 6J f l:19%fast 4* 105 4 3 3 2J 2- M Buxton 9 Volant. Outlook, Minstrel 21753 Belmont 3-4 l:14%slow 9-10 I0S 2 2 2 2,u 1- M Buxton ■- Belaniour, Borax 21574 Aqueduct 5-8 1:* good 8 102 2 2 2 2ll 2* J MeCahey 7 Inele Jinimie. Hiker. Patrick S. 21324 Aqueduct 3-4 1:15 fast 10 105 11 12 12 12 1215 J MeCaheyll Palanquin, Hiker. San Ve.-a 21271 Aqueduct 1 l:40%fast 2 9S 1 5 5 5 41 45i J MeCahey 5 Xonhthys, Penalty. M.B.Haihor SILVER MOON, b. m, 6 109 By Ellisdale— Fairy Bird fS. Pinkerton. 22981 H.deGce 3-4 l:13%faat 60 MM 9 7 10 ll="llls I Steward Y2. Sand Marsh, T. as Steel, 15. Path 22761 Timium Ab5-8 57 fast 3 109 4"1 A Mthews « Energetic, Envy, Inur 20914 Mboro 51 f 1 :09i/5fast 8-5 110 3 J Pensast 0 Hoffman. D. Mack, K. McDowell 20855 Mboro 51 f 1:10 fast 4-5 97 l2* A Mthews 0 Xarnoc.I.V.Jr.,Reinulc. Barette MBU Mboro El f 1:10 good 2 107 l5 A Mthews 7 HgeRose, MsB.Ilarbor. Booth SANTO, b. c, 3 105 By The Scribe— English Esther W. G. King-Dodds. 23294 H.deGce Im7"l:l6 fast 12 *9 1 1 1 1 33 3s J McTagrtl4 Day Day, JesaeJr., MaryWarren 23134 H.deGce 5* f l:lo%niud 12 112 I 1 3 21 S»| M Buxton 12 Kenworthv, LigbtsOut, F.Wuxsy 23057 H.deGce 3-4 1:15 fast 6 112 3 4 fi E 9*1 W I.iiley ., Scaraukoueh, I.. Out. M.MGiggle 22954 Belmont ll:41%fast 12 93 4 3 4 5 5" .", : H Campbll V Ben Quince. Borax. Brian Born : Belmont 1 l:40%fast 8 101 1 4 4 3 2» 2U T Henry G Husila. D.ofDunbar, Menlo Park 22753 Belmont 1 1:41 fast 8 St 1 9 • C 7" 713 L McAtce 10 His Nibs, Forecast. Daingertleld 226*1 Belmont 6J f 1:21 fast 30 98 7 2 G I* 22 T Ilenr.v 14 S.W.Jnson, Csterton. CrltonG. HIKER, b. f. 3 97 By Peep oDay— Nellie Blv R. Pending. 23168 H.deGce 3-4 l:14»4good 9 llo 9 9 S 19 9 -. .1 McCabe 13 Chesterton. M.Warren. D P:s, 23983 H.deGce 3-4 1:14 fast 15 107 6 6 9 71 6* L McAtee 14 Sarsenet, Striker Scallywas 2.9H9 H.deGce 3-4 l:13%fas=t 40 100 7 7 i S 1 8SJ L McAtee USqueeler. Marporie A.. Dinah Do 21881 Aqueduct 5-8 1:01 fast 11-5 103 E 4 3 21 21 J McCaheyP Blensinla, Crapeshot. Devil Pish 21574 Aqueduct 5-8 1:00 good 1S-6 97 4 3 3 31! 37 J McKver 7 1 Jimmie. Xoureddin, Patricks 21447 Aqueduct 3-4 l:15%sIow 1S-5 98 6 3 3 22 22 J McKver S Tinklel.ell, untBdge. IlillStreani COLONEL ASHMEADE, b. g, 8 109 By Sain— Antipode C. C. Smithson. 23267 H.deGce 11 161:48 last I U4 3 3 2 1 :•= 77i I. Allen 10 Stonehenge, M.Warren Petelua 23172 H. deGce lm79yl:4S good 7 99 8 8 7 6 5= 6s L Mink 9 Ben Quince. AJhena, Carlton G 23059 H.deGce lm70yl:45 fast 60 102 2 11 1 2J 3" L Mink 7 Runes. Amalfl Hedge 22988 H.deGce lm70yl :44/5fast 60 10O 7 5 4 3 4J 55 L Mink S Ludy Teresa, Amalfi. Basde SALON, ch. g, 4 112 By Salvation — Alondra T. F. McCoy. 29787 Dorval 3-4 1:15 fast 12 10:110 10 10 10 ne M Jackson 10 Kilday, Gordon Freda Johnson 29749 Dorval 3-4 l:144»fast 12 112 10 11 7 8 7*4 P Jackson 12 Anavri. Inqnieta Sniders Best 20458 Wdbine 3-4 l:l4Msfast 95 117 13 14 13 lo1 Ssi F Jackson 14 Patience Pay Streak Burwotsl 29398 Wdbine 3-4 1:14 good 36-5 110113 7 7 6l 5ci F Jackson 14 Richwooil Dicks Pet Patlew-e 20196 Iexgton 3-4 l:13%l"ast 22 110111 10 9 61 5" IT Wartonll Mnztiit, Quartermaster Gabrio 20114 Ixgton 3-4 l:13%last 161 H2 5 5 6 5* E*| T McTagt Droll. Catirio. Oakland MISS BARN HARBOR, b. f. 4 104 By Potter— Floss S. J. C. Ellis. 22761 Timium Aba-8 57 last 3 116 £*] v k wker 0 Energetic, Envy, Onar 22709 Tlmium 0 f 1 289] fast 2 116 11 t McCullli 5 Energetic c Bsseil DSPTite 21842 Aqueduct 11:40 fast 30 104 4 3 4 3 B1 V B Plint 0 E.Bryson, Drtwortb! Cmanretta 21345 A.iueduct 1 1:45 hvy 20 100 5 6 4 4 6° 6,2JL Mink S Saratoga Minstrel Joe Delboli] 21271 Aqueduct 1 l:40%fast 30 100 3 1 1 1 21 3 i L Mink G Nephtbys Penalty Noureddin 29915 Mboro 7-8 l:2S%fast 5 100 lJ C Whymk 0 PetehjS, Thrill Unary Maid BsPJ Mboro 5S f 1:10 good 3 111 3- J Bauer 7 Silver Moon. Hedge Rose. Booth EVELYN C, b. f, 3 108 By Duke of Ormonde— Lux J. W. Hedrick Jr 23167 H.deGce 3-4 1 :13%good loo a 10 10 lo 10 9" J Gartner 10 Isirose Nanshon Ohio 28089 H.deGce 3-4 l:14Vsfast 15 lot s I 5 M* 11" J WilliamsB; Prairie Gloaml g Seomtl 22S16 Belmont ll:40%fast 12 I04 4 12 5 ."." 51 »|W I.iiley 6 Busila. Santo Duke of Dueleir 22727 Belmont 6J f l:20%fast 12 102 2 4 5 5 B»l K LapaiUe 7 Y. Notions, S.W Json Xeniitiivs 22690 Belmont 61 f 1:21 fast 7 -100 I 8 9 ID jeeK l.:1],aillel 4 SirW. Johnson Santo CbcstcrtOB 22573 Saratoga 3-4 l:12%fast 20 100 4 3 3 3= 35 K LapaiUe i Isirose. Fenmouse, Sarsenet OLUSPA, br. f, 3 102 By Dr. Leprgo— Georgia Girl B. Garson. 23039 H.deGce lm70yl:46y5fast 15 id 4 2 2 7 11 ll1=JtP Lowder II Republican Borax Eaele 22553 Saratoga 51 f 1:08 fast 50 98 10 13 9 SJ 9 = F Judy 14 Huntress, San Vega Bev James 22479 Saratoga 5* f 1:10 mud 30 99 6 5 5 5" 512 B Wnrselir 1; AuntJosie. SanVega SandMarsb 22215 Saratoga 5J f l:10%good 30 102 10 10 7 12 U"L McAtee 12 Sarsenet, Evelyn C Santo" 2 X29 H.deGce 5-8 1:00 fast 30 105 9 8 9 101 S**D OXeill 11 Andrew. Jefferson, Deviltry JEM, ch. g. 3 108 By Ogden — Fair Catherine Quincy Stable. 23205 H.deGce ";fl:"7 fast IS los 12 11 12 U1 10 *1C Bgame 14 Eagle, Porum. russy Wnssv 2O045 H.deGce 5* f l:r7i/5fast 150 97 4 4 5 ol 5s J McKver li Viley Scorpii Inlan 20018 H.deGce 51 f l:06V5fast 1W 107 9 8 9 H M** J McKver 10 Corslcan, Fair Helen Videt 16832 Syracuse 51 f 1:061 fast 15 103 1 3 3 3 t*HH Sumter . Alhena, Luxury 16783 Syracuse 6-8 1:011 fast 3 112 1 3 3 3 3" C Bgame 3 Luxury. The Marchioness GREAT SURPRISE, b. c. 4 112 By Disguise — Ophirdale G. S Martin 23308 H.deGce 5|f l:07**fast 300 1-2 19 10 19 12 IS" W LIHey 1.1 Farum. Plantarenel Vlgnola 23134 H.deGce Sj f l:10%mud 200 losi j 4 8 y«k :j" a Nlckhtusl2 Kenwortbs Lights Out Saato 19002 Juarez 7-8 1 :26y5fast 1 H 106 8 8 8 8 8 8"3 B Louder S Clark M., Gen Maielimont |iw 18624 Juarez 3-4 l:16%mud 1* 108 5 o 5 5 5" J Actoa S Lackrose, Balgee c Marrbmont 17227 Vcouver 1-2 50%hvy 49-10 111 1 7 7 61" c Knight 7 Mr. Mack. Miss Knur BTereood 17002 Vcouver 3-4 l:13fast 105 104 7 6 7 7 710 II Clark 7 Francis. Orb, Thaka OUR JOHN, ch. c. 3 108 By Aeronaut — Millie A. W. D. Althouse. 18013 laurel 5i f 1 :10V5slop 380 loo 2 0 9 9 9* D Steward :t Protector Doublet X kin I Tot; Laurel 3-1 l:ll%fast fid Ho 11 7 12 13 B-iW Doyle 13 FalrCount Marvelous Slnmbervr 17654 Laurel 51 f 1:07 fast 240 ME 8 10 10 10 1042 M Buxton 10 Harrv.Iunior Hanson Disillusion 17531 H.deGce 5-8 l:0iy5fast 20 107 9 9 9 9 93TJM Buxton B Protector, Key Mm Noma